Friday, September 06, 2019

WTF !  Mr & Mrs Macron - but which is which ?

Monsewer Macron is a Rothschild creation, and it's the worlds worst secret that he is a 'woofter'.  Why are we not surprised ?

But this New World Order business is becoming more comical every day. Their 'puppets' are indeed freaks ! 

We of course eat their shit daily - well those of us who don't devour their bullshit 'democracy' scam .  Freedom & Democracy my arse !

But the French voters voted for the freaks above.


SKYFIRE said...

woofter? What the hell is that

Anonymous said...

A woofter is UK slang for a person of the 'gay' persuasion .In other places like Australia they used the name 'poofter' - which became famous due to a Monty Python sketch.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...