Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Prof. Kevin MacDonald gives talk on jewish power - 2016


Anonymous said...

'You don't have a monopoly on history': Millionaire UKIP donor Arron Banks becomes embroiled in row with Cambridge classicist Mary Beard after claiming the Roman Empire was 'destroyed by immigration'

Mr Banks said on Twitter that the Roman Empire was destroyed by immigrants
Ms Beard decided to intervene and said Mr Banks needed to 'read' on the topic
UKIP donor said he knew about history because he 'loved watching Gladiator'
Twitter mocked Mr Banks, with one saying: 'Next week he'll teach Tim Berners-Lee about the internet'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4006182/You-don-t-monopoly-history-Millionaire-UKIP-donor-Arron-Banks-embroiled-row-Cambridge-classicist-Mary-Beard-claiming-Roman-Empire-destroyed-immigration.html#ixzz4S6Hs1IrC

Anonymous said...

AWFUL: Far Left Hate Group Omits 2,000 Racist Attacks Against White Kids in their Anti-Trump Hit Piece

The far left Southern Poverty Law Center admitted they left 2,000 anti-Trump hate crime incidents against white children out of their report on ‘hate crimes.”

It didn’t fit their narrative.


Anonymous said...

Study: Watching The News Causes Anti-Semitism


Anonymous said...

Can You Handle The Facts About Jews ?


Anonymous said...

Four Jewish Groups Join 53 Organizations Calling on Trump to Rescind Michael Flynn’s Nomination,


Anonymous said...

Best Pic "Chicago" Celebrated Jewish Duplicity.


Anonymous said...

1938 Interrogation Bared Illuminati Jewish Conspiracy

Stalin hijacked Communism. Trotsky, an agent of the Illuminati Jewish central bankers was supposed to succeed Lenin.)

See more at: http://henrymakow.com/000275.html#sthash.FnfydXbt.dpuf

Anonymous said...

Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you


Anonymous said...

Muhammad Ali - Racial Integration. (What a scum bag Parkinson is)


Anonymous said...

This Is How Corbyn Plans to Win British Workers

December 05, 2016 / Gilad Atzmon

He sends his deputy leader Tom Watson to perform Jewish musical repertoire at an Israeli Lobby gathering...


Anonymous said...

‘The Israeli Lobby dominates American, British and French foreign affairs’


Anonymous said...

Polish culture institute fired for promoting ‘too much Jewish conten


Anonymous said...

George Carlin on Jews.


Anonymous said...

Unraveling Our National Identity Via Endless Immigration -

See more at: http://www.rense.com/general96/unraveling.htm#sthash.m67SPD0q.dpuf

Anonymous said...

How they do it–‘Trump administration the most pro-Israel in a generation’


Anonymous said...

Always remember that, the truth is the the truth even if no one believes it and a lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it.

Anonymous said...

Snowden Leak: British Intelligence Calls Israel "True Threat" To Middle East.


Anonymous said...

France’s Le Pen Demands Public Schools Ban Children of Illegal Immigrants

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/europe/201612091048342695-lepen-says-ban-immigrant-children/

Anonymous said...

Israel's Defense Minister Outlines Plan to Divide Syria and Iraq along Sectarian Lines.


Anonymous said...

Stop calling them boys and girls! Advisers who are paid £200k to help train teachers say using sex specific terms in the classroom is unfair to transgenders

Guidebook for teachers condemns saying boys and girls, ladies and gents
Offers a bewildering array of alternative terms to describe gender and sexuality
Children described as 'cisgender', 'panromantic', 'intersex' and 'genderqueer'
Book also features the use of hormone blockers by a fictional 12-year-old

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4020872/Stop-calling-boys-girls-Advisers-paid-200k-help-train-teachers-claim-using-sex-specific-classrooms-unfair-transgenders.html#ixzz4SeQw0qon

Anonymous said...

IMF chief Christine Lagarde to stand trial over £340m payout to French tycoon
Lagarde was the French finance minister when the state awarded a £340m payout to Bernard Tapie in 2008.


Anonymous said...

Ghost Banning on Social Media – the start of systematic censorship.


Anonymous said...

Forget Russia — The Real Threat to America comes from Israel and the Israel Lobby

How Russia is pilloried
while real news about Israel goes unreported.


Anonymous said...

UN Goes off Script in Rare Moment of Clarity: 'The Agenda of Corporate Media Is Regime Change' in Syria

Independent journalist Eva Bartlett sets a smug reporter straight during a UN Syria Mission press conference. Please take 3 minutes from your busy schedule and watch this amazing video.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Officials are unable to track £274m given in foreign aid to a controversial climate change organisation

£274m went to the Strategic Climate Fund, set up by George W Bush in 2008
But the Government told The Times it does not know how the money was spent
Invested in projects in Haiti, Yemen and Cambodia, considered corrupt nations

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4023966/Officials-unable-track-274m-given-foreign-aid-controversial-climate-change-organisation.html#ixzz4Skez8VYx

Anonymous said...

History Tells Us Trump is a Huckster.


Anonymous said...

The Devil and the Jews the Medieval Conception of the Jew and Its Relation to Modern Anti-Semitism


Anonymous said...


Trump packing his court further.

Anonymous said...

Ray Hill - A Lesson Not Learned!


Anonymous said...

Ray Hill Searchlight.


Anonymous said...

War on cash continues: Australia seeks to remove $100 note from circulation.


Anonymous said...

Oxford University Joins The List Of Liberal Institutions Urging "Gender Neutral Pronouns"


Anonymous said...

"Universities are now enemy of culture and civilization"

Anonymous said...

Ministry of Truth: US-EU-UK Close Down Free Speech Whilst Producing Propaganda On An Industrial Scale.


Anonymous said...

Europe is finished. Nothing can save it now.


Anonymous said...

Nemo's Antisemitic Universe.


Anonymous said...

Things You Need To Know.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...