Thursday, May 04, 2017

Who wants to destroy every NATION and keep their community safe? Israel's extraordinary hypocrisy on migrants


Anonymous said...

What the N. Korean “Crisis” Is Really About.

Anonymous said...

Russia Has Irrefutable Proof Syria's Chemical Weapons Disaster Was a Provocation.

Anonymous said...

White South Africans Are Preparing For "Removal of All Whites Within Five Years"

Anonymous said...

Google, Facebook, Uber, Apple Among Biggest EU Lobbyists - Report

A new report out, May 5, shows that spending on EU lobbying by Google, Facebook, Uber, Facebook and Apple has rocketed by up to 240 percent between 2014 and 2017 and that four out of seven lobbyists currently accredited with the European Parliament have been hired directly from the Parliament to lobby their former colleagues.

Anonymous said...

Macron Document Leaker Releases New Images, Promises More Information.

Anonymous said...

Italian Prime Minister Secretly Meets With George Soros In Rome Amid Migrant Transport Scandal.

Anonymous said...

US immigrant population at record level, with Asians set to overtake Hispanics – study

Anonymous said...

Exclusive: US journalist may seek asylum overseas after being re-imprisoned for talking to press.

Anonymous said...

The Real Reasons Why Trump Has Flipped On His Campaign Promises.

Anonymous said...

Why Is James Comey Still Director Of The FBI?

Anonymous said...

Left Rejoices as Sweden Repeals 'Not Fun' ID Checks, Risking a New Migrant Surge

Anonymous said...

Martin Armstrong Asks "Is Soros At it Again...Trying To Overthrow The Polish Government?"

Anonymous said...

Swedish McDonald's Learns to Speak Arabic Due to Popular Demand.

Anonymous said...

Survey Shows A Majority Of European Youth Would Participate In Uprising To Overthrow Status Quo.

Anonymous said...

ITALIAN prime minister Paolo Gentiloni has warned the “myth of a united Europe must be kept alive” despite the EU27 vowing to stand together against Britain during Brexit negotiations. ‘We have to keep MYTH of united Europe alive’ Italian PM in desperate rallying cry to EU.

Anonymous said...

'These are BAD people' Nigel Farage fumes at unelected EU 'thugs' in FURIOUS tirade
NIGEL FARAGE blasted European Union leaders in an angry rant as he insisted the Prime Minister needed to be strong when negotiating a Brexit deal.

Anonymous said...

Trump Calls Bannon "Alt-Left", Says He "Isn't Going Anywhere"

Anonymous said...

Trump's Adviser and Son-in-Law Fails to Report Dealings With Soros.

Anonymous said...

Senior Trump Adviser Sebastian Gorka to Be Booted From the White House.

Sebastian Gorka who has been serving as an adviser to President Donald Trump on the "Strategic Initiatives Group" is leaving the White House. Gorka has been under pressure for his alleged links to Hungarian far-right groups, and has been bedeviled by allegations of Islamophobia.

Previously, Gorka was a counterterrorism analyst for Fox News and an editor at Breitbart News Network, where he met now Trump administration Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon.

Anonymous said...

The Deep State Transcends Sovereign Law.

The ultimate form of political and economic power is the power to commit crimes with impunity.

Anonymous said...

French PM warns of EU death if Le Pen wins presidency.

Anonymous said...

Le Pen Gets Bump in Polls; Protesters Rage Throughout Paris in May Day Protests.

Anonymous said...

Remember the roots of the Ashkenazi Jews "are Turkic/Mongolian and not Semitic".

Anonymous said...

"What most people hate, when they begin to understand what is going on, is psychopathic lying murderers.

"People like Tony Blair, who is not Jewish...

"Talmudic Judaism teaches its inductees that such psychopathy is a virtue.

"It teaches that Jews are the ONLY humans. The rest of us are 'goyim' (cattle) and non-human..."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Remember the roots of the Ashkenazi Jews "are Turkic/Mongolian and not Semitic".
6 May 2017 at 01:12

Probably not really correct. Proof:

Mourant: "The Genetics of the Jews" (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1978)

Chapter 10

"The general conclusion to be drawn from the blood-group data is that the Ashkenazim are essentially a single population, largely, if not mainly, of Palestinian Jewish descent. The strongest evidence is their systematic resemblance to the Sephardim, whose Palestinian ancestry is more firmly established by historical records. As already stated, these two major groups of Jews differ distinctly with respect to each main blood-group system, but the difference for any one system is never very great. This is what one would expect for two populations of common origin but separated for not much more than a thousand years. The incorporation of a Khazar component in the Ashkenazim cannot, however, be ruled out completely."

There's probably something more recent, but that'll do for now.

Anonymous said...

France’s Macron dumps parliamentary candidate after Israel lobby pressure.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...