Communist reds run true to type !
Here is a picture shown on the zionist/communist blogsite Lancaster Unity, literally drooling in their approval of a handful of BNP members getting a 'kicking' in Glasgow last Saturday, the 18th.September 2010. These are typical odds that the reds like, over 10 - 15 to 1 odds.
Thankfully the reds are as naive as the poor BNP victims of this assault, and gloating pics have allowed more serious nationalists to pinpoint the culprits
The sheer hypocrisy of the Lancaster Unity site though through the resident Lesbian writer/liar, Denise, who hails from that multi-culti area of Norfolk/Suffolk, has to be seen to be believed. Here is a taster;
September 21, 2010
Weekend reports - BNP chased out of Glasgow, "gutless" Griffin flees Liverpool
Posted by Denise BNP & SDL chased out of Glasgow
Saturday 18 September saw a hugely successful day of anti-fascist direct action against the racist thugs of the BNP and the Scottish Defence League – both of whom attempted to carry out public activity in Glasgow on the day.
September 21, 2010
Weekend reports - BNP chased out of Glasgow, "gutless" Griffin flees Liverpool
Posted by Denise BNP & SDL chased out of Glasgow
Saturday 18 September saw a hugely successful day of anti-fascist direct action against the racist thugs of the BNP and the Scottish Defence League – both of whom attempted to carry out public activity in Glasgow on the day.
Another of these 'class heroes' apparently hails from that other multi racial melting pot of the Island of Arran. Still, he probably has an excuse for still living in 1936.
What wasn't surprising was how the Police did their usual 'feetdragging' when nationalists need their help. According to many, this area of Glasgow is one of the most highly CCTV'd areas in the UK, and it took the Police over 15 minutes to arrive from round the corner. Then proceed to just stand there and do nothing. No arrests were made - typical British Police 'modus operandi' when it is nationalists on the receiving end ! But if ever the BNP are the culprits, we suffer smashed down doors and the like - the full force of the law as they say.
Hopefully, these naive Griffinite BNPers will lay siege at the Police, and get the services of a Solicitor to pursue the real thugs of the left.
Strange no mention of this on the BNP site. Why doesn't Griffin stand up and publicise it. He should be behind his members making a complaint to the police.
As a humorous aside (we can't always be serious!), Philip Weiss reports that Abe Foxman made the following argument for why just about everyone should support Zionism. It is a reductio ad absurdum of the argument that white ethno-nationalists should support Jewish nationalism:
Can you be anti-Zionist and not be an anti-Semite? Almost never. Unless you can prove to me you're against nationalism. If you're one of those unique individuals in this world that's opposed to American nationalism, French nationalism, Palestinian nationalism, then you can be opposed to Jewish nationalism. Is it racist? You bet it is. Every nationalism is racist. It sets its laws of citizenship, it sets its own capital... It sets its songs, it sets its values. It is, if you will, exclusive, and you can even call it racist. But if the only nationalism in the world that is racist is Jewish nationalism, then you're an anti-Semite.. I don't want to make any apologies for it.
On one of the gloating pics with the BNP banner, the spotty student reds had an Irish tricolour which means they are IRA filth as well.
No wonder thay got angry at the support the troops slogan.
What a bunch of muppets. They should try a few months living on a South London council estate.
What do they think will destroy Scottish traditions and way of life quicker?? 400 years of rule from Westminster or 20 years of unlimited immigration into Scotland.
Answers on a postcard....
Griffin has got to learn that nothing has changed, even though he sucks up to the Jews now and has opened up the BNP membership to Non-Whites. All the liberalisation was a waste of time and many decent nationalists walked away from the party in total degust. These Lads in Glasgow needed a big team of Nationalists to support them, in the old days there would have been at least a dozen tuff Racial Nationalists at such a street event, the Reds wouldn't have had a chance.
What they should heave had was a bunch of EDL waiting discretely a short distance away, and at the first sign of trouble they steam into the reds, give them a good kicking and then scarper.
I believe the pimply teenagers are being identified & home visits may be in the pipeline.
The Green Arrow site has a page showing the the BNP in Glasgow being attacked by the red scum, plus a video straight off the Zionist propaganda line denying Palestine ever existed! Therefore leaving one to believe that Green Arrow is indeed a Zionist and therefore not compatible with British Nationalism.
Griffin a long time ago wanted all the tough heads with brains out the party.Hence the above video where idiots let a bunch of snotty nose reds trash their table top and knick their banner ! not on my watch would that have happened.
"What they should heave had was a bunch of EDL waiting discretely a short distance away, and at the first sign of trouble they steam into the reds, give them a good kicking and then scarper."
More like the EDL would be joining with the reds to attack the BNP!
"What they should heave had was a bunch of EDL waiting discretely a short distance away, and at the first sign of trouble they steam into the reds, give them a good kicking and then scarper."
More like the Zionist EDL would have joined with the reds to attack the BNP.
The reds hardly ever got our flags or banners in the old days, we'd have died before let those scum touch those sacred emblems.
More like the EDL would be joining with the reds to attack the BNP!
Doubtful but i bet griffin wishes he had never proscribed the EDL as you need certain street wise people in nationalism something griffin no longer has in the zanu BNP.
EDL would have been indisposed on a saturday kicking hell out of rival football firms of buying their drugs for a marathon booze & drugs fest at some rave or such.
They have been identified, they have even deleted their facebook accounts, they must be shitting bricks by now
Griffin and Darby organise both sides.Why go on about the police?
What do you expect from the Anti-White boys in blue?
The dumb BNP members are on film cheering the Masonic led police in liverpool.
You can lead a horse to water....
Demo's should be arranged outside the pig farmers drum near welshpool.Quisling banners should be hoisted up outside Darbys and Griffins.
The police would soon come to protect those scum.
The pro Jew, Pro Black EDL wankers wouldn't have helped our lads, they would have been too busy snorting Coke and cheering on Black football players scoring goals and reading about their Black heroes shagging White woman in the Jewish owned Daily Star newspaper?
EDL wankers wouldn't have helped our lads.....
The BNP once had lads what have they now got ? the entire cast of john steinbecks of mice and men.Griffin got rid of the tough cookies the EDL will be in Leicester town centre in two weeks maybe you might want to go and take a look instead of sitting in a back street boozer keeping griffins pension fund hot,hot hot.
Lenin: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it"
What you wont read on the Zionist Lancaster Disunity site.
What you wont find on the Zionist Lancaster Disunity / Green Arrow sites.(Now there lie's a tale)
We are obliged to conceal our own particular character and mode of life so that we will be allowed to continue our existence as a parasite among the nations. Our success in this line has gone so far that many believe that the Jews among them are genuine Frenchmen, or Englishmen, or Italians, or Germans who just happen to belong to a religious denomination which is different from that prevailing in these countries. Especially in circles concerned with government, where the officials have only a minimum of historical sense, we are able to impose our infamous deception with comparative ease. Therefore, there is never the slightest suspicion that we Jews form a distinct nation and are not merely the adherents of a 'confession.' Though one glance at the press which we control ought to furnish sufficient evidence to the contrary, even for those who possess only the smallest degree of intelligence."
When asked about the term 'non-redeemable notes,' Mr. Rosenthal replied: "Prior to 1968, the gullible goy could take a one dollar Federal Reserve note into any bank in America and redeem it for a dollar which was by law a coin containing 412 1/2 grains of 90 per cent silver. Up until 1933, one could have redeemed the same note for a coin of 25 4/5ths grains of 90 per cent gold. All we do is give the goy more non-redeemable notes, or else copper slugs. But we never give them their gold and silver. Only more paper," he said contemptuously.
"We Jews have prospered through the paper gimmick. It's our method through which we take money and give only paper in return." (The economic problem of America and the world is ultimately a Jewish problem, or as Henry Ford stated: "The Money Question, properly solved, is the end of the Jewish Question and every other question of a mundane nature."
Can you give me a example of this we asked? "The examples are numerous, but a few readily apparent are the stocks and bonds market, all forms of insurance and the fractional reserve system practiced by the Federal Reserve corporation, not to mention the billions in gold and silver that we have gained in exchange for paper notes, stupidly called money. Money power was essential in carrying out our master plan of international conquest through propaganda."
When asked how they proposed doing this, he said: "At first, by controlling the banking system we were able to control corporation capital. Through this, we acquired total monopoly of the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media. The printing industry, newspapers, periodicals and technical journals had already fallen into our hands. The richest plum was later to come when we took over the publication of all school materials. Through these vehicles we could mold public opinion to suit our own purposes. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them, whether they be truth or lies."
Good to see a Muslim collecting a leaflet at the outset!
Manchester city councillor on kill threat charge.
Faraz Bhatti has been suspended from the Conservative Party A Conservative Party councillor has appeared in court charged with threatening to kill his wife at their home in Manchester.
Manchester City Council's Faraz Bhatti, 37, was arrested after his 43-year-old wife, a community race relations officer, rang police from their Withington flat on 22 August.
We will have another demo - soon. It will be different from the last one. We do not require the EDL. As you know, Scotland works differently. Keep your EDL for England. That is not to say we do not require English patriots - just not the EDL! Those marxist commie twats have already been identified and have deleted their facebook accounts. Too late!
'The British National Party will coordinate its new online data system to ensure that the thousands of people who have signed the “Bring our boys home” anti-Afghan war petition are approached for postal votes, party leader Nick Griffin has said.'
Yeah pull the other one Griffin you dishonest crook, all these people will receive an avalanche of Conman Dowson's begging letters, Griffin would know what the Data protection Act was if it jumped and bit him!
I think that Jewish Communities must be strong. And than they cope this problem
All the good people who were in the Glasgow BNP have stepped down or not returned. Those scum reds would never have got our banner had the proper Glasgow Organiser been in Charge. We have no Organiser now - well we do in the name of Finnie - hopeless. Those other lads are newbies and not from Glasgow so probably didn't know what to expect. Glasgow BNP will not be the same without Hammy or Scott - in fact will will cease to be. Finnie couldn't organise a tea party let alone a political party - but he sucks the ass of Jefferson - so he has been promoted - way, way beyond his capabilities.
24 September 2010 10:06
meerkat said...
We know some of us enjoy Starbucks, but this is beyond words...................
Recently, British Royal Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffees, and to request that they send some of it to the troops there.
Starbucks replied, telling the Royal Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee.
So as not to offend Starbucks, maybe we should support them by NOT buying any of their products!
I feel we should get this out in the open. I know this war might not be very popular with some people, but that doesn't mean we don't support the boys on the ground, fighting street-to-street and, house-to-house.
If you feel the same as I do then please pass this along.
Thanks very much for your support. I know you'll all be there again to support us when we deploy once more.
Sgt. Howard Wright,
1 Platoon, Recon Company, Royal Marines
Also, please don't forget that when the Twin Trade Towers were hit, the fire fighters and rescue workers went to Starbucks because it was close by for water for the survivors and workers, and Starbucks CHARGED THEM!!!
There are 227 Starbucks stores across the UK, and there's no doubt that our soldiers would get the same response from this company, so let us do our bit and boycott Starbucks to show them how despicable their actions are ..........................
A mug born every minute.
"I would be greatly pleased if those who call themselves proud Hungarian Jews played in their leisure with their tiny circumcised dicks, instead of besmirching me. Your kind of people are used to seeing all of our kind of people stand to attention and adjust to you every time you fart. Would you kindly acknowledge this is now OVER. We have raised our head up high and we shall no longer tolerate your kind of terror. We shall take back our country."
Starbucks is a kike outfit serving cesspit crap I wouldn't give to dog.
How 70% of New Zealand lamb imports to Britain are halal... but this is NOT put on the label
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1315065/How-70-New-Zealand-lamb-imports-Britain-halal--isnt-label.html#ixzz10XUpOIdo
The tale of two council homes: Afghan war hero denied family home... while refugee gets £1.2m seven-bedroom mansion.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1314918/Soldier-served-Afghanistan-refused-council-house-local.html#ixzz10Xa8eM15
1645: Portuguese Jewish bankers in Holland Solomon de Medina and Fernando Carvajal secretly fund Oliver Cromwell to readmit the Jews to England, where they had been banished for loansharking for almost 400 years. This drama leads to the killing of the king, the debauching of Ireland, and the capture of the British treasury by the Jews, which is why the City of London is the power center of the world today.
1917: A trainload of Jews from Brooklyn carrying $40 million in gold bullion steamed across Europe and wound up occupying 363 of the 388 seats in the new Bolshevik assembly after these humanitarian Jewish revolutionaries cut up the czar and his family into little pieces and burned them. You may not have noticed, but these are the people in charge of the United States now.
This is the fact we can’t get straight.
One side — one entity, one organization — funds BOTH sides in all the wars.
Failure to comprehend this one stark truth has diminished human life beyond comprehension. For openers, it has cost millions of human lives throughout the 20th century and into the 21st in the form of wars that were cynically fomented to mask the massive robberies of other countries. And all of them — every single one — has been manipulated into being, not for geopolitical or philosophical purposes, but for robbery, pure and simple. All done under some patriotic rubric and all done by the same bunch, money controllers of that certain stripe whose name it is not permitted to mention in that society they call polite.
Top supermarkets secretly sell halal: Sainsbury's, Tesco, Waitrose, and M&S don't tell us meat is ritually slaughtered
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1315278/Top-supermarkets-secretly-sell-halal-Sainsburys-Tesco-Waitrose-M-S-dont-tell-meat-ritually-slaughtered.html#ixzz10etFN6QN
The Collapse Of Western Morality .
Nearly 10% of Labour votes spoiled
Sep 26 2010
Nearly 10% of votes cast in the Labour leadership election did not count.
More than 36,500 of the 375,000 ballots were declared spoiled by officials.
The overwhelming majority of those came in the trade unions affiliates section - which was crucial in allowing Ed Miliband to defeat elder brother David by a margin of just 1.3%.
Some 36,105 of the 247,339 cast in that section did not count.
Many of the votes are believed to have been ruled out because trade union members omitted to tick a box confirming they were Labour supporters.
Saw some BNP numpties at the weekend with a bring our boys home banner,(under the guise of bringing more simpletons to milk into the party)so i went up to them and asked some questions about the BNP.
QUESTION 1 Why did Nick Griffin stand for the euro election when it is against nationalist idealogy?
ANSWER We voted Nick into the EU because we needed to get Nick into the EU to get us out of Europe!really yes.Thats like getting yourself locked up for 5 years to do prison reform.(you guested it no comment to that one)
QUESTION 2 Why is Jim Dowson who is not a nationalist in the BNP?
ANSWER Jim Dowson is the best we could find and afford for the BNP he has raised lots of money for us!
QUESTION 3 How long have you been in the BNP?
ANSWER 7 Years i'm the assistant East Midlands organizer.
Dr Chris Hill is outraged after being rejected as a candidate for the UKIP leadership and has threatened to return to his grass roots Liberalism!!
Those of us that remember this swinger Gigolo will not be at all surprised.
Albert Mary Jones..
Breaking News: Richard Barnbrook has been expelled from the BNP today by Gri££in!
Barnbrooks always getting expelled !
are you sure he's not being made up to a director of the BNP company limited,along with chairman nick & partner jim
ps It's only fucktards that believe it's a political party
When Wally was (dis)organiser of Glasgow he caused a lot of trouble through his own need to have his ego massaged, his huge chip on his shoulder, blaming his brain problems for mixing the truth up with his lies to suit himself, lack of nationalist or general political savvy and getting activists to bitch about each other. Glasgow and infact Scotland will do much better without his multi-culti loving ways.
Bungling Barnes to represent Buffoon Bumbrook on his appeal against expulsion, should be interesting?
"Richard has asked me to represent him in his tribunal, but first of all I suggest he asks Pat Harrington of the 'independent ' Solidarity Trade Union and a BNP employee whether he will represent a Solidarity member in a disciplinary hearing against his BNP employer Nick Griffin."
Here’s the most constructive proposal that anyone could possibly give.
Nick Griffin must resign and make way for an interim council elected by an EGM.
He should constructively assist this council in governing and remoulding the party so we have a new strong and positive future. Nick Griffin’s dreadful image, his appalling media profile and his total lack of judgement make him a complete liability.
Whatever anyone’s previous opinion of his abilities and his contribution to our cause may be, without exception every single sensible, experienced and mature nationalist is in agreement with this.
Nick – you must go and go very soon.
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