And this is how it is done...................
The zionist jews pay their targets, and they are backed up by zionist bankers who run 'our currencies'.
Total corruption, and it has always been so.
Even going back to bad old King John in the 13th century, he knew the power of jewish moneylenders.
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Sunday, March 03, 2019
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...
A concerned citizen phones up Tom Watson and exposes his anti-Corbyn sabotage live on air.
The article by the right-wing Figyelo magazine about the Mazsihisz Jewish group triggered an outcry locally and internationally. But it wasn’t over the problems the article sought to expose.
Lying about Judeo-Bolshevism.
If Joan Ryan is responsible for Labour data breach it could have international consequences.
Swimmer Sharron Davies says transgender athletes with male bodies should not compete in women's sport (which is stating the obvious but you have to in a world that's bloody mad).
World’s biggest wealth fund piles billions of pounds into Britain after taking 30-year bet that UK economy will be STRONGER after Brexit
Norway's £740bn sovereign wealth fund has 8% of its total invested in Britain
The Sovereign Wealth fund owns some £6 billion of the UK's national debt
The fund's CEO said they will increase the value of the investment despite Brexit
London's Regent Street is co-owned by the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund.
Australian cardinal apologizes for ‘problematic’ remarks on Jews. (15 April 2012),
Last week George Pell called ancient Israelites ‘little people,’ said German people suffered most in Holocaust.
If that's not terrorism, I don't know what is? THIS MADE ME CRY.
Google images for white man/white woman kiss Google is Illuminati mind control.
Washington state democrats approve bill that prevents employers & landlords from discriminating against illegal aliens.
Jews are bankrolling the subversion of British politics.
Israel lobby funders back breakaway British MPs.
How I was Kicked Out of the Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting.
Canadian Court Rules Parents Can’t Stop 14-Year-Old From Taking Trans Hormones
The Supreme Court of British Columbia thinks it's okay for doctors to override a parent's wishes and administer trans hormones to his child.
Weeping for Shamima, but not the Yazidis?
ISIS members don’t deserve our sympathy – ISIS’s victims do.
Chelsea Russell and the depravity of PC
The teenager, who has Asperger’s, was convicted for quoting rap lyrics online.
Dear European Men: You Are Pathetic Pussies - (Video)
In Europe, the few remaining men who are not actually gay, act like they are.
1918 US STATE DEPT: Investigation Finds Jews Funded The Bolshevik Revolution.
Jewish Soviet Leadership Ordered Communist Takeover of Germany & Jews Led The Uprisings.
Waking to the Lie of Globalism.
Jewish actress blasts Diane Abbott over anti-Semitism row - 'What is she doing there?'
JEWISH actress Maureen Lipman launched a scathing attack on Labour Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott, labelling her the “Chris Grayling of the Labour Party”.
Estonia elections cause crisis for EU as populists to soar ‘we’re not like the French’
THE EUROPEAN Union is likely to suffer another huge blow later today as Estonia’s populist party looks set to make significant gains in the country’s general election.
BBC Question Time audience member DESTROYS MPs – 'you've BETRAYED every single one of us'
A BBC Question Time audience member ripped into the panel of MPs accusing the Conservatives, Labour Party, and Liberal Democrats of “betraying” Brits over Brexit.
Tony Blair told it’s ‘TIME TO GIVE UP’ as he says second referendum ‘right thing to do’
BBC PRESENTER Andrew Marr told arch-Remainer Tony Blair that Parliament and the British public “do not want” a second Brexit referendum, and questioned if it was time to “give up” on the campaign.
Countdown's Rachel Riley hits out at Labour politician who joked about 'Jew process' and raised a laugh by changing words of famous Holocaust poem in new anti-Semitism row
Rachel Riley, 33, called Jo Bird's comments 'stomach turning' and 'sickening'
Wirral Councillor Ms Bird made comments at meeting in Manchester last year
She quotes First They Came poem saying: 'And then they came for the socialists but they couldn't get us because we were having a party, the Labour Party'
Jewish Chronicle (which apparently claims to support Jewish people) can't hide its delight that a Jewish activist is no longer connected to Liverpool University. It's not being Jewish that matters to these people - only whether you criticise Israel.
University distances itself from academic who promoted Rothschild conspiracies on David Icke show.
Ilhan Omar says her refusal to 'pledge allegiance' to Israel does not make her antisemitic.
'I am told everyday that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel,' Minnesota congresswoman says.
Britain’s Witchfinders Are Ready to Burn Jeremy Corbyn.
Gas Mr Irving Maureen Lipman [MP, Jewish actress, who famously called for Mr Irving to be “gassed” in 1992] blasts Diane Abbott [a Black MP] in anti-Semitism row – “what is she doing there?”
Sidney Street Siege, 1911 Winston Churchill in “action”: 1911 Sidney Street Siege shown in colourised film-footage – Wonder why the main stream media refer to these anarchists like Gardstein always as “Latvians”, not Jews?
So much for Poverty The Southern Poverty Law Center has $500 million in assets. This person has been reduced to bankruptcy by now, but the SPLC will render him unemployable before they are finished.
In Hungary and Poland, Jews accuse their own communal leaders of playing the anti-Semitism card to avoid scrutiny.
It’s so dangerous to police MS-13 in El Salvador that officers are fleeing the country .
Tory peer Warsi claims Conservative Party is 'Islamophobic' (05March19)
'Nazi' abuse aimed at politician suspended by Labour for 'Jew process' joke
Cllr Jo Bird, who is Jewish, revealed the abuse last night, as the opposition Conservative group walked out while she spoke.
Street ‘artist’ behind anti-Semitic mural defended by Corbyn launches bizarre rant about ‘Crypto reality’ and ‘tyrannical’ bankers
Mear One has defended his mural saying it was anti capitalist not anti-Semitic
Penned the article for the website of well known conspiracy theorist David Icke
Jeremy Corbyn's defence of the mural has plunged his leadership into crisis.
Commissioner Dick REVEALS High London BLACK Murder Rate - LBC.
Banks suffer IT failures at a rate of 'one a day' amid warnings over switch from real money to electronic payments.
Labour antisemitism: equalities watchdog opens investigation.
Israel lobby funders back breakaway British MPs.
A multi-millionaire pro-Israel lobbyist is funding the UK Parliament’s new Independent Group, it was revealed this week.
Joan Ryan, MP who fabricated anti-Semitism, quits Labour.
Belgian carnival float condemned for featuring anti-Semitic puppets of Jews
Jewish groups protest open displays of anti-Semitism at parade in town of Aalst, west of Brussels.
January 2019: Belgium banned Kosher meat preparation.
March 2019: "Participants in a [pre-Lent] street celebration in the Belgian city of Aalst on Sunday paraded giant puppets of Orthodox Jews and a rat atop money bags...”
Ehud Arye Laniado: Billionaire dies during penis enlargement surgery
A Belgian-Israeli billionaire diamond trader known for his extravagant lifestyle has died after undertaking penis enlargement surgery.
He faced tax claim for £4 billion from Belgians for tax evasion on diamonds from Congo and Angola | Jewish blood diamond dealer dies in strange circumstance.
'Their country, their rules?': 600yo carnival in Belgium condemned as anti-Semitic.
3 French-Israelis allegedly swindled $11m, claiming funds would free captives
Police arrest gang in Netanya suspected of tricking French NGOs into paying money for ransoms to release soldiers supposedly held by terrorists in Syria, Mali.
The Face of Communism Close to Home.
Early morning banter earns Sikh taxi driver suspension and fine after a complaint from irate Jewish activist, Ron East.
Blacks Lead in Asking Long-Suppressed Questions About Israeli Influence in US Politics.
Nearly All the Leaders of the Russian Liberal Opposition Are Jewish, or Have Jewish Background
'Nearly all the leaders of the liberal opposition are either fully Jewish or have Jewish background" - Michael Edelstein, a lecturer at Moscow State University and a writer for the Jewish monthly magazine L’chaim.
By force or forgery: How settlers claim Palestinian homes.
On their Hebron doorstep, one Palestinian family fears their home - like many others - could be taken from them by settlers.
But no one would speak about Jesus for fear of the Jews. -- John 7:13
How long until they ban the Bible as "hate speech?
The Plot to Dispossess White Males (in Five Images)
The Morgenthau Plan (a.k.a. The Jewish plan to rid the world of Germans)
Gordon Brown calls for year-long Brexit delay to avoid 'impending national disaster'
French resist effort to censor criticism of Zionism.
British singer Alison Chabloz. “I’m the only singer in modern British history who’s actually been put in prison for singing songs that nobody was forced to listen to,” says Chabloz.
In response to cries for my SURGICAL REMOVAL from movement circles
March 4, 2019 Alison Chabloz.
Branded “insane” for questioning lack of evidence and laughing at lies.
The sabotage of Prof. Robert Faurisson’s Shepperton meeting: informants exposed.
This historic gathering records the triumphant swansong (against all obstacles) of the world-renowned (now legendary) scholar Professor Dr. Robert Faurisson. His tenacious detective method of historical source critical "exactitude" achieved many forensic victories for "Holocaust" Revisionism to bring history in accord with the facts, not Jewish exceptionalist dogma.
CIA Chiefs Quash Revealing Report Pointing Fingers For September 11
Detailed CIA report is ordered to be kept secret for fear that ‘prying eyes’ may uncover truth
The Daily Nationalist: More Police Wont Solve the Problem – DN 020819.
Your nominee for best hate hoax?
US House passes resolution against anti-Semitism, bigotry after Omar remarks.
Representatives vote 407-23 for measure seen as rebuke of lawmaker’s comments about ‘allegiance’ to Israel, after infighting leads to inclusion of Islamophobia, other types of hate.
Full text of House Resolution against hate, including anti-Semitism
Document drafted by Democrats in wake of comments by Rep. Ilhan Omar rejects anti-Semitic stereotypes, including the ‘pernicious myth of dual loyalty’
The six-Million is their religion now. Without that they simply do not exist. Think about that.
Without the Six-Million they disappear down the History hole. They never had a Country of their own, but they want a World of their own. Hence the NWO.
Alleged Holocaust (holohoax) numbers:
6 million dead jews.
5 million dead non-jews.
Auschwitz reduces numbers from 4 million to 1 million. Thus, 3 million – 6 million = 3 million total dead jews (alleged).
Holocaust scholars and college professor’s (all jews) are now claiming Elie Weisel lied about the 5 million non-jew deaths to garner sympathy for the alleged jew Holocaust (see Israeli newspapers or the Daily Stormer).
Thus, we may conclude, that at most only 3 million alleged jew deaths occurred, whilst the other 8 million deaths were a complete fabrication. Therefore, one simply need repeat this verifiable truth to the masses and question the validity of the remaining 3 million alleged jew deaths.
Jared Taylor and “Zionist-Friendly Nationalism”
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck . . .
The anti-Semitism racket
Jews appeal to your better nature. They make you feel guilty about how selfish you are. But the minute you feel kindly toward them, you’re finished. You’ve been sucked into the scam. Because Jews, you must remember, don’t have a better nature . . . unless they’re trying to swindle you. Jews have no conscience. They have only programming from their macabre holy books to rob, rape and murder the gullible goyim. It’s what they are taught from birth, as the tips of their penises are snipped off and swallowed by rabid rabbis in a depraved circumcision ritual.
For centuries, the charge of anti-Semitism has deflected public attention from Jewish crimes. The charge of how could you be so mean to a totally defenseless Jew is actually the Jews’ best weapon for taking what you have or getting you to do what they want you to do. Because after they’re done fleecing you, as the Israeli tyrant Netanyahu once put it . . .
“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”
The Jewish War on Freedom of Speech.
Mural defended by Jeremy Corbyn of 'hook-nosed' men sitting around a Monopoly board was 'indefensibly' anti-Jewish, says Lord Falconer
Jeremy Corbyn criticised a decision to remove the painting in 2012
It depicts a group of 'hook-nosed men' with a Monopoly board
Lord Falconer said: 'The mural is indefensibly anti-Semitic'
Jewish Labour Movement was refounded to fight Corbyn.
US-funded Spanish-language network fires staffers over report calling George Soros ‘multimillionaire Jew’
Roche’s Revenge: How Jews See Muslims as “Natural Allies” in their War on Whites.
Labour suspends mayoral candidate and former soldier who 'made anti-Semitic posts on Facebook'
Former soldier Sean McCallum, who is standing in Mansfield, faces investigation
Claimed he defended comments that got Ken Livingstone suspended from party
Spokesman said Labour ‘takes complaints of anti-Semitism extremely seriously’
New York Times lets Israel do its own “fact checking”
‘Greatest scam in history’: Greenpeace co-founder thrashes global warming ‘brainwashing’ campaign.
Watson to launch latest attempt at Labour Party treachery on Monday. Will it be over by Tuesday?
Labour antisemitism: equalities watchdog opens investigation
Party rejects ‘any suggestion’ it has acted unlawfully and says it will cooperate with EHRC
But no one would speak about Jesus for fear of the Jews. -- John 7:13
How long until they ban the words of Jesus as "hate speech?"
A Peek into the Horrific Findings of the UN Report on Israel’s Massacre of Gaza Protesters
The commission found serious human rights violations that may constitute crimes against humanity and called on Israel to “Lift the blockade on Gaza with immediate effect.
Anti-Semitism is a misleading buzzword masking massive crimes against humanity.
“I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
— Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,
The world is in the trouble it’s in because people believe what they read in the newspapers and see on TV.
Amazon Banned These 9 Academic Books Questioning Certain Aspects of the 'Holocaust'. Why?
Auschwitz: A Three-Quarter Century of Propaganda
Origins, Development and Decline of the “Gas Chamber” Propaganda Lie.
Israel lobby funders back breakaway British MPs
Australian Jewish leader gets ‘chilling barrage’ of online anti-Semitic abuse
Anti-Defamation Commission head says he has contacted police over torrent of hateful messages following campaign to bar British conspiracy theorist David Icke.
Glen K. Allen, Esq. v. Beirich, Potok, and SPLC Lawsuit.
My complaint is a true David v. Goliath struggle, but my claims have merit and I will pursue them vigorously. But litigation of this nature is expensive. I must engage co-counsel and pay litigation expenses, and cannot hope to stay in the ring with the SPLC, with its $450 million endowment and large staff of attorneys, without financial help from friends and supporters. The SPLC openly boasts about its destructive aims and successes, which unfortunately are many. Please help me strike a blow for freedom against these self-appointed thought
Can’t now defend himself John Wayne Airport should be renamed, say homosexuals and Blacks, because of 1971 frank Playboy interview
Holocaust Scholar: “Jews Can Be Victims of Prejudice”
David Duke Calls Rep. Omar “Most Important Member” of Congress.
Duke promoted a show on his website using a tweet that said, “By Defiance to Z.O.G. Ilhan Omar is NOW the most important Member of US Congress.” The tweet is illustrated with a photo of Omar accompanied by a heart eyes emoji.
Investigative journalist tells child abuse inquiry he was given a list of '16 paedophile MPs' but it was seized in raid.
Don Hale, former editor of the Bury Messenger, says he was handed the dossier by late Labour peer Barbara Castle in the 1980s, but can't remember any of the names in it,
Deputy Assistant Secretary To George H.W. Bush Says Bush 'Groomed & Played With' Little Boys.
Westminster child sex abuse allegations and paedophile ‘coverups’ examined by new inquiry.
Israel hammers Gaza for third night in ‘vigorous response’ ordered by Netanyahu.
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