Spain: Falangists march through Madrid on anniversary of Franco and Jose Antonio's death
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Stumbling to War With Russia?
Friday - November 27, 2015 at 12:21 am
By Patrick J. BuchananTurkey’s decision to shoot down a Russian warplane was a provocative and portentous act.
That Sukhoi Su-24, which the Turks say intruded into their air space, crashed and burned — in Syria. One of the Russian pilots was executed while parachuting to safety. A Russian rescue helicopter was destroyed by rebels using a U.S. TOW missile. A Russian marine was killed.
“A stab in the back by the accomplices of terrorists,” said Vladimir Putin of the first downing of a Russian warplane by a NATO nation in half a century. Putin has a point, as the Russians are bombing rebels in northwest Syria, some of which are linked to al-Qaida.
As it is impossible to believe Turkish F-16 pilots would fire missiles at a Russian plane without authorization from President Tayyip Recep Erdogan, we must ask: Why did the Turkish autocrat do it?
Why is he risking a clash with Russia?
Answer: Erdogan is probably less outraged by intrusions into his air space than by Putin’s success in securing the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad, whom Erdogan detests, and by relentless Russian air strikes on Turkmen rebels seeking to overthrow Assad.
Imperiled strategic goals and ethnicity may explain Erdogan. But what does the Turkish president see down at the end of this road?
And what about us? Was the U.S. government aware Turkey might attack Russian planes? Did we give Erdogan a green light to shoot them down?
These are not insignificant questions.
For Turkey is a NATO ally. And if Russia strikes back, there is a possibility Ankara will invoke Article V of NATO and demand that we come in on their side in any fight with Russia.
And Putin was not at all cowed. Twenty-four hours after that plane went down, his planes, ships and artillery were firing on those same Turkmen rebels and their jihadist allies.
Politically, the Turkish attack on the Sukhoi Su-24 has probably aborted plans to have Russia join France and the U.S. in targeting ISIS, a diplomatic reversal of the first order.
Indeed, it now seems clear that in Syria’s civil war, Turkey is on the rebel-jihadist side, with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah on the side of the Syrian regime.
But whose side are we on?
As for what strategy and solution President Obama offers, and how exactly he plans to achieve it, it remains an enigma.
Nor is this the end of the alarming news.
According to The Times of Israel, Damascus reports that, on Monday, Israel launched four strikes, killing five Syrian soldiers and eight Hezbollah fighters, and wounding others.
Should Assad or Hezbollah retaliate, this could bring Israel more openly into the Syrian civil war.
And if Israel is attacked, the pressure on Washington to join her in attacking the Syrian regime and Hezbollah would become intense.
Yet, should we accede to that pressure, it could bring us into direct conflict with Russia, which is now the fighting ally of the Assad regime.
Something U.S. presidents conscientiously avoided through 45 years of Cold War — a military clash with Moscow — could become a real possibility. Does the White House see what is unfolding here?
Elsewhere, yet another Russia-NATO clash may be brewing.
In southern Ukraine, pylons supporting the power lines that deliver electricity to Crimea have been sabotaged, blown up, reportedly by nationalists, shutting off much of the electric power to the peninsula.
Repair crews have been prevented from fixing the pylons by Crimean Tatars, angry at the treatment of their kinfolk in Crimea.
In solidarity with the Tatars, Kiev has declared that trucks carrying goods to Crimea will not be allowed to cross the border.
A state of emergency has been declared in Crimea.
Russia is retaliating, saying it will not buy produce from Ukraine, and may start cutting off gas and coal as winter begins to set in.
Ukraine is as dependent upon Russia for fossil fuels as Crimea is upon Ukraine for electricity. Crimea receives 85 percent of its water and 80 percent of its electricity from Ukraine.
Moreover, Moscow’s hopes for a lifting of U.S. and EU sanctions, imposed after the annexation of Crimea, appear to be fading.
Are these events coordinated? Has the U.S. government given a go-ahead to Erdogan to shoot down Russian planes? Has Obama authorized a Ukrainian economic quarantine of Crimea?
For Vladimir Putin is not without options. The Russian Army and pro-Russian rebels in southeast Ukraine could occupy Mariupol on the Black Sea and establish a land bridge to Crimea in two weeks.
In Syria, the Russians, with 4,000 troops, could escalate far more rapidly than either us or our French allies.
As of today, Putin supports U.S.-French attacks on ISIS. But if we follow the Turks and begin aiding the rebels who are attacking the Syrian army, we could find ourselves eyeball to eyeball in a confrontation with Russia, where our NATO allies will be nowhere to be found.
Has anyone thought this through?
Protestant Churches criticise loyalist anti-refugee parade

THE two largest Protestant Churches have criticised loyalists for plans to stage an anti-immigration rally in central Belfast.
The controversial Protestant Coalition wants to march the length of Royal Avenue and Donegall Place on one of the busiest shopping days of the year, calling for refugees to be barred from entering the north.
The group, which emerged during the loyalist flag protests, has urged all sections to join the rally "against the influx of refugees/terrorists coming to the shores of NI/Ireland".
The Ulster Unionist Party has also hit out at rally organisers saying they “are deliberately trying to conflate refugees with terrorists”.
“This is dangerously misleading and completely ignores the fact that the refugee crisis gripping Europe is about people fleeing from those jihadi terrorists known as ISIS," a spokesman said.
Organisers claim up to 500 participants will take part in the parade along Royal Avenue before a rally is held at Belfast city hall.
Both events will take place just yards from where Christmas shoppers will be gathering at the Continental market in the grounds of city hall.
The protest was arranged after 130 people were killed by Isis during a series of gun and suicide bomb attacks in Paris earlier this month and claims that some attackers used the refugee crisis to sneak into Europe.
A Belfast-based organisation which helps refugees and asylum seekers had urged Church leaders and unionist politicians to speak out about the planned parade and protest.
Justin Kouame from the Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (NICRAS) said refugees pose no threat and that the rally should be called off.
“They are using the opportunity to blame the refugees for what happened and put forward their own agenda,” he said.
“There are refugees here for many years and nothing happened.”
He added that Protestant community leaders needed to oppose the planned events.
“They need to come out and say something, for me this is very important,” he said.
Up to 100 refugees are expected to arrive in the north before Christmas as part of a scheme organised by Stormont ministers.
In response senior Presbyterian and Church of Ireland figures spoke out on Thursday night about the need to welcome refugees.
Presbyterian Church moderator Dr Ian McNie, said “the teaching of scripture is absolutely clear - all Christians are called to welcome the stranger and to love our neighbour”.
“Out of heartfelt concern we need to pray for those living in troubled parts of our world and for those fleeing conflict,” he said.
“And when such people come among us, they need to be welcomed with a generosity of spirit that reflects the love that we ourselves have come to know in Jesus Christ.
“To do anything else dishonours the name of our Lord and Saviour.”
Rev Adrian Dorrian, chair of the Church of Ireland’s Church and Society Commission, said the planned parade and rally is “not helpful” adding “nor does it resonate with the Christian understanding that each member of the human race is made in the image and likeness of God”.
“One of the core principles held to be true by the founding fathers of what would become Protestantism across the world is an understanding of grace - giving with no expectation of reward.”
A post on the Protestant Coalition Facebook page confirmed that it had met the Parades Commission earlier this week.
Belfast anti-Fascists have said they will hold a counter-demonstration during the rally.
Earlier this year the Protestant Coalition called off a similar protest in Belfast.
The controversial Protestant Coalition wants to march the length of Royal Avenue and Donegall Place on one of the busiest shopping days of the year, calling for refugees to be barred from entering the north.
The group, which emerged during the loyalist flag protests, has urged all sections to join the rally "against the influx of refugees/terrorists coming to the shores of NI/Ireland".
The Ulster Unionist Party has also hit out at rally organisers saying they “are deliberately trying to conflate refugees with terrorists”.
“This is dangerously misleading and completely ignores the fact that the refugee crisis gripping Europe is about people fleeing from those jihadi terrorists known as ISIS," a spokesman said.
Organisers claim up to 500 participants will take part in the parade along Royal Avenue before a rally is held at Belfast city hall.
Both events will take place just yards from where Christmas shoppers will be gathering at the Continental market in the grounds of city hall.
The protest was arranged after 130 people were killed by Isis during a series of gun and suicide bomb attacks in Paris earlier this month and claims that some attackers used the refugee crisis to sneak into Europe.
A Belfast-based organisation which helps refugees and asylum seekers had urged Church leaders and unionist politicians to speak out about the planned parade and protest.
Justin Kouame from the Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (NICRAS) said refugees pose no threat and that the rally should be called off.
“They are using the opportunity to blame the refugees for what happened and put forward their own agenda,” he said.
“There are refugees here for many years and nothing happened.”
He added that Protestant community leaders needed to oppose the planned events.
“They need to come out and say something, for me this is very important,” he said.
Up to 100 refugees are expected to arrive in the north before Christmas as part of a scheme organised by Stormont ministers.
In response senior Presbyterian and Church of Ireland figures spoke out on Thursday night about the need to welcome refugees.
Presbyterian Church moderator Dr Ian McNie, said “the teaching of scripture is absolutely clear - all Christians are called to welcome the stranger and to love our neighbour”.
“Out of heartfelt concern we need to pray for those living in troubled parts of our world and for those fleeing conflict,” he said.
“And when such people come among us, they need to be welcomed with a generosity of spirit that reflects the love that we ourselves have come to know in Jesus Christ.
“To do anything else dishonours the name of our Lord and Saviour.”
Rev Adrian Dorrian, chair of the Church of Ireland’s Church and Society Commission, said the planned parade and rally is “not helpful” adding “nor does it resonate with the Christian understanding that each member of the human race is made in the image and likeness of God”.
“One of the core principles held to be true by the founding fathers of what would become Protestantism across the world is an understanding of grace - giving with no expectation of reward.”
A post on the Protestant Coalition Facebook page confirmed that it had met the Parades Commission earlier this week.
Belfast anti-Fascists have said they will hold a counter-demonstration during the rally.
Earlier this year the Protestant Coalition called off a similar protest in Belfast.
Friday, November 27, 2015
"Joyous Celebration" during 9/11 World Trade Center Attack
(5) Israeli nationals, detained in conjunction with the TWINBOMB
investigation, had videotaped the terrorist attack on the World Trade
Center and may have possessed foreknowledge of the same..."
On September 11, 2001
five employees of a moving van company called "Urban Moving Systems"
were apprehended hours after the twin towers were struck. An eyewitness
saw them celebrating the attacks on the World Trade Center from the
window of her apartment building.They emerged from a white van, jumped
up and down, and high-fived each other with apparent glee. The
eyewitness observed them in New Jersey overlooking the Hudson River with an unobstructed view of the burning
towers. The eyewitness contacted the police. What follows are FBI
reports obtained under the Freedom of Information Act regarding their
detention, questioning and apparent deception during polygraphs about
affiliation with Israeli intelligence agencies.
FBI File |
FOIA Release Letter | January 16, 2013 release of 183 pages from a 215 page file. Withholdings under the National Security Act of 1947, and other exemptions. |
1169683-001 --- 303A-NY-C237934-Serial 325 --- Section 1 (1037758).PDF |
On September 11, 2001, members of the FBI-NK,
acting upon information received from a complainant, stopped and
arrested five (5) Israeli nationals purported to have witnessed
the initial explosion of the World Trade Center and were seen to
be celebrating the event...With the timing of the complaint
sighting coupled with the joyous celebration of the individuals,
members of the FBI-NK arrested the five individuals after a
possible "hit" was received by a law enforcement bomb squad
1169683-001 --- 303A-NY-C237934-Serial 326 --- Section 1 (1037759).PDF |
"...there was a
considerable criminal venture associated Urban Moving Systems.
Along with the reported employees, these companies utilize
Israeli nationals in the U.S. on B-2 Visas (tourist/business).
This being done to willingly circumvent U.S. Labor, Tax and
Immigrantion laws."
1169683-001 --- 303A-NY-C237934-Serial 337 --- Section 1 (1038683).PDF | FBI interviews detained Israeli former soldier on November 16, 2001 |
1169683-001 --- 303A-NY-C237934-Serial 338 --- Section 1 (1037761).PDF | Former Jewish Agency security guard interviewed on November 20, 2001 in conjunction with 9/11 attack. Illegal activities, visa overstay. |
1169683-001 --- 303A-NY-C237934-Serial 339 --- Section 1 (1037762).PDF |
November 28, 2001 reports on interviews and polygraphs of
Israelis detained on 9/11. "Preliminary
results of the polygraph have shown [redacted] not have prior
knowledge regarding the terrorist attacks on 09 11 2001.
However, [redacted] showed deception when asked about
It was evident to the interviewing
agents that [redacted] had liked on two previous interviews and
was withholding information during the present
interview/polygraph. It is unclear to the interviewing agents as
to the exact nature and reason for[redacted] deception.
1169683-001 --- 303A-NY-C237934-Serial 368 --- Section 1 (1037763).PDF |
January 3, 2001 New York Polygraph Unit/A-1
"responses to relevant questions relating to the issue of
Intelligence affiliation were indicative of deception."
1169683-001 --- 303A-NY-C237934-Serial 459 --- Section 1 (1037765).PDF | June 4, 2002 redacted report from National Security Division |
1169683-001 --- 303C-PH-C91946-Serial 2 --- Section 1 (1037749).PDF | Two additional detained Israelis "were associated with 5 Israeli Nationals who were being detained in the New York city area for possibly having prior knowledge of the captioned terrorist attacks." Inconclusive polygraph results. |
1169683-001 --- 303C-PH-C91946-Serial 3 --- Section 1 (1037750).pdf | September 21, 2001 Newark Squad C-9 report on detention of two Urban Moving Systems workers. |
1169683-001 --- 303C-PH-C91946-Serial 10 --- Section 1 (1037752).pdf | October 31, 2001 FBI report to Kansas City, Newark and New York "To summarize interviews with 7 Israeli Nationals employed by various moving companies who were detained by INS for visa violations." |
1169683-001 --- 303C-PH-C91946-Serial 18 --- Section 1 (1037776).pdf | January 24, 2002 FBI Suspicious Activities report. " FBI Newark informed FBI Philadelphia that there were two Israelis who had been detained in York, Pennsylvania, by Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) for violating their Visa status. These two Israelis worked for a moving company, Urban Moving Systems in Weewauken, New Jersey. FBI Newark had detained 5 other employees of Urban Moving Systems after they were observed on September 11, 2001, on the roof of their business building in Weehauken, NJ, taking pictures of the World Trade Center attacks. One report stated that these individuals were on the roof prior to either airplane crashing into the World Trade Center towers, suggesting there may have been prior knowledge on their part. As such, they were detained by local police, and identified. They were Israeli males which were in violation of their Visa status. FBI Newark had interviewed and conducted polygraphs of these individuals..."Zoomcopter" kiosks manned by Israelis suddenly abandoned. "suspicious activity, and in turn, notified FBI Philadelphia. It was determined they were Israelis. After receiving this information, FBI Philadelphia inquired about the kiosks in the local malls and learned that all had been abandoned in a similar fashion that same day. Further investigation revealed that the same day, toy helicopter kiosks in malls located in Washington, D.C., Hickory, North Carolina, Arlington, Texas and in all the malls in the local Philadelphia area hadbeen abandoned within the same two hour period...It was evident that an extremely well-organized and effective communication system existed between these Israelis nationwide." |
1169683-001 --- 303C-PH-C91946-Serial 33 --- Section 1 (1037754).pdf | August 13, 2002 FBI report on interviews "Related to PENTBOMB" "...the Mossad may be active in the United States when a specific target or mission has been identified...the Mossad has an interest in Detroit, Michigan...Israel has an agency comparable to the FBI of the United States which is known as the Shabak/orShin Bet, the Israeli Security Service. |
1169683-001 --- 303C-PH-C91946-Serial 357 --- Section 1 (1037756).pdf | September 21, 2001 FBI from Philadelphia on arrival dates of Israelis. |
1169683-001 --- 303C-PH-C91946-Serial 33 --- Section 1 (1037754).pdf | September 21, 2001 FBI report that "provides the investigative resuts and analytical findings of...investigation to date." Redacted. |
1169683-001 --- 303D-NY-C282820-Serial 221 --- Section 1 (1037768).pdf | May 3, 2012 file copy of Wayne Madsen report on "The Israeli Art Students and Movers Story" |
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C.
Section 107, this material is presented
without profit for research and educational purposes,
most importantly understanding how government functions during law
enforcement actions involving Israel and its lobbyists.
The Israel Lobby Archive has no affiliation
whatsoever with the originator of
the content nor is it endorsed or sponsored by
the originator. Information appearing in [ ],
hyperlink, or
otherwise noted is provided to clarify events, identify individuals, or
correct spelling. Non-Israel Lobby Archive hyperlinks are for
additional reference information.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Jews at “Forefront of Welcoming” Invasion
European Jews are “on the forefront of
welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees,” one of
Europe’s leading Jewish historians, Dr. Diana Pinto has claimed.

Speaking at a Jewish Community Center’s
world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a
board member of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research,
described how “European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee
status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim
migrants and refugees—one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade.”
According to coverage of her speech printed in the Jerusalem-based Times of Israel,
Pinto, who is also a founding member of the European Council on Foreign
Relations, said that “in this interface with peoples holding
historically laden identities, European Jewry is saying, ‘It doesn’t
matter where you come from, what matters is where you’re going.’”
Pinto’s comments were confirmed by an article in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency of September 8, 2015 (“European Jews, mindful of risks, urge aid to refugees”),
which told of several instances of Jews pushing for aid for the
invading nonwhite hordes even though they were well aware that many of
the incoming Arabs were “anti-Semitic.”

The JTA quoted Ron van der
Wieken, chairman of the Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands,
as saying that while he was “aware that some Middle Eastern refugees
harbor very negative feelings toward Jews … Jews cannot withdraw support
from those in need and fleeing serious violence,” and urged Holland to
devise a “charitable” refugee policy.
Zoltan Radnoti, the newly elected
chairman of the rabbinical board of the Mazsihisz umbrella group of
Hungarian Jewish communities, was then quoted as saying, “I help the
refugees with fear that I am helping send danger to other Jews in
Europe. I know some of the refugees may have fired on our [Israeli]
soldiers. Others would have done so in a heartbeat. I know. But I am
duty bound to help.”
Mazsihisz has set up collection depots
in Budapest Jewish institutions from which it delivers food, clothes,
diapers, medicine, water, and other necessities to the invaders.
In Italy, the JTA reported, the
Jewish community of Milan threw open the doors of its Holocaust museum
to accommodate homeless invaders from the Middle East and Africa.
In Brussels, the JTA continued,
one Menachen Margolin, a Chabad rabbi and director of the European
Jewish Association lobby, led a delegation of rabbis to deliver food and
nonperishables to the invaders.

The Times of Israel reported earlier (“5 things you can do to help the refugee crisis,”
September 17, 2015), that an emergency meeting of the Board of Deputies
of British Jews was held in September to “coordinate over 20 UK Jewish
organizations’ responses to the refugee and migrant crisis.”
The Board of Deputies of British Jews has even set up a special website called “Support Refugees,”
supported by all major Jewish synagogues and organizations in the UK,
to “be a one-stop shop for those who want to get involved in supporting
refugees and asylum seekers both in the UK and abroad.”

Jews in Britain demand more nonwhite invaders be allowed into the UK–but not into Israel….
The Times of Israel went on to
detail different ways its readers could help the invaders in Europe.
Firstly, the article told its readers not to send food or clothing, but
only money—because, as Shachar Zahavi, from the Israeli NGO IsraAid, was
quoted as saying, “We prefer to purchase relief items on the ground [in
What was really needed, Zahavi said, was
“baby carriers to be distributed in Greece to those families that are
still on the move and crossing borders.” In addition, IsraAid was
organizing Jewish doctors to set up clinics in Greece and Serbia.
The Times of Israel also
reported that the US-based Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) had
announced that it has hundreds of staff on the ground in twelve
countries where it provides refugees with legal assistance, trauma
counseling, and training in sustainable livelihoods.
Of course, in typical Jewish Supremacist
hypocritical fashion, these Jews and their organizations are all in
favor of the nonwhite invaders pouring into Europe—but at the same time,
all support Israel, which has flatly refused to accept one “refugee”
from anywhere, never mind Syria.
As detailed in the LA Times of September 6, 2015 (“One country that won’t be taking Syrian refugees: Israel”),
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel’s “lack of
demographic and geographic depth” required controlling its borders
against both “illegal migrants and terrorism.”

This “lack of demographic depth” to which he referred is of course the fact that immigration into Israel is strictly controlled and is racially-based: no one who is not Jewish can immigrate to that state.
This racial exclusivity is what is meant
by the oft-heard calls for the maintenance of Israel as “a Jewish and
democratic state”—the Jewish propagandists always throw in the
“democratic” part of that cry in order to divert attention away from the
fact that what they really want is a racial Jewish state, for Jews
While it is of course the right of every
race and people to have their own state, it seems that the
international Jewish lobby only wants to reserve this right for
themselves, and deny it to everyone else.
Hence the international Jewish lobby,
through direct political action and their controlled mass media outlets,
is always “at the forefront” of promoting the nonwhite invasion of
European nations—but at the same time fanatically supports Israel’s
closed border policy and that state’s racially based immigration policies.

Net migration hits a record high of 336,000 as government warns 'uncontrollable wave' of people could push Britain to leave EU
- 636,000 people arrived in the UK in the year to June but only 300,000 left
- Net migration from the rest of Europe hits record high of 180,000
- Romania is now in the top five of countries for immigration for first time
- Britain could leave EU over fears of an 'uncontrollable wave of migration'
- See more news on the migrant crisis at
David Cameron's
promise to curb the numbers of people coming to Britain was dealt a
devastating blow today as new figures showed net migration running at a
record high.
336,000 more people arrived in the UK than left in the last year, more
than treble the Prime Minister's target of cutting net migration to
under 100,000.
damning figures emerged as Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond warned
Britain could vote to leave the European Union over fears of an
'uncontrollable wave of migration'.
Scroll down for video

Some 336,000 more
people arrived in the UK than left in the last year, more than treble
the Prime Minister's target of cutting net migration to under 100,000
said the latest rise was down to a 'statistically significant'
increase in the numbers of people arriving in the UK, with immigration
at 636,000 - up 62,000 on the same period last year.
surge is driven in part by a major jump in the number of Bulgarians and
Romanians coming to the UK, up 61 per cent in a year.
Cameron has repeatedly refused to 'cave in' on his promise to cut net
migration to the tens of thousands, despite the figure leaping to its
highest annual total records dating back four decades.
Across the board the latest data from the Office for National Statistics makes for grim reading for the Prime Minister.
Net migration - the difference between new arrivals and those leaving - is up a third to 336,000 in the year to June.
comes after the number of people settling in the UK leapt by 62,000 to
636,000 while the number who left in 12 months dropped by 20,000 to
Mr Cameron has promised his planned changes on benefits for migrants would limit the numbers coming from the EU.
Latest figures show that net migration of EU citizens increased by 42,000 to 180,000 in a year.

David Cameron,
pictured leaving Number 10 today, has repeatedly refused to 'cave in' on
his promise to cut net migration to the tens of thousands, despite the
figure leaping to its highest annual total records dating back four

Romania is now in the top five of
countries where those coming to Britain last lived for the first time,
accounting for 6% of all immigration
A major jump in the number of Bulgarians and Romanians coming to the UK has been revealed in the latest immigration data.
Statistics showed 50,000 citizens from the two countries arrived in Britain to live in the year to June.
was a jump of 19,000 or 61 per cent compared to the 12 months to June
last year and means that Bulgarians and Romanians now account for more
than a fifth (21 per cent) of total immigration from the EU.
addition, estimates suggest that net migration - the difference between
the number of people arriving and leaving - from the countries has
jumped by more than 70 per cent from 27,000 for the year to June 2014 to
46,000 in the following 12 months.
Restrictions on those from the nations - known as the EU2 countries - were lifted on January 1 last year.
prompted suggestions that a major influx would follow but the first
sets of statistics following the change appeared to contradict the
latest data show the estimated number of EU2 citizens immigrating to
the UK has more than doubled compared to 23,000 in 2013 - the last
annual period before the limits were scrapped.
Of the 50,000 who came to the UK, the majority - 84 per cent - came for work reasons, the ONS data showed.
is now in the top five countries where those coming to Britain last
lived for the first time, accounting for 6 per cent of all immigration.
294,000 people came to Britain in search of work in the year to June,
up from 241,000 in 2014. Of these, just under two thirds - 187,000 -
actually had a job to go to.
than 160,000 of those coming for work related reasons were from the EU
Of those coming with a definite job, 101,000 were EU citizens, a
statistically significant increase of 22,000.
The number of Romanians and Bulgarians coming to the UK has soared since migration curbs were lifted.
Some 50,000 people from the two countries arrived in the UK - more than double the 19,000 who came in the same period last year.
number of EU nationals working in the UK topped 2million in the three
months to September, up by 324,000 on the same quarter in 2014.
By contrast, levels of employment among non-EU nationals remained broadly largely unchanged at 1.2 million.
May, just weeks after the general election, Mr Cameron ordered every
minister in the government to step up efforts to tackle immigration,
including access to benefits, housing and the NHS.
a speech today at the Home Office today announced plans for foreign
criminals who face being kicked out of the country to be tagged and
tracked by GPS satellites.
argued that people in the UK illegally should be deported first and
only allowed to appeal against the decision once they have left the UK
in non-asylum cases.
is an attempt to address public concern about the levels of
immigration, and the threat posed by low-skilled migrants taking jobs
which could go to Britons.
2010 Mr Cameron promised 'no ifs, no buts' to cut net migration - the
number of people entering the country minus the number leaving - to the
tens of thousands.
But today's figures show how he has spectacularly failed to meet the pledge.
number of measures to reduce net migration have been implemented in
recent years and a bill currently going through Parliament includes new
sanctions for illegal workers and restrictions on access to bank
accounts and driving licences for those in the country unlawfully.

Net migration from the EU has risen sharply in recent years to reach record levels, piling pressure on the government

Britain could vote to leave the European Union over fears of an 'uncontrollable wave of migration', Philip Hammond warned
Britain could vote to leave the European Union over fears of an 'uncontrollable wave of migration', Philip Hammond warned.
The Foreign Secretary said the public mood had shifted in the wake of the migrant crisis spreading across Europe.
a speech in Rome, he added: Since the migration crisis began earlier
this summer, the poll numbers have changed and the most recent poll
published yesterday showed that by a small margin a majority are now in
favour of leaving the EU.
am pretty clear from talking to my own constituents this reflects the
effect of the migration crisis and fear of the future and fear that
Europe is losing control of the situation.'
Cameron has demanded curbs on benefits for migrants, include a ban
until their have been in the UK for four years - something other EU
leaders are resisting.
But Mr Hammond said: 'That is non-negotiable if we want to get agreement that Britain's future is in the European Union.'
An expert suggested economic factors are having a greater bearing on the current trend than government policy.
Sumption, director of the Migration Observatory at the University of
Oxford, said: 'Most of the measures introduced over the last parliament
to reduce net migration of workers, students and family members have now
been in place for some years.
this point, changes in net migration are mainly being driven by
economic factors like the success of the UK economy rather than by new
Minister James Brokenshire admitted the latest figures 'underline the
challenge we face to reduce net migration to sustainable levels'.
said: 'We remain committed to reforms across the whole of government to
deliver the controlled migration system which is in the best interests
of our country.'
fraud has been slashed and access to welfare toughened, he claimed, but
added: 'With over 90,000 more non-EU students arriving than departing
the UK, and too many British employers still overly reliant on foreign
workers, there is much more to do.
the Prime Minister has said, in the past it has been too easy for some
businesses to bring in workers from overseas rather than to take the
decision to train our workforce here at home.
is why our long-term economic plan, which will see many more young
Britons given the training and skills they need to fill the jobs our
growing economy is creating, is so important.'
said the new immigration bill will address illegal working and the
'pull factors' that draw migrants to Britain, adding: 'The last two set
of figures show record levels of EU immigration which show why the PM is
right to negotiate with the EU to reform welfare to reduce the
financial incentives that attract EU migrants to the UK.'
leader Nigel Farage said: 'These record high figures represent a
continuation of the government's complete failure to control
immigration. David Cameron's 'tens of thousands' pledge is now in
is clear that only by voting to Leave the European Union in the
forthcoming referendum can we have a system of controlled immigration at
sensible levels.'
'We would like to see net immigration in the tens of thousands rather than the hundreds of thousands.' David Cameron, Jan 2010
of immigration can return to where they were in the 1980s and 90s. Net
migration to this country will be in the order of tens of thousands each
year. No ifs. No buts. That's a promise we made to the British people.'
David Cameron, April 2011
we made that comment ... we were very clear that was what we wanted to
do. It remains the objective towards which the Prime Minister and others
are working.' Theresa May, Nov 2014
think we will keep the target. It is important because it is about not
just dealing with those coming into the system but also about making
sure that those people who shouldn't live here actually leave.' Theresa May, March 2015
'Our action has not been enough to cut annual net migration to the tens of thousands. That ambition remains the right one.' Conservative party manifesto, April 2015
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Saturday 21st.November 2015 - demonstration in Central London by Armed Forces veterans in support of L/Cpl J ex of the Parachute Regiment arrested for an incident 43 years ago.
A group of former British soldiers marched through London on Saturday to demand legal immunity for the ex-members of the British Army's Parachute Regiment accused of involvement in the 'Bloody Sunday' killings in Northern Ireland.
A group of former British soldiers marched through London on Saturday to demand legal immunity for the ex-members of the British Army's Parachute Regiment accused of involvement in the 'Bloody Sunday' killings in Northern Ireland.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
First support demonstration by Armed Forces veterans for L/Cpl. J - who was arrested for the 'Bloody Sunday' sham - Downing Street, London. Saturday 21st.November 2015.
It's only two weeks since Remembrance Sunday, and the Armed Forces veterans have already been forgotten and ignored.
Nothing reported in the controlled 'mass media', despite a large number of reporters, photographers and TV cameras who were there.
See more info here;
Thursday, November 19, 2015
March in support of 'L/Cpl . J' - Parachute Regiment - 21st.November 2015
Central London;
Embankment close to Hungerford Bridge.
10.00am start.
This will be the first demonstration of a series planned nationwide by Forces veterans opposed to the action by politicians to make them 'political scapegoats'. The arrest of L/Cpl J over the 'Bloody Sunday' troubles of over 40 years ago is disgraceful.This man is 66 years old now. Where will this stop ?
Sgt.Blackman of the Royal Marine commandos receiving a life jail sentence, is also a national disgrace.
The Government has nowhere near upheld the Armed Forces Covenant.
Sgt.Blackman of the Royal Marine commandos receiving a life jail sentence, is also a national disgrace.
The Government has nowhere near upheld the Armed Forces Covenant.
There are more than 4 million ex-forces veterans in the UK . They are very angry at this betrayal!
The controlled Mass Media are trying to keep this story from the Public. Can all nationalist websites and blogs please spread this story ?
The controlled Mass Media are trying to keep this story from the Public. Can all nationalist websites and blogs please spread this story ?
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Cameron has been desperate to have British forces bomb Syria – he has lost one Commons vote on the issue and was holding back on another only because he didn’t believe he could win.
Now in the wake of the dead and injured in Paris, perfectly timed to advance the cabal agenda for Syria and Big Brother, he is using this tragedy as the excuse to do what he planned all along.
You may think he couldn’t get much lower. But give him time.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Broken heroes betrayed by army bosses as veteran charity is cut
A CHARITY helping Army veterans with mental health problems is having its funding slashed.

DESPAIR: Combat Stress has had its allowance slashed
Combat Stress is treating around 6,000 veterans and takes 800 calls for help every month.
Boss Peter Poole said: “The length of time it takes conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to develop is around 13 years, so the number could continue to rise.”

'MORE HELP': Johnny Mercer
More than 180,000 Brit troops have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2003.
In 2012, more soldiers committed suicide than were killed in Afghanistan.
Last month Tory MP and former Army officer Johnny Mercer called the treatment of veterans in the UK a “great stain” on the nation.

SUFFERING: Referrals to Combat Stress have gone up 28% in the last 12 months
Mr Mercer said in the Commons: “I regret to say that, aside from some excellent individual practice and charitable work, the way we look after our veterans’ mental health in this country remains poor.
“Many of our young men and women, who by good training and fortune walked away from battle without any physical scars, have been stricken in later years by an underlying sickness that can tear at the very core of the strongest and most enduring individual. Our British public have in the latter part of the last decade been the knight in shining armour flying over the horizon and rescuing some of our most war-scarred individuals.
“They have given millions upon millions of pounds and donated time, effort, blood, sweat and tears to looking after Our Boys and Girls.

HEROES: Post-traumatic stress disorder develops after around 13 years
“They are, quite simply, what makes Britain great and what make us, when we are away, so proud, and fight so hard for the country we love.”“I regret to say that, aside from some excellent individual practice and charitable work, the way we look after our veterans’ mental health in this country remains poor”Johnny Mercer
Although the charity is having its funding from the MoD reduced, it has been awarded a £4.6million contract with the NHS.
But Dr Lisa Cameron, SNP Member of Parliament for East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow, said mainstream health care professionals were struggling to deal with the health issues facing veterans.
She said: “Problems arising in the current system appear to relate to a number of issues, including help-seeking, referral, assessment and access to appropriate treatments. One study reported that only a quarter of those diagnosed with mental health problems had accessed medical help.
“There is a tendency to rely on prescribing medication and, according to Combat Stress, there is a problem of low rates of referral to its service by GPs and community mental health teams.”
She also said the effectiveness of the current follow-up service – which involves sending troops a letter – needs to be re-evaluated.
The Ministry of Defence did not respond to requests for comment.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Paris, Balcombe Street and unusual US donors
The Islamists in Paris and the IRA in London - they're just as bad as each other, writes Ruth Dudley Edwards

On Friday night, Gerry Adams complained on Twitter about his garrulous
teddy bears. "For such a quiet un when he talks Ted talks a lot. Tom
never stops. Talking that is." And then he heard about the Paris
"The deplorable attacks tonight in Paris
are to be condemned," he tweeted. "My thoughts at this time are with
those killed or injured."

Martin McGuinness was tweeting too:
"Shocking news from Paris. Thoughts & prayers with the families of
those killed & injured. #Sad".
How soon they forget.
At a Sinn Fein conference in Dublin in May
1998, four men just released from prison appeared on the platform and
were presented to the audience by Adams.
As they raised their clenched fists and
grinned joyously, these celebrities, known to the public as the Balcombe
Street Gang, were given, said An Phoblacht, "a tumultuous welcome which
lasted for 10 minutes of foot-stamping, applause, cheers and tears".
It was personally a sweet moment for the
triumvirate who ran and still run the Provisional republican movement,
for among the four was Hugh Doherty, brother of Pat. Mary Lou McDonald's
predecessor as Sinn Fein vice-president, Pat Doherty would become MP
for West Tyrone in May 2002 and be named under parliamentary privilege
in the House of Commons as a member of the IRA Army Council.
Those Sinn Fein called "our Balcombe Street
heroes" had been in jail because of their role in a six-man IRA unit
terrorising London over 14 months in the mid-1970s. Their bombing and
shooting campaign aimed at civilians involved 40 explosions, the murder
of 35, and the maiming and traumatising of hundreds.
Since they wanted to kill without dying
themselves, the suffering they caused was not quite on the scale of
Paris, but they were driven by the same fanaticism, nihilistic hatred
and absence of human feeling as the Islamist gunmen in Paris on Friday.
The exploits for which they were celebrated by Sinn Fein just 17 years ago included hurling bombs into busy restaurants.
When Ross McWhirter, a co-founder of the
Guinness Book of Records, offered a £50,000 reward for information
leading to their arrest and conviction, Doherty and his colleague Harry
Duggan drove to McWhirter's house, where Duggan murdered him in front of
his wife.
Spotted by police in December 1975 as they
fired into yet another restaurant, they were cornered in Balcombe
Street, burst into a council flat and took the residents hostage. During
most of the six days negotiating with the police, the four refused food
for themselves and their prisoners.
They were the only IRA terrorists to be
given a whole-life tariff, but they were released under the Good Friday
Agreement, described by our would-be Taoiseach Gerry Adams as "our
Nelson Mandelas", and embraced by our would-be President, Martin
One of the achievements of that unit was
blowing up oncologist Professor Gordon Hamilton-Fairley, who was passing
by the car of his neighbour, Conservative MP Sir Hugh Fraser, husband
of Lady Antonia Fraser, when the bomb underneath went off. This was a
lucky break for Sinn Fein, as Fraser was about to drive his young house
guest to her art-appreciation course. Killing John F Kennedy's daughter
Caroline might have made fundraising in America quite a challenge.
In New York, at the $500-a-plate Friends of
Sinn Fein dinner on November 6, Adams celebrated 20 years of
fundraising, blamed the Irish and British governments for using spooks
to damage Sinn Fein, praised Irish-America for financing the Easter
Rising and thanked it for all its work in helping the party's electoral
chances. The main donors now are not the glitterati we remember from the
early days: these days, the big benefactors are the slightly odd combo
of a trade union and a few construction companies.
Pat Donaghy of Structure Tone and Favour
Royal (which have given $120,000 over the years), is also from Tyrone,
where Favour Royal owns a huge property. Structure Tone is doing very
well, despite the hiccup in 1999 when it pleaded guilty to corruption
charges over bid-rigging for a $500m contract and paid $10m in fines. He
was in the place of honour beside his good friend Adams. Sinn Fein,
Adams promised the guests, "will never let you down".
Even Ted might wonder how he has the nerve
to criticise Fianna Fail about the Galway Tent. Tom, who is an
unreconstructed Fenian bear, is babbling about how Paris brought back
glorious memories of IRA heroes.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
There is an ex-forces demonstration planned for this coming Saturday 21st.November 2015; starting at 10.00am in Central London/Downing Street area. This is in support of the ex-member of the Parachute Regiment in this Bloody Sunday sham - it is also opposing the governments plans to make veterans political scapegoats. If you want to support this, please keep any party political stuff away (or certainly away from the organisers).
There are going to be a whole raft of marches and demonstrations right across the UK on this issue. Many planned after the New Year.
Note : Time is now 10.00am for the demo.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Rich Boy Buffoon Johnson Forced To Abandon West Bank Photo-op After His Usual Speciality – Talking Bollocks
By David Icke

There can be few better confirmations that the world is mad than Boris Johnson being elected both as a Member of Parliament and London Mayor. They say you get the government you deserve and Johnson is a prime example. He has been forced to cancel meetings with Palestinians after dismissing boycott protests over Israeli mass-murder of the innocent as ridiculous and only the work of ‘lefty’ academics in corduroy jackets.
Given his highly-privileged background which has protected him from reality and programmed his myopic world-view, he is clearly unaware that it is possible to have feelings of revulsion at the sight of innocent people being pepper-bombed, their children killed and their homes destroyed.
But then all he wants is power and status and he knows which arses he has to lick to secure that.
Read more: Rich Boy Buffoon Johnson Forced To Abandon West Bank Photo-op After His Usual Speciality – Talking Bollocks
NWN: Sometimes David Icke comes out with some belters. Like this one !
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
EU flag burned as tens of thousands join Warsaw nationalist demo
Organisers said that up to 50,000 were on the march which marked the anniversary of Poland's independence after the Second World War

Polish nationalists in front of the National Stadium during the 'March of Independence' Photo: EPA
Tens of thousands of protesters poured
into Warsaw's streets on Wednesday for a demonstration organised by the
far right, marching under the slogan "Poland for the Polish" and burning
an EU flag.

Police said 25,000 people joined the march, which marked the anniversary of Poland's return to independence after the Second World War, while organisers put the numbers at 50,000.
"God, honour, homeland," chanted the protesters as they marched under a sea of red-and-white Polish flags.
Demonstrators trampled and burned a European Union flag at one point,
while a banner added to the anti-EU theme with the slogan "EU macht
frei" ("Work makes you free" in German), a reference to the slogan over
the gates at Auschwitz.
"Yesterday it was Moscow, today it's Brussels which takes away our freedom," chanted one group of protesters.
Other banners read "Great Catholic Poland" and "Stop Islamisation".

Several thousand riot police officers were deployed for the protest, which was punctuated by numerous firecrackers and smoke bombs but otherwise went off peacefully.

The annual march, organised by Poland's nationalist right, has seen clashes in previous years.
"I came here because I love Poland and want to show it," said 27-year-old Piotr, who came with his fiancee. He added: "I came here for my grandfather, who fought in the Warsaw Uprising (against the Nazi occupation of the Polish capital), and for his father, who fought for independence".

Poland is returning to conservative rule after eight years of centrist government, following the Law and Justice (PiS) party's landslide election victory last month on a platform playing strongly on fears over the European migrant crisis.
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...