Tuesday, April 26, 2022

 UK Column News - 25th. April 2022 .

NWN: We always advise people to watch the THRICE weekly news broadcasts of UK Column. But this today should be viewed.


Leicester Anglo Saxon said...

I have watched UKC for many years, they must be doing something right, they were kicked off YouTube. I pay for a membership, they have "extra time" which talks into further detail, and has additional stories of interest. They are politically neutral and present the facts to the audience.

Anonymous said...

Believe, but verify.

Having followed them in one form or other (starting with the newspaper) since about 2008 or before I came to the conclusion that (i) they spend a lot of time dispelling/defusing what might lossely be termed "Zionist conspiracy theories" and anything to do with racial identity, particularly of Whites and (ii) they tend to demoralise - incessant problem reporting (and they go far afield to find problems if there isn't anything current locally) but do not have concrete suggestions. The usual 'what' but rarely if ever the 'how'. A small twist on this latter being their having guests on to talk about e.g. health matters and government consultations but leaving the guest till near the end of the show - when you find out the deadline to reply to the consultation (usually demanding at least some research and understanding of the issues) is the next day...

I find in particular the personal associations of Messrs Scott and Thomson noteworthy. e.g as regards Thomson (with Delingpole):

@24:18 he teaches Biblical Hebrew to his Dutch Reform Denomination of ministerial students and tries to read rabbinical materials "as widely as I can". (He might like to check that latter in Michael Hoffman's "Judaism Discovered From Its Own Texts" (2008).)

Has the UKC referred to the following for instance? (Trunews = another odd source one might add). Likewise the researches of Dr Matt. R. Johnson (though a Putin promoter) imo.

'Ex-'GCHQ Thomson must surely be a spook. Possibly also others at UK Column.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...