Saturday, April 01, 2017

 And so the austerity cuts continue .........................

 Taken from a campaigning group;

" The government isn’t funding our NHS properly, so today NHS bosses announced Plan B: less treatment.
They’re going to make people wait longer for hip, knee, cataract and other operations that aren’t an emergency. Any one of us could be forced to wait for months and months, while our pain and discomfort could be getting worse. [1] On top of that, GPs will no longer prescribe some items like blood pressure drugs, and some painkillers. [2]
These plans have been drawn up by NHS bosses. Unless patients - that’s us - have our say on changes to our NHS, it could be changed forever in a way that’s not good for us."


These austerity cuts are not only affecting the NHS. But also making people work longer and longer, and increasing the retirement age. Women in particular have been 'hammered' by the increase from the previous age of 60. To the increasing scenario we now have where they are being treated the same as men - retirement at nearly 70 .

The major policy that nationalists fail to address  is in  the economic sphere. Our government ought to impose the policy we used to have going back to ancient times. Our currency ought to produce 'coin of the realm' debt free. That is,.... 'no interest' on our currency creation for the international bankers such as the Rothschilds.

Still , a true nationalist government would just tell the 'bankers' to shove it !  To paraphrase Shakespeare ............ "You've had your pound of flesh " .


Anonymous said...

Black Leader: We Must Exterminate All White People. Watch Hannity Guest Defend Him!

Anonymous said...

More Hate Videos By Blacks Who Want To Kill Whites -

See more at:

Anonymous said...

Italian Population Falling Despite Mass Immigration.

Anonymous said...

Swedish Feminists Flee Suburbs Due to Islamic Fundamentalists.

Anonymous said...

The Reason Multi-Culturalism Exists.

“The reason multiculturalism exists is to pretend that inferior cultures aren’t inferior and that superior cultures aren’t superior.
It’s a way to tell nice lies about rotten cultures and rotten lies about great cultures. And from this, we’ve set ourselves up not only to believe the enemy propaganda that ‘Islam means peace’, but to propagate it ourselves, all the while blaming ourselves for the enemy’s war on us.”
Bosch Faustian

Anonymous said...

Curious that Nick Clegg has pledged to “hold the government to account over their Brexit contract with the British public”, including making sure that immigration is “dramatically reduced”. Huh? Clegg has been a vociferous supporter of free movement for years. He’s said, for example: “I want to be unequivocal: freedom of movement between EU member states is a good thing”. Just a few months ago he wrote a paper arguing it would be impossible for “control to be re-established” over immigration and for the UK economy to survive. Now he says he wants to hold the government to account on immigration being “dramatically reduced”?

Anonymous said...

The Man Behind the "Anti-Semitic" Memes.

Anonymous said...

“Scientific racism” is on the rise on the right. But it’s been lurking there for years.

Anonymous said...

Mother of Israeli who called in 1,000 bomb hoaxes and operated for several years without getting caught– ‘He’s autistic, doesn’t know what he’s doing’

Anonymous said...

Subscribe to Revisionist History Newsletter.

Anonymous said...

JDL members may be charged with hate crime for attack on 55yo teacher.

Anonymous said...

The UN Dirty Game Continues Against Libya.

Anonymous said...


Remainer Blunkett argues football clubs could SUFFER under post-Brexit immigration curbs
REMAINER David Blunkett warned Britain’s historic vote to leave the European Union may come at the detriment of the country’s football clubs.

Anonymous said...

Somalian asylum seeker 'rapes two elderly disabled men in a care home before murdering one of the victims' wives' in Germany

An 18-year-old broke into the sheltered accommodation in Neuenhaus, Germany
Police say he sneaked into the room of a 59-year-old paralysed man to rape him
After 'raping the first man, he moved to an adjoining room to rape a second man'
He was caught by the victim's wife who he then killed, according to the police

Anonymous said...

Camper, 23, is dragged from her tent and raped in front of her boyfriend by machete-wielding attacker in Germany

A couple were camping in the Siegaue Nature Reserve, near Bonn, Germany
They were approached by a man carrying a machete at about 12.30am Sunday
He threatened them before demanding the 23-year-old woman leave the tent
He then raped the woman in front of the tent before running off, police said
As of Monday afternoon, the man had not been located by investigators

Anonymous said...

'Barbaric' burglars who tied up couple and poured boiling water over heads caged for life

THE two "barbaric" burglars who tied up a couple in their own home before pouring water over their heads have been jailed for life.

Anonymous said...

5 Indicators To Show How The Ruling Elite’s Agendas Are Dehumanizing The Masses.

Anonymous said...

'It doesn't fit the narrative': MSM give minimum or no coverage to violent protests in Paris

Anonymous said...

Hello Angry Losers.

Anonymous said...

South Africa opposition party files charges against regional leader over tweet.

Anonymous said...

Born in Britain: Mass Immigration and the Twilight Zone.

Anonymous said...

Congress, Jewish Groups Oppose Trump’s Plan to Axe Antisemitism Envoy.

Anonymous said...

Subway Removes Ham And Bacon From Menu After ‘Demand’ By Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores and offers halal meat only after 'strong demand' from Muslims

185 branches across UK and Ireland now sell halal-only meat
Halal refers to objects or actions permissible under Islamic law
Pork is forbidden and while other meat can be eaten, it must be sourced, slaughtered and processed according to strict rules
Subway said all halal meat served in its branches has come from animals that were stunned before being slaughtered
Halal-only menu is in response to 'strong demand' from Muslim customers

Anonymous said...

Londonistan: 423 New Mosques; 500 Closed Churches

Anonymous said...

SWEDISH POLICE FIASCO: 3 female cops beaten by 1 male refugee after trying to arrest for arson attacks. Police car SMASHED.

Anonymous said...

A Battle Of Misinformation That Only TRUTH Can Win.

Anonymous said...

Selling a culture of ignorance to the young.

Anonymous said...

Europe: Combating Fake News.

Anonymous said...

Crowds march to defend Soros funded university in Budapest (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Anonymous said...

Posh Pig Molester Praised as Perfect Fit For Next NATO Chief

We couldn't agree more...

Anonymous said...

Farrakhan explains why Trump became President & the plot against his life!

Anonymous said...

Proof Whites Working To Early Death To Support Muslim Invaders -

See more at:

Anonymous said...

Montpellier saw a weekend of chaos as groups of up to 10 violent migrant youths launched a series of attacks on lone pedestrians.

Anonymous said...

Muslim Clerics All Over The World Smuggling Firearms.

Anonymous said...

Outcry in Sweden as Muslim school segregates boys and girls.

Anonymous said...

Terror Attack in Prisons ‘Likely’, Islamism ‘Taking Hold’

Anonymous said...

One of Britain's largest halal slaughterhouses is under investigation over allegations of animal cruelty

One of Britain's largest slaughterhouses is being investigated for animal cruelty
Malik Food Group claims to be 'Premium' producer of various meats
Undercover footage shows a slaughterman roughly sawing at the necks of sheep
The horrific footage took place at Dunnockshaw Farm, near Burnley.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...