Friday, April 10, 2020

The Good Friday Surrender.

Good Friday is the day that remembers that Christ was crucified. It also goes down in history as the day that British Prime Minister Tony Blair surrendered to Irish terrorism and crucified the British Armed Forces. The Good Friday Agreement was intended to draw a line under the continuing conflict in Northern Ireland and put an end to violence.

The agreement provided for the release of terrorist murderers from both sides and Blair gave letters of comfort for killers on the run who had not been convicted. The GFA provided no such protection for members of the armed forces who had spent thirty years protecting the community while preventing both sides from going to war.

Today we must remember that former British soldiers are still on trial for offences that were investigated nearly fifty years ago. These investigations and trials are based on grounds that 'new and compelling evidence' has come to light. There is no new and compelling evidence, the legal process continues to crucify old soldiers in the name of the law.

During this difficult time for our nation we must not forget that evil and corruption still hides in the shadows in Northern Ireland. When CV19 has gone our veterans must return to the streets and demand that the ongoing prosecutions are halted and our comrades can end their lives without fear of persecution.

We are not going away!

Who Dares Shares
Robin E Horsfall


Anonymous said...

Of course you do know his son is gay and he hates Nationalism. Total leftist.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Robin Horsfall has some attitudes that would not be welcome within nationalist circles. He also has an habit of writing inaccuracies, whether that is due to the fact that he is fighting cancer, and that awful treatment's side effects.? Or the fact that he/like all of us, is getting older and thus his mental faculties maybe waning ? Horsfall will be in his mid '60's. Nevertheless, the guy is an excellent speaker and is very strong on 'Defence of the Realm' issues. Robin Horsfall was quite prominent in the lead up to the BREXIT campaign, and spoke vigorously against the EU at large gatherings in, for example; London. Writing as a Northern Ireland veteran myself, as is he, he is very anti - IRA/Sinn Fein. He is one of very few 'public figures' that have supported the campaign to stop the prosecutions of Northern Ireland veterans. I also suspect some mixed race 'issues' in his family.