Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Dad and sons battered Good Samaritan brothers in brutal road-rage hammer attack - but not jailed !

Javed Akhtar

A father and his sons battered two brothers with a hammer in a terrifying road-rage attack.
Police were called to reports of a large group of men fighting in a street in Rochdale in July last year.
The attack was sparked after brothers Ghulam Hussain and Shamash Hussain stopped their car on Salkeld Street in Deeplish to help a friend.
Javed Akhtar, 50, pulled up behind the vehicle with his wife in his silver Nissan Micra.
He then began beeping his horn and claiming they were blocking the road, Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court heard.
Rachel Widdicombe, prosecuting, said: “Javed Akthar continued to swear. He started to get out, but his wife was trying to keep him in.
“He was getting more and more angry. He said he would be back in five minutes, got back in his car and drove off.”
A short time later, the victims were confronted by Javid Akhtar and a gang of between 10 and 15 men in nearby Salik Gardens.
Javid Akhtar was carrying a small wooden hammer, which he pointed at the two victims before the gang attacked.
In his police interview, Ghulam Hussain said he saw a flash of silver and was struck on the face near his right eyebrow, causing it to bleed.

Junaid Akhtar
 He was struggling to see and fell to the ground, where he was kicked and punched by the gang.
Shamash Hussain tried to help his brother and ran towards the group before rugby tackling some of the men to the ground.
He was then also attacked and hit across the nose with a hammer.
Witnesses called police and both men were taken to hospital, suffering cuts and bruises to their faces.
Javed Akhtar and his sons Junaid Akhtar, 22, Jamshed Akhtar, 20, and Bilal Mohammed, 19, were all arrested at their home in Salik Gardens.
Police seized the silver Nissan Micra and discovered blood inside the passenger door, which matched that of the victims.

Jamshed Akhtar
 Sentencing the men, Judge Leslie Hull said: “There was some sort of dispute, which arose from a vehicle disagreement and that led all too quickly and dramatically to the violent behaviour used.”
While on bail, Mohammed carried out a further attack in April this year using a broom handle to attack Waqaas Javed.
After repeatedly hitting Mr Javed in the face through the open window of his car, he used the broom handle to smash the rear window.
Referring to the second assault involving Mohammed, the judge added: “Bilal Mohammed, when you again got involved in a dispute, this time you took a stick and hit your victim fanatically. The injuries were not as bad as they might have been.
“But to add insult to injury you then smashed his car.”
All defendants pleaded guilty to affray and were each given 36-week prison sentences suspended for 12 months, plus 180 hours of unpaid work and £150 costs.
Mohammed also pleaded guilty to separate charges of common assault and criminal damage and was given an additional curfew, 12-month supervision order and ordered to attend an achieving peaceful solutions course.


Anonymous said...

Population soars due to migrant baby boom

IMMIGRATION accounts for more than four-fifths of Britain’s population growth in the past decade, figures showed last night.


Anonymous said...

Must Watch: Hjernevask-Race .


Anonymous said...

Gilad Atzmon: The Cognitive Elite of Jewish History.


Anonymous said...

Jewishness, Orwell, Eugenics & Stolen Foreskins: An Interview With Philosopher Gilad Atzmon.


Anonymous said...

LONDON — Britain has had enough: the government will announce radical plans to end centuries of free speech on Wednesday in an unprecedented terror crackdown that would force Internet companies to monitor users; restrict the movement of suspects and ban extremist speakers from public forums.


Anonymous said...

MP will name politician 'involved in child abuse'


Anonymous said...

Former Ukip regional chairman Peter Entwistle jailed for grooming children.


Anonymous said...

John Cleese says you can't make jokes about Muslims - because 'they'll kill you'

The British comedian argued that political correctness is 'condescending'
He said it starts out as 'a halfway decent idea' then goes 'completely wrong'
Cleese added that you can make jokes about Muslims but 'they'll kill you'
The comedian was being interviewed on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher
He also said that he finds any type of fundamentalism 'terribly funny'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2851888/John-Cleese-blasts-political-correctness-protecting-select-groups-ridicule.html#ixzz3KIzNEHBB

Anonymous said...

Jihadi fighters in Iraq and Syria funding terror campaign with BENEFITS claimed in Britain

Scotland Yard counter-terror chief Terri Nicholson reveals 'shocking' fraud
Jihadists fighting for ISIS are fraudulently claiming taxpayers’ money
A 'number of cases' discovered of terrorists making student loan claims
Comes after two brothers became first Britons jailed for fighting in Syria

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2851718/Jihadi-fighters-Iraq-Syria-funding-terror-campaign-BENEFITS-claimed-Britain.html#ixzz3KJ0sHGQR

Anonymous said...

Cameron's pledge to cut immigration to the 'tens of thousands' lies in tatters after a record 228,000 people arrive from the EU
Prime Minister to use speech to set out reform of freedom of movement
Net migration in the year to June up 44% to 260,000, ONS reveals
Number of people arriving in UK hit 583,000, up from 502,000 a year earlier
But at the same time only 323,000 people emigrated from the UK
Numbers looking for work in Britain is up a fifth in a year to 247,000,
Includes an extra 11,000 Romanians and Bulgarians after work curbs lifted
Ukip says 'astronomical' figures show an abject failure by the Government

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2851521/Cameron-s-pledge-cut-net-migration-lies-tatters-figure-soars-260-000.html#ixzz3KJ3pluvU

Anonymous said...


Chilling moment member of 13-strong Somali prostitution gang checks in to a Premier Inn hotel before raping 13-year-old girl in a room with another man

Jusuf Abdirizak, 20, and Said Zakaria, 22, raped girl three times in hotel
They were members of a gang who abused four schoolgirls
Three of the girls were white and one was mixed race
They believed they were in relationships with the defendants
Some were persuaded to have sex with their 'boyfriend's' friends and told this was part of Somali 'culture and tradition'
Another victim, 16, had been placed in a city centre flat on her own
Abusers used her home as a base to sell drugs
Seven men were convicted of sex offences at trial in the summer
Other six, plus Zakaria, who was involved in first trial, convicted yesterday
They were in custody today and will be sentenced tomorrow
A 14th man linked to the gang admitted supplying cocaine in first trial
All of the men, though Somali in origin, were in the UK legally

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2851680/13-Somali-men-convicted-running-inner-city-prostitution-ring-British-teenagers-abused-raped.html#ixzz3KJ8IfO3p

Anonymous said...


Wigan chairman Dave Whelan charged by FA for anti-semitic and racist comments

WIGAN owner Dave Whelan has been charged by the FA for insulting Jewish and Chinese people in a newspaper interview.

Anonymous said...

Now Britain is facing ANOTHER demand from EU... for £34bn

BRITISH taxpayers could be forced to hand over another £34billion to Brussels after auditors yesterday revealed a massive black hole in the EU’s budgets.


Anonymous said...

The Holocaust Narrative: Politics trumps Science.

“The fastest way to get expelled from a British university is by saying you are looking at chemical evidence for how Zyklon was used in World War II, with a discussion of how delousing technology functioned in the German World War II labour camps”—Nicholas Kollerstrom.


Anonymous said...

Breaking the Spell—The Holocaust: Myth and Reality.


Anonymous said...

May accused of delaying reports criticising immigration policies
Immigration official says home secretary waited months to publish reports
Delays mean 'the independence of my role is compromised' - John Vine

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2851180/May-accused-delaying-reports-criticising-immigration-policies.html#ixzz3KJgBOM6S

Anonymous said...

Businesses to receive incentive for hiring illegal immigrants, report says.


Anonymous said...

Schools 'may look overseas for new teachers'


Anonymous said...

Ferguson Mob Carjacks Elderly white Man on Oxygen, Runs Him Over.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Michael Brown's DNA found on Officer Wilson's gun!

DNA report found Brown’s genetic material on Officer Wilson’s pistol! Also found on the officer’s uniform pants & shirt.


Anonymous said...


No more pay cuts, says £690,000 BBC bosses: Executives accused of 'scare tactics' as they threaten to axe programmes rather than salaries
Strategy chief James Purnell and finance director Anne Bulford criticised
MP Philip Davies said 'more fat could be cut from bloated management'
Accused them of trying to frighten viewers into supporting licence fee hike

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2852515/No-pay-cuts-says-690-000-BBC-bosses-Executives-accused-scare-tactics-threaten-axe-programmes-salaries.html#ixzz3KP5UVIcj

Anonymous said...

Facebook can gain direct access to your mobile and take pictures or make videos at any time, MPs warn

The MPs on the Science and Technology select committee called for the Government to draw up new guidelines for websites and apps explaining clearly how they use personal data, warning that laws will be needed if companies fail to comply.


Anonymous said...

What the Fake Syria Sniper Boy Video Tells Us About Media Experts


Anonymous said...

Netanyahu: ‘National law’ closes the door to Palestinian right of return.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

German politicians are US puppets’


Anonymous said...

Jewish Supremacist “Refugee” Hypocrisy: Yes in America, No in Israel.


Anonymous said...


Koran should be read at Prince Charles' coronation says top bishop: Critics attack proposal and accuse Church of England of 'losing confidence' in its own traditions
Lord Harries said gesture would be a ‘creative act of accommodation’
Speaking in House of Lords claimed it would help Muslims feel ‘embraced’
Critics attacked idea insisting 'British values stem from Christian heritage'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2853638/Koran-read-Prince-Charles-coronation-says-bishop-Critics-attack-proposal-accuse-Church-England-losing-confidence-traditions.html#ixzz3KQBFH1Us

Anonymous said...

Come and be an NHS nurse - You don't even need to speak English... and you'll get twice the pay for half the hours, hospitals tell foreign health workers
Hospitals short of 20,000 nurses so trusts hold European recruitment fairs
Nurses lured with promise of double pay and a month free accommodation
But many don't speak English and critics say this puts patients at risk
Recession-hit Spain and Portugal are where NHS recruit most nurses

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2853527/Come-NHS-nurse-don-t-need-speak-English-ll-twice-pay-half-hours-hospitals-tell-foreign-health-workers.html#ixzz3KQIOkEzY

Anonymous said...


Plebgate MP Andrew Mitchell nets fee of £18,000 a day as adviser to super-rich

FORMER minister Andrew Mitchell is earning up to £18,000 a day offering financial advice to huge corporations and the super-rich.

Anonymous said...

Poroshenko aims to change laws to allow foreigners into Ukrainian govt.


Anonymous said...

Is Michael Brown A National Hero?


Anonymous said...

'Jew, Judaism, Jewishness' - an interview with Bill Alford.


Anonymous said...

Lyndon Johnson Sinister “Colossus

President Johnson’s Zionist Connections (1937-67)

· Lyndon Johnson: The First Jewish President?

· 1941: Lyndon Johnson Goes to War—in Hollywood

· The Zionist/Terrorist Associates of LBJ

· Completing the Circle: Johnson’s Long History of Indenture to Zionists

· A Quick Look at Twentieth Century International Developments and Lyndon Johnson’s Role in Them

· Senator Lyndon Johnson’s Favor to his Zionist Friends

· The Israeli Lobby, circa 1960-63 vs. 1964-68


Anonymous said...

'Social worker told us to treat him like God', couple claim

Grandparents say social worker was determined to have their grandchild, 3, adopted rather than live with them.


Anonymous said...

Tower of London hosted £240-a-head dinner for ARMS DEALERS - while its poppy memorial was still being taken down outside
Nearly 200 arms manufacturers attend three-course dinner at the Tower
Weapons dealers sipped on Champagne just yards from poppy memorial
Defence officials paid up to £3,000 for a table at Tuesday's black tie event
Thousands of poppies representing WWI soldiers are yet to be removed
Organisers accused of 'crass insensitivity' for holding event at the Tower

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2852826/Tower-London-hosted-240-head-dinner-arms-dealers-moving-poppy-memorial-installation-taken-apart.html#ixzz3KUxbIChO

Anonymous said...

Asda boss sacked over claims that £180,000 of charity cash was funnelled to firm run by his gay dancer lover
Paul Kelly was dismissed as Asda's vice president of corporate affairs
The 54-year-old was also chair of supermarket's charitable foundation
He was alleged to have given charity cash to his partner's dance company
Murley Dance were claimed to have received £180,000 from Asda
Asda says they 'expect the highest standards' from their staff

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2852878/Asda-boss-sacked-claims-180-000-charity-cash-funnelled-firm-run-dancer-lover.html#ixzz3KVE0AOew

Anonymous said...


Why is Next hiring thousands of cheap Eastern European workers to staff English warehouse - in area where more than 200,000 are on the dole - before they even advertise the jobs here?
'Busloads' of Polish workers arrive at Next's warehouse in West Yorkshire
Unemployment higher than average in Humber and Yorkshire with 218,000 out of work
Reports that Polish agency has sent 7,000 people to work at Next already
Operations director at Polish firm said he received 100 calls a day asking about Next jobs
Next says it currently uses about 250 Polish workers and hires up to 500 a year
Spokesman claims the firm 'simply cannot recruit enough people locally'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2852931/How-hiring-thousands-cheap-Eastern-European-workers-staff-warehouse-area-200-000-dole.html#ixzz3KW03Ppoo

Anonymous said...


The Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism.


Anonymous said...

France’s President Rejects U.S. President’s Demand for Global Oligarchy.


Anonymous said...

Scientist who discovered DNA forced to sell his Nobel prize after being shunned for inflammatory race comments
James Watson sparked race row after 2007 interview with Sunday Times
He claimed that people of African descent were inherently less intelligent
The scientist, who won 1962 Nobel Prize, said he was shunned for remarks
His award is expected to fetch as much as £2.5m at auction next week
Dr Watson will use the money to supplement income and buy artwork

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2853855/Scientist-discovered-DNA-forced-sell-Nobel-prize-shunned-inflammatory-race-comments.html#ixzz3KajmTuoN

Anonymous said...

Hardline Australia, confused Scandinavia and tense Russia: the global immigration picture

Special report: immigration increasingly dominates national debate in the UK. But what about elsewhere? From the far right making political capital in Scandinavia to border guards pushing migrant boats back to sea in Australia and the millions of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, Guardian correspondents examine the state of debate worldwide


Anonymous said...


Is criticism of Ed Miliband a coded form of anti-Semitism?


Anonymous said...

The Medieval—and Highly Effective—Tactics of the Ukrainian Protests

Military-style methods help Euromaidan overwhelm state forces.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Owner of terrified dog who ran onto bus to escape beating avoids prison sentence

THE OWNER of a dog who fled into a double decker bus to escape a brutal beating has avoided a prison sentence.


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...