Monday, March 21, 2022

Democracy has gone - particularly in 'Western' nations. A desperate look at 'Policy' and how it is achieved needs to be viewed urgently. 

We have had examples of this over many years now. We had the 'multi-racial experiment' imposed on us Post - WW2 ,without us ever being consulted. In 1973, Ted Heath took us into the 'Common Market', again without the British people being consulted. These 'Green Policies' are going to be imposed on us, even though it will 'trash' our economy. The 'Covid Fiasco' was imposed, and we had all our civil liberties taken away at a whim. There are many examples of similar. Our Politicians are effectively totally useless, as is our Bi-cameral leglislature in Parliament . These crooks now do not represent us at all. 

Below is a link to an article ' The Defeat of Public Opinion' . This needs to be read and understood. Our freedoms have, and are being taken away from us, at an alarming rate.


Anonymous said...

We are going to live in very dangerous times.

Anonymous said...

Well it seems they're working hard to substantiate those tropes and canards about Jews controlling the media. Two easy examples without research, dig for more if you must.!

"Former BBC Executive Michael Grade to Oversee U.K. Media Regulator Ofcom
By K.J. Yossman"

So 79 year old Jew Grade stays firmly attached to the public purse while taking over at the forthcoming would-be censor of the internet.
"Richard Sharp" ex-(yeah right) Goldman sachs heads BBC Trust.

Strange that despite all that media control those anti-seemites just keep coming

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...