Monday, November 19, 2018

November 20th - Madrid - Jose Antonio/Franco rallies


Anonymous said...

Teresa May's Brave New World.

Anonymous said...

The People's Vote.

Anonymous said...

Operation ‘No deal’? UK army braces for Brexit chaos as May faces fierce rejection of divorce plan.

Anonymous said...

Gigantic 'Grinch' Advert Criticised For 'Racist' South London Warning.

Anonymous said...

Why We Need to Leave the EU ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Monica Lewinsky Was An Israeli-Placed Honeypot Falwell Confirms Lewinsky Affair Linked To Israeli Lobby Intrigue

Anonymous said...

This issue isn't about race, it's about paying for goods received. But
these blacks want to play the race card to get a free ride.

Anonymous said...

Al Jazeera's expose of the Israel Lobby

Anonymous said...

School has SEVENTEEN children changing gender as teacher says vulnerable pupils are being 'tricked' into believing they are the wrong sex

.The Mail On Sunday reveals that 17 pupils are in the process of changing gender
Most of children undergoing transformation are autistic according to teacher
This means that 150 autistic teenagers were issued with puberty blocker drugs .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why We Need to Leave the EU ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Have European Leaders Lost The Will To Defend Western Civilization?

The Western world would have succumbed over 1,000 years ago had its leaders and citizens not made a brave stand in the face of foreign invasion.

Anonymous said...

South Africa white farmer land grabs will be LAW after change to constitution approved

SOUTH Africa is gearing up to carry out a controversial land redistribution after plans to change the country’s constitution were approved.

Anonymous said...

The 40 "Hidden Horrors" Of Theresa May's Brexit Deal.

Anonymous said...

The top 40 horrors lurking in the small print of Theresa May’s Brexit deal

Anonymous said...

The Myth of EU Sovereign Independence.

Anonymous said...

Germany to make Turkish migrant Vice President of Intelligence Service.

Anonymous said...

BREAKING: Estonia is the fifth EU nation leaving the UN migration pact – Prime Minister.

Anonymous said...

11-year-old girl gang raped in Sweden – Perpetrators walk free and laugh in her face.

Anonymous said...

Goy Judge Rules 'Neo Nazis' Have No First Amendment Rights When A Jew Is Involved.

Anonymous said...

Free speech for CNN, but not for Assange: The media’s double standard.

Anonymous said...

Germany: No punishment for man who stabbed someone six times over ‘handshake problem’

Anonymous said...

Is This The Most Underrated Risk To A Brexit Deal?

Anonymous said...

The Free Speech Crisis on Campus Is Worse than People Think.

Anonymous said...

Public School Texts Teaching That Slavery Was 'Central'
Cause Of The Civil War - Zionism Rewriting Our History.

Anonymous said...

Aide to Labour MP accused of lying over speeding says he was 'morally' obliged to give evidence against her.

Anonymous said...

Aide to Labour MP accused of lying over speeding says he was 'morally' obliged to give evidence against her

Anonymous said...

Thwaites Brewery traveller camp: Man admits blackmail plot.

Anonymous said...

Racist email by Irlam and Cadishead Times magazine boss probed.

Anonymous said...

Zholia Alemi: Foreign doctor checks after fake psychiatrist case.

Anonymous said...

Nigel Farage Must Prepare for the Biggest Battle of his Political Career. (Joe Owens)

Anonymous said...

Operation ‘No deal’? UK army braces for Brexit chaos as May faces fierce rejection of divorce plan.

Anonymous said...

Theresa May government to ‘engineer financial crash’ to frighten MPs into voting for Brexit deal – report.

Anonymous said...

The Myth of EU Sovereign Independence.

Anonymous said...

“Dictator Pope” expells author from the Knights of Malta for exposing the truth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doctors can no longer practice honest medicine.

Anonymous said...

The Terrible Truth About the UN Migration Compact.

Anonymous said...

Theresa May's defence giveaway | Documentary.

Anonymous said...

The globalist plan to exterminate humanity begins now: “Useless eaters” must be eliminated, say globalists.

Anonymous said...

Social Media Facebook has been filtering out 93% of conservative voices and blocking them from their intended audience. If Trump doesn't trust-bust, he won't have a chance in 2020.

Anonymous said...

Israel accused of selling US secrets to China .

Anonymous said...

Betty Friedan: "Mommy" was a Commie.

Anonymous said...

How Some of the World's Most Generous Pro-Natalism Policies Helped Turn Around Hungary’s Disastrous Demographics.

Alarmingly fertility remains below replacement level but perhaps -- most likely in fact -- the full effect of the reform will take more time and full benefits will be reaped only after years or decades more.

Anonymous said...

The UK's "Knife Crime Epidemic" Is Proof Bans Don't Ever Work.

Anonymous said...

UNESCO Launches Holocaust Education Website.

The pro-Jewish initiatives inside UNESCO come as Israel prepares its withdrawal from the agency amid accusations that it fosters anti-Jewish bias.

Anonymous said...

Registering Israel's Useful Idiots FDD and AIPAC need adult supervision.

Registering Israel's Useful Idiots FDD and AIPAC need adult

Anonymous said...

Are Jared and Ivanka Good for the Jews?

Jewish communities stand more divided than ever on whether to embrace or denounce Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.

Anonymous said...

Snowflake' student leader who vowed to paint over tribute mural to the 'white men' who fought in World War One RESIGNS as union president.

Southampton student union head Emily Dawes caused outrage with tweets
She called for war mural to be painted over because it contained only white men
The 21-year-old was on leave after the row until the day after Remembrance Day
Today, she said after 'consideration' she has decided to step down from the role
Students called for her to resign for comments that didn't represent them.

Anonymous said...

'Abusive to 17.4m Britons!' Brexiteer points out May's CRUCIAL mistake in EU negotiations
BREXITEER Gisela Stuart has claimed Theresa May's key mistake since the 2016 EU referendum was not “reaching out” to communities to cut ties with the Brussels club.

Anonymous said...

'It is SICKENING!' DUP's Brexit spokesman SAVAGES May for 'chasing after' EU agenda

THERESA MAY’S Brexit proposals have been ridiculed by the DUP, who launched a savage attack on the Government for “chasing after the EU agenda” in Brexit negotiations.

Anonymous said...

Why is something as critical as the demographic transformation of entire western nations not making headlines?

The answer is controversial, but simple: The people who are behind the demographic transformation of western nations also control the headlines in those nations.

Anonymous said...

Don’t see the pattern yet? Well, then let’s continue...

Even cultural degeneracy, the destruction of traditional families, and usury, which are all meant to destroy us as a people, are promoted by design as seen here in the Jaffe Memo of 1968.

Anonymous said...

When you talk about illegal immigration and fake news, you’re really just scratching the surface because this multicultural transformation, this intentional destruction of our values, and the agenda to cover it all up by the media can all be traced backed to the same source.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...