Saturday, September 15, 2018

Chemnitz  tonight - Friday 14th September 2018


Anonymous said...

Clegg leads pro-remain grandees on diplomatic mission to stop Brexit.

Anonymous said...

Amber Rudd ex Home Secretary and Banker proposes new ID scheme for the 'digital age'

Anonymous said...

Why is Europe still funding occupation profiteer Ahava?

Anonymous said...

Bono Declares His Racist Hatred of Swedes in Wake of Election.

Anonymous said...

Senior Scotland Yard officer faces the sack for using 'racist' term 'whiter than white' in briefing to colleagues about being faultless in their inquiries.

Anonymous said...

Libya Truth (DnB Soundtrack)

Anonymous said...

I'm 99% sure that my books were banned from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo because of direct lobbying from the SPLC. They have been harassing me since 2011, and are the only leftist organization that Amazon regularly listens to. I believe they also got me banned from Paypal.

Anonymous said...

Greece: "Humanitarian Aid" Organization's People-Smuggling.

Anonymous said...

Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress, YouTube - De facto Communism.

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis attacked and stonewalled sex abuse victims while archbishop of Buenos Aires.

Anonymous said...


Integration failure: Report finds 51% Vienna pupils don’t speak German at home.

Anonymous said...

John Whitehead: What I Don't Like About Life In Post-9/11 America.

Anonymous said...

JIM FETZER "The Real Deal" (9-12-18): Moon Landings Filmed in Landfill with Scott Henderson.

Anonymous said...

Days After 9/11 Tulsi Gabbard Slams "Betrayal Of American People" Over Syria

In a rare and unprecedented speech delivered on the House floor just two days after the nation memorialized 9/11, Democratic Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on Thursday slammed Washington's longtime support to anti-Assad jihadists in Syria, while also sounding the alarm over the current build-up of tensions between the US and Russia over the Syria crisis.

Anonymous said...

How Israel Stole Nuclear Material From The US and Left $350 Million Cleanup Bill.

Anonymous said...

Israel in the vanguard of world tyranny.

'Deadly Exchange': Report Criticizes Israel's Role in Militarizing US Law Enforcement Post 9/11:

Anonymous said...

"And this in a state where you knowingly give someone HIV no crime has been committed and no charges will be filed.

Anonymous said...

Prostitution in Colonial India and Jewish Role.

Anonymous said...


Secret plot to keep Britain in EU: Blair, Major and Clegg travel Europe in bid to stop Brexit by asking leaders to allow UK more time to hold a second vote.

Ex-Labour PM Tony Blair has met Michel Barnier and other European politicians
Former Lib Dem leader Mr Clegg said the 'atmosphere has changed' since 2016
They have sought to persuade EU leaders that the UK's exit could be postponed.

Anonymous said...

"THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU BUY INTO DIVERSITY" (They sure aint white Khan is calling on)

Give Britain a new referendum on Brexit, says Sadiq Khan. Mayor of London’s call for people’s vote adds to pressure on Jeremy Corbyn.

Anonymous said...

Manchester's building boom has left poorer families 'out in the cold'

Anonymous said...

Publisher refuses to take on Muslim Imam's book that criticises Islam out of fear their offices will be attacked by extremists

Publisher has refused to take on a Muslim Imam's book criticising Islam
Imam Mohammad Tawhidi took to Facebook to reveal his first book was rejected
He claims the publisher rejected book out of fear of being attacked by extremists.

Anonymous said...

The Social Media Purge and How It Affects Everyone.

Just about every website owner I know is feeling personally victimized by the recent social media purge that has been going on. But here’s an interesting fact: it isn’t, as is widely perceived, just conservative voices that are being silenced. It is dissenting voices.
It’s the voices of critical thinkers whose ideas run the gamut of philosophies who find that they no longer have much in the way of reach.

Anonymous said...

The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire.

Anonymous said...

Creepy Google now tracking your credit card statements and retail purchases.

Anonymous said...

Crime tsars are handed £1,500 pay boost - despite being branded 'hopeless'

Anonymous said...

Spanish actor detained after ridiculing 'God and the Virgin Mary'

Anonymous said...

Rebels with a cause? Irexit party calling for Ireland to leave EU launches in Dublin.

Anonymous said...

Media, politicians, and educators are criminally responsible for encouraging transgenderism.

Anonymous said...

Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society.

Anonymous said...

China To Take Over Israel's Largest Port, Could Threaten US Naval Operations.

Anonymous said...

Salvini: ‘We Need to Help Italians Have More Children, Not Bring Africans to Replace the Children We’re Not Having’

Anonymous said...

Where is pushback?"

The Australian Army requires "gender neutral" language, so no more "he's and she's" and"his and hers."

At the Commonwealth Games, participants were told not to use "boys and girls" and "husbands and wives.Communism is creating the New Social Reality."

Anonymous said...

Anti-Immigration Party Favored to Win Quebec Election, Plans 'Values Tests' For Newcomers.

Anonymous said...

A disgraced army! When soldiers armed to the teeth, hit a woman boxing her like she was a punching ball, know that you are in front of the most "ImMoral" army in the world! Be aware that you are in #OccupiedPalestine.

Anonymous said...

Maxime Bernier taps into immigration controversy as he launches People’s Party of Canada.

Anonymous said...

Portland State University’s Student Sex Worker Outreach Project Aims to Normalize Sex Work

As students struggle to afford the rising costs of college, one program is confronting the reality of student sex workers by supporting them.

Anonymous said...

Lynchings in Congo as penis theft panic hits capital.

Anonymous said...

South Koreans begin protesting as they don’t want Muslim refugees in their country.

Anonymous said...

Jewish Reds & The New York Times started the HoloHoax.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...