Friday, July 14, 2017

Who voted for this ? We the British people didn't !


Anonymous said...

Bezmenov- West Capitulated to Communist Subversion

(Communism is the outgrowth of the Protocols of Zion)

Anonymous said...

University to hire professor who can teach Shakespeare through social justice lens.

Anonymous said...

Professor teaches students about ‘the problem that is whiteness’

Anonymous said...

NH coffee shop’s transvestite billboard stirs controversy.

Anonymous said...

The Talmud & The Goy (Wake-up!)

Anonymous said...

Exposing The Talmud.

Anonymous said...
Rhodri "Aristocrat" Colwyn Philipps jailed over Gina Miller post

So how did Philipps' case materially differ from Bahar Mustafa's (charges dropped)? Hers might not have been a specific, purposed threat to kill, but nor was his, when read by any judicious person in context.
And presumably Mustafa could have been prosecuted on threatening, insulting etc etc (including racially aggrevated) behaviour grounds, but wasn't.
Nor has the CPS review of its non-prosecution decision been made public iirc.

The only difference is that Philipps is a White, Caucasoid man, and Mustafa is a female of Turkish, mixed Asiatic origin. And that prosecuting Philipps and not Mustafa is consistent with furtherance of the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan for White annihilation and to intimidate Whites.

Customs officers were able to locate and seize (with overseas agencies' assistance) 79 guns secreted in engine blocks of a van entering the Channel Tunnel:

- but seem powerless to find, apprehend and deport illegitimate human cargo.

This against the backdrop of loosened border controls and cuts in police numbers; both the result of intentional - and co-ordinated - Government policy.

The only reasonable conclusion of all this is: the purported Government is subversive, is racially hostile to the White indigenous population, and apparently wants to foment a social cataclysm... 'order out of chaos'.

Historically it is violence that has ultimately resolved all differences; the only difficulty is estimating when and against whom it will be first brought to bear on an organized basis.

Anonymous said...

Electronic Snoops Who Watch Everything.

Anonymous said...

Haiti Official, Scheduled To Testify Against The Clinton Foundation, Found Dead In Miami (Another Murder)

Anonymous said...

People Not Amused by EU Efforts to “De-Cash” their Lives.

Anonymous said...

Dish Dropped: Pork banned from Austrian kindergartens sparks outrage.

Anonymous said...

White people should reject the cultural crap from other racial and ethnic groups

Anonymous said...

Haiti Official Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation Is Found Dead.

According to Eberwein, a paltry 0.6 percent of donations ended up in the hands of Haitian organizations

Anonymous said...

First cousin marriages in Pakistani communities leading to 'appalling' disabilities among children
Baroness Flather, a cross-bench peer, says it is 'absolutely appalling' that first cousin marriages in Pakistani communities are leading to 'so much disability among children'

Anonymous said...

"White people will be resented for our role in making Israel a multicultural society." - Barbara McGregor Lerner Spectre.
At this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural...

Anonymous said...

Opposing Zionism not racism: Scottish court rules.

Anonymous said...

Kabbalist & Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon may have been real Shakespeare and writer of Protestant King James Bible.

Anonymous said...

Lock Her Up': Untold Story of Hillary Clinton's Disgrace in Haiti.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FLAT EARTH - THE AUTHENTIC PROOF, Planet and Wandering Stars

Anonymous said...

Nearly three in 10 babies have foreign-born mothers, as figures show level hitting another record

28.2 per cent of births in England and Wales in 2016 to foreign-born mothers
Proportion has increased every year since 1990 and is running at another record
Average age of mothers has also been going up and stood at 30.4 years in 2016.

Anonymous said...

Millionaire magistrate landlord loses five-year battle to keep secret his arrest over child sex abuse allegation

Tariq Khuja has lost his legal battle to keep his identity a secret following arrest
Suspected of involvement in child sex ring and was arrested but faced no charge
Millionaire landlord and former magistrate spent five years trying to prevent his name being linked to the police probe into paedophiles operating in Oxford
Trial ended with seven men being jailed for min of 95 years in 2013, for grooming, drugging, raping, selling young girls for sex between 2004 and 2011.

Anonymous said...


"...Unsurprisingly, there have been no reports in the media about this landmark case...."

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...