Wednesday, January 29, 2025

BABYLON BERLIN -   there are a growing number of people who are comparing what happened in Germany, and particularly Berlin, in the late 1920's and early 1930's. To today in the 'Western nations'. 

No, not the rise of Hitler, though all these disgusting excesses certainly helped his rise to power . But the conditions and policies that were pursued in Berlin then, that attracted the most decadent lifestyles. The drugs. The prostitution including child prostitution. The decadent art, music and literature. Rising crime rates. Lower living standards and unemployment, and threat of unemployment. The rising cost of living. The "anything goes" morality. The collapse of law & order.

Even the leading Satanist, Aleister Crowley, of the "Do what thou wilt. Shall be the whole of the law" philosophy. He managed to drag his awful  views and activities, and gravitated over to Berlin, to bathe in the decadent Berlin cesspit of that time.

A group right at the centre of all this decadent/'woke' nonsense, was the 'Frankfurt School' . This mostly uni- ethnic group, who had to flee to the USA  just before and after 1933. As they had been seen as being a major dynamo for the mess they had inflicted on Germany in general and Berlin in particular. We are seeing those very same dystopian, decadent, perverted, and soul destroying policies being pushed in the modern era.  

The 'globalist elites' are still pushing the Frankfurt school agendas, and have been ever since WW2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woof ! Bang on.