Monday, May 24, 2010

Nick Griffin to step down as leader


The British National Party’s Advisory Council (AC) and other key figures of the party’s structure have completed a weekend of forward planning to overhaul and modernise the party as Nick Griffin MEP announced his intention to step down as leader by the end of 2013 to concentrate on his re-election campaign to the European Parliament.

The extended AC meeting and strategy planning session, held in the East Midlands, also contained a full analysis of the election results, a report on current membership levels, a review of the modernising measures the party is putting in place to bring its election fighting capability up to speed and a no-holds barred presentation and question and answer session with party consultant Jim Dowson.

Mr Griffin made his leadership decision announcement at the end of the first day of the proceedings.

“By then I would have been leader of the BNP for 15 years and that is long enough,” Mr Griffin said.

“It will be time to make way for a younger person who does not have any baggage which can be used against the party.”

Mr Griffin said the timing of his move was predicated by his desire to bring about what he called the putting into place of the last “building blocks” of the BNP’s administrative and political machine.

“This is going to take at least 18 months to implement and after that I intend to hand the party over to someone who will be able to drive support up to where it can be a serious contender for power,” he said.

Mr Griffin said he would concentrate on getting re-elected to the European Parliament in the 2014 Euro elections, adding that he was sure the party could retain its two seats and add several more to the tally.

“I then intend to help the other European nationalist parties to achieve the level of sophistication which the BNP has been able to build up, because a victory for any one of these parties is a victory to all of us.”

Other news to come out of the conference included:

- Current party membership stands at just under 14,000 and is increasing by several hundred every month;

- The party membership churn rate -- the rate at which members fail to renew their membership -- has been cut from over 70 percent to less than 20 percent thanks to the efficient call centre and administrative machine the party now possesses;

- The BNP’s communication team has been reorganised and will soon be dovetailing with the revamped elections team;

- The way that the BNP fights elections is to be revolutionised. The “bloody nose” which the party received in the local elections has provided the BNP with an insight into how the Labour Party has switched to a technologically-intensive campaigning methodology, and the lessons have been learned. The BNP will also now be upgrading its systems to match that of the Labour Party and will leave the old method of election fighting behind;

The figures behind the BNP’s fundraising campaign were revealed in Jim Dowson’s presentation which was followed by an intensive question and answer session. The pertinent facts are as follows:

- The Truth Truck is owned by the BNP, contrary to internet rumour-mongers, a fact confirmed in person by the BNP treasurer who paid for the vehicle, Jennie Noble.

- Mr Dowson does not take a commission on any membership applications or other transactions which run through the call centre in Belfast, once again contrary to internet rumour-mongers.

- The Midas Consultancy has raised more that £2.6 million in donations for the BNP since January 2008, at a cost of £165,000.

“The BNP emerged from the meeting re-energised and ready for the ongoing struggle to save our nation from destruction at the hands of the old parties,” Mr Griffin concluded.

A BNPtv interview with Mr Griffin will follow shortly.


Anonymous said...

Can't Griffin bugger off sooner ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Will the younger person be his daughter ?

It cannot be that walking disaster Collett can it ?

FFS what a choice !

Anonymous said...

I've been a nationalist all my life and detested marxsists reds with a passion but if Gri££in doesn't resign, or tries crowning any of his family as BNP leader, or stands again for reelection to the EU parliament so he can retire on a fabulous pension and unlimited top class medical care, I and many dozens of BNP members will be giving the UAF financial and material assistance to make sure Gri££in never gets reelected again.


Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why doesn't he give an amnersty to all the people he's kicked out or has insulted.

Colonel Wilberforce Buckshot said...

I really should buy my local NF organizer a pint for this prediction. Just a short while ago he said he thought that after the election Griffin would probably ditch the BNP to persue a career either with UKIP or in Europe if he didn't get a Westminster seat.

Pip pip

boltonboy said...

I wonder why I don't believe a word of all that BNP b******* ? ?

Anonymous said...

What an utter shabby ploy by confidence trickster Gri££in, to cling onto power knowing that the membership isn't happy, if he does step down in 2013 he has had it written into the constitution that he walks away will a very large amount indeed, £35,000 lump sum plus about £1,500 for each year he has serves, it would be some where in the region of £57,000!

Anonymous said...

Griffin is a public school Oxbridge educated conman in the same mould as Cameron & Clegg.

Anonymous said...

Ive just found an old cheque book from 1996 and sent off a £1000 donation.i wonder if they try and bank it but saying that most things get lost internally these days i bet they dont even have paying in books supplied by fagin,just like all the R/OS are basically fagins crooks running round conning CASH DONATIONS out of members.

Anonymous said...

What does Gri££in exactly mean when he says that "there is going to be another kicking and screaming operation," and "there are going to be more constitutionally changes before I step down." 27 minutes into the slot. This interview with slippery State asset Kemp is riddled with misinformation, smoke screens and damn right lies.

Anonymous said...

I've just heard that Eddy Butler was thrown out of the Organisers' meeting on Sunday by Gri££in, as he didn't want any intelligent opposition asking awkward questions in case the plebs woke up to the utter corruption. Dowson 'amazed' them all with his visuals displays, figures and total bullshit. The meeting ended with the arch-immoral Scumbag Harrington giving a speech.

ex-bnp organiser said...

It’ll take a while for the fat fucker to position his ‘legs-akimbo’ daughter in place ready to take over.
In the mean time Gri££in will be preparing for his re-election campaign by putting aside as much cash as possible from party funds.

For fifteen years the bastard has been clipping the BNP's wings - a dead corpse around its neck keeping it down. If years ago one of the excellent up-coming nationalists that the party once had in its arsenal would have taken power I’m sure the BNP would be flying high by now. They of course were ‘purged; one at a time by that maggot in order to keep himself in the money while having his ego massaged by the slime and creeps he did like.

No greater injustice has been served to a needier people in the history of nationalism to my mind. Any talk of Gri££in ‘taking the BNP to new heights’ blah blah blah, will simply show the person spouting such crap as the moron they are; just like that fat old arse-licking pig-shit thick scumbag Paul Morris, and that odious and poisonous Lee Barnes – they are bound to be the first to crawl up Gri££in’s arse.

God bless anyone over the coming months that can make Gri££in’s life as difficult as possible just to consolidate in the memberships mind that he should be remembered as little more than a lying thieving crook that destroyed an entire generations hopes of a strong nationalist political presence in the UK. Perverts, conmen, sycophants and no-hopers looking for a home – this is what Gri££in has plastered throughout the party organisation.
The talent, promise and future have been bleached out of it.

The BNP is dead – the general election was his last throw of the dice to get himself into parliament. He has used and abused the BNP for all it was worth and now he’s off into the sunset with a pocket full of Euros.

Anyone that has a kind word to say about this nasty leech of a man, is a fool.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Let's be realistic, if Gri££in did explain some facts he, Dowson and their side-kicks would be facing long stretches in jail.


Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Hey ex BNP Organiser, calm down a bit. You can't go around insulting one eyed fat fuckers like that, it's against his human rites. Try letting off steam by hanging a picture of dear old Griffo on your wall and throw darts at it. Just don't throw too hard or your neighbours will have somewhere to hang thier hats.

Anonymous said...

I should imagine that what Griffin is referring to when telling that ghastly character Kemp that 'there will be another kicking and screaming exercise,' is that he will further capitulate with the EHRC when they next proceed with a court action, which appears to be in the pipeline? Lets expect more treachery from Griffin in 2011?

Anonymous said...

Apparently Richard Edmonds clash with Dowson at Saturday's AC meeting, I bet Richard will be for the chop next, he made Dowson look a right idiot in front of the assembled organisers and officials. Gri££in was seen frowning with displeasure.

Colonel Wilberforce Buckshot said...

Ex BNP organizer, you sound a tad agitated old chap.

I can't think why :)

Pip pip

soon to be another ex member said...

Members bulletins ?

Has anyone else who is still a member hardly seen any members bulletins in the past 12 months ? So far this year i have only received 2 and we are almost into month 6 ! they cant have got lost in the post because i receive them by email.Sorry i know a lot of people are saying keep your membership going but lets face it griffin has got the constituation more sown up than the rothchilds.I cant bear to put another penny into griffins coffers.Through membership,freedom,identity,RWB and donations at meetings i would say griffin has lost a grand from me in total.

Anonymous said...

Time for a new Nationalist Party. Maybe all the good members that were given the chop and the dedicated ex-members should form a new Party. After all it was these people that got the BNP going not Griffin. They were the ones that raised funds put in their own time, money,effort and put their necks on the line without a thank you.

Anonymous said...

Lets all go to one city ie Birmingham, Leicester for each of the England games.
Publicans in Birmingham are finding things hard in the present political climate, they need abit of help.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...