The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Olympic opening ceremony grapples with weighty issues
1 day ago
LONDON — A celebration of free healthcare, the trade union struggle,
the battle for women's rights and a fleeting lesbian kiss: the Olympics
opening ceremony Friday did not shy away from weighty social issues.Unsurprisingly, the show devised by Oscar-winning British director Danny Boyle drew accusations from the British political right that it had strayed into "leftie" issues.
Aidan Burley, a lawmaker from Prime Minister David Cameron's ruling Conservative party, tweeted: "The most leftie opening ceremony I have ever seen -- more than Beijing, the capital of a communist state! Welfare tribute next?"
He followed that with: "Thank God the athletes have arrived! Now we can move on from leftie multi-cultural crap."
Several people tweeted their support for his comments.
Alastair Campbell, former British Labour prime minister Tony Blair's communications chief, retorted on Twitter: "Brilliant that we got a socialist to do the opening ceremony."
Cameron's Downing Street office distanced itself from Burley's comments, tweeting a message from the premier reading: "The opening ceremony has been a great showcase for this country. It's more proof Britain can deliver."
Burley was removed from his job as aide to the transport minister last month after attending a Nazi-themed stag party in a French ski resort.
Ahead of the show, Boyle -- whose film "Slumdog Millionaire" won eight Oscars in 2009 -- denied he was pushing a political agenda.
"The sensibility of the show is very personal," he said.
"A group of us have created it, but we had no agenda other than... values that we feel are true.
"Not everybody will love that but people will be able to recognise as being honest and truthful really. I felt that very strongly. There is no b(expletive) in it, and there is no point-making either."
The show bringing the curtain up on the London Olympics began with sections showing idyllic rural Britain being overtaken by the Industrial Revolution, before moving on to a 10-minute sequence celebrating the state-run National Health Service (NHS).
Britain's first televised lesbian kiss -- from a 1993 episode of soap opera "Brookside" -- was shown in a fast-moving montage of flim and TV clips.
Later in the ceremony, dancers formed the shape of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament badge and other performers represented the struggle of trade union movements.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
A 12-year-old boy was drowned in a
bath of boiling water by robbers who raped his mother before killing
both his parents in a violent house robbery.
Three men broke into the family's home in Walkerville, Johannesburg, where they assaulted and shot dead Tony Viana, 53, and brutally raped and killed his wife, Geraldine.
They then tied up and gagged the sobbing boy, Amaro, and pushed him into a bath of boiling hot water to drown him, 'because he would be able to identify them'.
The family’s gardener, Patrick Petrus Radebe, 24, their domestic servant’s son, Sipho Mbele, 21, pleaded guilty to three charges of murder and one charge of rape each, reported Sowetan Live.
David Motaung, 20, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to robbery charges.
They then left the South African court and walked back their cells laughing, according to Beeld newspaper.
The family dog was killed by having his stomach cut open.
The men’s lawyer told Vereeniging Regional Court that they had broken into the house to steal and to get revenge for the way they had been treated by 42-year-old Mrs Viana, their employer.
The court heard that Mr Viana arrived home at the house to be attacked with a golf club and a machete-like 'panga' and ordered to open the family's safe.
He was tied up and his wife and son, who arrived shortly after, were tied up in separate rooms.
Mbele then raped Mrs Viana while Radebe helped restrain her by standing on her face before raping her too. They then shot her with her husband’s gun before shooting him in the head too, reported
The accused admitted they then realised Amaro would recognise him.
According to Beeld, Mbele and Radebe admitted guilt on charges of burglary with the intent to steal, robbery with aggravating circumstances, the possession of an unlicensed firearm, the illegal possession of ammunition and intentional damage to goods.
From forensic evidence tendered in court, it was clear that the boy was held down in boiling water. The exact cause of his death has however not yet been determined by state pathologists. The boy’s hands and feet were tied.
The men will be sentenced on September 6.
Poignant pictures published on Facebook show the family, who are of Portuguese descent, relaxing together on holiday in the luxury South African resort of Sun City.
South Africa in shock over horror killings as parents are murdered in their own home and son, 12, is drowned in BOILING WATER
- Sobbing child was tied up and gagged before being murdered in bath 'because he could identify them'
- The three men assaulted the father with a golf club and blade before shooting both adults
- Family dog had stomach cut open
- Trio worked for the family and said killings were revenge for being badly treated

Violent death: Amaro Viana was brutally killed in a bath of boiling hot water because he have identified his parents' murderers
Three men broke into the family's home in Walkerville, Johannesburg, where they assaulted and shot dead Tony Viana, 53, and brutally raped and killed his wife, Geraldine.
They then tied up and gagged the sobbing boy, Amaro, and pushed him into a bath of boiling hot water to drown him, 'because he would be able to identify them'.
The family’s gardener, Patrick Petrus Radebe, 24, their domestic servant’s son, Sipho Mbele, 21, pleaded guilty to three charges of murder and one charge of rape each, reported Sowetan Live.
David Motaung, 20, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to robbery charges.
They then left the South African court and walked back their cells laughing, according to Beeld newspaper.
The family dog was killed by having his stomach cut open.
The men’s lawyer told Vereeniging Regional Court that they had broken into the house to steal and to get revenge for the way they had been treated by 42-year-old Mrs Viana, their employer.
The court heard that Mr Viana arrived home at the house to be attacked with a golf club and a machete-like 'panga' and ordered to open the family's safe.
Mbele then raped Mrs Viana while Radebe helped restrain her by standing on her face before raping her too. They then shot her with her husband’s gun before shooting him in the head too, reported
The accused admitted they then realised Amaro would recognise him.

Twisted: From left, Sipho Mbele, David Motaung and Patrick Petrus Radebe smiled in court as they admitted to their sick crimes

Torn apart: Amaro with his mother Geraldine and
father Tony, who were shot to death by the robbers, along with Gabriela
Correia, Mr Viana's daughter by his first marriage

Sick attack: Amaro, pictured with half-sister Gabriela, was tied up and gagged before being scalded to death
Their statement said: 'We went to
the bathroom and turned on the tap. We went to [Amaro] him and gagged
him because he was crying. We forced him into the bath face down,
knowing that he would drown.'According to Beeld, Mbele and Radebe admitted guilt on charges of burglary with the intent to steal, robbery with aggravating circumstances, the possession of an unlicensed firearm, the illegal possession of ammunition and intentional damage to goods.
From forensic evidence tendered in court, it was clear that the boy was held down in boiling water. The exact cause of his death has however not yet been determined by state pathologists. The boy’s hands and feet were tied.
The men will be sentenced on September 6.
Poignant pictures published on Facebook show the family, who are of Portuguese descent, relaxing together on holiday in the luxury South African resort of Sun City.

Appalling crime: The three men laughed as they
walked back to their cells after pleading guilty at Vereeniging Regional
Court, pictured
NWN: We have been aware of the farm murders in SA for some time, and what happened before in Rhodesia.Certainly our rulers of the past such as Edward 1 and Elizabeth 1, would have dealt with these pieces of excrement in an appropriate manner.
Our current rulers are bringing people like this INTO our country, and have been doing this for years.
Our rulers were also complicit in turning SA into a 'white hating society' and lauding bombers like Nelson Mandela, who was lucky that he was not executed for his crimes.
A truly shocking story !
But why, oh why, do they keep employing these people to do their 'dirty jobs' ?
They should not employ any of them at all !
Hell, even Eugene Terre-Blanche employed his murderers.
A truly shocking story !
But why, oh why, do they keep employing these people to do their 'dirty jobs' ?
They should not employ any of them at all !
Hell, even Eugene Terre-Blanche employed his murderers.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Thousands of schoolgirls across Greater Manchester could be at risk of mutilation at the hands of their families this summer, experts have warned.
Girls as young as six from across the region are likely to be taken abroad over the holidays for female circumcision – a custom practised among some African and Middle Eastern communities.
Authorities believe others may even undergo the illegal procedure at home, with ‘cutters’ – women who perform the operation – operating in secret or flown in through Manchester Airport.
Greater Manchester is known to be one of the top six places in Britain where the illegal procedure is carried out and campaigners are desperate to stamp it out.
They say the six-week holidays are a key time when girls are at risk – as it gives them the longest time to heal, without raising suspicions at school.
Viewed in the West as barbaric, female circumcision is seen by many in Somali, Egyptian and Sudanese and Middle Eastern communities as essential to preserve a girl’s purity and honour.
But it is also known to lead to a range of health risks, from infections to HIV and can even be fatal.
The procedure is carried out without anaesthetic, usually by a woman with no formal medical training using a knife or razor.
Because secrecy surrounds the practice, campaigners say teachers can play a key role if they learn the warning signs that a girl may be at risk.
So-called ‘red flags’ include girls talking about holidays where they will ‘become a woman’ or ‘become just like my mum and sister’.
Girls who have had the procedure performed will often avoid exercise on their return to school and ask to go to the toilet more often because of their discomfort.
Campaigner Jaria Hussain-Lala is chair of the Greater Manchester FGM Forum, which brings together police officers and charities to support victims.
She said: "People from communities who practise this may prefer to call it cutting, or circumcision – but let’s not flower it up, it is mutilation.
"It is a form of domestic and honour-based violence and has huge health implications.
"We know around 24,000 women and girls have undergone this in Britain, although this number is likely to be a lot higher because it is kept so secret.
"Greater Manchester one of six hotspots for it so there could be thousands of women and girls affected here.
"It’s essential that teachers, doctors and other professionals learn the warning signs that a girl might be at risk.
"We are trying to find out more about how it is carried out here in Greater Manchester at the moment and whether women are being flown in from abroad to carry it out.
"Because a lot of the communities who are practising this are relatively new in this country, there’s the element of distrusting authorities because they want to preserve their traditions."
While circumcision is mainly practised on girls between six and 15, women may also undergo the procedure before marriage or even just before giving birth.
Immediate health risks include infection, HIV and hepatitis C, as the same razor is often used on many girls.
Long-term risks include kidney and urinary infection and problems giving birth along with long-lasting psychological trauma.
Because of its illegality, many women and girls who develop health problems avoid hospitals and doctors, seeking help from ‘healers’ or back-street clinics.
FATOU is 22 and lives in Rochdale with her three-year-old son. Born in the Ivory Coast, she fled after being forced to undergo circumcision and came to Britain.
She said: "It happened when I was 18. My mum had been very protective of me and made sure I didn’t get circumcised because she was against it, but couldn’t say so openly.
"I was hoping to come to Britain to study at university and she had helped me get a travel visa.
"But then my dad found out and decided that I could not go abroad unmarried. He arranged for me to become the third wife of a man in his 40s.
"This man’s family found out I had never been circumcised and it caused a scandal.
"Before the wedding, my arms and legs were tied down and I was beaten for resisting.
"An old woman from my husband’s family used a sharp knife to cut me.
"It was very, very painful and there was a lot of bleeding. I didn’t receive any medical attention. After that my husband didn’t care about the pain I was in and kept abusing me.
"I was so unhappy I tried to commit suicide.
"I had given my sister my passport to hide and she arranged for me to escape to Britain while I still had my visa.
"I started English classes and there I met someone and we started a relationship.
"He didn’t like that I was circumcised and I think that is one of the reasons we split up while I was pregnant.
"When my son was born I was so relieved he was not a girl who might have to go through what I had.
"Four years on, I am still in pain sometimes and have scars I don’t even like a doctor to see.
"I can never go back to the Ivory Coast and have applied for asylum here.
"I am on my own with my son but think I will never want to be in a relationship again."
(Fatou’s name has been changed to protect her identity)
PEGGY Mulongo works for charity New Steps for the African Community.
She trains doctors, nurses and medical students at hospitals and universities across Greater Manchester to help women who have undergone female circumcision.
She is also setting up new support groups in Rochdale, Salford and North Manchester and runs youth groups to educate teenagers on the health risks.
She said: "It is important not to condemn families but to educate them about the health risks , that it’s a form of abuse and illegal.
"We have heard of people taking their daughters to Bolton to have it done but I think most travel abroad.
"It is very secretive. Women will never tell you who carried it out and children want to protect their parents. But when women start sharing their stories there are a lot of tears.
"I am convinced that educating teenagers is key to ending the practice in this country. They can persuade their parents and stand up against it happening to their younger siblings.
"There are signs of progress, but we still have a lot to do."
SERGEANT Nita Jhanji-Garrod works in the public protection division of Greater Manchester Police.
The force conducts outreach work amongst communities who carry out female circumcision – but like the rest of the country, there has never been a single conviction for carrying it out. She said: "We treat it as a form of honour-based violence.
"There is a real feeling that it is not something to go to the police about, that it should be sorted out within the community or at home.
"Because it is illegal, it has really pushed underground.
"But we are really wanting to raise awareness of the practice and encourage more people to report it. We have done outreach work within the Somali community and I feel so far we have only scratched the surface of the issue.
"We’re hoping to do more outreach work within schools to raise awareness as it is young girls who will be affected by it.
"If you wish to discuss the issues we Greater Manchester Police have trained specialist officers who can support you on 0161 872 5050."
Thousands of Greater Manchester girls at risk from illegal circumcision by family
Thousands of schoolgirls across Greater Manchester could be at risk of mutilation at the hands of their families this summer, experts have warned.
Girls as young as six from across the region are likely to be taken abroad over the holidays for female circumcision – a custom practised among some African and Middle Eastern communities.
Authorities believe others may even undergo the illegal procedure at home, with ‘cutters’ – women who perform the operation – operating in secret or flown in through Manchester Airport.
Greater Manchester is known to be one of the top six places in Britain where the illegal procedure is carried out and campaigners are desperate to stamp it out.
They say the six-week holidays are a key time when girls are at risk – as it gives them the longest time to heal, without raising suspicions at school.
Viewed in the West as barbaric, female circumcision is seen by many in Somali, Egyptian and Sudanese and Middle Eastern communities as essential to preserve a girl’s purity and honour.
But it is also known to lead to a range of health risks, from infections to HIV and can even be fatal.
The procedure is carried out without anaesthetic, usually by a woman with no formal medical training using a knife or razor.
Because secrecy surrounds the practice, campaigners say teachers can play a key role if they learn the warning signs that a girl may be at risk.
So-called ‘red flags’ include girls talking about holidays where they will ‘become a woman’ or ‘become just like my mum and sister’.
Girls who have had the procedure performed will often avoid exercise on their return to school and ask to go to the toilet more often because of their discomfort.
Campaigner Jaria Hussain-Lala is chair of the Greater Manchester FGM Forum, which brings together police officers and charities to support victims.
She said: "People from communities who practise this may prefer to call it cutting, or circumcision – but let’s not flower it up, it is mutilation.
"It is a form of domestic and honour-based violence and has huge health implications.
"We know around 24,000 women and girls have undergone this in Britain, although this number is likely to be a lot higher because it is kept so secret.
"Greater Manchester one of six hotspots for it so there could be thousands of women and girls affected here.
"It’s essential that teachers, doctors and other professionals learn the warning signs that a girl might be at risk.
"We are trying to find out more about how it is carried out here in Greater Manchester at the moment and whether women are being flown in from abroad to carry it out.
"Because a lot of the communities who are practising this are relatively new in this country, there’s the element of distrusting authorities because they want to preserve their traditions."
While circumcision is mainly practised on girls between six and 15, women may also undergo the procedure before marriage or even just before giving birth.
Immediate health risks include infection, HIV and hepatitis C, as the same razor is often used on many girls.
Long-term risks include kidney and urinary infection and problems giving birth along with long-lasting psychological trauma.
Because of its illegality, many women and girls who develop health problems avoid hospitals and doctors, seeking help from ‘healers’ or back-street clinics.
FATOU is 22 and lives in Rochdale with her three-year-old son. Born in the Ivory Coast, she fled after being forced to undergo circumcision and came to Britain.
She said: "It happened when I was 18. My mum had been very protective of me and made sure I didn’t get circumcised because she was against it, but couldn’t say so openly.
"I was hoping to come to Britain to study at university and she had helped me get a travel visa.
"But then my dad found out and decided that I could not go abroad unmarried. He arranged for me to become the third wife of a man in his 40s.
"This man’s family found out I had never been circumcised and it caused a scandal.
"Before the wedding, my arms and legs were tied down and I was beaten for resisting.
"An old woman from my husband’s family used a sharp knife to cut me.
"It was very, very painful and there was a lot of bleeding. I didn’t receive any medical attention. After that my husband didn’t care about the pain I was in and kept abusing me.
"I was so unhappy I tried to commit suicide.
"I had given my sister my passport to hide and she arranged for me to escape to Britain while I still had my visa.
"I started English classes and there I met someone and we started a relationship.
"He didn’t like that I was circumcised and I think that is one of the reasons we split up while I was pregnant.
"When my son was born I was so relieved he was not a girl who might have to go through what I had.
"Four years on, I am still in pain sometimes and have scars I don’t even like a doctor to see.
"I can never go back to the Ivory Coast and have applied for asylum here.
"I am on my own with my son but think I will never want to be in a relationship again."
(Fatou’s name has been changed to protect her identity)
PEGGY Mulongo works for charity New Steps for the African Community.
She trains doctors, nurses and medical students at hospitals and universities across Greater Manchester to help women who have undergone female circumcision.
She is also setting up new support groups in Rochdale, Salford and North Manchester and runs youth groups to educate teenagers on the health risks.
She said: "It is important not to condemn families but to educate them about the health risks , that it’s a form of abuse and illegal.
"We have heard of people taking their daughters to Bolton to have it done but I think most travel abroad.
"It is very secretive. Women will never tell you who carried it out and children want to protect their parents. But when women start sharing their stories there are a lot of tears.
"I am convinced that educating teenagers is key to ending the practice in this country. They can persuade their parents and stand up against it happening to their younger siblings.
"There are signs of progress, but we still have a lot to do."
SERGEANT Nita Jhanji-Garrod works in the public protection division of Greater Manchester Police.
The force conducts outreach work amongst communities who carry out female circumcision – but like the rest of the country, there has never been a single conviction for carrying it out. She said: "We treat it as a form of honour-based violence.
"There is a real feeling that it is not something to go to the police about, that it should be sorted out within the community or at home.
"Because it is illegal, it has really pushed underground.
"But we are really wanting to raise awareness of the practice and encourage more people to report it. We have done outreach work within the Somali community and I feel so far we have only scratched the surface of the issue.
"We’re hoping to do more outreach work within schools to raise awareness as it is young girls who will be affected by it.
"If you wish to discuss the issues we Greater Manchester Police have trained specialist officers who can support you on 0161 872 5050."
Saturday, July 14, 2012
David Sloan, 33, threatened the politician's parents and daughter in an attempt to recover a debt of £44,000.
His now-defunct firm, Romac Press, had produced election leaflets for the BNP, but Mr Griffin refused to pay, saying there were too many errors.
The judge at Carlisle Crown Court sentenced Sloan, of Newtonards, County Down, to two-and-a-half years in jail.
He had denied the charges, but was convicted of two counts of blackmail.
'Loathing and contempt'
Sentencing, Judge Peter Hughes, said Sloan was a man of previous good character, and under stress, but he had set about trying to enforce the debt using improper means.
He said: "Blackmail is a despicable offence, it is rightly regarded with loathing and contempt.
"You went to considerable lengths, travelling to England to target Mr Griffin's daughter.
"You tailgated her in your car from the BNP office in Wigton to Carlisle, it must have been terrifying.
"Your purpose was to scare.
"This has nothing to do with politics, or Mr Griffin's views, it is about the use of blackmail."
NWN: Looks like the state is protecting 'Agent Griffin' here. Nationalists are usually ignored by the police when we make complaints. Bailiffs go around threatening people all the time. But the state are not usually interested, especially when they owe money, as Griffin clearly does here.
Blackmail attempt on BNP leader Nick Griffin: Man jailed

Nick Griffin's parents and daughter were threatened by Sloan
A businessman who attempted to blackmail BNP leader Nick Griffin and targeted his family has been jailed.
His now-defunct firm, Romac Press, had produced election leaflets for the BNP, but Mr Griffin refused to pay, saying there were too many errors.
The judge at Carlisle Crown Court sentenced Sloan, of Newtonards, County Down, to two-and-a-half years in jail.
He had denied the charges, but was convicted of two counts of blackmail.
'Loathing and contempt'
Sentencing, Judge Peter Hughes, said Sloan was a man of previous good character, and under stress, but he had set about trying to enforce the debt using improper means.
He said: "Blackmail is a despicable offence, it is rightly regarded with loathing and contempt.
"You went to considerable lengths, travelling to England to target Mr Griffin's daughter.
"You tailgated her in your car from the BNP office in Wigton to Carlisle, it must have been terrifying.
"Your purpose was to scare.
"This has nothing to do with politics, or Mr Griffin's views, it is about the use of blackmail."
NWN: Looks like the state is protecting 'Agent Griffin' here. Nationalists are usually ignored by the police when we make complaints. Bailiffs go around threatening people all the time. But the state are not usually interested, especially when they owe money, as Griffin clearly does here.
Saturday, July 07, 2012
European Union defines criminal anti-semitism
Received from the NWN Forum:
The following is from Michael Hoffman's site On the Contrary. We are posting it here to let you good people know about what's in the pipeline and coming your way. This is a shocking example of how logic and justice have been inverted. But the new legal maxim of "truth is no defence" would have been laughed out of court when sanity was still the dominant force in deciding such matters.
- This is not justice it's tyranny and the boy who pointed out that the Emperor had no clothes could face seven years confinement for his honesty today.
Link to On the Contrary
European Union defines criminal anti-semitism
From the European Union:
"The purpose of this document is to provide a practical guide for identifying incidents, collecting data, and supporting the implementation and enforcement of legislation dealing with antisemitism."
Working definition: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for “why things go wrong.” It is expressed in speech, writing, visual forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traits.
Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:
Examples of the ways in which antisemitism manifests itself with regard to the State of Israel taking into account the overall context could include:
However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.
Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for example, denial of the Holocaust or distribution of antisemitic materials in some countries).
Criminal acts are antisemitic when the targets of attacks, whether they are people or property - such as buildings, schools, places of worship and cemeteries - are selected because they are, or perceived to be, Jewish or linked to Jews.
Antisemitic discrimination is the denial to Jews of opportunities or services available to others and is illegal in many countries.
The following is from Michael Hoffman's site On the Contrary. We are posting it here to let you good people know about what's in the pipeline and coming your way. This is a shocking example of how logic and justice have been inverted. But the new legal maxim of "truth is no defence" would have been laughed out of court when sanity was still the dominant force in deciding such matters.
- This is not justice it's tyranny and the boy who pointed out that the Emperor had no clothes could face seven years confinement for his honesty today.
Link to On the Contrary
European Union defines criminal anti-semitism
From the European Union:
Working Definition of Antisemitism
"The purpose of this document is to provide a practical guide for identifying incidents, collecting data, and supporting the implementation and enforcement of legislation dealing with antisemitism."
Working definition: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for “why things go wrong.” It is expressed in speech, writing, visual forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traits.
Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:
- Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
- Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
- Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
- Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
- Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
- Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
Examples of the ways in which antisemitism manifests itself with regard to the State of Israel taking into account the overall context could include:
- Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
- Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
- Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
- Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.
Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for example, denial of the Holocaust or distribution of antisemitic materials in some countries).
Criminal acts are antisemitic when the targets of attacks, whether they are people or property - such as buildings, schools, places of worship and cemeteries - are selected because they are, or perceived to be, Jewish or linked to Jews.
Antisemitic discrimination is the denial to Jews of opportunities or services available to others and is illegal in many countries.
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Recent tests conducted on Yasser Arafat's personal belongings at the time of his unexpected death in 2004
suggest his body contained abnormal levels of radioactive polonium, the
same poisonous substance that killed Russian spy-turned-dissident
Alexander Litvinenko, Al-Jazeera TV reports.Al-Jazeera says its
nine-month investigation found that Arafat was in good health until he
fell suddenly ill Oct. 12, 2004, at his compound in Ramallah on the
West Bank. He was flown to a French miitary hospital in Paris, where he
died several days later.
Al-Jazeera says the tests on his clothes, including his toothbrush and kaffiyeh, were conducted by the Institut de Radiophysique in Lausanne, Switzerland.
"I can confirm to you that we measured an unexplained, elevated amount of unsupported polonium-210 in the belongings of Mr. Arafat that contained stains of biological fluids," Francois Bochud, the director of the institute, tells Al-Jazeera.
Additional tests, conducted over a three-month period from March until June, concluded that most of that polonium found in samples of body fluids -- sweat and urine -- on Arafat's clothes, was "unsupported," meaning that it did not come from natural sources.
Al-Jazeera says there is little scientific consensus on the symptoms of polonium poisoning, mostly because it is so rare.
Litvinenko suffered severe diarrhea, weight loss and vomiting, as did Arafat, in the days and weeks before he fell ill.
A British inquiry into the Litvinenko's death found that he was poisoned with polonium slipped into his tea at a sushi restaurant, Al-Jazeera notes.
NWN: Now who would have had the power to do this ? And with no autopsy ? He was soon shoved underground. According to Al Jazeera his widow has called for an exhumation.
Al-Jazeera: Tests suggest Arafat died of polonium poisoning
By Hussein Hussein, AP
READ: Al-Jazeera's full story
No autopsy was performed on the longtime Palestinian leader, who died at the age of 74.Al-Jazeera says the tests on his clothes, including his toothbrush and kaffiyeh, were conducted by the Institut de Radiophysique in Lausanne, Switzerland.
"I can confirm to you that we measured an unexplained, elevated amount of unsupported polonium-210 in the belongings of Mr. Arafat that contained stains of biological fluids," Francois Bochud, the director of the institute, tells Al-Jazeera.
Additional tests, conducted over a three-month period from March until June, concluded that most of that polonium found in samples of body fluids -- sweat and urine -- on Arafat's clothes, was "unsupported," meaning that it did not come from natural sources.
Al-Jazeera says there is little scientific consensus on the symptoms of polonium poisoning, mostly because it is so rare.
Litvinenko suffered severe diarrhea, weight loss and vomiting, as did Arafat, in the days and weeks before he fell ill.
A British inquiry into the Litvinenko's death found that he was poisoned with polonium slipped into his tea at a sushi restaurant, Al-Jazeera notes.
Breaking news...................The Palestinians have approved an exhumation........................... Now who would have had the power to do this ? And with no autopsy ? He was soon shoved underground. According to Al Jazeera his widow has called for an exhumation.
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