Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Support Army veterans against IRA Gerry Adams appearing at the BBC studios  - 4th Feb 2018

Latest.........NWN: Adams has ducked it ! He will not now be appearing tomorrow and the BBC have done a pre-recorded clip instead .

Sunday 4th February we need as many veterans as possible to attend the BBC studios London and show our utter disgust that IRA Commander Gerry Adams is on the Andrew Marr show . We need to cover every entrance and exit so they cannot slip this piece of Shit in and out through a side door , RV 7am BBC broadcasting house , Peel Entrance . On Sunday morning they instruct everyone to be their an hour before the show and to use the Peel entrance , We shall have banners in place and a reception committee on hand , Any one staying in London overnight following our parade on Saturday has no excuse not to attend , The BBC never cover our events and continue the glorify the IRA , lets make this happen !

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

NWN: Apparently this cretin Jasper was born in Oldham. Not much was made by the media in this tweet from him fairly recently. So 'they' are not to blame for their behaviour ?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...