Thursday, October 13, 2016

'That's it, they're coming': Far-right French mayor sparks outrage with anti-migrant posters calling for referendum on allowing refugees to stay in his town 

  • Robert Menard put up anti-immigrant posters in Beziers, southern France
  • He wants to hold referendum on whether to accept migrants from 'Jungle'
  • A year ago he stormed into a squat telling refugees 'you're not welcome' 
  • He has also reportedly banned the opening of more kebab restaurants 
  • Beziers, in Languedoc, is one of France's oldest cities, dating to 575BC 
A far-right French mayor has triggered fresh outrage after putting up anti-migrant posters and calling for a local referendum about whether to accept asylum-seekers in his city.
The posters, the brainchild of the Mayor of Beziers, Robert Menard, scream: 'That's It, They're Coming' and shows a Photoshopped crowd of migrants, all of them men, outside the city's cathedral.
It says: 'The state is imposing them on us. Migrants in our town centre.'
The official posters have sprung up all over the city of Beziers in southern France 
The official posters have sprung up all over the city of Beziers in southern France 
Menard, who represents the far-right National Front, says the posters are a reaction to government plans to relocate thousands of migrants from the notorious 'Jungle' camp near Calais to dozens of sites around France.
It is understood to have been heavily influenced by a poster used by Britain's anti-immigration UK Independence Party, which showed a vast queue of migrants under the headline: Breaking Point.
Emmaus, a French group that works with migrants, said the poster was 'nauseating'.
Mr Menard (pictured) is a former journalist who knows how to manipulate public opinion. He is seen in front of a poster which says: 'From now on, the Municipal Police has a new friend', which was unveiled when the police in Beziers were given new handguns
Mr Menard (pictured) is a former journalist who knows how to manipulate public opinion. He is seen in front of a poster which says: 'From now on, the Municipal Police has a new friend', which was unveiled when the police in Beziers were given new handguns
Another group, SOS Racism, has called for the Languedoc-Roussillon region's governor to step in and stop Menard's planned referendum.
The government's anti-racism body DILCRA has called on the prosecutor's office in Beziers to investigate what it says is a 'flagrant' example of incitement to hatred.
It said: 'The repeated targeting of people or groups because of their origin or their beliefs cannot be accepted.'
Last year Mr Menard, wearing his mayor's sash, marched into a squat surrounded by police, including an armed guard, and told refugees: 'You're not welcome here'
Last year Mr Menard, wearing his mayor's sash, marched into a squat surrounded by police, including an armed guard, and told refugees: 'You're not welcome here'
Speaking to French radio yesterday, Mr Menard said: 'I'll do everything to ensure that these migrants don't settle in.'
Menard, who was elected mayor in 2014, said he had not been informed that a migrant reception centre was planned in the town and thought residents should be allowed to vote in a referendum asking whether the migrants should be accepted.
The government plans to break up the 'Jungle', a shantytown near Calais in northern France currently occupied by up to 9,000 migrants.
Menard is furious about plans for a migrant reception centre in the town and has promised a local referendum on the issue
Menard is furious about plans for a migrant reception centre in the town and has promised a local referendum on the issue
But while most communities have mobilised to help the new arrivals, the authorities in some smaller towns have objected, saying the government has imposed the new arrivals on them.
Last month a French court blocked moves by Allex, another southern town, to hold a similar referendum.
A few towns have seen anti-migrant demonstrations and some of the reception centres being prepared have been attacked and damaged.
Last year he stormed into a squat and told a family of refugees: 'You are not welcome in this town'.
He was also accused of evoking memories of the Holocaust by calling for children's names to be examined so as to establish how many are Muslims. 
Menard, has even declared 'war' on kebabs and said he would not permit new kebab restaurants to be opened in the city.
Ironically Menard himself was not born in France. He was born in Algeria, the son of French settlers, known as 'pied noirs', and came to France after Algeria won independence in 1962. 


Anonymous said...

SECRET 'TERROR DEAL' America ‘plotting to allow 9,000 ISIS fighters to escape terror capital Mosul so they can attack Russian troops’, Moscow outrageously claims

Claims US 'will let ISIS retreat from Mosul in safety in a secret deal with Saudi Arabia'

Anonymous said...

New emails released by WikiLeaks in connection with its dump of John Podesta’s email server indicate that Qatar, an Islamist state in the Persian gulf, gave former President Bill Clinton a check for $1 million for his birthday.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Confessions Of A Former Journalist In The Corrupt Media Establishment How to buy friends and shill for enemies.

Anonymous said...

EU Exit "Only Way Out" From Greece's "Occupying Force" Of Refugees.

"Allah requires from the believers to be masters of the land where they live, and only they can have property, and only we will be able to own the land."

Anonymous said...

More evidence showing how corrupt is Reuters and other pollsters.

Anonymous said...

Britain, here we come! Child migrants pose for selfies as they prepare to leave Calais for the UK ahead of the Jungle camp's demolition

Up to 1,000 unaccompanied children are in the camp known as The Jungle
Many of them have relatives in Britain and are legally entitled to come over
But UK government agreed to accept others under the 'Dubs amendment'
Labour peer Lord Dubs came to Britain as a Jewish child refugee in 1930s

Read more:

Anonymous said...

You MUST identify immigrants' France BLASTS Italy over border control
ITALY has been blasted for failing to identify migrants as it struggles to deal with an influx of almost 150,000 people who have crossed its borders since January.

Anonymous said...

EU opens doors to Belarus migrants with new free movement agreement
MIGRANTS from Belarus could now join the millions already moving across the EU bloc after the country signed up to a ‘mobility partnership’.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump & Marine Le Pen are just the Beginning

Anonymous said...

Putin urges to stop blaming Russia for European refugee disaster
Russian Politics & Diplomacy

The problem of refugees had emerged long before Russia began taking steps to stabilize situation in Syria


Anonymous said...

The deadly racism of the ‘anti-racist’ liberal imperialist.

Anonymous said...

Germany To Cut Off Welfare Benefits For EU Citizens
But Will Continue To Give Free Life Support To Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump Cannot Be Brought Down By The Hillary-Loving Mainstream Media.

It is clear to both sides that the "system" is out to discredit and smear the Trump name.

Anonymous said...

George Soros and Sidney Blumenthal Were the Dog Whistles of the Second Debate.

Anonymous said...

MoD pays out tens of thousands to victims of sexual abuse by Libyan cadets.

Anonymous said...

Illegal driving licence clampdown criticised.

The UK's immigration chief has questioned whether a measure revoking driving licences of illegal migrants is working, because so few are handed in.

In 2014, the then Home Secretary Theresa May introduced measures to create a "hostile environment" for people in the country illegally.
The Home Office requested 9,732 driving licences be revoked in 2015, but only 337 were surrendered in 2015-16.

Anonymous said...

‘Hard Brexit so painful Britons may never pull out of EU’ - European Council chief.

Anonymous said...

Hannity: WikiLeaks Proves That 'Everything The Conspiracy Theorists Said' Was True.

Anonymous said...


A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding the Present World Situation.

Anonymous said...

What Exactly Is Agenda 21?

Anonymous said...

An Inside Look At Two "Unrelated" Banker Suicides Reveals A Fascinating Rabbit Hole.

Anonymous said...

Cops Are Communist Enforcers.

Anonymous said...

Dissent at a free speech rally in his honor and calls for his dismissal have not deterred University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson from his passionate attack on political correctness.

Anonymous said...

Hush Puppy Ken "Jeweller" Clarke lets it all hang out with: 'My communist grandfather was finest':

Remember: Ben Fellowes got off at the Bailey:

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: Illegal immigrants given £2,000 to leave as UK faces colossal migrant crisis

THE UK Government is giving £2,000 of taxpayers' cash to illegal immigrants to get
them to leave the country amid the publishing of new figures which show the UK border's are at crisis point.

Anonymous said...

UN told EU to accept 1.3m MORE migrants EVERY YEAR or face population crisis
THE United Nations told Europe to accept even MORE migrants as a way of CONTROLLING the continent’s declining population.

Anonymous said...



"If there are two things that characterize Islamic culture ,they are terrorism and inbreeding. The latestresearch shows that these two things might be closely connected.

The concept of Islamic terror does not need anyintroduction.Not everyone might know, however, that seventy percent ofPakistanis and fortypercent of Turks are inbred (Jyllands-Posten, 27/22009“More stillbirths amongimmigrants”). Research shows that the same goes forclose to half of all Arabs(Reproductive Health Journal, 2009 “Consanguinityand reproductive health amongArabs”).

First cousin marriages have been the tradition in manyMuslimfamilies for innumerable generations. Such marriages increase the riskofnegative mental and physical consequences. My article “Muslim inbreeding:Impactson intelligence, sanity, health and society” details extensive researchdata onthe subject. In brief, inbreeding through consanguineous marriagesincreasesthe risk of depression (Indian Journal of Psychiatry,2009“Relationship betweenconsanguinity and depression in a south Indianpopulation”) and schizophrenia(American Psychiatric Press, 1982 “The role ofgenetic factors in the etiologyof the schizophrenic disorders”).

The risk of serious illnesses or handicaps increases by upto1800 percent (BMJ, 1994“Infant death and consanguineous marriage”). Riskofmental retardation increases with 400 percent (Proceedings of theNationalAcademy of Science, 1978 “Effect of inbreeding on IQ and mentalretardation”) .Researchshows that the IQ is 10-16 points lower in children bornfrom blood relatedparents and that abilities related to social behaviour andempathy developsslower in inbred babies (Indian National Science Academy,1983“ConsanguinityEffects on Intelligence Quotient and Neonatal Behaviours ofnsari MuslimChildren” [pdf]). Such facts might make several pieces fall intoplace for manypeople.

Anonymous said...


Research published in The Journal of Aggression andViolentBehaviour has proven a connection between suicide bombers and depressionandphysical handicaps (BT, December 15th 2010 “Why most terrorists areuseless”).Research suggests that many suicide bombers are suffering fromdepression, andtheir actions are just a socially accepted (among Muslims) wayof committingsuicide in order to end their mental torment.

Yusuf Yadgari of the Medical University of Kabul has autopsied the remains of suicide bombers and his findings support this theory.Yadgari found that close to ninety percent were suffering fromsevere illness such as blindness, cancer, missing limbs or leprosy. ManyMuslim societies, including that of Afghanistan, have a low socialacceptance of handicaps and severe illnesses. According to Yadgari, beingphysically handicapped or mentally retarded often leads to exclusion in asociety like Afghanistan, and becoming a martyr might be the only chanceof achieving social recognition and honour — if not just a way to end thepain of being socially isolated (which is especially traumatizing incollectivist cultures like Islam).

Al Qaida’s use of people with Down’s syndrome might be another unpleasant side effect of the many chromosomal illnessesresulting from inbreeding between first cousins. People with low intelligence(because o f inbreeding) might also be easier to brainwash withfundamentalist Islam.

Surely the Quran’s numerous verses ordering Muslims to fight to the death in order to spread sharia and defend the honour of theirreligion and prophet is the most obvious and strongest motivator forIslamic terrorism. Being an outcast due to a physical handicap, living ina country that does not manage to take care of handicapped people,suffering from physical pain following disease, or being depressed orschizophrenic, has now proved to be an important factor as well.

The unhealthy culture of inbreeding in Muslim societies increases the number of Muslim martyrs who are looking for an honourable and socially and religiously accepted way out of here."(From

Anonymous said...

We in the white countries have for years been encouraged to reduce our birthrate for supposed 'environmental' reasons. Now it's been exposed as a lie. It was always to pave the way for the white race to be overwhelmed and destroyed by mass immigration from the Third World, and it is destined to be the greatest genocide in history.

Remember that our own governments have been complicit in this great betrayal for years.

Anonymous said...

We are told to not have as many children because of global warming, we are told soon robots will be replacing most humans in jobs, jobs that include, doctors, teachers, nurses, and yes even lawyers. We are told soon technology will make most jobs obsolete, so just what jobs are these illegals suppose to be taking. We are told our natural resources are not enough to cover the very citizens we now have in our western nations, yet they want to unload more of these people while telling us we are the problem . There are far more sinister reasons they are pushing these people on western nations, and it needs to be brought to a head and faced. Why is it no one slams China for their nationalism or Japan, countries in Africa but if people in western nations do so they are fascists, bigots... wake up people war has been declared on western culture .

Anonymous said...

'Scenes from the apocalypse': Filmmaker's shocking footage shows once-romantic Paris covered in filth and rubbish as African migrants are forced to live in the streets

Footage reveals trail of devastation left behind by migrants in Paris centre
Video captured by an anonymous Frenchman wearing a hidden camera
African men are shown forced to live and sleep on flat pieces of cardboard

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mark Twain Perfectly Described the 2016 US Presidential Race 145 Years Ago

"There was no possible way of getting out of it, and so, in deep humiliation, I set about preparing to "answer" a mass of baseless charges and mean and wicked falsehoods. But I never finished the task, for the very next morning a paper came out with a new horror, a fresh malignity, and seriously charged me with burning a lunatic asylum with all its inmates because it obstructed the view from my house."

Anonymous said...

The Government Science of Preventing Whistleblowers From Speaking Out

Anonymous said...

UKIP Must Now Be On It's Guard pt. 2

Anonymous said...

Trump skirts the Third Rail.

Anonymous said...

A Swedish prosecutor has ruled that the ISIS flag does not constitute hate speech and is therefore legal under Swedish law.

Anonymous said...

British conspiracy theorist, 39, is found dead on a sofa in Poland just days after texting his mother to say: 'If anything happens to me, investigate'

Max Spiers, 39, originally from Canterbury, was found dead in Poland
He had gone to the country to talk about conspiracy theories and UFOs
'exposing' who was 'dangerous in the world of government [and] the entertainment world.'

Read more:
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Medics ruled he died from natural causes despite no post-mortem
His mother thinks he may have made enemies who wanted him dead
Friends claimed he died in an apartment after he 'vomited a black liquid'

Read more:

Anonymous said...

MPs will try to delay leaving EU in 'betrayal of voters'
A PLOT by a group of MPs to keep Britain shackled to the EU has been condemned for showing “utter contempt for democracy”.

Anonymous said...

"The Most Important WikiLeak" - How Wall Street Built The Obama Cabinet.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...