Friday, January 31, 2020

Brexit Day – is it?

H&D correspondent Peter Hollings, writes from Leeds, Yorkshire.
Tonight there will be lots of people around the country celebrating Brexit Day. 11pm this evening marks the point at which the United Kingdom will finally get rid of the EU shackles that have blighted our lives for so many decades now.

At least that’s what all those out and about later today will be thinking as they vigorously wave their Union Jack flags and vociferously belt out Rule Britannia loud and proud into the night sky.
Whilst patriots across the nation are collectively giving the two -fingered salute to Brussels I’ll be looking on from ‘afar’ and directing a wry little smile at all those who for whatever reason think we have somehow achieved a monumental and history-making victory over our globalist oppressors.
Don’t get me wrong, I always enjoy seeing we Brits come together in acts of celebration regardless of its nature. Whether we’re singing patriotic songs and waving flags at events such as The Proms (minus the LGBT flags of course) or coming together in acts of remembrance for our war heroes, or celebrating sporting victories on the world stage for example, nothing gladdens the heart more than seeing our people openly and proudly wearing their patriotism on their sleeves.
My problem is that these Brexit celebrations are being held way too early and I feel that there are going to be an awful lot of patriots who are going to be disappointed and deflated in the coming months and years.

The fact of the matter is that a true Brexit, that is to say a return to full sovereignty, will not occur for many years to come. This is because only a true Nationalist government will ever have the will to protect and maintain our full sovereignty.

Consider the following:

1) Britain will legally leave the EU and enter a ‘transition period’ which runs until December 31. During this time the UK will remain subject to EU laws and free movement of people will continue.
2) We will continue to pour billions of pounds into the EU’s coffers during that transition period. We will have all of the usual costs but none of the representation whilst we maintain our expensive financial obligations towards the EU budget.
3) There’s a very real probability that the transition period will be extended (despite Boris Johnson’s rhetoric to the contrary) for a further one or two years delaying our departure further. Who is to say that the extension period won’t be continued for even more years after that?
The National Front marches against the EEC, Kidderminster, 1984
4) The Northern Ireland question is far from complete. The architects of our destruction want a united Ireland in an effort to further dismantle our Union just as they want to see an ‘independent Scotland and an independent Wales (and Cornwall for that matter) eventually.
Northern Ireland will continue to follow EU rules on agricultural and manufactured goods, while the rest of the UK will not.

Additionally, the whole of the UK will leave the EU’s customs union but Northern Ireland will continue to enforce the EU’s customs code at its ports.
THE EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE WILL MAINTAIN PRIMACY OVER UK LAW in certain matters because of these afore-mentioned NI trading agreements. This is not regaining full sovereignty or achieving a full and hard Brexit.

5) The Tory government says that after Brexit EU citizens will no longer have priority status when it comes to the issue of entry into Britain. We will, in all likelihood, see an actual reduction in the numbers coming over from the likes of Poland and Romania etc but in my opinion it will mean an increase in those arriving from Africa, the Far East, the West Indies, India, Pakistan and the Middle East. Our enemies are not going to stop mass immigration and the Great Replacement project just because of Brexit or should I say BRINO (Brexit In Name Only).There’s no call for celebration here wouldn’t you agree?
6) Britain/USA trade deal. Does anyone seriously think that a trade deal negotiated on behalf of Britain by Tory arch-capitalist globalists and Israel ‘Firsters’ will secure a deal that is actually good for Britain, because I don’t? Trump is waiting in the wings with his fellow neo-Con hawks to stitch the UK up ‘big-time’.

Any deal concluded will without a shadow of a doubt be good for the USA and bad for America’s ‘bitch’ – because that is how they see us and it’s how they see the rest of the world also. I expect our NHS to become a casualty eventually of any future trade deal in spite of persistent denials by the Tories who say the NHS isn’t for sale.

7) Even Farage has acknowledged that we will not have our full fishing rights and waters returned to us after Brexit negotiations are concluded. If this is so I have to ask what other areas of British life we are going to have to accept compromises on?

As there is still so much uncertainty ahead of us it really does surprise me that the Leavers are so willing to prematurely indulge in celebration and triumphalism at this early stage in proceedings.
I’ll save my celebrating for when I see a complete cessation of mass immigration into Britain. I’ll crack open the bubbly when I see Islam eradicated from our shores. I’ll pat myself on the back when I see a return of an above average birthrate figure for native Brits and a reduction in the birthrates of all the various foreigner groups residing here.


For me the flag remains at half-mast for the time being.

NWN: The chap at right front of pic is Bryan 'Joe' Nylan, who was at this time, Branch Organiser of Manchester National Front . He looks to be carrying a 'movie camera' ....we wonder what became of the films that he took ?

Also lurking near the front of that march , and who helped to trash the National Front, as he later trashed the British National Party - is one Nick Griffin.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Well the message is really starting to get out there - just a quick look at the 'Frankfurt school' is all that is needed !  Political correctness = cultural marxism .

Friday, January 17, 2020


Martin Webster gives marxist George Galloway some home truths

Webster has been one of the most articulate opponents of the coloured invasion of Britain since the very early 1960's.

This blog will not hear any of the 'shite' from others who call Webster a 'poofter', when they themselves do fuck all for the UK.

 His sexuality, and he is quite old now, is his business.

NWN might not approve, but he has shown his opposition more than, we think, anyone else living today here in the UK.

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Why I Don’t Trust Trump on Iran


President Trump and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told us the US had to assassinate Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani last week because he was planning “Imminent attacks” on US citizens. I don’t believe them.

Why not? Because Trump and the neocons – like Pompeo – have been lying about Iran for the past three years in an effort to whip up enough support for a US attack. From the phony justification to get out of the Iran nuclear deal, to blaming Yemen on Iran, to blaming Iran for an attack on Saudi oil facilities, the US Administration has fed us a steady stream of lies for three years because they are obsessed with Iran.

And before Trump’s obsession with attacking Iran, the past four US Administrations lied ceaselessly to bring about wars on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Serbia, Somalia, and the list goes on.

At some point, when we’ve been lied to constantly and consistently for decades about a “threat” that we must “take out” with a military attack, there comes a time where we must assume they are lying until they provide rock solid, irrefutable proof. Thus far they have provided nothing. So I don’t believe them.

President Trump has warned that his administration has already targeted 52 sites important to Iran and Iranian culture and the US will attack them if Iran retaliates for the assassination of Gen. Soleimani. Because Iran has no capacity to attack the United States, Iran’s retaliation if it comes will likely come against US troops or US government officials stationed or visiting the Middle East. I have a very easy solution for President Trump that will save the lives of American servicemembers and other US officials: just come home. There is absolutely no reason for US troops to be stationed throughout the Middle East to face increased risk of death for nothing.

In our Ron Paul Liberty Report program last week we observed that the US attack on a senior Iranian military officer on Iraqi soil – over the objection of the Iraq government – would serve to finally unite the Iraqi factions against the United States. And so it has: on Sunday the Iraqi parliament voted to expel US troops from Iraqi soil. It may have been a non-binding resolution, but there is no mistaking the sentiment. US troops are not wanted and they are increasingly in danger. So why not listen to the Iraqi parliament?

Bring our troops home, close the US Embassy in Baghdad – a symbol of our aggression - and let the people of the Middle East solve their own problems. Maintain a strong defense to protect the United States, but end this neocon pipe-dream of ruling the world from the barrel of a gun. It does not work. It makes us poorer and more vulnerable to attack. It makes the elites of Washington rich while leaving working and middle class America with the bill. It engenders hatred and a desire for revenge among those who have fallen victim to US interventionist foreign policy. And it results in millions of innocents being killed overseas.

There is no benefit to the United States to trying to run the world. Such a foreign policy brings only bankruptcy – moral and financial. Tell Congress and the Administration that for America’s sake we demand the return of US troops from the Middle East!

Sunday, January 05, 2020

British nationalists were infiltrated even back then in the 1970's - Carl Kukla

The above is one Carl Kukla of Manchester.

Kukla was heavily into the National Front, particularly in Manchester in the 1970's. We now see that Kukla has a 'liking' for exotic women and on his Facebook page has one STEVE TILSEY as a FB friend.Tilsey was a zionist/communist thug who worked for SEARCHLIGHT magazine, and who was convicted amongst other violent acts of kidnapping and who subsequently served jail time.

The black and white pic is of Kukla centre with National Front activists at Rochdale Town Hall in 1979, for the then General Election and at this NF election meeting at Rochdale Town Hall.
Due to the communist riots that night outside this meeting, BBC's Angela Rippon read out the obscene left wing violent behaviour on the national news. Hundreds of Police had to subdue the communist violence that night, with the whole of Rochdale town centre having to be closed down.

Above, we see Kukla with and campaigning for, the trotskyist Socialist Workers party only a few years ago, and the next pic is with his 'exotic' wife.

Kukla was a minor NF official with Manchester branch back then . He went on every NF activity including Lewisham in 1977, when his Facebook friend Steve Tilsey with other armed communists, attacked the NF coach from Manchester to Lewisham that day which was attacked on Aytoun Street in Manchester city centre. Kukla was actually on that coach that day but was NOT attacked.

Tilsey and armed communists used heavy weapons and smoke canisters to create confusion with and led by communist zionist jewish Mike Luft of Failsworth and also SEARCHLIGHT magazine. The NF coach was severely damaged with many windows smashed by this armed left wing mob.

The NF members then had to go down to the NF Lewisham march by the use of a removals van from Salford van hire.

2000 - John Tyndall speaks in Oldham

Monthly collections raised in excess of £1,000+, but no-one seems to know where the money went to.

Also on the platform here, are two 'ne-er do wells' who helped to 'trash' British nationalism .

We would have loved to delete these two characters from our picture records, but this takes away the historical record of just what was going on in Oldham back then .
These two idiots supported Nick Griffin to be BNP leader, and both back then were paid by the BNP.

We have a number of pics from back then, that have never been published.

President Trump.............yet another US President who is a zionist puppet!

The USA fighting for Israel yet again.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...