Friday, April 29, 2016

Whether the establishment likes it or not, and it evidently does not, there is a revolution going on in America.
The old order in this capital city is on the way out. America is crossing a great divide, and there is no going back.
Donald Trump’s triumphant march to the nomination in Cleveland, virtually assured by his five-state sweep Tuesday, confirms it, as does his foreign policy address of Wednesday.
Two minutes into his speech before the Center for the National Interest, Trump declared that the “major and overriding theme” of his administration will be – “America first.” Right down the smokestack!
Gutsy and brazen it was to use that phrase, considering the demonization of the great anti-war movement of 1940-41, which was backed by the young patriots John F. Kennedy and his brother Joe, Gerald Ford and Sargent Shriver, and President Hoover and Alice Roosevelt.
Whether the issue is trade, immigration or foreign policy, says Trump, “we are putting the American people first again.” U.S. policy will be dictated by U.S. national interests.
By what he castigated, and what he promised, Trump is repudiating both the fruits of the Obama-Clinton foreign policy and the legacy of Bush Republicanism and neoconservatism.
When Ronald Reagan went home, says Trump, “our foreign policy began to make less and less sense. Logic was replaced with foolishness and arrogance, which ended in one foreign policy disaster after another.”
He lists the results of 15 years of Bush-Obama wars in the Middle East: civil war, religious fanaticism, thousands of Americans killed, trillions of dollars lost, a vacuum created that ISIS has filled.
Is he wrong here? How have all of these wars availed us? Where is the “New World Order” of which Bush I rhapsodized at the U.N.?
Can anyone argue that our interventions to overthrow regimes and erect democratic states in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen have succeeded and been worth the price we have paid in blood and treasure, and the devastation we have left in our wake?
George W. Bush declared that America’s goal would become “to end tyranny in our world.” An utterly utopian delusion, to which Trump retorts by recalling John Quincy Adams’ views on America: “She goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.”
To the neocons’ worldwide crusade for democracy, Trump’s retort is that it was always a “dangerous idea” to think “we could make Western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interest in becoming Western democracies.”

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We are “overextended,” he declared, “We must rebuild our military.” Our NATO allies have been freeloading for half a century. NAFTA was a lousy deal. In running up $4 trillion in trade surpluses since Bush I, the Chinese have been eating our lunch.
This may be rankest heresy to America’s elites, but Trump outlines a foreign policy past generations would have recognized as common sense: Look out for your own country and your own people first.
Instead of calling President Putin names, Trump says he would talk to the Russians to “end the cycle of hostility,” if he can.
“Ronald Reagan must be rolling over in his grave,” sputtered Sen. Lindsey Graham, who quit the race to avoid a thrashing by the Donald in his home state of South Carolina.
But this writer served in Reagan’s White House, and the Gipper was always seeking a way to get the Russians to negotiate. He leaped at the chance for a summit with Mikhail Gorbachev in Geneva and Reykjavik.
“Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war,” says Trump, “unlike other candidates, war and aggression will not be my first instinct.”
Is that not an old and good Republican tradition?
Dwight Eisenhower ended the war in Korea and kept us out of any other. Richard Nixon ended the war in Vietnam, negotiated arms agreements with Moscow and made an historic journey to open up Mao’s China.
Reagan used force three times in eight years. He put Marines in Lebanon, liberated Grenada and sent FB-111s over Tripoli to pay Col. Gadhafi back for bombing a Berlin discotheque full of U.S. troops.
Reagan later believed putting those Marines in Lebanon, where 241 were massacred, to be the worst mistake of his presidency.
Military intervention for reasons of ideology or nation building is not an Eisenhower or Nixon or Reagan tradition. It is not a Republican tradition. It is a Bush II-neocon deformity, an aberration that proved disastrous for the United States and the Middle East.
The New York Times headline declared that Trump’s speech was full of “Paradoxes,” adding, “Calls to Fortify Military and to Use It Less.”
But isn’t that what Reagan did? Conduct the greatest military buildup since Ike, then, from a position of strength, negotiate with Moscow a radical reduction in nuclear arms?
“We’re getting out of the nation-building business,” says Trump.
“The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony.” No more surrenders of sovereignty on the altars of “globalism.”
Is that not a definition of a patriotism that too many among our arrogant elites believe belongs to yesterday?
Will the Clintons ever be held accountable? Help make sure they are by supporting the Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project, an effort targeting the racketeering enterprise known as the Clinton Family Foundation



Anonymous said...

The TRUE Hebrew Israelites defined by Scripture and history. WARNING you will be shocked!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Black Man Praises Hitler.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No real person can ever become immune to reality and expect to survive for long—yet this is exactly what most of the EU and a large number of Americans have created for themselves to wallow in—even though that choice virtually insures the total failure of their society and their former way of life. In brief: 'No one would have ever believed that the people of this world would ever have chosen to embrace their own total destruction ­ yet that is exactly what is going on today.

Anonymous said...

Labour Has A Jewish Problem; it is dominated by Zionist Oligarchs .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump speech

Anonymous said...

17 Points from Agenda 2030 Decrypted

Anonymous said...

Gee, Care to Guess Who Funds Ukraine's 'Anti-Putin' Internet TV?

In short, globalist billionaires and western governments.

Anonymous said...

EU Politicians: 'Hawks Want to Kill Greece & We Can't Allow This Blackmail'

Read more:

Anonymous said...

400 arrested as left wing protesters clash with far-right in Germany

Demonstrators burned tires on a motorway and threw fireworks and flares

Anonymous said...

How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party’s anti-Semitism crisis.

Anonymous said...

ADL Targets Trump: Saying 'America First' is Anti-Semitic

Anonymous said...

West fight back! 2 Tatjana videos, more arrests of muslims, more people speak out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anti-semitic, Its a Trick, We Always Use it

Anonymous said...

Hitler's Transfer Agreement For Zionist Israel Not Jews.

Anonymous said...

See you in court, Sir Philip! Watchdog warns BHS tycoon over £570million pension fund black hole

Sir Philip Green could be forced in court to hand over millions of pounds
Billionaire is being probed over whether he adequately protected pensions
Failed chain store needs £571million to meet commitments to 20,000 staff

Read more:

Anonymous said...

How the Establishment Hierarchy protects itself

The Establishment Hierarchy is now being exposed on all fronts and has stepped up efforts to protect itself.

Anonymous said...

The Cure For Anti Semitism.

Anonymous said...


Sir Philip Green could be forced in court to hand over millions of pounds
Billionaire is being probed over whether he adequately protected pensions
Failed chain store needs £571million to meet commitments to 20,000 staff

Anonymous said...

British freemasons disguised as cops need to be scrapped and start again.

Anonymous said...

Hitler WAS a Zionist.

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of well-wishers help donate £2,000 to white waitress refused tip by 'racist' Oxford student: who then bragged about it online

Ashleigh Schultz, 24, reduced to tears when Ntokozo Qwabe refused to tip
The student wrote on cafe bill: ‘We will give tip when you return the land’
He then bragged online that they had made her cry ‘typical white tears’
Online campaigns to ‘tip the waitress’ have had pledges topping £2,000

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton will Hold Fundraiser in Israel on May 17

Should candidates be allowed to accept foreign money for political campaigns?

Anonymous said...

ISRAELI CHIEF OF STAFF AT THE PENTAGON, January 2002 -The Zionist war agenda known as the War on Terror was pushed by the Israeli military and the Zionist Neo-Cons who have dominated policy making at the Pentagon and State Department since 9/11.

The people of the United States have been utterly deceived by the Zionist-controlled government and media about the “War on Terror”, the Zionist fraud that was kick-started by the false-flag terror atrocity of 9/11. This criminal deception has gone on for more than 14 years and has only succeeded in plundering our national wealth, destroying millions of lives, and ruining American prestige around the world. It clearly has to be brought to an end or it will be the end of our American republic.

Anonymous said...

Refugee invasion, Coudenhove-kalergi plan for Zionist Domination - Carl Mason

Anonymous said...

WATCH: Germans Shut Down Leftist Minister's Pro-Migrant Speech & Chase Him Down In The Streets.

Anonymous said...

The Witch Children: Tortured by evil exorcists, but 'multicultural' Britain is too liberal to admit they exist

Problem of child exorcism is getting worse, according to Dr Hoskins
Victoria Climbié, 8, killed by Marie-Thérèse Kaou and partner Carl Manning
Kristy Bamu, 15, was found dead in an East London high-rise in 2010
There were 679 alerts in past 18 months of children at risk of trafficking

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Hebrew Israelites destroy the Jewish Ashknazi Lie !

Anonymous said...

Deadly Israeli euphemisms.

Anonymous said...

Israel ‘ethnically cleansing’ occupied West Bank: Israeli lawmaker

Anonymous said...

EU POWER GRAB: Terrifying Brussels plot to replace OUR police and judges with Euro stooges

BRUSSELS police could end up patrolling Britain’s streets and arresting our citizens under radical proposals put forward by Jean-Claude Juncker’s in-house think tank.

Anonymous said...

TTIP leaked documents could spell the end of controversial trade deal, say campaigners

Documents shed unprecedented light on controversial agreement, which includes provisions to allow US companies to help change European law and weaken consumer protections

Anonymous said...

Another Reason for Brexit: EU 'Was a CIA Project from the Beginning'

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Protocols Of The Elders Of Labour.

Anonymous said...

“America First” Slogan to be Outlawed

ADL attempts to censor language

The Language Gangsters have warned Trump that he better step in line.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...