Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Anonymous said...

The Push to ignite a Turkish civil war through a Syrian quagmire


Anonymous said...

Nikos Kouzilos: Golden Dawn’s Firm Position is for the Geopolitical Shift Towards Russia.


Anonymous said...


"Germany's unforgivable crime before the second world war," Churchill said," was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world's trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit." (Churchill to Lord Robert Boothby, quoted in the Foreword, 2nd Ed. Sydney Rogerson, Propaganda in the Next War 2001, orig. 1938.

Anonymous said...

"You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism," Churchill is quoted as saying, "but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest." (Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill, His Career in War and

Anonymous said...

Insider speaks: Politics, the media covered up the Swedish sex assaults - not the police


Anonymous said...

The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail. –Deuteronomy 28:43-44

Anonymous said...

Boko Haram: Britain deploys extra troops to Nigeria


Unknown said...

Beware of dirty Muslim paedophile terrorist Scum pig fuckers

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...