Tuesday, March 29, 2022

 Chris Thrall ;  check out this guys videos - ex Royal Marine Commando

NWN : We are interested in your views on this site please.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Neil Oliver : The way our leaders are going about things reminds me of the behaviour of toddlers.

Friday, March 25, 2022

 13th August 1977 - National Front march and the communist riots in Lewisham, South London.

Monday, March 21, 2022

 The 'Great Reset' - this is how 'he' does it.

The World Economic Forum's 'Global leaders Programme.

Democracy has gone - particularly in 'Western' nations. A desperate look at 'Policy' and how it is achieved needs to be viewed urgently. 

We have had examples of this over many years now. We had the 'multi-racial experiment' imposed on us Post - WW2 ,without us ever being consulted. In 1973, Ted Heath took us into the 'Common Market', again without the British people being consulted. These 'Green Policies' are going to be imposed on us, even though it will 'trash' our economy. The 'Covid Fiasco' was imposed, and we had all our civil liberties taken away at a whim. There are many examples of similar. Our Politicians are effectively totally useless, as is our Bi-cameral leglislature in Parliament . These crooks now do not represent us at all. 

Below is a link to an article ' The Defeat of Public Opinion' . This needs to be read and understood. Our freedoms have, and are being taken away from us, at an alarming rate.


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Winston Churchill - according to 'Charlie & his Orchestra' .
Charlie & his orchestra- a CD of this was only until fairly recently still being sold by ASDA in the UK. Charlie & his orchestra made some excellent records and were alllowed to do so by Joseph Goebbels, the then German propaganda Minister.
ArchbishopVigano speaks.....................

 ArchbishopVigano on Ukraine & Russia - Global deep state trap

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

 Hard working British people are being crushed - and it has nothing to do with Ukraine ! 

 Zelensky dancing in womens high heels and shorts ! 

 When your new identity is supporting Ukraine . 'Covid' is so yesterday ! 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Here is a first for NWN - George Galloway. He has a right to be heard, especially since he is an anti- Zionist of great renown. .

 Rest in Peace ? Not in Spain if the socialist/communist Marxist left don't like you.

Good to see ex- Guardia Civil man  Senor Tejero in this video and being applauded.

Friday, March 11, 2022

 Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger and JK Galbraith - how the 'World Economic Forum came about.

Pic: Kissinger on the left. Schwab in the centre, and Ted Heath on the right.

Please have a look at the following link for an article that is quite in depth and very informative regarding the above.


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Wednesday, March 09, 2022


It has become very difficult to 'cut&paste' articles nowadays on this blog, due to 'Blogger' doing internal 'code' on their blogsites.

So until or unless, they re-change their 'code' we are having to, for the immediate future, just highlight links for our readers to be re-directed to.

In our view this article really does need to be read, by as many as possible. It is a USA writer who we have never heard of. But this does need to be viewed.

Please click this link........


Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Mark Dolan: Sage have caused damage to Britain Vladimir Putin could only dream of.
Neil Oliver discusses Pfizer releasing initial trial data
Neil Oliver: I will continue to air my doubts and ask my questions.

Monday, March 07, 2022

Katie Hopkins: Don’t be distracted. The same b*stards who locked us down, now cry FREEDOM

Sunday, March 06, 2022


Well we had almost no people reply to this 'quiz' as to what the question about  first post and related to the second post. Maybe all our readers now, are of the younger generation ?

Saturday, March 05, 2022

 Ukraines President Zelenskyy -  just putting this out there. An old post apparently .

Friday, March 04, 2022

Barbara Lerner- Spectre obviously had/has, mystical powers of satanic devilry ? A reminder of what was prophesied by this monster. We are seeing the 'Globalists' plan now in action, to destroy the 'West' .

'Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for the destruction of  Christian European ethnic societies'

 Some interesting 'refugees from Ukraine !

New revelations about Hunter will hit President Joe Biden's already plummeting popularity

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

 This is the woman who has just 'berated' 'Boris' Johnson and pretended to be a journalist .

She is a World Economic Forum activist. Daria Kaleniuk .


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...