Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Britain’s accidental “red pill” moment

Francis Carr Begbie

If you think Donald Trump is getting a hard time from an openly one-sided media, then consider what is happening in Britain where the Labour Party has been punished for months for the temerity to reject the Jewish political agenda.
But now the law of unintended consequences has finally caught up with the manufactured “Labour anti-Semitism” pseudo-crisis. No-one could have predicted that it would backfire so deliciously — or that it would turn into such a potential “red pill” moment on the realities of Jewish power in Britain today.
It happened during a BBC interview with leading Labour left-winger and former London Mayor Ken Livingstone. He was being interrogated about a witless female Muslim Labour MP who had lost her job over a re-tweet she made two years ago, despite apologising in public four times. Pressed to repent, Livingstone finally snapped and came out with the fated words.
Hitler was supporting Zionism… Let’s remember when Hitler won his election in 1932, his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel.
For good measure he then said the woman, Naz Shah, was the victim of a “well-orchestrated campaign by the Israel lobby” and repeated it all later.
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It was a jaw-dropper, a real moment to savour. The heavens duly fell in on him courtesy of the media slime machine that never sleeps. Buckets of ordure were duly tipped over his head while the pack set off in pursuit. The most surreal moment came when one notorious non-Jewish Friend of Israel, John Mann, chased Livingstone into a toilet.
Livingstone refuses to backtrack or apologize. He has been duly suspended and an inquiry into his comments has been announced. In all the uproar no-one initially noticed one small detail — everything he said was true. Why stating a historical truth amounts to anti-Semitism is not clear, although apparently many Jews were “offended.”
Here is where the law of unintended consequences kicks in. People (who would never read TOO) have tapped the words “Haavara agreement” into search engines and been astonished at what they read. The 1933 Haavara agreement between the World Zionist Organisation and National Socialist Germany allowed Jews to emigrate with all their wealth to Palestine.  The Nazi agreement on the transfer of Jews to their “historic homeland” runs completely against everything most people have been taught. It is one of those non-secret secrets which has been effectively buried in contemporary teaching of history. In one of the largest archives of twentieth-century history, the BBC, there is not one word about this, let alone a TV or radio documentary. (The only documentary is this one from 1984.)
That is the way our political establishment want to keep it. The delicate and complicated issue of German-Jewish relations before the war is a story they do not want the public investigating at all. For them, it all has to begin and end with what they call “the Holocaust.”
Now many astonished, curious young people will be able to ask — what else do we not know?  What is this about a Jewish boycott, for instance? Did world Jewry really declare war on Germany on March 24, 1933 and attempt to cripple the country with an economic sabotage? Why is Livingstone called an anti-Semite for repeating what Netanyahu admitted not long before?  Is it true that former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir belonged to a gang that offered to ally with Nazi Germany to fight against the British?
The Haavara agreement is especially excruciating because various Zionist leaders clearly said that they were in the same business as the German national socialists — creating an ethnic homeland based on racial purity and exclusionism.  They were clearly were a mirror of each other and understood each other very well.
Who knows where the questions will end? (At his disciplinary inquiry Livingstone will cite a book by Marxist historian Lenni Brenner  who has written extensively about collusion between campaigners for a Jewish homeland and the Nazis.)
This could be the beginning of the unravelling of one of the most grotesque and relentless media campaigns of recent years.  For months now, the media have been insisting that the failure of the Labour Party to make Jewish issues its main priority is akin to a national emergency. The ensuing PR firestorm has been so obviously out of proportion that it has drawn widespread attention to the domination of the media by Jewish priorities.
Thanks largely to the Muslim bloc vote, the Labour Party leadership was won by the far-left and long-standing Palestinian supporter Jeremy Corbyn last year, and he has been under constant attack ever since. To an organized Jewish community used to having the Labour Party in its pocket, this was totally unacceptable and had to be reversed.
The subsequent assault has been veiled as an attack on “growing anti-Semitism” which seems to usually manifest itself in the Twitter and Facebook comments of various low-level Muslim activists and councillors.
Labour MPs’ minds will no doubt have been concentrated by being reminded in fairly blunt terms who pays the piper. And just in case the point was missed, a Labour MP called Michael Foster pointed out that private Jewish sources contributed a third of the general election war chest. This funding has all but dried up now. Another former Jewish financial backer called David Abrahams has been reported as linked to an attempted leadership coup to depose Jeremy Corbyn. It would be interesting to see how this goes down with the Muslim bloc vote.  One of Corbyn’s Jewish supporters has hit back, suggesting the Board of Deputies of British Jews has dropped its stated political impartiality to organize opposition from behind the scenes.
Wherever you turned in the British media in the last week it seemed impossible to get away from the finger-wagging, scolding and barracking of Jewish columnists from across the political spectrum. Jewish Chronicle editor Stephen Pollard even rolled out his tired old story about how his granny kept a suitcase under the bed in case “they” come again.
At some point even the least perceptive are going to be struck by this. At some point people are going to tire of being lectured and ordered around in this condescending way.  They might start asking why so much more coverage has been devoted to this issue than to the Muslim child rape gangs in Rotherham and other towns, for example.
Part of this battle is being fought on a semantic front and there is a blatant attempt to widen the definition of anti-Semitism and to narrow the discourse. Non-Jews are to be chastised for repeating what some Jews say openly and the prominent Labour Friend of Israel John Mann wants to place phrases such as the “Jewish lobby” and “dual loyalty” out of bounds.
Labour’s dissidents are all at sea when they try to suggest that the problem is one of “Zionism” as opposed to Jewish ethnic aggression.  This video shows how one Labour politician, Gerry Browning, flailing around and completely unable to explain the meaning of the “Jewish question” in non-racial terms.
There is an interesting parallel in which both sides cannot admit the existence of race in this argument. The Jewish lobby cannot admit that the “anti-Semitism” is largely driven by the same Muslims which Jewish organizations have so assiduously conspired to flood into the country.
At the same time the Labour Party cannot admit that it will have eventually to choose between the Muslim mass vote on which it increasingly depends and on Jewish financial clout and media influence which is indispensable if it is to carry on as a mass party.
And where are ordinary Whites in all this?  They are nowhere.  They were made surplus to requirements a long time ago and if they could all be replaced tomorrow, many in Labour would secretly heave a sigh of relief.
It took an amused Conservative neo-con Douglas Murray to gently slip in a truth.
The modern Labour party claims to be an anti-racist movement, but because of demographic changes in the UK in certain areas it has to run on a covertly racist ticket.
But the racism that Murray wanted to condemn was that anyone supporting Israel would not be able to stand as a Labour candidate in a Muslim constituency.  And what of the racism that the indigenous people of this country, the Whites have to suffer from both Jews and Muslims? There is not a word about that because that is the racism that dare not speak its name.


Anonymous said...

Physical Appearance of the True Hebrew Israelites.

Anonymous said...

" Freemasons represent a class of Gentile traitors put in power by the Illuminati Jewish bankers to carry out their pernicious agenda. For some reason, in spite of betraying their countrymen in the most egregious way, Freemasons are rarely mentioned by fierce opponents of the 'Jewish Conspiracy.'"

Anonymous said...

The Masonic Intelligence Network

Anonymous said...

Police 'told to ignore RAPE' in new Cologne sex attack COVER-UP claim

POLICE and politicians worked together to cover up the shocking sex attacks in Cologne on New Year's Eve, it was sensationally claimed today.

Anonymous said...

UK Labour politician says Israelis ‘drink Gaza’s blood’

Anonymous said...

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse–Israel confirms upgraded NATO ties as Turkey said to end veto

Anonymous said...

Jewish Lobby Vetoes Candidate Over 9-11 Views September 27, 2008 "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear."Cicero Marcus Tullius106-43 BC - See more at:

Anonymous said...

The Love Affair Between the British Labour Party and Adolf Hitler

Did you know that the Jewish victims of the Holocaust were partners of Adolf Hitler, who was a Zionist? Members of the British Labour Party have told us that this was the case. This is the most recent manifestation of the anti-Semitism that has reared its ugly head in Britain. It evokes the thought that this disease may have entered the ideological bloodstream of the British left.

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Anonymous said...

Zionism Should be on Trial, Not Ken Livingstone.

Anonymous said...

Zionist David Cameron is planning a crackdown on free speech that could silence dissent.

Anonymous said...

Who owns the UK media?

Anonymous said...

Eurovision puts Welsh dragon on list of banned flags that also includes Islamic State

Anonymous said...

Blood money: How Britain’s ex-diplomats are profiting from global conflict zones.

Anonymous said...


Jewess Barbara Spectre calls for destruction of Europe by ethnic cleansing

Anonymous said...

Straight from the horse's mouth

Anonymous said...

Serbian Opposition Rally Claims Election was Rigged.

Anonymous said...

The oil field is located in Area C of the West Bank

Oil field near Dead Sea found to contain millions of drums.

Anonymous said...

Israeli Labor considers break with UK party over anti-Semitism, despite own accusations of racism.

Anonymous said...

Jewish author whose Israel 'relocation' map was shared by Naz Shah condemns 'obscene' Labour antisemitism row

Anonymous said...

Shameful’ bid to halt Israel boycotts

PRO-PALESTINIAN campaigners hit back yesterday after three local authorities were taken to the High Court for boycotting the products of illegal Israeli settlements.

Leicester City, Swansea City and Gwynedd councils were accused by Jewish Human Rights Watch (JHRW) of anti-semitism for refusing to procure goods and services from the occupied West Bank.

But campaigners said the councils were following government and international guidelines when refusing to comply with human rights abuses in Palestine.

“It’s shameful that local councils are being attacked for ensuring their policies are in line with international and UK law,” said War on Want senior militarism and security campaigner Ryvka Barnard.

“The UK government has reiterated over and over again that Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal and has issued advice to businesses on the risks of investing in or trading with illegal settlements.

“Local councils voting to distance themselves from illegal and human rights abusing settlements should not be standing trial over their decision to act responsibly and morally.

“These sham charges undermine the rights of local authorities to act in respect of human rights and to reflect the values of the people who elected them.”

Appearing before the court today, JHRW pleaded with Lord Justice Simon and Mr Justice Flaux to rule the boycotts in breach of the Local Government Act 1988 and the Equality Act 2010 and thereby unlawful.

On behalf of the JHRW, counsel Robert Palmer said that the councils had not taken into account “the impact of their actions on the Jewish community.”

While Swansea council declined to comment, both Leicester and Gwynedd representatives said the boycotts “condemned the Israeli state and not the Jewish religion.”

In February, the government announced it would be issuing new guidance to public authorities on “inappropriate” town hall boycotts.

According to the Cabinet Office, actions such as those of Swansea, Leicester and Gwynedd councils “undermine good community relations, poison and polarise debate, weaken integration and fuel anti-semitism.”

The guidance was labelled by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as “an attack on local democracy.”

Anonymous said...

Ken O’Keefe in Berkeley - March 2016 - "Jewish Power"

Anonymous said...

A quietly buried WTC FACT by Ken O'Keefe

Anonymous said...

Hitler the Ultra Zionist!

Anonymous said...

Puppet Masters

FSA media efforts are a UK govt propaganda operation.

Anonymous said...

It's not anti-Semitic to say Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state - it's just common sense.

Anonymous said...

Palestine and Israel: The Zionist Version or the Facts.

Anonymous said...

What We REALLY Know About the 9/11 Defendants

Anonymous said...

Truth Will Out: Freemasons Call the Shots in Swedish City

Read more:

Anonymous said...

In the Red: Sweden Heading Towards Deep Economic Crisis

Read more:

Anonymous said...

UK voters told they 'risk losing their country' to migration as EU referendum looms

BRITISH voters have been warned that a wave of migrants from the EU will mean they will “lose their country” if they fail to take their “one chance” to throw off rule from Brussels next month.

Anonymous said...

Housing officer who took £20,000 in bribes to help illegal immigrants get council houses as part of £2.4million scam and blew it on exotic holidays is jailed for five years
Housing officer Trudy Ali-Balogun processed 24 bogus homelessness claims

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Jewishness is a social construct. Anyone can be Jewish if they feel "chosen" deep down in their soul. I am now a rabbi, you anti-Semites!

Anonymous said...

Israel enlists US Homeland Security to gag its own citizens online

Anonymous said...

UN Declares Israel As Having World’s Worst Human Rights

Anonymous said...

Ukip MEP says Cameron refugee U-turn 'puts 100,000 homeless UK children at back of queue'

A TOP Ukip politician has condemned David Cameron's decision to take lone child refugees into the UK.

Anonymous said...


Akinwale Arobieke: 'My muscle-squeezing days are over'

'Modern-day bogeyman' has bicep-touching ban lifted after 10 years.

Anonymous said...


Suspended Newport councillor denies anti-Semitism allegations.

Mr Al-Nuaimi, a councillor for the Stow Hill ward who is Iraqi-born, said: "How can I be anti-Semitic when I myself am Semitic?

Anonymous said...

"White Fragility” Is The New White Guilt Concept.

Anonymous said...

Diversity classes are Communist reeducation in new guise.

Anonymous said...

Fractious minnow party followers fail to vote tactically, thereby help to deliver London to the cause of its first Islamic Mayor

This is Social Evolution playing itself out before your very eyes.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Will Trump Defy The Jewish Lobby?

Anonymous said...

The Labour of Judea Strikes Again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Putin offers free land for citizens & foreigners in Russia’s Far East.

Anonymous said...

German Study Proves It – 95% Of Greek "Bailout" Money Went To The Banks.

Anonymous said...

Putin’s Truth, the ultimate secret weapon against the Khazarian Mafia?

Has the Russian Federation discovered the greatest new weapon of covert war ever devised? And is that effective new weapon the deployment of hard core real truth, and is its deployment by Putin rapidly eroding the Khazarian Mafia's World hegemony?

Anonymous said...

Adolf Hitler knew that the tribe of Judah are you Negroes.

Anonymous said...

Physical Appearance of the True Hebrew Israelites.

Anonymous said...

Professor James Petras calls Zionism “single biggest problem”, has received death threats

In this exclusive interview with Dr. Patrick Slattery for his Saturday night show “The Alternative Media” on the Republic Broadcasting Network, State University of New York Professor Emeritus James Petras talked about the Zionist Power Configuration, including Jewish domination of the heart of the U.S. government, such as the State Department, the Treasury Department, and the Federal Reserve. He disclosed that he has received death threats in response to his research on Zionism.

Attorney Don Advo Joins Dr. Slattery after the interview for an analysis. This is a must listen!

Anonymous said...

Mentioning The 'Jewish Lobby' Is Now 'Anti-Semitic'

Anonymous said...

White Women Are Dying Prematurely

As America's white underclass copes with the problems that have long burdened black America, the conversation around poverty is changing.

Anonymous said...

Featured – Why We Believed (Part 1 of 2)

Anonymous said...

Police investigate Holocaust denial leaflets plastered around Scottish universities on Hitler's birthday

Posters and flyers were found at Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities
They were entitled The Greatest Swindle of All Time and gave link to 'Holocaust Fraud' website
Jewish students say they feel increasingly uncomfortable on campus
Police have been looking into the appearance of the leaflets

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Polish Politician: Refugees ‘Should Be Sent to Fight for Their Countries’

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Paul Weston: London mayor. Media manipulation for Islam and more: Links 2 on May 6 – 2016

Anonymous said...

Don’t expect a vote on sending troops to Libya,’ Foreign Office minister tells MPs

Anonymous said...

Over 8 million in UK struggling to buy food: Survey

Anonymous said...

Richard Edmonds – ‘Report on Robert Faurisson’

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Home sweet home? Putin offering disillusioned Britons FREE LAND to resettle in Russia

LAND in Russia’s eastern wilderness is being offered to disillusioned British people for free - as long as they can survive the frigid cold and barren Siberian landscape for five years.

Anonymous said...

Mike Whitby - 'The Essence of Nationalism'

Anonymous said...

Philip Green, Jewish Criminality, and the Cost of Economic Parasitism, Part 1: The Wider Context of Jewish White Collar Crime
Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But no man said anything about him [Jesus] openly for fear of the Jews. (John 7:13)

Anonymous said...

Bailout Has Saved Banks, Not Greece. Report

Some 95 percent of the 220 billion euros disbursed to Greece since the start of the financial crisis as loans from the bailout mechanism has been directed toward saving the European banks. That means about 210 billion euros was eventually channeled to the eurozone credit sector while just 5 percent ended up in state coffers, according to a study by the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin.

Anonymous said...

Israel bombards Gaza in third day of violence.

Anonymous said...

U.N. Zionism is, in fact, racism.

Anonymous said...


Netanyahu to lecture UN after it failed to recognize Jewish ties to Temple Mount

Anonymous said...

Jewish Neocons Expose Their Treason – They Support Hillary!

Anonymous said...

Nigerian mother 'lied that her ex wanted their daughters to undergo female genital mutilation so she could claim asylum'

Mother made the claim in July and was handed protection order by courts
But father returned to UK to despite her lies, exposing 'immigration scam'
The family had arrived on a two-year visitor visa more than three years ago
Husband returned to Africa while his wife and daughters stayed on illegally

Read more:

Anonymous said...

UK navy officer joins ISIS: Defence experts warn of terror attacks on ships as highly skilled sailor turns from playboy into jihadi after watching videos of Assad's atrocities in Syria

Ali Alosaimi’s high-level skills and exhaustive knowledge of the nation’s shipping fleet represented a terrifying security threat after he fled to Syria
His personal details were found among a cache of IS documents
They reveal that before leaving for Syria, Alosaimi lived in South Shields

Read more:

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: Brussels plot to impose Euro law after EU referendum a 'threat to our freedom'

BRUSSELS is plotting to impose Euro law on the UK in a move which will cost the British people their “personal freedom” for good,

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Stephen Lawrence, Gary Dobson, David Norris and a political trial

By Robert Henderson.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...