Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Eddy Adamson - North West nationalist from the 1970's

Has anyone got a picture of Eddy ? There doesn't appear to be one around at all.

There must be one around, as Eddy stood for the National Front in elections many times. Particularly for Blackburn in the early 1970's. So someone might have a copy of his election address ?

These early 'pathfinders' deserve to be remembered. Eddy possibly precedes the late 1967 formation of the National Front.

Eddy helped to re-start the BNP in the North West in the late 1980's by holding meetings in Todmorden.This helped Ken Henderson to form a nucleus to 'kickstart' the North West proper in the 1990/1991/1992 growth period.


Anonymous said...


Neo-Nazi and National Front organiser comes out as gay and reveals his Jewish heritage as he quits far right

Kevin Wilshaw was a National Front organiser and spoke at their events in the UK
He revealed his violent past in the group and also said he has Jewish heritage
Mr Wilshaw came out as gay and said that he has received homophobic abuse.


Anonymous said...

Todmorden is a little place with some oddball's like an ex NF Northwest organiser from the 1970's who can be spotted with a silly hat and guitar, when he is not hosting holohoax tales at the local church.

Anonymous said...

Creepy HopeNotHate Investigate Creepily.


Anonymous said...

The Ballad of Michael Isaacson.


Anonymous said...

Blaming White People for Multicultural Failures.


Anonymous said...

Diversity' madness explodes life of white Christian rising star
University dean says he was ordered to hire 'people of color' who don't 'look like you'Promote only … African-Americans, Latinos and Asians’


Anonymous said...

American Society isn’t a Zoo and White People Aren’t Monkeys.


Anonymous said...

Is Brexit dying on the vine along with England?


Anonymous said...

How Stalin Hid Ukraine's Famine From the World

In 1932 and 1933, millions died across the Soviet Union—and the foreign press corps helped cover up the catastrophe.


Anonymous said...

London Assembly: Enoch's Nightmare.


Anonymous said...

UKIP tackles "hate crime" & dishonest stats with new London Police Commissioner.


Anonymous said...

Anne Marie Waters A New Party - Anne Marie Waters A New Party.


NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...

Todmorden is a little place with some oddball's like an ex NF Northwest organiser from the 1970's who can be spotted with a silly hat and guitar, when he is not hosting holohoax tales at the local church.

17 October 2017 at 21:08

There is no one from the 1970's nationalist scene in Todmorden.

We are assuming you might mean Dave Jones ? He would be the only person wearing a hat in Todmorden ?

We have no views on Dave Jones, having only spoke with him the once after a John Tyndall memorial meeting in Preston. He was very unwise to pose with swastikas and the chinese lass from London a few years back.But we don't know the lad at all.

Dave Jones himself is not old enough to have been active in the 1970's neither in Liverpool nor anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

You assumed wrong the Walter Mitty in question ran a band called "Calder Cats" now the "Wes Paul Band" Country and Western he sometime's hangs out in the Con Club. He had free board for running a web site for an old church in Toddy, where he was involved in the entertainment industry putting on Holohoax shows or treading the boards, he also does bit part acting as does his wife, creepy stuff like Spoonface Steinberg, she has also written plays for gays of all persuasions, so theres no surprise there. I dont know if he is into ball gags and plastic but I would not be surprised!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a problem with our lot you say Dave Jones wore an emblem was it on his arm or his cock with a Chinese strumpet? Where was she positioned in all this, the missionary position or hanging onto his arm? All this after a JT memorial. I know John would not have approved. Why did you? Its time to bring decorum back into Nationalism. If you were still in the Army I would facking rift you and your ilk till you mend your ways that is to say to much tolerance spoils basic discipline hence lack of respect now get a bloody big grip.

NWN Admin said...

For your fucking information the JT memorial meeting was BEFORE Dave Jones had the photos taken. So you get a fucking grip and know the facts before casting aspersions.

This is one of the main reasons why nationalism is screwed in this country. Far too many try to make the movement smaller by badmouthing people and forming bitter cliques.

Politics is about persuading people to join and support you.For far too many it's the other way round.

They are all tiny cliques and will remain that way.

Anonymous said...

I agree and you seem to be the ethos of what you accuse a humble Nationalist like my good self of I support this blog so innocently put some input in by making an obvious observation with a clear cut direction and you come out swinging. The Big man himself said don't use defeated emblems! I don't care if Jones was strutting around like a peacock before or after his stupid display I don't like it and am not talking Marmite here and I don't like Chinese takeaways either if you get my drift. The reason Nationalism has hit a bad patch is the people at the top allowed schills and plants to take over. Unlike you I believe Alt-Right is spreading fast and has reached the curve where we cant be stopped cliques or no cliques and would expect you to put more time in on this blog or at least get some assistance we need more than a one man band, so try and be selective with who helps you out and try and not be so touchy when you get helpful direction for our cause. Our motto should be Like the Mama-san said to her lady boys - "Trust all men but not too much"

Anonymous said...

Putin can't stop laughing when minister suggests Russia should export PORK to Muslim-majority Indonesia

Alexander Tkachov, Minister for Agriculture, suggested selling pork to Indonesia
Putin starts to laugh after pointing our his mistake, saying 'They won't eat it'
Tkachov jokes 'They will', before clarifying his comments stating he meant to say South Korea.


Anonymous said...

World Jewish Congress co-hosts LGBTQ n' Z: A Conversation About Pride, Zionism, and Inclusivity.


Anonymous said...

America is under Talmudic law, not Sharia law.


Anonymous said...

Christopher Story book set out how military would be attacked & trashed from within. Understand no fully operational RN ships = yes none


Anonymous said...

The situation is desperate’: murdered Maltese journalist’s final written words

It seems that Daphne Caruana Galizia’s enemies finally decided that her courageous journalism needed to be silenced.


Anonymous said...

Nigel Farage on Enoch Powell.


Anonymous said...

UK: Muslim migrant rapist blames his rape on “cultural differences” and “not understanding British law”


Anonymous said...

UK Cops Stop Arresting Muslims For 'Petty' Offenses
Because Muslim Crimes Are SoarIng


Anonymous said...

Sweden's first tax funded harem for Muslim migrant with 3 wives and 16 children costing millions .


Anonymous said...

UK spy agency GCHQ is monitoring social media accounts, gathering thousands of megabytes of citizens' information, according to a privacy rights group.


Anonymous said...

How The Elite Dominate The World – 99.9% Of The World Live In A Country With A Central Bank.

Even though the nations of the world are very deeply divided on almost everything else, somehow virtually all of them have been convinced that central banking is the way to go.


Anonymous said...

China and Russia: Full Steam Ahead Towards a Cashless Society.


Anonymous said...

The True Story of Whites in South Africa.


Anonymous said...

Athens vs. Mondoweiss

I really do not understand how anyone can claim to believe in free speech yet claim that ‘holocaust deniers’ are criminals.” Peled wrote in his Mondoweiss reply to Ofir. This sounds promising and principled but then Peled continues, “if someone is ill informed or ignorant or racist or stupid or all of the above – that is not a crime or a reason to vilify


Anonymous said...

88yo 'Nazi Grandma' gets 6 months in jail for denying Holocaust... again.


Anonymous said...

‘Sneaky Jew’ comment lands German Left Party’s local leader in hot water .


Anonymous said...

Weaponizes what a ‘phobia’ is ....


Anonymous said...

Proof Trump Is Funding Programs
To Bring Black Africans To US
US 2018 Black African 'Refugee' Resettlement.


Anonymous said...

The Machinations of the Secret State.


Anonymous said...

The Football Lads Alliance - Playing for the Other Side?


Anonymous said...

Jared Taylor Speech in Dublin, Ireland 07/10/2017.


Anonymous said...

Muslims are not integrating into Irish Society.


Anonymous said...

The Immigrant Invasion of Ireland.


Anonymous said...

Africans[Asylum seekers] in Ireland behaving badly.


Anonymous said...

Watch How The Identity Of Ireland Is Being Destroyed By Migrants

You can Lean more in 3 minutes than you can in watching videos all day. You can love all people, however, there are beings who do NOT love you nor will they ever. It's a reality we Must Face!



Anonymous said...

Irish White Flight.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

6,000,000 LIES (all parts) - (Well Worth Your Attension)


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...