Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Campaign launched by Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy to fight hatred and intolerance becomes a charity

It aims to celebrate our differences, fight hatred and intolerance, build a safer and stronger country and promote community cohesion but not shy away from difficult issues

A campaign group set up in a bid to celebrate diversity and fight hatred and intolerance has launched itself as a charity.
The We Stand Together movement began in 2015 when former Greater Manchester Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy used it to bring Jewish and Muslim groups together following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris.
Community and faith representatives from across Greater Manchester came together to establish the city region’s We Stand Together campaign as an official charity and to pledge their support for its ideals.
The hashtag #WeStandTogether was prominent after this year’s attack at Manchester Arena.
And #WeStandTogether has also been adopted as the slogan for the Manchester Evening News' peace campaign, which was launched in September.
The setting up of the charity was celebrated at a gathering of supporters at KPMG’s offices in St Peter’s Square today.
Sir Peter said: “After the Paris attack Muslim and Jewish communities in Manchester felt very vulnerable and asked me for more armed protection. I felt it would be better if they came together with other communities to say extremists will not have their way.”
He said the We Stand Together spirit was particularly evident after the Manchester Arena attack and symbolised the unity of local people and the refusal to be divided by extremists.
There has been a host of community events under the campaign and the hashtag has been used at national events such as football internationals at Wembley.
The We Stand Together Charity will carry on promoting the three main aims of the campaign:
  1. To celebrate our differences
  2. To fight hatred and intolerance
  3. To build a safer and stronger country
And it will be committed to promoting community cohesion but will not shy away from difficult issues.
Sir Peter added: “We cannot just ignore those issues which can cause division and suspicion. We have to create the opportunities for those issues such as gay rights or the wearing of the Hijab to be debated but in a spirit of mutual respect.
“While there are important differences and disagreements, what unites all the people of Greater Manchester is much stronger than what divides us. I believe we are an example to the rest of the world of how people from a huge diversity of backgrounds can live peacefully together.”
Rob Irvine, editor-in-chief of the Manchester Evening News, said: “Our two campaigns share the same name and ideals – to make Greater Manchester a more peaceful and more tolerant place.
“The M.E.N. is emphasising the need to teach children about peaceful living and to encourage all Mancunians to perform simple acts of kindess.
“These fit well with the charity’s aims to celebrate our cultural differences and also to not shirk from the difficult questions we need to answer.”
Carl Austin-Behan, former Lord Mayor of Manchester, explained what ‘We Stand Together’ means to him.
He said: “I truly believe that it doesn’t matter whether your gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, whatever your creed or colour, we should all be treated with the same respect regardless of our own personal differences, for me We Stand Together means equality, diversity and inclusion.”
Rogers Govender, Dean of Manchester Cathedral also backed the campaign, adding: “Celebrating our diversity and showing respect to everyone without discrimination is fundamental to a peaceful society. We Stand Together seeks to promote these values in our country. I am happy to be associated with WST for these reasons.”

NWN: Who is it that was killed in Manchester when Salman Abedi let his bomb go off Mr.Fahy ? You remember, the Libyan terrorist who was allowed to 'swan about' to and fro to Libya  with that Al Qaida group the 'Manchester Boys' ? It was his group that are also to-ing and fro-ing to Syria. The one 's who are/were on your 'radar' Mr.Fahy. But he still killed many people in Manchester city centre.

This muslim extremist group Al Qaida that was allowed to go about their deadly business under your/their  nose Mr.Fahy. And who were the target ? Muslims ? 

It wasn't a mosque that was bombed . 

Jews ?  It wasn't aimed at such as a synagogue.   No, the terror was aimed at white British people, mainly young girls. Jews have been at the forefront of promoting mass immigration into the UK.They were the planners for this 'multi-racial madhouse' that has unfolded here in the UK. But yet people like you still come out with the tired old cliches of 'celebrating diversity'. Who the hell celebrates diversity ? We've never heard any drunks being hauled through the Courts for their drunken behaviour and saying in mitigation......"Sorry your Worships but we all got blind drunk because we are all celebrating diversity." Total madness !

We haven't enough Police to do what is required for law & order in Greater Manchester. But yet your priority is the continual 'fannying about' promoting more of what has brought this discord and terror onto British streets in the first place.Your failed social engineering.

You weren't a 'real copper' Mr.Fahy. 

Your just another marxist/politically correct clone, that all the Civil Services in the UK are seemingly full of. The same one's who 'turned a blind eye' to all the paedophile gangs in places like Rochdale in the ongoing grooming scandals. Under your watch Mr.Fahy.You were and probably still are too afraid to do anything, in case you get called 'racist'. It was probably that issue that made you decide to retire from the head of GMP, as the buck stopped with you for the  Rochdale grooming scandals.

We bet hardworking coppers on the streets cringe when they see the rubbish you continually spout in the media - and which is always the same PC agenda.

What about the indigenous British people Mr.Fahy ? They are the one's who are being targetted by the bombers. Who is protecting them ? Because it certainly isn't you and your type ! Begone with your crackpot schemes!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Prince Harry to marry.................Meghan Markle !

But,but...... she's a divorcee. Of course they will trot out the usual crap about "times have moved on blah blah". Because it was total nonsense that that was the reason why 'they' got rid of King Edward VIII in 1936.

They got rid of David/King Edward VIII, because he said things like 'the government should do things to help the plight of the poor and downtrodden' during the Great Depression of the 1930's. As evidenced by his visits to places like the mining communities in South Wales, the North West and the North East. He went to see the poor British people in their own areas. Have any other Monarchs done that before or since ?

There is also another issue which we don't need to mention. We are reminded of the ancient Egyptian Pharoah Tutankhamun. The last days of the Pharoahs, and it's disappearance via miscegenation.

And we thought Prince Harry was a nazi !
Athens- football fans attack Muslim festival - 26thNovember 2017

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Households face 'lost decade' of falling living standards as grim Budget forecasts slash size of the UK economy by £65bn

British households are staring at at least a decade of falling spending power and living standards according two think-tanks' analysis of the drastic downgrades to economic growth forecasts in yesterday's Budget.
The Office for Budget Responsibility's cuts to this year's expected growth rate and to the outlook for the next four years mean that the UK economy will take a £65billion hit by the end of 2021.
In a bleak assessment of the consequences,  the Institute for Fiscal studies has warned that workers are facing two 'lost decades' without earnings growth - with average earnings in 2021 set to be nearly £1,400 lower than forecast in March 2016, and lower in real terms than at the time of the financial crash in 2008. 
Spending squeeze: British workers face an 'unprecedented' fall in disposable income, the Resolution Foundation has warned.
Spending squeeze: British workers face an 'unprecedented' fall in disposable income, the Resolution Foundation has warned.
The findings echo a separate report from the Resolution Foundation today, which suggested the hit to the economy would be £45billion and that real household disposable incomes are set to fall for 19 successive quarters between 2015 and 2020.
Despite a £25billion giveaway, the Budget did not mark the end of the 'age of austerity', said the IFS, pointing out that public services outside the NHS still face 7 per cent cuts in day-to-day spending over the next five years.
The 'grim' official forecasts from the OBR imply that GDP per head will be 3.5 per cent lower in 2021 than was forecast less than two years ago, equating to a £65billion hit to the economy, said IFS director Paul Johnson.
'We are in danger of losing not just one but getting on for two decades of earnings growth,' said Mr Johnson. 
Meanwhile, Resolution Foundation said the 'unprecedented' squeeze will leave households an average of £540 worse-off by 2023 than forecast in March and pay rates will not return to levels seen before the financial crash until the middle of the next decade.
'The poorest third of households are set for an average loss of £715 a year by the end of the parliament, while the richest third gain an average of £185,' the report claimed.
It said the UK faced a 17-year downturn before wages return to 2008 levels.
The OBR slashed its growth forecast for this year from 2 per cent in March to 1.5 per cent. It added that economic growth will average out at a little over 1.4 per cent a year from 2018 to 2022.
That will have a knock-on effect on the public finances with Government borrowing set to be far higher than anticipated.
But the bleak outlook contrasted with actual data on the economy released today that showed household spending holding up well in the third quarter.
The Office for National Statistics confirmed gross domestic product grew by 0.4 per cent between July and September, rising from 0.3 per cent for the first and second quarters.
Annual salary Monthly gain Annual gain
£12,000 to £45,000 £8.42 £101.04
£46,000.00 £16.75 £201
£47,000 to £123,000 £19.67 £236.04
£124,000 up £8 £96
Source: This is Money using Deloitte tax calculator from Autumn Budget 2017. Savings from April 2018 
Consumer spending proved resilient, bouncing back to 0.6 per cent from 0.2 per cent in the second quarter despite the persistent squeeze on household finances from higher inflation and dismal wage growth.
The resurgent performance was driven by new car sales, which had slumped between April and June after people forked out money in the first three months of the year to escape tax changes on high-polluting vehicles.
Paul Falvey, tax partner at BDO said that part of the reason for the growth forecast being revised down in the Autumn Budget was that 'productivity in the UK remains low and without a higher productivity the country can’t achieve growth'. 
'The lack of investment in technology and infrastructure in the past few years is now having an impact on the public finances,' he added. 'This restricts the Chancellor’s ability to invest in public service and will have a lasting impact on all households over the next few years.'
The Resolution report said that the poorest households would be the hardest hit 'despite welcome but relatively small shifts on Universal Credit, tax and benefit policies announced since [the] Summer Budget 2015.
'The poorest third of households are set for an average loss of £715 a year by the end of the parliament, while the richest third gain an average of £185,' it warned.
The Budget's economic gloom was cushioned for higher-rate taxpayers by a small giveaway. 
Higher rate taxpayers earning £50,000 a year will get a £236 boost to take-home pay next year thanks to threshold changes that will cut their tax bill but raise national insurance contributions.
Meanwhile those earning £30,000 will benefit to the tune of £101.  
As for Chancellor Philip Hammond's stamp duty cuts and housing initiatives, the report suggested the money could have been spent differently.
'The cumulative £3bn cost of the abolition of stamp duty for many first time buyers could have supported the building of 40,000 social rented properties or around 140,000 homes through the government’s own Housing Infrastructure Fund,' it argued.
'The policy is set to cost £160,000 for every additional home owner created, sufficient for the Chancellor to have instead simply given people typically priced properties in over a quarter of local authorities in England and Wales.'

NWN:  This was all foreseen in a book that was widely read by nationalists in the UK in the late 1970's called VODKA COLA by Charles Levinson. In it he argued , and this was well before the collapse of communism. That living standards would be reduced here in the west. But conditions would slightly improve in the eastern bloc. 

Also, this is one of the reasons why these capitalists like cheap labour. Apparently just today, the Daily Mail said we were getting an immigrant every 38 seconds coming into the UK. Now THAT is unsustainable.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Griffin’s pantomime comeback

Nick Griffin is best remembered for his roles in Carry on Cleo (“Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me!”) and Sunset Boulevard (“I’m still big, it’s the politics that got small”).
This year Griffin follows in the footsteps of other show business hasbeens such as Mickey Rooney, trying to eke out his EU pension with a turn in that most British of theatrical traditions – pantomime.
Backed by canny impresario Jim Dowson, Griffin hopes that his tired routine of gags about queers, communists and spies – some not heard since his 1988 hit Attempted Murder – will have a gullible public queueing at the box office to hand over their hard earned shekels.
Griffin’s attempted comeback has been insightfully reviewed by veteran nationalist Eddy Morrison at Nationalist Sentinel, and by Jez Turner of the London Forum at Radio Aryan.
But we must warn readers. Beware the traditional panto cry to look “behind you”!  In Mr Griffin’s case there’s a very real chance he might have a knife (or worse) in his hand: you have been warned – watch your backs!

NWN: My God won't this shitbag just disappear forever ?  He must be short of money for his favourite meal, curries. The treacherous creature must see some resurgence of nationalism to destroy in the UK. After all, he has a 'track record' to keep up to.

We were lied to! Secret document FCO 30/1048 kept truth about EU from British for 30 years

A SECRET document, which remained locked away for 30 years, advised the British Government to COVER-UP the realities of EU membership so that by the time the public realised what was happening it would be too late.

The document, known as FCO30/1048, was locked away under Official Secrets Act rules
Almost all of the shocking predictions – from the loss of British sovereignty, to monetary union and the over-arching powers of European courts – have come true.
But damningly for Tory Prime Minister Edward Heath, and all those who kept quiet about the findings in the early 70s, the document, known as FCO30/1048, was locked away under Official Secrets Act rules for almost five decades.
The classified paper, dated April 1971, suggested the Government should keep the British public in the dark about what EEC membership means predicting that it would take 30 years for voters to realise what was happening by which time it would be too late to leave.
That last detail was the only thing the disgraceful paper – prepared for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) – got wrong.

The unknown author – a senior civil servant – correctly predicted the then European Economic Community (the EEC effectively became the EU in 1993) was headed for economic, monetary and fiscal union, with a common foreign and defence policy, which would constitute the greatest surrender of Britain’s national sovereignty since 1066.
He went on to say “Community law” would take precedence over our own courts and that ever more power would pass away from Parliament to the bureaucratic system centred in Brussels.
The author even accurately asserts that the increased role of Brussels in the lives of the British people would lead to a “popular feeling of alienation from Government”.
But shockingly politicians were advised “not to exacerbate public concern by attributing unpopular measures… to the remote and unmanageable workings of the Community”. 
Prime Minister Edward Heath kept quiet about the findings in the early 70s
They were told to preserve the impression that the British Government was still calling the shots rather than an unelected body of foreign politicians – and that the ruse would last “for this century at least” – by which time Britain would be so completely chained to Brussels it would be impossible to leave.
Document FCO30/1048, which has now been declassified under the 30-year rule, still shocks and angers Brexiteers.
Annabelle Sanderson, a Brexit expert and former advisor to Nigel Farage said: “Despite all the claims from politicians of many parties that the EU was not about becoming a central state this 1971 document shows that is exactly what the plan was.
“Arch Remoaners from Labour, Lib Dems and the Tories need to check this out and ask themselves why they are MPs if they don’t actually want Westminster to be in charge of this country.
“We voted for Brexit what needs to happen is a proper clean break from Brussels so we can once again become a sovereign nation with money being spent in this country on services we need and have Parliament and courts making and ruling on the laws.”

The writer and journalist Christopher Booker, one of the founders of the satirical magazine Private Eye, said: “Here was a civil servant advising that our politicians should connive in concealing what Heath was letting us in for, not least in hiding the extent to which Britain would no longer be a democratic country but one essentially governed by unelected and unaccountable officials.
“One way to create an illusion that this system was still democratic, this anonymous mandarin suggested, would be to give people the chance to vote for new representatives at European, regional and local levels.
“A few years later, we saw the creation of an elected European Parliament – as we see today a craze for introducing elected mayors, as meaningless local figureheads.”
The pro-Europe Sir Edward Heath was leader of the Conservative Party from 1965 to 1975.

NWN: We  nationalists were telling everyone who would listen, that this was the case in the early 1970's. Since then, we were told we were 'tinfoil hat wearers'.  The above story also shows the means how Heath was 'controlled' by the real rulers. Due to Heaths sexual proclivities. No doubt he was also 'told'  to get rid of Enoch Powell too. After being 'booted out' of the Conservative party, Powell ended up in a seat in Ulster for the Ulster Unionist Party.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Protest about the enforced starvation and murder of German soldiers AFTER WW2

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Legion chairman: we’re not giving in after Sunday’s Omagh bomb

Chairman of the local Royal British Legion Richard Scott pictured at the scene. 

Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye.com
Chairman of the local Royal British Legion Richard Scott pictured at the scene.

The bombers who targeted a Remembrance Day service in Omagh have not succeeded in deterring acts of commemoration in the town, said a leading member of the Royal British Legion.

Richard Scott MBE, chairman of the Omagh branch of the legion, said he was angered by the alert ahead of Sunday’s event at the town’s cenotaph.
Following a security operation, a pipe bomb had been recovered from the Drumragh Avenue area of the town – on which both the cenotaph and a memorial garden to the 1998 Omagh bomb stand.
The bomb was described by chief constable George Hamilton as a “small but potentially dangerous device”. It disrupted the proceedings for the day, but Mr Scott told the News Letter that he and his colleagues are not going to succumb to the threat.
A wreath laying service is now set to take place in Omagh this coming Sunday, with participants expected to meet at the Royal British Legion from 10am onwards.
“We are disappointed about what happened and we are angry that people would try to stop a service of remembrance in the way that they did, with a live bomb at the war memorial – especially on a Remembrance Day,” he said on Monday.
“But we were determined to have our service in the [Omagh Academy] school yesterday which we did.
“To show that we weren’t going to give in, and that will be reflected on Sunday (November 19) when we complete our journey.“
Meanwhile on Monday, police issued an appeal for drivers with dashboard cameras to aid their investigation. It called upon anyone who has such cameras and who was in the area on Saturday evening to play back the footage.
Detective Inspector Trevor Stevenson said on Monday: “We know this area of Omagh is popular on a Saturday night.
“We are appealing to any drivers who were in the area on Saturday night and have dash-cam footage, to examine it and see if they have captured any suspicious activity.
“No matter how small you think it may be, if you think it looks suspicious – or out of the ordinary – please notify police immediately because it could prove significant.”
Among those who condemned Sunday’s bomb alert was Arlene Foster, MLA for Fermanagh and South Tyrone.
Mrs Foster wrote via the web service Twitter: “On a day we remember the carnage of Enniskillen 30 years ago it is disgusting that Remembrance Sunday in Omagh was disrupted by those who left a suspicious device in the town.”
Anyone with any information is asked to contact police in Omagh on 101 quoting reference number 100 12/11/17.
Information can also be given anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

NWN: Huge support is expected now for this Remembrance service this coming Sunday . Loyalists will turn up in their thousands.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Lord John Kilclooney


Former Cabinet Minister in NI Government; former MEP; and former MP at Westminster
Armagh City, United Kingdom 

Shocked at the confirmation in the Commons this evening by the Shadow NI Secretary that (1) he wants terrorists to get pensions for any injuries they received as a result of their illegal activities and (2) that he supports the proposal that NI should have a trade barrier with GB

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Viable pipe bomb device found near war memorial in Northern Ireland

A Remembrance Day march was diverted and a wreath-laying ceremony at Omagh's cenotaph was postponed as the area was sealed off.

Bomb disposal robot in Omagh
Image: A bomb disposal robot at the scene in Omagh
A viable pipe bomb was found close to a war memorial in Omagh, police in Northern Ireland have confirmed.
The discovery of the "small but potentially dangerous device" was made before a Remembrance Day parade took place.
The march was diverted and the traditional wreath-laying ceremony at the County Tyrone town's cenotaph was postponed as the area was sealed off.
In 1998, an explosion by the dissident republican Real IRA killed 29 people in Omagh.
Sunday's bomb alert also came exactly 30 years after 12 people were killed by an IRA bomb in Enniskillen in County Fermanagh.

Omagh bombing in 1998
Image: The Omagh bombing in 1998 killed 29 people
Police Service of Northern Ireland Chief Constable George Hamilton called the latest incident a "sickening and appalling act on a day which should bring people together to remember the sacrifice made by people from all our communities".
The device has now been taken away by officers for further examination.
Mr Hamilton said: "This small but potentially dangerous device was left to cause the maximum amount of disruption to the Remembrance Sunday commemorations.
"This is the action of a small and callous group of violent people who have nothing to offer our communities other than fear and intimidation."
He added: "Whilst our investigation into the incident is at a very early stage one strong line of enquiry is that violent dissident republicans are responsible.
"Their actions today have demonstrated the disregard and disrespect they have for this community, which has already suffered so much pain and hurt at the hands of terrorists."
Across the UK, millions of people have honoured Britain's war dead at Remembrance Day commemorations.
Prince Charles led commemorations at the Cenotaph in Whitehall, as the Queen watched on for the first time in her 65-year reign.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Soviet Army soldiers of the 1st Ukrainian Front gather to speak to recently liberated inmates of Auschwitz in front of the camp’s hospital, 1945.

Not seen this pic before. - http://historycollection.co/


Just a Common Soldier

by A. Lawrence Vaincourt

He was getting old and paunchy And his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion,Telling stories of the past.

Of a war that he once fought in And the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies; They were heroes, every one.

And ‘tho sometimes to his neighbors His tales became a joke,
All his buddies listened quietly For they knew where of he spoke.

But we’ll hear his tales no longer, For ol’ Joe has passed away,
And the world’s a little poorer For a Soldier died today.

He won’t be mourned by many, Just his children and his wife.
For he lived an ordinary, Very quiet sort of life.

He held a job and raised a family, Going quietly on his way;
And the world won’t note his passing, ‘Tho a Soldier died today.

When politicians leave this earth, Their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing, And proclaim that they were great.

Papers tell of their life stories From the time that they were young
But the passing of a Soldier Goes unnoticed, and unsung.

Is the greatest contribution To the welfare of our land,
Some jerk who breaks his promise And cons his fellow man?

Or the ordinary fellow Who in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his country And offers up his life?

The politician’s stipend And the style in which he lives,
Are often disproportionate, To the service that he gives.

While the ordinary Soldier, Who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal And perhaps a pension, small.

It is not the politicians With their compromise and ploys,
Who won for us the freedom That our country now enjoys.

Should you find yourself in danger, With your enemies at hand,
Would you really want some cop-out, With his ever waffling stand?

Or would you want a Soldier His home, his country, his kin,
Just a common Soldier, Who would fight until the end.

He was just a common Soldier, And his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us We may need his likes again.

For when countries are in conflict, We find the Soldier’s part
Is to clean up all the troubles That the politicians start.

If we cannot do him honour While he’s here to hear the praise,
Then at least let’s give him homage At the ending of his days.

Perhaps just a simple headline In the paper that might say:

Sunday, November 05, 2017

British anarchists and communists getting guerilla training.


Who remembers this 'throbber' ? Who thought 'he done good' ?


British former-IT worker, 24, who fought ISIS alongside Kurdish militia in Syria is killed clearing landmines in Raqqa just days after the city was reclaimed

  • IT worker Jac Holmes, 24, left his home in Parkstone, in Dorset, in 2015 
  • Despite having no military training he joined Kurdish People's Protection Unit
  • The 24-year-old has been killed while clearing landmines in Raqqa
  • He was killed a week after the terrorists' de facto capital was liberated 
A British former IT worker who had been fighting ISIS in Syria has been killed while clearing landmines in Raqqa.
Jac Holmes, 24, left his home in Parkstone, Dorset, in 2015 and - despite having no military training - joined the Kurdish People's Protection Unit (YPG). 
He was killed a week after the terrorists' de facto capital was liberated. 
The 24-year-old was one of a number of British volunteers who travelled out to fight against ISIS with the Kurds during the Syrian conflict
The 24-year-old was one of a number of British volunteers who travelled out to fight against ISIS with the Kurds during the Syrian conflict
His mother, Angie Blannin, said: 'He stood up for what he believed in and he had the courage of his convictions to go out and do something where he thought that the West were not doing enough.
'To defeat Isis (another name for IS) he felt that it was not just a Syrian problem, or Middle Eastern problem, it was a world problem.
'He wanted to go and do something about that and not just be a keyboard warrior.'
She added: 'He is a hero in my eyes and always will be.'  
'He was just a boy when he left the UK, a little bit lost. He told me he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. But by going out there, he found something that he was good at and that he loved.
'I was on the phone to Jac only on Sunday and we talked about how he planned to come home for Christmas now Raqqa is liberated. Fighting ISIS in Syria was his calling.' 
Brave: Mr Holmes quit his job and left Britain shortly before his 22nd birthday in 2015
Brave: Mr Holmes quit his job and left Britain shortly before his 22nd birthday in 2015
Informed of his death hours after it happened, she said that according to Kurdish officials, her only child had been clearing mines to help civilians within the city.
'That wasn't his job, his role, he was a sniper,' she said.
'But that is what he was doing, it is all a bit sketchy but I am guessing he stepped on a landmine or one went off close to him, or it was a suicide vest.
'But I don't know. It was an IED that probably covers every base.'
Mr Holmes quit his job working on the service desk for an outsourcing firm which provided services to Bournemouth Council in January 2015. 
In a previous interview with MailOnline he discussed his reasons for joining the fight against ISIS. 
He said: 'I was learning about the whole Syrian civil war and seeing the grim situation as it developed over the past six months before I came here.
'Every day there was a new atrocity, whether it be perpetrated by Assad or the likes of Daesh (Isis).
'I got sick of seeing what was going on while the British government and the rest of the West did nothing and most people knew nothing of the situation in the region, so I took it upon myself to come out here and do whatever I could to assist the people in their struggle.' 
He added: 'In the YPG everyone who takes part in this fight believes what they are doing is right.'
A former IT worker, Mr Holmes had no military training and family and friends tried to stop him leaving back in 2015
A former IT worker, Mr Holmes had no military training and family and friends tried to stop him leaving back in 2015
A former IT worker, Mr Holmes had no military training and family and friends tried to stop him leaving back in 2015
Sniper Jac Holmes, from Bournemouth, had been fighting with the Kurdistan People's Protection Units (YPG) since January 2015
Sniper Jac Holmes, from Bournemouth, had been fighting with the Kurdistan People's Protection Units (YPG) since January 2015
As a former IT worker, Mr Holmes had no previous military experience, but he became one of the longest-serving foreign volunteers in the conflict. He was also known by his Kurdish nom de guerre Sores Amanos - 'sores' meaning 'revolution' - NWN emphasis.

There is a pic doing the rounds that he was one of these;


It was November 6th, 2016. The Kurdish militia known as the YPG – a Kurmanji acronym for People's Protection Units – had commenced a major offensive to liberate the city that serves as the global headquarters for ISIS. The YPG was backed by U.S. air power and fighting alongside a coalition of Arab and Assyrian militias. Also within their ranks, though scantly reported, was a group of about 75 hardcore leftists, anarchists and communists from Europe and America, Belden among them, fighting to defend a socialist enclave roughly the size of Massachusetts. 


This 'mob' are supported by the left and including Sinn Fein/IRA . No surprises there, as those who recall this case from back then;

'Proud' IRA bombers jailed for 30 years: Police remain mystified why two Englishmen, who had no apparent connections with Ireland, became terrorists. Stephen Ward reports

TWO ENGLISHMEN punched the air and shouted their unswerving support for the IRA yesterday as they were sentenced to 30 years in prison for a series of horrific London bombings. Sentencing the men at the Old Bailey, Mr Justice Hidden told Jan Taylor, 51, a former British army corporal, and Patrick Hayes, 41, a computer expert: 'You are both evil men whose business is terror, death and destruction.'Both men were convicted of causing the explosion outside Harrods in January 1993 in which four people were injured, and a blast on a Network SouthEast train the following month, which led to massive damage. They were also found guilty of possessing Semtex and other explosives, and firearms.
Hayes was also convicted of plotting to cause explosions at Canary Wharf, Tottenham Court Road and Woodside Park tube station, all in London, in 1992.
They were caught after being filmed by a security camera as they planted the Harrods bomb, and linked conclusively by a mass of scientific evidence to the other crimes. Pleas of not guilty to all charges had been entered after the pair refused to answer the counts against them. The judge told them: 'It is only by the greatest good fortune no lives were lost.'
Hayes told the court he had nothing to say in mitigation: 'I am proud of everything I have done,' he announced to the stunned court.
Hayes and Taylor were like no IRA terrorists the police had come across. Intelligence and detective work had failed to pick up any trace of them as suspects.
They had been missed because the authorities were looking for Irishmen. But the two had no known connection with Ireland - there was not even a trace of an attachment to the country through holidays and there are still huge gaps in detectives' knowledge of the bombers' lives. Neither made any statements after their arrests.
Police sources say they have no idea how or when either made the transition from being 'weekend Socialist Workers' in the 1970s to working for the IRA in the 1990s.
In Hayes's flat, police found literature associated with Red Action - a splinter of the Socialist Workers' Party, founded in 1981 - and a copy of the Irish Republican News, as well as anti-fascist material. Red Action has been vocal in its support of the republican movement, but these were clues, not explanations.

 Even the Daily Mail where very laudatory of this character and the shallow idiots were whooping with joy in the comments section.We bet there where many within the current nationalist community doing the same ?  Oooh , white people who kill ISIS ! What's not to like ?

Of course, the old adage of "Your enemies enemy is not necessarily your friend" definitely holds good here. But what about these 'reds' ?  We have enough enemies with weapons training running around the UK, without our own traitors to the UK adding to their number. Are MI5 and MI6 monitoring them ? The tories, including the current appalling Home Secretary, are running around threatening some extremists, these 'racist extremists' with a possible 15 years jail just for reading 'extremist' websites.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Edward VIII  and  Wallis Simpson in 1969

This video is well worth a look as the former King speaks quite candidly in this interview. Certainly his views on the poor and unemployed people of the UK have not changed. Edward becomes quite animated and passionate still about what he thought the Government ought to have done to help ordinary people.And that Baldwin had basically done nothing to alleviate their problems in the 'Great Depression'. It is quite evident that he got these views from when he served on the Western Front during WW1 and he makes comment about that too. Finally, he argues that he was "anti-establishment" - no doubt that is why 'they' got rid of him as King.

I commend this video to you.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...