Tuesday, May 10, 2022

 Derrick Day, an NF member of the 1970's, who worked at the NF's Excalibur House HQ in East London.

Derrick died whilst demonstrating against live animal exports at Brightlingsea , Essex, in 1995. He regularly spoke at meetings all over the country, especially in Rochdale, on many occasions. 

This video was taken off  'Youtube' but has since re-appeared.

Derrick was also a National Steward for the National Front and was usually to be seen right at the front of the NF marches in London, especially when the 'balloon went up' in Lewisham in August 1977.

The SUNDAY TELEGRAPH in 1977 had a major article mentioning Derrick Day. An interview was taken with Johnny Speight, the jewish writer of the then popular TV series 'Till death us do part' and particularly the main character ' Alf Garnett'  .  Speight said 'Alf'  was based in fact Derrick Day. 'Alf Garnett' was played by another jew, Warren Mitchell.

The link is of the 1995 Brightlingsea demonstrations;


In the video you can see Derrick climb out of a flat window. That was his flat on Hyde Road, Hackney. The Labour party decided to re-route their march past his front window. The Socialist Worker had him as a front page article calling Derrick, ' The East Ends most hated Nazi'. 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Further to the showing on Monday 9th May of the (net of adverts, 22m appx) C4 Dispatches "docu" (sc.: hit job) 'The Enemy Within' concerning Patriotic Alternative: Nick Griffin damns with faint praise (firstly the C4 doc but soon honing in on PA and Mark Collett):



- audio/page expires in a couple of weeks or such.

Griffin's professed view appears to remain that all is lost and the remnant should retire to monastic cells and Templarism to await redemption. And anyway BNP had already done what PA is doing but on vastly greater scale. (Squishing sound of sour grapes being pressed).
Comments, NWN?

But doesn't God help those who help themselves?

PS: Socrates - condemned for corrupting the youth!

NWN Admin said...

Why people continue to listen to Nick Griffin really beggars belief. His record of wrecking nationalist parties is without peer . He was disruptive in the National Front from around 1979. He later helped destroy the NF totally in the mid/later 1980's and which it never got over that destruction. Griffin did it again when he hijacked the BNP in 1999, and ultimately destroyed it. One who linked up with Griffin was none other than Nigel Farage, who brags about his helping get rid of John Tyndall and the destruction of the BNP. There is a pic of Griffins henchman Tony 'the bomber' Lecomber, together with Farage and Dr Mark Deavin, another shady UKIP personage linked to Griffin, on this very blogsite. Another now forgotten 'behind the scenes' character in the destruction of the BNP was Griffins 'friend', Rabbi Meyer Schiller, of New York. What was his role with Griffin, one must speculate. People who know Nick Griffin personally, very soon detest the man.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...