Grafitti on a wall in West Belfast
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Sara Rowbotham gives Tony Lloyd her "100% support"
Date published: 29 May 2017

Sara Rowbotham and Tony Lloyd
Sara, who played an instrumental role in getting abused girls’ voices heard by persistently reporting cases of child abuse as a sexual health worker, says Mr Lloyd has her "100% support".
Sara told Rochdale Online: "Tony Lloyd has my 100% support as Labour's candidate for Rochdale.
"He has lots of experience and ability and will make a first class MP for the town. Tony is just what Rochdale needs.
"During his time as Greater Manchester's Interim Mayor he worked very closely with lots of community organisations. He is well known throughout town. Tony will work with everyone to build what is best about Rochdale and its people.
Moreover, he is the Labour candidate with the right policies to take Rochdale forward. We need more jobs for young people, improvements to our hospitals and better care for the elderly.
"Tony will fight the disastrous Tory cuts to our local schools which will mean bigger class sizes and teachers facing the sack.
"Tony will be the strong and experienced voice Rochdale needs right now."
Mr Lloyd, who as Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner ordered a wide-ranging inquiry into the issue of child sexual exploitation chaired by Ann Coffey, the chairwoman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on For Runaway and Missing Children and Adults, said he is "really pleased" to have Sara's support.
Mr Lloyd added: "Sara is an outstanding individual who has fought tirelessly to protect vulnerable children.
"Sara thinks only of others and works hard on behalf of people who need support and a voice. That's why she's a proud member of the Labour Party and local councillor."
NWN: So according to the BBC's series 'THREE GIRLS'on the Rochdale Pakistani grooming gang. This Sara Rowbotham fought for years for the victims of these people. But now, she publically supports a party, the Labour party, that would flood the UK with even more of the same type of people that committed the rapes to underage girls that she supposedly fought against ! She is totally bonkers !
Monday, May 29, 2017
Portland "white supremacist" killer turns out to be a supporter of socialists Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein
The controlled mass media just don't let up do they ? After the Manchester bomb, they are turning the narrative back to their usual crap.
All the news is about muslims being persecuted . We get bombed and it's all about muslims and how they feel.
The controlled mass media just don't let up do they ? After the Manchester bomb, they are turning the narrative back to their usual crap.
All the news is about muslims being persecuted . We get bombed and it's all about muslims and how they feel.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Hilary Clintons Presidential running mate's son is AntiFa
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine's youngest son was among eight people charged for allegedly disrupting a March rally in support of President Donald Trump. Linwood "Woody" Kaine, of Minneapolis, was charged Friday with one gross misdemeanor count of obstructing the legal process and misdemeanor counts of fleeing on foot and concealing his identity in public.
Seven other people were also charged, including two with felonies. A criminal complaint says Kaine and others changed into black clothing during the rally and entered the Capitol. One group member threw a smoke bomb inside.
The complaint says the 24-year-old Kaine was among those who ran away, and he initially resisted arrest. Kaine doesn't have a listed number and it's not immediately clear if he has an attorney. Tim Kaine was Hillary Clinton's running mate.
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine's youngest son was among eight people charged for allegedly disrupting a March rally in support of President Donald Trump. Linwood "Woody" Kaine, of Minneapolis, was charged Friday with one gross misdemeanor count of obstructing the legal process and misdemeanor counts of fleeing on foot and concealing his identity in public.
Seven other people were also charged, including two with felonies. A criminal complaint says Kaine and others changed into black clothing during the rally and entered the Capitol. One group member threw a smoke bomb inside.
The complaint says the 24-year-old Kaine was among those who ran away, and he initially resisted arrest. Kaine doesn't have a listed number and it's not immediately clear if he has an attorney. Tim Kaine was Hillary Clinton's running mate.
A mural in Tripoli paying tribute to fighters from Manchester who joined the 17 February Martyrs' Brigade during Libya's revolution against Gaddafi.
NWN: Seems 'our' Government allowed these Al Qaida terrorists to swan in and out of the UK seemingly at will.
Then they turned against us !
The British government operated an "open door" policy that allowed Libyan exiles and British-Libyan citizens to join the 2011 uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi even though some had been subject to counter-terrorism control orders, Middle East Eye can reveal.
Several former rebel fighters now back in the UK told MEE that they had been able to travel to Libya with "no questions asked" as authorities continued to investigate the background of a British-Libyan suicide bomber who killed 22 people in Monday's attack in Manchester.
Read more ►Salman Abedi, 22, the British-born son of exiled dissidents who returned to Libya as the revolution against Gaddafi gathered momentum, is also understood to have spent time in the North African country in 2011 and to have returned there on several subsequent occasions.
UK police: We're sorry for 'Guess Who? terrorism edition'
British police have said they believe the bomber, who returned to Manchester just a few days before the attack, was part of a network and have arrested six people including Abedi's older brother since Monday.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has said that Abedi was known to security services, while a local community worker told the BBC that several people had reported him to the police via an anti-terrorism hotline.

Sources spoken to by MEE suggest that the government facilitated the travel of Libyan exiles and British-Libyan residents and citizens keen to fight against Gaddafi including some who it deemed to pose a potential security threat.
'No questions asked'
One British citizen with a Libyan background who was placed on a control order – effectively house arrest – because of fears that he would join militant groups in Iraq said he was "shocked" that he was able to travel to Libya in 2011 shortly after his control order was lifted."I was allowed to go, no questions asked," said the source, who wished to remain anonymous.
He said he had met several other British-Libyans in London who also had control orders lifted in 2011 as the war against Gaddafi intensified, with the UK, France and the US carrying out air strikes and deploying special forces soldiers in support of the rebels.
"They didn't have passports, they were looking for fakes or a way to smuggle themselves across," said the source.
But within days of their control orders being lifted, British authorities returned their passports, he said.
"These were old school LIFG guys, they [the British authorities] knew what they were doing," he said, referring to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, an anti-Gaddafi Islamist militant group formed in 1990 by Libyan veterans of the fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.
The British government listed the LIFG as a proscribed terrorist organisation in 2005, describing it as seeking to establish a "hard-line Islamic state" and "part of the wider Islamist extremist movement inspired by al-Qaeda". Former members of the LIFG deny that the group had any links with al-Qaeda and say it was committed only to removing Gaddafi from power.
Belal Younis, another British citizen who went to Libya, described how he was stopped under 'Schedule 7' counter-terrorism powers on his return to the UK after a visit to the country in early 2011. Schedule 7 allows police and immigration officials to detain and question any person passing through border controls at ports and airports to determine whether they are involved in terrorism.
Read more ►He said he was subsequently asked by an intelligence officer from MI5, the UK's domestic security agency: "Are you willing to go into battle?"
Schedule 7: Realities of the 'digital strip search'
"While I took time to find an answer he turned and told me the British government have no problem with people fighting against Gaddafi," he told MEE.
Travel 'sorted' by MI5
As he was travelling back to Libya in May 2011 he was approached by two counter-terrorism police officers in the departure lounge who told him that if he was going to fight he would be committing a crime.But after providing them with the name and phone number of the MI5 officer he had spoken to previously, and following a quick phone call to him, he was waved through.
As he waited to board the plane, he said the same MI5 officer called him to tell him that he had "sorted it out".
"The government didn't put any obstacles in the way of people going to Libya," he told MEE.
"The vast majority of UK guys were in their late twenties. There were some 18 and 19. The majority who went from here were from Manchester."
But he said he thought it was unlikely that Abedi, who would only have been 16 at the time, would have been recruited as a fighter.
"The guys I was fighting with would never put a 16-year-old boy anywhere near the frontline."
Younis said he did not think that the policy of allowing British-Libyans to fight againt Gaddafi had been a contributing factor in Monday's attack, pointing out that IS was not present in the country at the time - and said he had no regrets about his decision to fight.
"What inspired me to go to Libya was the liberty of civilians. There's no way that that can morph into killing children," he said.
Another British citizen with experience of fighting in both Libya and in Syria with rebel groups also told MEE that he had been able to travel to and from the UK without disruption.
"No questions were asked," he said.
The majority of the fighters flew to Tunisia and then crossed the border into Libya, while others travelled via Malta, he said.
"The whole Libyan diaspora were out there fighting alongside the rebel groups," he added.

"I never got prevented from going to Libya or stopped when I tried to come back," he said.
The man said that he had come across Salman Abedi at their local mosque in the Didsbury neighbourhood but that he had "kept himself to himself" and was not an active member of the community.
His family, who were originally from Tripoli, had returned to Libya, he said.
"I guess if your family is away from you that sense of belonging dissipates. For us Libyans in Manchester - they're trying to imply we knew. He was just an individual and he's nothing to do with us."
Another person who knew Abedi described him as a "hot head" with a reputation for involvement in petty crime.
"Yesterday they're drug dealers, today they're Muslims," he said, adding that he believed Abedi had also been friends with Anil Khalil Raoufi, an IS recruiter from Didsbury who was killed in Syria in 2014.
'Elite SAS training'
One of the British-Libyans spoken to by MEE described how he had carried out "PR work" for the rebels in the months before Gaddafi was overthrown and eventually killed in October 2011.He said he was employed to edit videos showing Libyan rebels being trained by former British SAS and Irish special forces mercenaries in Benghazi, the eastern city from where the uprising against Gaddafi was launched.
"They weren't cheap videos with Arabic nasheeds [songs], they were slick, professional glossy films which we were showing Qataris and Emiratis to support troops who were getting elite SAS training."
He was also tasked by rebel commanders with training young Libyans to use cameras so that they could sell packages to international media.

"They looked about 17 or 18, maybe one was 20 at most. They had proper Manchester accents," he said. "They were there living and fighting and doing the whole nine yards."
Many Libyan exiles in the UK with links to the LIFG were placed on control orders and subjected to surveillance and monitoring following the rapprochement between the British and Libyan governments sealed by the so-called "Deal in the Desert" between then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Gaddafi in 2004.
Read more ►According to documents retrieved from the ransacked offices of the Libyan intelligence agency following Gaddafi's fall from power in 2011, British security services cracked down on Libyan dissidents in the UK as part of the deal, as well as assisting in the rendition of two senior LIFG leaders, Abdel Hakim Belhaj and Sami al-Saadi, to Tripoli where they allege they were tortured.
Belhaj ruling brings fresh scrutiny on Blair-Gaddafi 'deal in the desert'
Belhaj later returned to Libya and was a leading figure in the uprising against Gaddafi, while another former Libyan exile subjected to a control order in the UK was later tasked with providing security for visiting dignitaries including British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, MEE understands.
'When the revolution started, things changed'
Ziad Hashem, an LIFG member granted asylum in the UK, said in 2015 that he had been imprisoned for 18 months without charge and then restricted to his home for a further three years based on information he believed had been supplied by Libyan intelligence.But he said: "When the revolution started, things changed in Britain. Their way of speaking to me and treating me was different. They offered to give me benefits, even indefinite leave to remain or citizenship."
Control orders were introduced as part of counter-terrorism legislation drafted in the aftermath of the 2005 London bombings.
They allowed authorities to restrict the activities of people suspected of involvement in terrorism-related activities by requiring them to remain at a registered address for up to 16 hours a day, subjecting them to electronic tagging, limiting their access to telephone and internet communications, and banning them from meeting or communicating with other people deemed to be of concern.
At least 50 people were subjected to the measure with at least 12 Libyan exiles among them.
Control orders were replaced with Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (TPIMs), which allow authorities to impose many of the same restrictions while limiting their term to two years, in 2011.
The Home Office told MEE it did not comment on individual cases. It said that TPIMs were a robust and effective means for dealing with terrorism suspects who could not be prosecuted or deported.
It said that arrangements involving the police, the Home Office and the Security Service (MI5) had been put in place in 2011 during the transition from control orders to TPIMs to ensure that national security was maintained.
Friday, May 26, 2017
ERIC CLANTON ARRESTED! – Antifa Bike Lock Attacker Hit With Justice

According to county records, Eric Clanton is being held on a $200,00 bail bond after he was booked into the county jail Wednesday evening. Clanton was picked up for suspicion of using a firearm during a felony with an enhancement clause and assault with a non-firearm deadly weapon.
We have a date listed on Alameda county inmate locator tool for Friday, May 26th. The county record states that the time of the arraignment hearing is at 9:00am PST.

Berkeley Police have not confirmed yet any connection between Eric Clanton’s arrest and accusations within the last month about the attack with the bike lock on Sean Stiles at the April 15th battle for Berkeley.

Were a 'band of sons' behind Manchester attack...? Bomber was part of gang of disaffected young men who fought alongside their fathers in Libya 'before switching their allegiance to ISIS'
- Manchester bomber linked to group of young men who fought in Libya with their fathers then switched to ISIS
- Salman Abedi travelled to Libya during the 2011 Arab Spring alongside his father to topple Muammar Gaddafi
- Father Ramadan was one of men from the North West in Libya who called themselves the Manchester Fighters
- Counter terrorism raids yesterday were reportedly connected to the gang of Libyan extremists after a tip-off
- Terror police have raided barber shop in Moss Side, Manchester, owned by Salamn's cousin Abdallah Forjani
- Eight men arrested in connection with attack are suspected of terror offences and aged between 18 and 38
- Officers have also carried out separate searches in St Helens, Merseyside, and Moss Side in Manchester
- Fears are now growing that a second bomb, which was made by Abedi, could be in the hands of an extremist
- Greater Manchester Police confirmed this morning that a boy aged just 16 was one of the 10 people arrested
- ISIS, who claimed responsibility, released a statement about the incident and said it was a 'blessed attack'
Manchester suicide bomber was linked to a group of disaffected young men
who went to fight in Libya with their fathers before switching
allegiance to ISIS, it has been revealed.
Abedi is understood to have been in Libya at the same time as some of
the youths, all around the same age, who later faced terrorism charges.
bomber travelled to fight on the frontline during the 2011 Arab Spring
to topple dictator Muammar Gaddafi alongside his father Ramadan Abedi, a
51-year-old airport security guard with links to Al Qaeda.
Ramadan was one of the men from the North West in Libya who called themselves the 'Manchester Fighters'.
is thought that one of the counter terrorism raids launched yesterday
was connected to the gang of Libyan extremists after police received a
Greater Manchester police
have been told that Abedi was friends with at least two members of the
group, who are all linked to Manchester.
younger generation are understood to have switched allegiance to Isis
after travelling to Libya with their fathers, all members of the
militant Libyan Islamic Fighting Group [LIFG], which helped to overthrow
the Gaddafi regime. The group is banned in Britain.
Scroll down for video

arrests: Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi's family tree shows his
father Ramadan and two brothers Hashem and Ismail have all been
arrested. The bomber's cousin Abdalla Forjani was held on Wednesday in
Moss Side, Manchester


the frontline: Salman, pictured, was linked to a group of disaffected
young men who went to fight in Libya with their fathers before switching
allegiance to ISIS . He fought alongside his father Ramandan during the
2011 Arab Spring

Links to
Al-Qaeda: Ramadan, pictured, 51, an airport security worker, was one of
the men from the North West in Libya who called themselves the '
Manchester Fighters'. He has been arrested in Tripoli and MI6 officers
are in Libya to speak to him

Salman's younger brother Hashem, 20, pictured, has also been arrested in
Tripoli. He has reportedly told investigators in Libya that he was
'aware of all the details' of his plans

Raids: Greater Manchester Police
today confirmed that they had arrested 10 people in connection with the
incident across Manchester and parts of the North West of England. A
16-year-old boy and a woman, 34, have been released without charged
One of the men, who cannot be named
for legal reasons, was convicted three years ago of helping jihadist
recruits to travel to Syria and Iraq to fight for the terrorists.
He had dropped out of college in Manchester and joined the western-backed uprising in Libya in 2011 at the age of 17.
second man was charged with terrorism offences and spent time in prison
on remand before the prosecution offered no evidence. His father was
sanctioned by the US more than a decade ago for financing the LIFG.
revelation provides a further insight into Abedi's path to
radicalisation before he blew himself up on Monday night. Investigators
are trying to discover what ties the bomber established with Isis
extremists in Libya and Britain as he travelled between both countries.
A friend of Salman's father, Akram Ramadan, 49, said: 'A lot of dads went to fight Gaddafi in 2011.
'We went and fought together, we were really known, our unit fighting in the hills was called the Manchester Fighters.'
comes as eight men arrested in connection with the Manchester bomb
attack are all suspected of terror offences and are aged between 18 and
38, Greater Manchester Police said. A 16-year-old boy has been released
without charge.
A barber's shop
belonging to the killer's cousin, 24-year-old Abdallah Forjani, was
raided in Moss Side, Manchester, as part of the ongoing investigation
this morning.
He was arrested in Fallowfield on Wednesday and the barber shop, on a parade of shops on a busy main road, immediately closed.
remains shut following the early morning raid which local businesses
and neighbours did not witness. A police van remains stationed
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
NWN: So this upstanding family claimed asylum from Gaddafis Libya ? Didn't no one think to ask them why they were fleeing Gaddafi and wanting to claim asylum? Colonel Gaddafi like Saddam Hussein, used to hammer these terrorist types like Al Qaida and ISIS. Our aid in helping remove them, which is contrary to international law - regime change, went well didn't it ? If our 'security people' didn't know they were Al Qaida, why not ? And more to the point, why were they allowed in to breed and grow more terrorists here on UK's largesse and welfare payments? And ultimately 'reward' us via death and destruction of our little girls. But of course 'our' government now supply arms to groups Al Qaida and Al Nusrah in Syria. They are 'moderates' they say. You could not make this up !
DM journo Peter Oborne has come to a similar conclusion to us here at NWN in todays Daily Mail. He argues that MI6 has relegated UK citizens domestic policy due to 'our' Governments Foreign policy. We agree.
DM journo Peter Oborne has come to a similar conclusion to us here at NWN in todays Daily Mail. He argues that MI6 has relegated UK citizens domestic policy due to 'our' Governments Foreign policy. We agree.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Latest on investigation into Manchester concert bombing
LONDON -- CBS News confirmed Tuesday that the man who blew himself up the previous night at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, was 23-year-old Salman Abedi, who was known to British authorities prior to the attack.In a generic statement posted online, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claimed responsibility for Abedi's suicide bomb attack, which left 22 people dead, including children, at one of the entrances to the Manchester Arena.
Officials said one man was arrested Tuesday in southern Manchester in connection with the attack, and urged people to avoid the center of the city as operations continued. Police and British Prime Minister Theresa May made it clear the focus of the investigation was to determine whether the bomber "was acting alone, or was part of a wider group."
ISIS issued its claim of responsibility in a brief, generic statement that did not identify the bomber and appeared to get some of the facts of the attack wrong. It claimed a "caliphate soldier managed to place a number of devices among a gathering of crusaders in Manchester, and detonated them."
Officials say there was only one explosion, and there have been no indications that other devices were discovered at or near the arena.
U.S. intelligence sources told CBS News they were exercising caution on the early claim of responsibility from ISIS. Authorities are still looking into whether it was a killer who acted alone or who might have had some level of support from the terror network. U.S. intelligence officials were offering assistance in the investigation, as is standard practice in any case involving a close ally.
ISIS has repeatedly called for its supporters in the West to attack "soft targets" like sports events and concerts in any way possible.
Previous attacks in Europe and the U.S. have been claimed by individuals who support ISIS and have made contact with its members, but who were not directly supported or guided by the terror network.
Manchester police confirmed the arrest of a 23-year-old man in the southern part of the city on Tuesday morning. They also said there was at least one controlled explosion carried out at the scene of a raid.
The suspect taken into custody on Tuesday was not identified, but police said the arrest was linked to the bombing. Witnesses said the man was smiling as he was apprehended.
The bomb was designed to kill and maim as many as possible; many of the survivors suffered shrapnel wounds and ball bearings were found at the scene.
There was security at the concert, but the bomber apparently didn't try to get into the venue, instead blowing himself up in an entrance foyer area as concertgoers flooded out of the arena. Prime Minister May said the attacker had deliberately chosen "his time and place to cause maximum carnage" in the young crowd.
NWN: Here we go again. And the nonsense being spouted on social media is enough to make you commit suicide. The British public are downright clueless. The "We must all gather together one community blah blah blah" mantra, is being played for all it's worth... again.
You will make a real killing flogging candles in Albert square this evening. Yet another 'vigil' where people stand there and nothing happens. The very same people will have forgotten about this by the weekend.
We are told to be 'vigilant'. But who are we supposed to be looking out for ?
"Oh, you can't report 'them' as that would be racist. We have asian doctors dont'cha know ?"
If we stopped supporting the neo-con/zionist led USA in the Middle East and hammering and bombing places like Libya and Iraq into the dust and now wanting to get involved in Syria, we might not suffer stuff like this.
Plus, the open door policy of letting 100,000's of heaven knows who from wherever in the world, we might stop any further types like the character last night from entering the UK. But apparently Salman Abedi is 'British' !
Dr. William Pierce predicted stuff like this, and he has been dead for over 15 years. He predicted we had best get some 'hard -hats'.
Friday, May 19, 2017
Theresa May to create new internet that would be controlled and regulated by government

Theresa May to create new internet that would be controlled and regulated by government
The proposals come soon after the government won the right to collect everyone's browsing history
Theresa May is planning to introduce huge regulations on the
way the internet works, allowing the government to decide what is said
Particular focus has been drawn to the end of the manifesto, which makes clear that the Tories want to introduce huge changes to the way the internet works.
"Some people say that it is not for government to regulate when it comes to technology and the internet," it states. "We disagree."
Senior Tories confirmed to BuzzFeed News that the phrasing indicates that the government intends to introduce huge restrictions on what people can post, share and publish online.
The plans will allow Britain to become "the global leader in the regulation of the use of personal data and the internet", the manifesto claims.
It comes just soon after the Investigatory Powers Act came into law. That legislation allowed the government to force internet companies to keep records on their customers' browsing histories, as well as giving ministers the power to break apps like WhatsApp so that messages can be read.
The manifesto makes reference to those increased powers, saying that the government will work even harder to ensure there is no "safe space for terrorists to be able to communicate online". That is apparently a reference in part to its work to encourage technology companies to build backdoors into their encrypted messaging services – which gives the government the ability to read terrorists' messages, but also weakens the security of everyone else's messages, technology companies have warned.
The government now appears to be launching a similarly radical change in the way that social networks and internet companies work. While much of the internet is currently controlled by private businesses like Google and Facebook, Theresa May intends to allow government to decide what is and isn't published, the manifesto suggests.
The new rules would include laws that make it harder than ever to access pornographic and other websites. The government will be able to place restrictions on seeing adult content and any exceptions would have to be justified to ministers, the manifesto suggests.
The manifesto even suggests that the government might stop search engines like Google from directing people to pornographic websites. "We will put a responsibility on industry not to direct users – even unintentionally – to hate speech, pornography, or other sources of harm," the Conservatives write.
The laws would also force technology companies to delete anything that a person posted when they were under 18.
But perhaps most unusually they would be forced to help controversial government schemes like its Prevent strategy, by promoting counter-extremist narratives.
"In harnessing the digital revolution, we must take steps to protect the vulnerable and give people confidence to use the internet without fear of abuse, criminality or exposure to horrific content", the manifesto claims in a section called 'the safest place to be online'.
The plans are in keeping with the Tories' commitment that the online world must be regulated as strongly as the offline one, and that the same rules should apply in both.
"Our starting point is that online rules should reflect those that govern our lives offline," the Conservatives' manifesto says, explaining this justification for a new level of regulation.
"It should be as unacceptable to bully online as it is in the playground, as difficult to groom a young child on the internet as it is in a community, as hard for children to access violent and degrading pornography online as it is in the high street, and as difficult to commit a crime digitally as it is physically."
Particular focus has been drawn to the end of the manifesto, which makes clear that the Tories want to introduce huge changes to the way the internet works.
"Some people say that it is not for government to regulate when it comes to technology and the internet," it states. "We disagree."
Senior Tories confirmed to BuzzFeed News that the phrasing indicates that the government intends to introduce huge restrictions on what people can post, share and publish online.
The plans will allow Britain to become "the global leader in the regulation of the use of personal data and the internet", the manifesto claims.
It comes just soon after the Investigatory Powers Act came into law. That legislation allowed the government to force internet companies to keep records on their customers' browsing histories, as well as giving ministers the power to break apps like WhatsApp so that messages can be read.
The manifesto makes reference to those increased powers, saying that the government will work even harder to ensure there is no "safe space for terrorists to be able to communicate online". That is apparently a reference in part to its work to encourage technology companies to build backdoors into their encrypted messaging services – which gives the government the ability to read terrorists' messages, but also weakens the security of everyone else's messages, technology companies have warned.
The government now appears to be launching a similarly radical change in the way that social networks and internet companies work. While much of the internet is currently controlled by private businesses like Google and Facebook, Theresa May intends to allow government to decide what is and isn't published, the manifesto suggests.
The new rules would include laws that make it harder than ever to access pornographic and other websites. The government will be able to place restrictions on seeing adult content and any exceptions would have to be justified to ministers, the manifesto suggests.
The manifesto even suggests that the government might stop search engines like Google from directing people to pornographic websites. "We will put a responsibility on industry not to direct users – even unintentionally – to hate speech, pornography, or other sources of harm," the Conservatives write.
But perhaps most unusually they would be forced to help controversial government schemes like its Prevent strategy, by promoting counter-extremist narratives.
"In harnessing the digital revolution, we must take steps to protect the vulnerable and give people confidence to use the internet without fear of abuse, criminality or exposure to horrific content", the manifesto claims in a section called 'the safest place to be online'.
The plans are in keeping with the Tories' commitment that the online world must be regulated as strongly as the offline one, and that the same rules should apply in both.
"Our starting point is that online rules should reflect those that govern our lives offline," the Conservatives' manifesto says, explaining this justification for a new level of regulation.
"It should be as unacceptable to bully online as it is in the playground, as difficult to groom a young child on the internet as it is in a community, as hard for children to access violent and degrading pornography online as it is in the high street, and as difficult to commit a crime digitally as it is physically."
The manifesto also proposes that internet companies will have to pay a levy, like the one currently paid by gambling firms. Just like with gambling, that money will be used to pay for advertising schemes to tell people about the dangers of the internet, in particular being used to "support awareness and preventative activity to counter internet harms", according to the manifesto.
The Conservatives will also seek to regulate the kind of news that is posted online and how companies are paid for it. If elected, Theresa May will "take steps to protect the reliability and objectivity of information that is essential to our democracy" – and crack down on Facebook and Google to ensure that news companies get enough advertising money.
If internet companies refuse to comply with the rulings – a suggestion that some have already made about the powers in the Investigatory Powers Act – then there will be a strict and strong set of ways to punish them.
"We will introduce a sanctions regime to ensure compliance, giving regulators the ability to fine or prosecute those companies that fail in their legal duties, and to order the removal of content where it clearly breaches UK law," the manifesto reads.
In laying out its plan for increased regulation, the Tories anticipate and reject potential criticism that such rules could put people at risk.
"While we cannot create this framework alone, it is for government, not private companies, to protect the security of people and ensure the fairness of the rules by which people and businesses abide," the document reads. "Nor do we agree that the risks of such an approach outweigh the potential benefits."
BBC series three girls.................
Below we copy a post we made from January 2012, and that the 'controlled mass media' were covering this story up - the BBC included.
Dare the mass media now focus on all the other places where this behaviour has resulted in scores of these people appearing before the courts ?
We don't think so. This issue will be allowed to die again.The public will be just allowed to go back to 'sleep' again.
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Our controlled Mass Media fails to report huge paedophile Court case at Liverpool Crown Court
From the Rochdale Observer:
Eight men charged after
inquiry into 'grooming' of underage girls for sex in
Eight men were due in court this morning following a police probe
into the alleged grooming of young girls.All of the suspects,
from Rochdale, were charged late last night with conspiracy to commit
penetrative sexual activity with a female under 16 years.
The men are Abdul Rauf, 42, of Darley Road; Liaqat Shah, 40, of Kensington Road; Adil Khan,
41, of Oswald Street; Qamar Shahzad, 29, of Conisborough; Mohammed Sajid, 34, of
Jepheys Street; Mohammed Ikhlaq, 31, of Clover Hall Crescent; Mohammed Amin, 44,
of Failinge Road and Abdul Aziz, 40, of Armstrong Hurst Close.
The men were due before magistrates in Rochdale today.
Eight men charged after inquiry into 'grooming' of
underage girls for sex in Rochdale Rochdale Observer -
And here we see some of the names listed at Liverpool Crown Court;
We wonder why that is ?
Is it that, of the rumoured 47 defendants, all of them are Pakistani muslims ?
The controlled mass media creatures will tell us any lie in furtherance of their mass immigration policy commenced in 1948 with 'The Empire Windrush'.
The end result of their policy is the genocide of the British people.

Sydney, Australia - Rupert Murdoch's Mother Elisabeth Dies At Age 103
Published on: December 5, 2012 05:06 PM

News Ltd., the Australian media company headed by her son, confirmed her death.
She died peacefully on Wednesday surrounded by family members in her garden estate outside Melbourne. She had been hospitalized in September after a bad fall in which she broke her leg.
“We have lost the most wonderful mother but we are all grateful to have had her love and wisdom for so many years,” Rupert Murdoch said in a statement issued on behalf of the family.
Dame Elisabeth was a patron of the arts and contributed to an estimated 100 charities annually. She was the wife of Sir Keith Murdoch, a journalist and newspaper publisher, and the mother of four children — Rupert Murdoch, Anne Kantor, Janet Calvert-Jones, and Helen Handbury, who died in 2004.
She has 77 direct descendants, including 50 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren.
Her family said arrangements for a memorial service were still being decided, but that the funeral was expected to be private.
NWN: So now we know .
Monday, May 15, 2017
Three Girls: Maggie Oliver says known paedophiles are still abusing girls and authorities are 'more interested in covering up mistakes'
"We had social workers telling us they’d been trying to get the police to take this problem seriously for years."
Maggie Oliver made the claim ahead of a new drama about the scandal - Three Girls - which tells how child victims of abuse were dismissed as prostitutes and let down by the authorities.
The former detective constable turned whistleblower persuaded many of the victims to speak to the police but later resigned because of the way they were treated.
She became an outspoken critic of GMP and was recruited by the BBC as the consultant for their drama, which will be told across three hour-long programs broadcast on successive nights from Tuesday.
Her character is played by actress Lesley Sharpe.

Nine members of the Roochdale gang were jailed in 2012 but, writing about her experience for the M.E.N. the mother-of-four, from south Manchester, said other offenders who were identified as a result of Operation Span remained at large.
She writes: “There are still paedophiles who we identified as part of Span who are out there right now in Rochdale. I still support many of the girls and they tell me they’ve seen them. Once a paedophile, always a paedophile in my book. This is still happening.
“It’s heart-breaking for the kids. My hope is this program encourages a proper, open and honest debate that leeds to changes in the law to make senior police officers accountable for their failures.”
Some 19 men have been jailed for grooming offences since 2012, the last tranche in February.

He said: “Tackling the sexual exploitation of children and young people is an absolute priority for GMP and its partners. Protecting children is everyone’s responsibility and it is crucial that we work together to identify and prosecute individuals who prey on vulnerable children.
“Our specialist CSE teams in each division across Greater Manchester are successfully reaching out to young people. We have specially-trained officers who provide young people with on-going support, both from within the force and through key partner agencies.
“We have made huge progress in our fight against CSE and those who commit these horrendous crimes against children. The It’s Not Okay campaign was launched in September 2014 as part of GM-wide Project Phoenix, giving young people and their carers a crucial online resource. The wider campaign provided a completely new approach to dealing with CSE, using education to prevent young people from becoming victims in the first place but at the same time targeting offenders and bringing them to justice.
“Project Phoenix has undertaken substantial work with schools, healthcare providers and support services to ensure that vulnerable young people are helped at every stage - from prevention through to support and rehabilitation. Regular weeks of partnership activity, which include community engagement, disruption, education and police enforcement, means that thousands more young people are being engaged with than before.

“I want to reassure communities that our priority is to protect children and young people, prosecute offenders and prevent from committing further offences.”
'I believe this goes right to the top of government. They are more interested in covering up for mistakes instead of holding their hands up.'
Detective Constable Maggie Oliver resigned from GMP in disgust saying the force had failed the victims of the Rochdale sex grooming scandal. She had been central to the investigation and persuaded vulnerable and reluctant girls to give evidence against the paedophiles who had sexually abused them for years.But one of the victims she convinced to speak ended up being portrayed as a member of the grooming gang in the subsequent trial. Maggie felt betrayed, ashamed and resigned. She became a whistleblower and a vocal critic of how police had mishandled the case. She worked with the BBC to dramatise her experience in, Three Girls, in which Lesley Sharpe plays her character.
This is Maggie’s story in her own words:
“When I joined Greater Manchester Police in 1996 I swore an oath like every other bobby who joins the job. I promised I would act with honesty and integrity, that I would protect the vulnerable and I would do my best to put away the bad guys. I was good at my job because I’d had a life before the cops. I knew how to speak to vulnerable kids.
"A lot of police officers don’t have a clue about that. Put me in front of a computer and ask me to do analysis and I’m useless. But I know how to speak to people. What I saw in Rochdale was police officers and senior cops acting without any shame because it was convenient to ignore the abuse they knew was happening. I felt it was wicked. If I can’t look myself in the mirror and feel proud of what I’m doing then it makes me as bad as them. So I had to make a stand for what I believed was right.
“And don’t believe any of this rubbish that police have learned from their mistakes. I worked on an almost identical operation in 2004, Operation Augusta, which had identified dozens of young victims and dozens of suspects. It was a virtual carbon copy of Rochdale, men of largely Pakistani heritage were abusing vulnerable white girls, in Hulme, and around the Curry Mile, in Rusholme. I was on that job for a year and a half. It was a huge investigation.
"My husband Norman became ill and sadly past away. I had to take time off and by the time I came back three months later the job had literally died a death. I was totally incredulous. It just didn’t make sense. It was as if it had never happened. The girls had told me what had happened. I’d gained their trust. I’d given them my word that GMP would take their allegations forward and that they should trust us.
"We’d found locations where the abuse had happened, vehicles used to transport the victims and had identified many serial sex offenders. We also had social workers telling us they’d been trying to get the police to take this problem seriously for years. But not one offender was arrested or charged. I couldn’t believe it. It was as if none of it had ever happened. Nobody was ever able to explain to me why the case had been dropped. I wanted to know because I’ve got four kids of my own. I believe if you don’t prosecute paedophiles you are leaving them free to abuse children for decades to come. As a result, I swore I’d never get involved in a job like that again.

"The girls had been labelled unreliable witnesses and the CPS had decided not to prosecute. I was being asked to regain the trust of these girls. I was given cast-iron guarantees that what had happened in 2004 would not happen again and I agreed to help. I spent the next six months with members of one particular family who did many video interviews, ID parades and helped police identify locations, times, phones numbers and names of the abusers.
"They couldn’t have helped us more. They told me about the abuse they had suffered and by whom. I was with them almost every day. But then seven months later I was informed one of the victims would ‘not be used’ in the case. Basically, history was repeating itself. They didn’t believe Amber, as she is referred to the in the BBC drama. Even though she had been a victim, she was accused of being involved in the grooming.
"She was named on the indictment along with the men in the dock as someone who had acted with the perpetrators. She was essentially portrayed as a madam. It was outrageous. She’d been the victim of abuse from the age of 14. It made me sick to my stomach. I’d been used. This vulnerable girl had been failed. She was collateral damage. Because of that, social services also eventually tried to take her child from her. It was wicked and I was shocked. It was a repetition of 2004.
“I spent the next year knocking on every door in GMP. I went to the chief constable and the IPCC but they wouldn’t speak to me. Nobody wanted to know. I felt it was corrupt and so I resigned so I could speak out in public. If you think about the Hillsborough scandal, it took 30 years for the lies of senior police officers to be exposed. I believe it’s the same with the grooming scandal. People make mistakes. If you hold your hands up and admit to them, that’s human. But I wasn’t seeing that. I was seeing senior officers in the force letting these girls down. They turned a blind eye.
"In fact I believe this goes right to the top of government. I know that the Home Office was getting daily updates about Operation Span. They are more interested in covering up for mistakes instead of holding their hands up. Operation Span, the resumed investigation, was held up as some kind of shining light about how these investigations should be run. It was far from it. Basics like recording each allegation of rape weren’t being done.
"That’s your first duty as a police officer, to record an allegation of a crime whether you believe it or not. Rape allegations weren’t being recorded so neither were the names of alleged perpetrators. How can you spot a pattern developing if you don’t record crimes properly.
“This has implications even today. There are still paedophiles who we identified as part of Span who are out there right now in Rochdale. I still support many of the girls and they tell me they’ve seen them. Once a paedophile, always a paedophile in my book. This is still happening. It’s heart-breaking for the kids. My hope is this program encourages a proper, open and honest debate that leads to changes in the law to make senior police officers accountable for their failures.”
NWN: This TV programme may shed some light on what the hell has happened and is happening in Rochdale and places like it all over the country. However, TV companies, the BBC in particular, have lied to us of the 'real benefits' of the failed and imposed multi-racial experiment.
Maxine Peake who 'stars' in this programme, is an extreme left winger who was, maybe still is, a member of the communist party. Socialists/communists have pushed multi-racialism with their every fibre of their collective body. We are 100% sure she would not put her name to what the real facts are in places like Rochdale, where this criminal behaviour has been rampant.
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