Monday, August 21, 2017

Barcelona - be careful what you wish for !!!


More than 160,000 march in Barcelona to demand Spain takes in more refugees

Spain has accepted just 1,100 refugees of the over 17,000 it has pledged to take in

The Independent Online   - Sunday 19 February 2017 01:25 GMT
At least 160,000 protesters have marched in Barcelona to demand that Spain's conservative-led government increase its efforts to take in refugees from war-torn countries like Syria.
Spain has accepted just 1,100 refugees of the over 17,000 it has pledged to take in.
Marchers held a large banner and signs in Catalan with the slogans 'Enough Excuses! Take Them In Now!' and 'No More Deaths, Open The Borders!' as they made their way through the city centre to its Mediterranean coast.
Barcelona police said 160,000 people took part in the march, while organisers said it reached 300,000 participants.
“There is an ample consensus in Catalonia to demand that the (government's) commitments are upheld,” said organiser Ruben Wagensberg.
In September 2015, Spain's government pledged to bring 17,337 refugees in within two years: 15,888 from camps in Italy and Greece and 1,449 from Turkey and Libya.
Demonstrators march as they take part in a protest along the street in downtown Barcelona, Spain (Associated Press)
On Thursday, a group of 66 refugees – 65 Syrians and one Iraqi – who arrived in Madrid raised the total number of refugees that Spain has taken in to just 1,100.
Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau, a former anti-eviction activist who has pushed Spain's government to let her city accept more refugees, joined the march.
“It is very important that in a Europe of uncertainty where xenophobia is on the rise for Barcelona to be a capital of hope,” Ms Colau said.
She also criticized the federal government's stance toward refugees in December at a Vatican conference on Europe's refugee crisis.
In contrast to Spain, fellow European Union member Germany took in 890,000 asylum-seekers in 2015 and another 280,000 in 2016.
Germany decided last year on more than 695,000 asylum applications. Nearly 60% of the applicants were granted either full refugee status or a lesser form of protection.

NWN: Barcelona has seemingly always been a communist city as evidenced in the Spanish Civil war. They really cannot complain now can they ? The chickens have come home to roost.


Anonymous said...

Keep an eye on these cunts in Leeds

Anonymous said...

Abolfazi Movasaghpour, 39, Reportedly threatened to set himself on fire.

A major emergency service presence descended on the area shortly before 12 noon on Monday, after a man reportedly threatened to set himself on fire with a canister of petrol inside the Union Street building.

Police negotiators working with officers on the street and fire crews at the centre, which deals with applications from people who want to come to or stay in the UK.

Anonymous said...

Moroccan who admitted killing 2 in Finland knife attack was refused asylum.

Anonymous said...

Trump aides plot a big immigration deal — that breaks a campaign promise.

Anonymous said...

WOW! HUNGARY and ISRAEL Just Labeled Hungarian Born-Jew George Soros An ENEMY OF THE STATE…Will The U.S. Follow?

Anonymous said...

Post Charlottesville Anti-Right Pogrom Based On Fantasy
A Compendium Of Facts.

Anonymous said...

Random Man at Protests Interviewed By MSNBC, NY Times Is Deep State Shill Linked to George Soros.

Anonymous said...

The Charlottesville Conspiracy and the Anti-American, Anti-White, Subversive, Hate Promoting Mainstream Media.

Anonymous said...

The violence in Charlottesville was orchestrated and engineered by the Mayor of Charlottesville Michael Signer and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

Anonymous said...

Pee-Filled Projectiles A Recurring Weapon Of Choice For ‘Anti-Fascists’

Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter Organizer Tells Whites: Nothing You Own is Yours

Anonymous said...

Democrats long for Obama's return.

Anonymous said...

Reporter Who Exposed BBC Pedophilia Cover Up Found Dead.

Anonymous said...

Berkeley School Teacher Charged with Felony for Punching neo-Nazi- Claims Self-Defense

Anonymous said...

Is British democracy broken? Election monitors issue damning verdict on 2017 vote.

Anonymous said...

Starbucks CEO Faces Backlash After Suggesting Violence and Hatred Towards Whites is Acceptable.

Anonymous said...


Petition Background
The name The "WHIITE" House,right now is violating the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Furthermore,it,daily discriminates against all non White,or European-Americans. It,additionally,is racially divisive,indicative of "WHITE" Superority,and impedes improved Race Relations.

Anonymous said...

How Convenient! Boston Holocaust Memorial Vandalized!

Anonymous said...

Monumental rage: Cities endure statue removal frenzy, as Bill Clinton & Lenin sculptures targeted

Anonymous said...

Tories guilty of ‘grave, systematic violation’ of disabled people’s rights, activists tell RT

Anonymous said...

Labour MP and key Corbyn ally shares Twitter message telling Rotherham sex abuse victims to ‘shut their mouths for the good of diversity’ - just days after attacking a fellow party member for speaking out over the issue

Labour MP and key Corbyn ally shares Twitter message telling Rotherham sex abuse victims to ‘shut their mouths for the good of diversity’ - just days after attacking a fellow party member for speaking out over the issue.

Anonymous said...

'SHUT YOUR MOUTH' Corbyn ally shares message telling Rotherham sex abuse victims to be quiet ‘for the good of diversity’

Anonymous said...

Lefties call for Nelson’s Column to be torn down - this LBC host’s response is DEVASTATING

AN LBC host tore into lefties’ call to tear down Nelson’s Column in London’s Trafalgar Square in the wake of the Charlottesville riots.

Anonymous said...

'It's part of our history' Londoners rail against calls to topple 'racist' Nelson's Column
LONDONERS and tourists alike have shut down calls to tear down Nelson’s Column in the capital’s Trafalgar Square in the wake of the Charlottesville riots.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Antifa DONE After Their Dark Secret Comes Out In Training Manual A Rioter Accidentally Dropped.

Anonymous said...

Speaker Paul Ryan Gets Destroyed on Twitter For Refusing to Condemn Antifa Violence.

Anonymous said...

You’ll Be Sick After Hearing What Antifa Has Planned For Nov. 4th! A Petition's Birthed To Stop Them.

Anonymous said...

The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade
Washington's Hidden Agenda: Restore the Drug Trade.

Anonymous said...

‘Undoxxed’ Nazi Flag Holder Reportedly Spotted Attending Leftist Parade.

Anonymous said...

‘In today’s world if you aren’t far left, you’re seen as Nazi’

Anonymous said...

Baltimore's Christopher Columbus Monument Smashed to Bits (VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

Europe Is Committing Demographic Suicide.

The Archbishop of Strasbourg Luc Ravel, nominated by Pope Francis in February, just declared that "Muslim believers know very well that their fertility is such today, that they call it... the Great Replacement. They tell you in a very calm, very positive way: One day all this, all this will be ours..."

Anonymous said...

MOAR Pipeline Wars: Jews fear being gassed (by their own government) before exports to Europe even begin.

Anonymous said...

Report: Ivanka, Jared Helped Forced Out Bannon - 'His Far-Right Views Clashed With Their Jewish Faith'

Anonymous said...

‘Get Out!’ Merkel booed at protest while attending German Unity Day ceremony.

Anonymous said...

Zionist UN racism committee issues 'warning' over US tensions.

Anonymous said...

'The new Obama': Abdul El-Sayed - America's first Muslim governor?
The 32-year-old charismatic Muslim doctor is running for governor of Michigan and in the process trying to change US politics.

Anonymous said...

What Would A U.S. Civil War Look Like?

Anonymous said...

The battle lines have been drawn.

It is significant that the gathering crisis in the United States was not precipitated by the November 7, 2016, election of Pres. Donald Trump, and neither was the growing polarization of the United Kingdom’s society caused by the Brexit vote of 2016.

In both instances, the election of Mr Trump and the decision by UK voters for Britain to exit the European Union were late reactions — perhaps too late — by the regional populations of both countries to what they perceived as the destruction of their nation-states by “urban super-oligarchies”.

The last-ditch reactions by those who voted in the US for Donald Trump and those who voted in the UK for Brexit were against an urban-based globalism which has been building for some seven decades, with the deliberate or accidental intent of destroying nations and nationalism. It is now crystallizing into this: urban globalism sees nations and nationalism as the enemy, and vice-versa.

The urban globalists — the conscious and unconscious — have thrown their resources behind efforts to avert a return to nationalism, particularly in the US and UK, but also in Europe, Canada, Australia, and the like.

Urban globalists control most of the means of communications [is this new “means of production”; the 21st Century marxian dialectic?] and therefore control “information” and the perception of events.

“Nationalists”, then, are operating instinctively, and in darkness.

Anonymous said...

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

– George Orwell, 1984

Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter Activist Lists “Demands” of Whites.

The list includes requests that white folk either leave their property after death to brown or black families, or that they downsize and move out of their home, giving it over to a non-white family. And if that’s not enough, whites should also be cutting back their monthly budget where possible and sending that “saved” money to a “land purchasing” project for black folk.

Anonymous said...

Church, Govt Argue Child Sex Predators Innocent Because Children Consented.

Anonymous said...

Teen beats up his teacher in front of the class.

Anonymous said...

Toppling statues? Here’s why Nelson’s column should be next Afua Hirsch Wikipedia suggests she is a mixed-race female born to Ghanaian and Jewish parents.

Anonymous said...

|Trump Under Attack By 187 Organizations Directly Funded By George Soros.

Anonymous said...

Spurned by major companies, The Daily Stormer returns to the Web with help from a startup – and attracts one milllion dollars in donations.

Anonymous said...

David Icke stars in “I am not an antisemite”

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigrant murdered man in Hyde Park after Home Office repeatedly failed to deport him.

Anonymous said...

Two ex-BBC executives who worked on Doctor Who were given a £4m loan in taxpayers' cash to set up a new TV company before paying themselves £1.3m despite making a loss

Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner started their own company called Bad Wolf
Tranter, 54, and Gardner, 48, were given a loan of £4m from Welsh Government to set up a studio in Cardiff for 'high-end TV and film for global television market
But after Bad Wolf's first year, the firm's accounts revealed Tranter was paid £855,417 and Gardner received £519,301, despite a loss of £2.8million.

Anonymous said...

Scientists claim people will 'love refugees' once they are dosed with oxytocin, the hormone produced by babies to make their mothers love them.

Anonymous said...

BREAKING: State Police Claim Virginia Governor LIED About Charlottesville |

Anonymous said...

Antifa's Eric Clanton the Bike Lock Attacker is Worse Than You Think.

Anonymous said...

Antifa Used Acid Last Summer - Baked Alaska Maced & May be Blind.

Anonymous said...

The Leftists Think We Should Be Ashamed Of Our British Heritage.

Anonymous said...

The Official Story in Charlottesville Isn't Adding Up.

Anonymous said...

Was Charlottesville Completely Staged? Watch This.

Anonymous said...

How the Jews Won the Battle of Charlottesville.

“We have been working on the ground and behind the scenes leading up to, during, and after the rally.”
Anita Gray, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League.

Anonymous said...

Globalist strategy: Use crazy leftists and provocateurs to enrage and demonize conservatives.

Anonymous said...

Alison Chabloz "The Campaign Against Antisemitism Is Anti Civil Rights & Terrified Of Debate!"

Anonymous said...

California Imam: Islamic State ‘Production of the Israeli Intelligence’

Anonymous said...

Apple iTunes users are being asked to fund the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center in order to "fight hate" even though they have around $320 million in assets.
Apple Asks Users To Fund Far-Left SPLC Even Though They Have $320m In Assets.

Anonymous said...

“Afrikaners Must Concentrate Together for Safety” Says Orania Chief after Blacks Kill 4 White Farmers in 1 Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Education and ideology: The case of Israel and Zionism.

Anonymous said...

Poll: 85 Percent Say Freedom of Speech More Important Than Not Offending Others.

Anonymous said...

Two New Totalitarian Movements: Radical Islam And Political Correctness.

Anonymous said...

Chaos in our ‘transformed’ schools against white teachers -video

Anonymous said...

Monolithic Barbarity As Created by Global Zionism.

Anonymous said...

Hate-Preaching Imam Caught Collecting $620K in Welfare Benefits in Switzerland.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...