Friday, August 10, 2018

Hopefully the National Front can now forge ahead ?

We are in desperate need of a proper nationalist party with brains, to start to build an alternative to the current mess that the UK finds itself in. 

We here at NWN have no idea of who has taken over leading the NF. But it can hardly be any the worse for the change.


Anonymous said...

What ! Has fatty gone ?

Anonymous said...

Richard Edmonds lost his way when John Tyndall died. Bloody hell Edmonds even supported non-whites into the BNP after JT died thus supporting that traitor Gri££in. Also that pic of him using gaffer tape to 'mend' his old bashed up jacket when speaking at an open air NF meeting was so cringeworthy it made him look worse than a tramp.A new broom is desperately needed. The NF couldn't be more run down if the state was running the whole NF organisation.

Anonymous said...

Hanging on to the name National Front doesn't help, the media with more than a little help from the various idiots who have run the party over the years, have tarnished the name. Yes, its well known, but even Nationalists wont touch it.
Maybe time for the NF,BDP and Northern Patriotic Front plus other tiny groups should join together. However, I'm not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

The NF has just about collapsed. Kev Bryan has resigned after the disaster of only 14 people turning up for the July Wakefield March. The chairman is now Tony Martin and the Deputy Chairman (probably soon to be Chairman is a character called Pont, expelled from BM). The NF has reached rock bottom.EM

Anonymous said...

What nationalism needs is educated people. Not people like Fatty Bryan who is as thick as a plank. The thing is, he actually thinks he is an intellectual . He used to be a shelf stacker at the downmarket supermarket chain of a few years back 'KWIKSAVE'.

He also used to be a laughing stock for prevaricating. He used to tell the Griffinites he was pro-Griffin. And to the people who supported John Tyndall, that he was a Tyndallite.

That is why Chris Jackson and he got on so well. Jackson was the same. Also, Jackson slagged everyone off behind their backs.Not a useful trait when you are running a political party and want to persuade people to support you and the BNP.

Richard Edmonds was also similar. Whilst supporting JT whilst he was still alive . Edmonds publically slagged off those that did NOT support the Griffin policy of multi- racialism in the BNP. In fact at one stage, at a IIRC an EGM, Edmonds slagged off Bryan and Jackson as he thought they were opposed to blacks,sikhs and zionist jews into the BNP.He called them 'prats' !

Anonymous said...

Second union boss urges Labour to adopt full definition of antisemitism.


Anonymous said...

Is Labour’s Jon Lansman capitulating to the Israel lobby? (IS GRASS GREEN)

Anonymous said...

White Race Suicide - Dr William Pierce.

Anonymous said...

Alex Jones Makes NYT Headlines!

Anonymous said...

The Unpleasant Truth About the 1941 Parachuting of Rudolf Hess in England.

Anonymous said...

Italy needs soldiers on its streets to stop migrant violence.

Anonymous said...

Obama Ignores Genocide In South Africa.

Anonymous said...

Americans Are Begging The Government And Corporations To End Free Speech like the Tom Noddys in the UK.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... What nationalism needs is educated people. This is correct, after the sad death of John Tyndall nobody can or could replace him. Time's have changed and it would be both wrong and stupid to just have one leader. We should remember that just eight in every hundred people are capable of fully understanding the war that is being waged against the world especially white people and their countries. We must seek out the more intelligent, less gullible people educate and inform them, we have the truth and facts of hundreds of years of murder and criminality, nothing is more powerful than word of mouth and it is pure organic. We need to direct our energies at the root of our problems not the branch, we will grow and acquire the correct shape then destroy them from within by pretending to agree with their madness to take back control. Meanwhile its agreed we have had some poor flag bearers and leaders in the NF and BNP the latter being toxic by design, yet I find it strange that there is very little spoken or done about the conmen running the BNP. Now that is a true sign of weakness and reflects badly on us all.

Anonymous said...

How simmering tensions are boiling over off Smithdown Road - Special report
Large waves of immigration from Eastern Europe have caused tension in an area known for its diversity.

Anonymous said...


112 seats switch to support UK staying in EU.

Anonymous said...

It beggars belief! Now witch-hunt targets men who served their country 60 years ago
Sam Bedwell said he had been contacted by Government lawyers regarding “allegations of wrongdoing” by Britain in Cyprus between 1955 and 1960.

Anonymous said...

Fury as Alastair Campbell calls for Brexit supporters to be JAILED.

TONY Blair’s ex-spin doctor Alastair Campbell has called for Brexiteers to be “jailed” in a bizarre Twitter rant as debate rages over a second EU referendum.

Anonymous said...


‘Boris should be EXPELLED!’ - top Tory Muslims demand May take action over burka slur
SENIOR Muslim figures within the Conservative Party are demanding Boris Johnson face disciplinary action, and potentially expulsion, after he caused offence by comparing Muslim women wearing burkas to “bank robbers” and “letter boxes”.

Anonymous said...

UK crime: More than 2,000 acid attacks in three years - London at centre of violence

SHOCKING new data shows that the UK has seen over 2,000 acid attacks in less than three years, with the majority of cases in London and police officers amongst the victims.

Anonymous said...

MERKEL ON THE ROPES: Angry Germans plan HUGE protest to demand ‘Merkel MUST GO!’

ANGELA Merkel’s premiership is hanging by a thread as hundreds of angry Germans prepare to take to the streets once again to call for the German Chancellor’s resignation.

Anonymous said...

South Africa on brink of ‘ANARCHY’ as president demands white farmers’ land is SEIZED

SOUTH Africa’s white farmers have hit out in anger at the government’s decision to agree to constitutional changes to seize land from them.

Anonymous said...

Rats, Rubbish and Useless Councillors...!!!

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin has Destroyed British Nationalism.

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin has Destroyed British Nationalism.

14 August 2018 at 23:05 Delete


It's taken how long for owens to realise the truth about Gri££in ?

Also Owens is now swearing on his vids - not a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Third World Immigrants are Trashing Liverpool,

Anonymous said...

"Best way to control the opposition is to lead it."

Anonymous said...

Andy Burnham should be pushing for a Memorial to the Manchester Arena Bomb victims.

Anonymous said...


One of the main results of the two World Wars was the weakening of the the British and other European empires, and the strengthening of the US empire.

Anonymous said...

War on the 'Red Empire': How America planned for an attack on BRITAIN in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons
Emerging world power feared British reaction to its ambitions
Plan Red was code for massive war with British Empire
Top-secret document once regarded as 'most sensitive on Earth'
$57m allocated for building secret airfields on Canadian border - to launch attack on British land forces based there.

The USA devised plans to attack Britain, and, other rivals.

How America planned to destroy BRITAIN.

Among the plans developed were:

Plan Red: War against Britain

Orange: War against Japan

Green: Against Mexico

Purple: South America

White: Domestic uprising

Black: Germany

Grey: Caribbean republics

Yellow: China

Brown: Philippines

Anonymous said...

In 1950 America was overwhelmingly white, European, and Christian. How deeply one believed was not the point. Christianity was a matrix binding all, as Catholicism is in Latin America.

Anonymous said...

"Hate speech" is anything they would "hate" for you to know.

Tech is being pressured to ban Michael Hoffman’s books critical of Judaism.

Anonymous said...

Five Mohammeds and others charged for abusing girls as young as 12 in Huddersfield, UK.

Anonymous said...


State representatives have been meeting with La Raza etc. to come up with a plan to separate from the United States. George Soros is bankrolling some of the costs.

Anonymous said...

The Hillary Child-Sex Tape Is Worse Than You Can Imagine - Pedovore.

Anonymous said...


Andy Burnham should be pushing for a Memorial to the Manchester Arena Bomb victims.

Anonymous said...


Sign vandalized after MP Maxime Bernier calls out Winnipeg park for 'extreme multiculturalism'

Pakistani group wants to send message to Bernier and his supporters after 'hurtful, saddening' act.

Anonymous said...

‘Activist Mommy’ suspended from Facebook on vague ‘hate speech’ grounds.

Anonymous said...

More than 2.2M immigrants from Muslim countries to U.S. from 2001 through March 2018, no slow down in sight.

Anonymous said...

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." ~ George Washington

Anonymous said...

Muslims are not arriving on American shores to assimilate, but to conquer. This week, Alabama became the second state to challenge the federal Refugee Resettlement Program. But, like Texas’ suit before it, Alabama’s will not stop the influx of potentially dangerous Muslim refugees like the ones already overrunning and terrorizing Europe.

Anonymous said...

Matt Taibbi Warns Censorship Does Not End Well.

Anonymous said...

‘Feels like censorship’: Facebook removes pro-Palestinian Occupy London page.

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of Newspaper Editors Defend Press Freedom They Abhor.

Anonymous said...

Censorship is the New Front in the War on Consciousness.

Anonymous said...

The 3 Trigger Terms Being Used to Stop Critical Thinking.

Anonymous said...

Fear is the Enemy of Freedom.

Anonymous said...

“Thinking critically means making reasoned judgments that are logical and well thought out. It is a way of thinking in which one doesn’t simply accept all arguments and conclusions to which one is exposed without questioning the arguments and conclusions. It requires curiosity, skepticism and humility. People who use critical thinking are the ones who say things such as, “How do you know that?” “Is this conclusion based on evidence or gut feelings?” and “Are there alternative possibilities when given new pieces of information?””

Anonymous said...

France is sinking into violence, save our children! – Parents of boy murdered by Arabs.

Anonymous said...

Manchester Imam's 'Call for Jihad' Caught on Tape – Reports.

Anonymous said...

Rape and molest trusting young boys for half a century, but do not touch the Catholic Church’s money.

Catholic Church Shielded Priests Who Raped Boys, but It Helped Lock Up a Priest Who Swiped Bucks.

Anonymous said...

Facebook legal team shopping for Zionist judge to
shutdown 'Facebook Zoo' for exposing truth about It.

Anonymous said...

After 80 cars were destroyed Swedish police ‘want to talk’ with the parents of the guilty minors.

Anonymous said...

Former NBA star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar draws parallels between national anthem & slave songs.(HAW HAW HAW OH PLEASE)

Anonymous said...

Israel Absolves Itself of August 2014 Black Friday War Crimes.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Semitism 'Invented to Prevent Criticism of Jews' – Malaysian PM.

Anonymous said...

Israel to build 20,000 MORE new settler units in occupied East Jerusalem.

Anonymous said...

Bomb Detonates At Italian Headquarters Of Salvini's League Party.

Anonymous said...

Majority of British People Do Not Trust Big Banks, New Poll Says.

Anonymous said...

Patriotism Has Been Turned Against Patriots.

Anonymous said...

George Orwell Warned us of the Most Dangerous Type of Censorship.

Anonymous said...

The BBC was caught red-handed engaging in manipulation after it declined to invite a potential guest for a segment on computer security, turning the expert down because he refused to state why it would be a good idea to put “back-doors” into cryptographic systems.

Anonymous said...

Antifa, Democratic Socialists, & New World Order All Want Same Thing: "No Borders, No Wall, No USA At All"

Anonymous said...

Psychological Warfare For All.

Anonymous said...

Free-Speech Monopoly – The Game Is Rigged.

Anonymous said...

Censorship Is What Happens When Powerful People Get Scared.

Anyone who tells you the recent escalation of censorship by U.S. tech giants is merely a reflection of private companies making independent decisions is either lying or dangerously ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Google Is Constantly Tracking, Even If You Turn Off Device 'Location History'

Anonymous said...

'STEP ASIDE!' Leading Leave campaigner calls for Brexiteers to REPLACE civil servants

CIVIL servants should “step aside” if they think negotiating Brexit is “too difficult” and let “competent business Brexiteers” do the job, leading Brexit campaigner Richard Tice has said.

Anonymous said...

Could Sweden Democrat party with neo-Nazi roots and anti-immigration stance topple their nation's 101 years of socialist government? (HAW HAW HAW NO THEY WANT MORE SHIT)

Polls predict Sweden Democrat Party will win up to 25% in the September vote
Around 4,000 far-right supporters rallied in support of the party last week
Sweden took around 165,000 migrants during the 2015 European border crisis.

Anonymous said...

Corbyn Ally And Union Boss Len McCluskey Turns On Jewish Leaders After Wreath Row

Len McCluskey has hit out at what he calls the “intransigent hostility” of Jewish community leaders and accused “Blairite” Labour MPs of exploiting the anti-Semitism row to provoke a split in the party.

Anonymous said...

The Truth about Diversity

("Inclusive" means no white males)
"Diversity" is a devious Illuminati (Masonic) trick to disenfranchise and dispossess the white, heterosexual Christian majority in the West
by making them a minority. The Masonic Jewish central banking cartel is behind diversity whether it takes the form of multiculturalism, migration, miscegenation or the attack on gender. Its proponents are globalist (Communist) traitors.

Anonymous said...

The EU is too white – and Brexit likely to make it worse, MEPs and staff say
All 28 European commissioners are white and only three of the 751 MEPs are black.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...