This is coming our way ! Our future ?
Look at this mob breaking into the Spanish enclave of Ceuta . This is why we need strong defence forces .
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
Top Tory donor and IRA Godfather’s ‘friend’ in London vice scandal Who’s laughing now? Controversial tycoon Christopher Moran ( far righ...
Italian police clear Roma camp despite EU ruling requesting delay
Rome evictions seen as latest victory for far-right interior minister, who rallies against minority.
Don’t open your door to this £3m traveller crime gang: Police issue warning about wanted fraudsters who prey on the elderly.
Seven fraudsters wanted after targeting innocent victims across the country
Six men and one women carried out scams to collect more than £3million
One scam involved a man posing as a judge to threaten vulnerable people into making payments - telling them they were faced with jail if they did not cough up.
Homeless man, 58, who 'received cash and hotel accommodation' becomes 10th person to be charged with Grenfell Tower fraud
Derrick Peters, 58, charged with fraud, attempting to pervert course of justice
He falsely received cash and hotel accommodation given to victims of the fire
Detectives continue to investigate claims fraudsters claimed cash for victims
5 fraudsters jailed for defrauding charities and authorities after fire in London.
EU wants to FORCE the UK into Brexit CRISIS and 'there is NOTHING we can do' warns Farage
NIGEL Farage blasted the European Union for trying to force the UK into “crisis” during Brexit negotiations, saying “there was nothing we can do” to change their minds.
'It's a complete BETRAYAL!' Ukip leader condemns May's Chequers plan
UKIP leader Gerard Batten thrashed the Government’s latest Brexit plan branding the White Paper a “surrender document” to the European Union as he calls on Brexiteers to come together for a new fight to take Britain out of the bloc.
My god its frightening i dont want these people in Europe . When will our people wake up
Politicians who throw open the borders are Freemason traitors, pure and simple!!!
Terror attacks and violent crime drive armed police operations up by fifth in a year
Home Office says firearms responses are 'last resort, considered only where there is a serious risk to public or police safety'
Disgracefully Demonizing Hamas.
Ex-UK Diplomat: Israel Has Record of ‘Lying’ About Combat Engagements.
Adult migrant men are marrying children to qualify for EU passports in Sweden.
Racist Banana = Spend $121,000,000 On Diversity.
Facebook pulls back the curtain on its content moderators.
In 54 Years, 1 "Advisor" has Influenced Every Single US President (Photos)
Being Realistic Is Good.
Humanity has been enslaved & its ugly but we have to look the ugly truth in the eye if we want it change it.
Looking at it is shedding light on it. Look at it without fear. Nothing bad will happen. Reality won't change. Just look at it because it helps.
New Army Chief Warns Mass Migration Greatest Danger to Austria.
Have you ever wondered why socialists and communists never mention the richest people on earth by far, the Queen, and Rothschilds, when they talk about redistributing wealth.
Paris: Mossad’s playground.
Daily Mail publishes front-page apology over fake news Iraqi bomb claim.
‘We need new EU Commission’: Hungarian PM launches scathing attack over migration policy.
Democracy at risk due to fake news and data misuse, MPs conclude.
A field guide to Pride flags .Obviously for Halfwits and those in need of psychiatric help.
Leftist University Professor On Migration (An Interesting Analysis)
Dinesh D'Souza mops the floor with Saul Alinsky's son in C-SPAN debate.
Anthony Migchels -How Money Rules.
The homosexual scandal in the Church is worse than anyone wants to admit.
Chinese Communists Have Taken Over America | Who Set Up & Runs China?
Any doubt that Soros' NGO's paid for the dingy and organized this invasion.
Twitter Admits: Your Posts Will Be Hidden if You Follow the Wrong Accounts.
Paris Overrun With Sub-Animal Human Excrement
...Thanks To Macron And His Master Merkel - LOOK
'Police can no longer handle the lawless jungle after dark in Amsterdam’ - ombudsman.
Poison toothpaste, prisoners hypnotised to kill: How Mossad, Israel's secret service, has become the world leader in assassins with 800 operations in the last decade.
Israel, a country born in bloodshed, has become the leader in assassinations
Mossad’s secret agents killed more people than the agents of any other state since World War II, with some 800 operations in the last ten years alone
An operation in 1968 was directly inspired by the film The Manchurian Candidate.
Italy Slashes Asylum Seeker Benefit Payments.
Canada needs to brace for wave of eco-refugees in future, climate scientist says
'We are going to see people migrating by the millions,' says U of Waterloo's Blair Feltmate.
Straight Talk About Zionism: What Jewish Nationalism Means.
Israeli cartoonist fired over 'Animal Farm' Netanyahu caricature
PM and allies drawn as pigs in magazine after passing law giving exclusive rights to Jews .
Labour councillor suspended over Facebook post calling for execution of 'Talmud Jews'
The post also included an antisemitic video about Jews and described them as 'parasites'
Ron Unz: A Defender of Truth — Paul Craig Roberts.
“Wars are great producers of lies because propaganda is necessary to motivate soldiers to fight and to ensure that populations accept the associated hardships. The use of history as propaganda prevents us from learning from history. Thus, we continue to make the same mistakes.”
Slovak Far-Right Party Leader Indicted for Promoting Nazism.
Whitehall is ‘covering up the past’: File on Prince Charles and Princess Diana's marriage, Lockerbie records and MI5 'link' to Belfast lawyer death among documents blocked by government
Britain increasing foreign aid to booming China and oil-rich Nigeria, despite vows to stop financing world's second largest economy.
CITY ON THE EDGE Paris has 300,000 illegal immigrants crammed into just one tiny suburb
Seine-Saint-Denis, just six miles from the Eiffel Tower, is home to as many as 300,000 illegal immigrants,
Miss Varz: Black student aims to make a difference at Oxford. Black Africans want change here in my country and Whites out of Africa!!!
High-ranking US cardinal resigns from Catholic Church amid sexual abuse allegations.
American or Western Society Would Collapse If It Weren't For These 8 Myths.
Obama administration approved $200G grant to group with Al Qaeda ties.
Are Big Social Media Companies Being Used To Advance The New World Order's Agenda?
(Is Grass Green)
"We Fear For Our Lives": First 50 White South African Families Start Resettlement In Russia
The faulty logic behind the Zionist attack on BDS
Why IS the President publicly denying his mysterious bodyguard is his lover? GUY ADAMS on the sacked heavy who rose out from France's gritty suburbs to become Macron's right-hand man
French President Emmanuel Macron denied Alexandre Benalla was his lover
The response was to internet rumours over his relationship to the 26-year-old
The 26-year-old was Macron's personal bodyguard until last Friday.
‘Germany will suffer for decades due to Merkel’s misjudgements’-MP.
'EU Spends Billions on Migrants, Better to Invest in Africa' – Italian Deputy FM.
A New Low: “Thinking Differently” Is RACIST
Of Genocide and Those Who Do Nothing.
EVERY NATIONALIST MUST READ --"Nature’s Eternal Religion"
Brilliant. This book freed my mind, and I cannot praise it enough. It blew away so many of the misconceptions that modern society gave me, and filled me with a view of reality that brought me to my senses. So often during the first read through I realized that my heart was pounding — it’s an amazingly dynamic book that gave my life new meaning and a new appreciation for history, nature, and the world around me. No book (in fact no ANYTHING) has changed my life like this. The sooner you get a copy, the sooner you can leave behind the childish world of fantasy, and start living like an adult in reality.
Luciana Berger Needs to Raise the Plight of the Residents of Smithdown Road in Parliament.
Over time, nearly all the pagan inhabitants of Europe were convinced through intimidation, deception, and accommodation, to give up their own native religious beliefs and practices to become members of the Jewish cult of Christianity which held their imaginations captive through fear and superstition, making European society more susceptible to exploitation by Jewish merchants and moneylenders who alone were allowed to freely engage in usury, the Church having forbid Christians from charging interest on monetary loans.
To me, the imposition of this Jewish god into my life was an unwanted intrusion, and the twisted rationale for worshiping such a megalomaniacal character in order to avoid eternal torment after death was hardly an endearing concept. By the age of fourteen my faculties for reason had developed sufficiently enough that I was at last able to dismiss Christianity's supernatural threats as an absurdity, and I was finally able to break free of the brainwashing I had been subjected to, and embrace my own Anglo-Celtic heritage which to me was far more preferable to submitting to the inane ramblings of Semitic camel-herders.
Thus Christianity planted the seed of self-hatred in White European culture, condemning the West to subjugation at the hands of the very people who first spawned the Semitic cult of altruistic self-sacrifice, denial, and deference to others - a formula that guaranteed the success of Christianity's fomentors, a people renowned for their own self-interest, nepotism, and race-conscious xenophobia - the Jews.
In 744 A.D. the Synod of Leptinnes approved the following baptismal formula for Christianizing the pagan Anglo-Saxons:
"Do you renounce the Demon?"
"I renounce the Demon."
"And all relations with the Demon?"
"I renounce all relations with the Demon."
"And all the works of the Demon?"
"I renounce all the works of the Demon, and all his words, and Thor, and Odin, and Saxnot, and all evil beings that are like them."
16th century woodcut of Christians burning people accused of Witchcraft
In the year 959 A.D. King Edgar outlawed all forms of pagan religious practice and that Christianity be adopted in place of the native forms of worship:
"We demand that every priest zealously promote Christianity and totally extinguish every manifestation of heathenism; that he forbid worship at wells, necromancy, divination and enchantment; the vain practices carried on with spells, with elder trees and various other trees, and with stones. We demand that on feast days heathen songs and diabolical games be abstained from."
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