Sunday, August 04, 2019

WTF is this ?  

Deputy Chief Constable of Derbyshire Police, speaking at Whaley Bridge near where their reservoir is in a dangerous condition.


Henry said...
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Henry said...

LOL Do the liberals who claim these freaks are normal really believe that, if one such creature turned up to represent them in court or stepped-in to carry out an emergency brain operation on their child, they wouldn't immediately regain their sanity by flipping to the fascist side of life, and demand that said 'freak' should be fucked off and replaced by someone normal and competent...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well 'she' likes cats, wimmin, Billie Jean King, wimmin, chocolate and Holocaust day.

...this is how that freak became ACC Derbyshire. Chief Constable of Derbyshire Constabulary, Peter Goodman, said: “I am delighted to welcome Rachel to Derbyshire. Rachel’s service in Northamptonshire has been exemplary and I know this will continue when she takes on her new role here in the county. We had a number of very strong candidates for the role, however, Rachel’s broad range of skills, excellent operational abilities and commitment to inclusion, fairness and transparency set her apart.

Wears her hair like that as she is only 4ft tall.

Anonymous said...

There has been looting in Whaley Bridge. Who would have thought ? And on her 'watch'.

Anonymous said...

POLICE - Diversity is a WEAKNESS.

Anonymous said...

Dat iz a rugmuncher.

Anonymous said...

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...