Friday, January 17, 2020


Martin Webster gives marxist George Galloway some home truths

Webster has been one of the most articulate opponents of the coloured invasion of Britain since the very early 1960's.

This blog will not hear any of the 'shite' from others who call Webster a 'poofter', when they themselves do fuck all for the UK.

 His sexuality, and he is quite old now, is his business.

NWN might not approve, but he has shown his opposition more than, we think, anyone else living today here in the UK.


NWN Admin said...

We here at NWN possess a audio tape of Martin Webster speaking to the then PICCADILLY RADIO in Manchester in the late 1970's. The discussion is about the National Front march then being held in Manchester, in late 1977.

We intend to give this tape a much wider audience, which is what it needs.

Anonymous said...

A brave patriot. He was what he was, but a man with bottle and integrity. Remember the one man march

GWR said...

Webster actually thought he would be assassinated on his 'One man March' in Manchester that day . He must have had 1,000 Police Constables marching with him as the communist left were out and about also that day.

Anonymous said...

I will buy a copy of Martin Webster speaking to the then PICCADILLY RADIO in Manchester.Please advertise where to purchase.
The nationalist movement in UK,has never replaced Webster,his speaking and writing research is excellent and organisation was pretty good as well.
Today we have no decent organisation active movement.
Martin ,how about an autobiography?

GWR said...

I actually made some copies in the late 1990's when profits went into the BNP's North West funds. Unfortunately, the people involved in the money side of things went AWOL.

I am not interested in making money now, as I was then.

When this is 'up and running', I will post on here.

GWR said...

Galloway is certainly exceptional when he speaks on the issue of Zionism. Martin Webster is also a major opponent of Zionism, as evidenced by his TROUBLESHOOTING articles over decades writing in nationalist magazines.

David H said...

What people do in the privacy of there own house is up to them, as long as it is kept there! I hate the multi-cultural clap trap getting rammed down my throat. However, what is rammed down my throat in my own house is my business!