Monday, April 24, 2017

France election - down to Le Pen and Macron

Whilst we have our own reservations about Le Pen . Macron is just another of the global elites failures in the making. No doubt all the rest of the liberal elite internationalist and globalist failures in France will now 'gang- up' on Le Pen . 
Most if not all of our readers will already know about Le Pen . But who is Macron ?

Quite a few danger signs in this report originally from Sky News;

From Sky News:

He joined the civil service in 2004 and quit for a job with (((Rothschild))) investment bank in 2008.
Reportedly becoming a millionaire, he left in 2012 for a senior position in Mr Hollande’s staff, deputy secretary-general at the Elysee Palace.
His climb up the establishment ladder continued in 2014 when then prime minister Manuel Valls made him minister for the economy.
Mr Macron’s bid for the presidency began last year when he ditched Mr Hollande’s Socialist Party and established his own independent movement, En Marche! (On the Move).
He recruited thousands of volunteers to knock on doors during the summer to hear people’s ideas and opinions and En Marche! has whipped up impressive support.
For the first time, a recent poll put him just ahead of Marine Le Pen in the first round of the election in April. In the second round head to head against the far-right candidate, he is predicted to win 65% to 25%.
Mr Macron’s surge and his belief in the EU and a strong Europe has made him a “fake news” target for Russian media, his party chief claims.

Hello hello hello !

Another from behind the scenes controlled organisation/party ?

Do we need three guesses who will be, and have been financing  Macron ?

Can Le Pen win ? Well it is possible.

But we think it is now unlikely. So it's more of the same for France !

The turkeys have voted for Christmas !

Oh and Macron is a Bilderberger. No surprises there.


Anonymous said...

UN record tampering

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Delete: two horse race; insert: pantomime horse, Trojan Horse, etc etc

Anonymous said...

Macron is a lifter of shirts! Has been having it off with the 'gay' owner of a major French radio network for several years.This is no secret in France by educated aware people.His marriage to a pensioner is for convenience.

Anonymous said...

Paris mosque urges Muslims to follow ‘path of hope’ by voting Macron.

Anonymous said...

The Grooming of a President for France has been in the making for a number of years. With Hollande’s approval consistently tanking, the shadows knew they needed to find someone younger, charismatic, a Socialist, someone whose greed and lust for power could easily be bought. And they found Emmanuel Macron.

Anonymous said...

Macron – Groomed by Soros.

Anonymous said...

Reality described by dutch banking whistleblower

Anonymous said...

Twitter goes wild over reported death penalty for 'atheism' in Saudi Arabia.

Anonymous said...

Assange: CIA Director Declares War on Free Speech.

Anonymous said...

French mayor fined for 'too many Muslim children' comment.

Anonymous said...

Avoiding making eye contact or asking where someone is from are signs of RACISM says Oxford University in new snowflake row

EXCLUSIVE: Advice contained in newsletter from Equality and Diversity Unit
Says acts are potential 'racial micro-aggressions' that can harm mental health
Author called advice 'Orwellian' and told the university to 'wake up to reality'

Anonymous said...

Hundreds Of Millions Of U.S. Dollars Being Paid To Afghan Soldiers That Do NOT Exist!

Anonymous said...

Police: Man allegedly tells Jewish woman to "get over Hitler"

Anonymous said...

Zionism & Russia.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Duke Tells Truth About Confederacy and Why the Zionist Takeover of Media and Politics in America is Why We no longer Know the Truth.

Anonymous said...

Swiss Banker Unmasks Bilderberg Criminals.

Anonymous said...

Accept Inevitable Servitude - Big Brother IS A Banker.

Anonymous said...

The Hoax of Global Warming.

Anonymous said...

BBC propaganda drive to induce the public to see homosexuality as the “new normal”.

Anonymous said...

Israel Won the First Round of the French Election.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is Macron is a total fake. Indeed, he’s almost embarrassingly phony, but will it matter? My feeling is that he will probably win the May 7th runoff, but I don’t think the spread will be anywhere near as wide as everyone is predicting. I continue to think that it won’t be France, but more likely Italy, which will put the final nail in the EU coffin.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oswald Mosley on (((Globalism)))

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...