Army Cadet blasted in face with makeshift blowtorch after selling poppies in Manchester city centre
The 15-year-old, who was wearing his camouflaged uniform, suffered burns when a man attacked him with an aerosol can and a lighter near Manchester Art Gallery.

The 15-year-old, who was wearing his camouflaged uniform, was waiting at a bus stop next to Manchester Art Gallery, opposite George Street in Manchester, when a man approached him with an aerosol can and a lighter.
The attacker used the items to make a makeshift blowtorch and sprayed lit fumes at the Cadet, who had spent the day in the city centre selling poppies and collecting money to commemorate Armistice Day.
UPDATE: Manchester MP 'appalled and disgusted' by DIY blowtorch attack on Army Cadet selling poppies in city centre
UPDATE: Royal British Legion condemns 'flamethrower' attack on teen selling poppies in Manchester
The teenager, who had been looking down Princess Street at the time of the unprovoked attack, suffered minor reddening to his face and singed hairs on his face and right forearm.
The offender, who walked off without saying a word, is described as being black or Asian, 5ft 8in and wearing a dark hooded top. He appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and was staggering, police said.
Detectives are ‘keeping an open mind’ about the motive of the attack, which happened yesterday at 6pm.
They have appealed for anyone with information to come forward.
Det Insp Liam Boden said: “This is an absolutely appalling attack on a young man who was raising money to help remember all those who gave their lives fighting bravely for their country.
“At this stage of our inquiries, we’re keeping an open mind as to what motivated the offender to commit such an act.
“Given the initial description we have of the offender, it may be that he was under the influence of something but whatever his motivation, his violent actions could have scarred this young man for life.
“Although he has suffered some minor injuries, it is pure luck that he did not sustain more serious burns to his face and body."
Det Insp Liam Boden added that the Cadet and his family were in ‘total shock’ and could not believe anyone would do such a thing.
He said: “We need to find whomever is responsible for this crime and I would therefore appeal to anyone who has information that could help.
“This happened at a very busy time in the city centre, near a main bus route, and there could be lots of people who saw this man staggering around.“If you do have information then please come forward.”
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Why I will no longer support the Red Cross, explains ANN WIDDECOMBE
I HAVE withdrawn all support for the Red Cross, an organisation which I have backed in various ways throughout my life.
Let us be clear: the issue here is not whether one supports gay marriage or not but whether one should be free to state a position.
Parliament was given assurance after assurance that freedom of conscience would be respected if the law on marriage was changed. What price those promises now, Mr Cameron?
Anyway as I share Mr Barkley's views the Red Cross presumably no longer wants my efforts or is it one law for the ordinary volunteers and one for those whose names are useful? And how will the Red Cross explain this to its Red Crescent arm in Muslim countries?
I should just love to hear it try. What has happened to the freedom of expression we all once took for granted and when did it become acceptable for employers and charities to censor the views of individuals when pronounced outside the workplace or organisation?
Does anybody remember the days when we fought the Cold War precisely to retain the right to free speech and to dissent from state orthodoxy?
I challenge Mr Cameron to condemn the Red Cross for this decision and if he does not then we must assume that this was the sort of country he wanted all along.
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