Thursday, May 25, 2023

 Say NO to the Central Bank Digital Currency/CBDC  -  Keep and use cash every time !


Clovispoint said...

He's right.
Use cash wherever possible. Digital Bank Currency already forms 97% of the global money supply and that fact alone gives the banking system immense power. To begin with the Central Bank Regulators and Planners will probably offer CBDC's on a Wholesale basis to "test the waters". The long term plan to impose full Retail CBDC's is likely be ushered in by creating a crisis within the present monetary system whereby people withdraw their deposits from the commercial banks.
At that point the Central Bank will then tempt people to pull away from the failing banks and use the 'far safer' guaranteed CBDC system. If there is an acceptance by the public, then the Central Bank will be in a position to kill off the commercial banks through unfair competition in a game it ultimately controls.
The debt money system we have at present is bad enough but CBDCs will lead to a situation of total power effectively residing with just the Central Bank operating ultimately under orders from the BIS. This was exactly the centralised banking and economic model used by the tyrannical Soviet / Communist system. The push for CBDC’s is just another step on the road to total financial and therefore global control.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, we as 'nationalists' need to fight this Global plan to control the whole world, and fight it with our every sinew.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...