Wednesday, October 01, 2014

What are Theresa May’s new ‘extremism disruption orders’?

Analysis: Home secretary’s plans to ban extremists from accessing web and TV could affect non-violent political activists

Theresa May
Theresa May is to announce measures against extremists who 'spread hate but do not break existing laws'. 
“Theresa May will also announce that the Conservative manifesto will contain pledges to introduce banning orders for extremist groups and extremism disruption orders for extremists who spread hate but do not break existing laws.” Conservative briefing note.
The home secretary’s manifesto plan to silence extremists by banning their access to the web and television is cast far wider than the Islamist “preachers of hate” of tabloid headlines. As David Cameron pointed out, the Conservatives now want to look at the “full spectrum of extremism” and not just the “hard end” of that spectrum that counter-terrorism policy has focused on up to now.
The difference is spelled out in the detail of the policy, where it says that it is intended to catch not just those who “spread or incite hatred” on grounds of gender, race or religion but also those who undertake “harmful activities” for the “purpose of overthrowing democracy”.
This is an area fraught with difficulties that could see non-violent political activists in all sorts of areas deemed to be “anti-democratic”. The Conservatives already say that the policy would catch neo-Nazis, raising questions about whether the EDL or the BNP would be banned under the measure. But the official definition of non-violent extremism is already wide-ranging and, as Big Brother Watch has pointed out, the national extremism database already includes the names of people who have done little more than organise meetings on environmental issues.
So what would an “extremism disruption order” involve? The police will be able to apply to the high court for an order to restrict the “harmful activities” of an extremist individual. The definition of harmful is to include a risk of public disorder or even a risk of harassment, alarm or distress or the vague-sounding “threat to the functioning of democracy”. These are very low thresholds. The restrictions would include a ban on broadcasting and a requirement to submit to the police in advance any proposed publication on the web, social media or in print. Taking part in public protests or speaking at any public event would also be banned. It is no wonder the Liberal Democrats blocked the plan’s immediate introduction on free speech grounds.
How could a broadcast ban work? Between 1988 and 1994 Sinn Féin’s Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness were banned by Margaret Thatcher from the airwaves to “deny them the oxygen of publicity”. The broadcasters used actors to speak their words to get around the ban. In the case of Adams, the actor Stephen Rea was often used to voice his words. The effect was that the public quickly came to think that Rea’s voice was that of Adams. John Major abandoned the restrictions in 1994 after he became prime minister.

NWN: Just who are the 'extremists ? The extremists are the 'establishment' like the current Tory Government. They are the one's who have destroyed British industry and created mass unemployment. That is extreme.They are the one's who  have given our sovereign powers to the scourge known as the EC. That is extreme.They are the one's who have  flooded our country with foreigners. That is extreme.

They are the one's who have imposed the extreme austerity economic policies that have cut public spending so that our infrastructure is in near total collapse. Look at the state of the roads ! They have driven people to their deaths by forcing even the disabled to grave poverty insisting they are 'fit for work'.

It is the 'establishment parties' that seem to want eternal wars for Israel. Cameron following the 'New World Order' policies now, and Tony Blair before him. The latest war against ISIS, who many say is a CIA/Israeli operation, is nothing more than a way to attack Syria and ultimately Russia, possibly provoking a World war. Now if that is not extreme ?

The establishment parties  are 'extreme' - extremely bad 
for Britain !


Anonymous said...

BNP expel Nick Griffin for trying to 'destabilise' the party

THE British National Party (BNP) have expelled former leader Nick Griffin after claiming he tried to "destabilise" the party tonight.

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin expelled by BNP

In a tweet, Mr Griffin took issue with the decision, accusing the party leadership of "plastic gangster games".

Anonymous said...

Banksy anti-immigration birds mural in Clacton-on-Sea destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Nick Gri££in's most embarrassing moments.

Anonymous said...

Romanian gang who moved to UK after borders were opened jailed for selling fake IDs to illegal immigrants so they can claim benefits
Crime boss Vasile Gheorghe and accomplices Valentin Babtan and Andreea Necula jailed
Romanian trio exploited EU laws on border controls to run a fake ID racket
They forged Romanian and Italian ID cards and driving licences for up to £2,000 each to migrants hiding in the UK
Fake IDs carried image of illegal immigrant, often with names and details of unsuspecting Romanians living in Bucharest
Trio were arrested in Lancashire after undercover investigation, court told
They have all been jailed after pleading guilty to supplying false documents

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Israel lobby dictates US foreign policy for its own interests: Analyst.

Anonymous said...

Iran foils BBC operation to steal Iranian documents.

Anonymous said...

British citizen turns himself in to Scotland Yard; says he has been declared a danger because he is an independent thinker and doubts the UK and US governments word.

British author Nick Kollerstrom hands himself over to Scotland Yard. He tells the police that he is a law-abiding British citizen who has doubts about the 9/11 and 7/7 bombings, which according to British prime minister Cameron means he is as dangerous as ISIS terrorists and should be arrested. He said he has come to the police station to comply with the prime minister’s declaration.

Anonymous said...

The Swanley-based leader of a far right political group has appeared in court to deny harassing a woman in her home.

Paul Golding, 32, of Sprucedale Road, Swanley, appeared in the dock at Basildon Magistrates Court yesterday wearing a green polo-shirt and fleece bearing the Britain First badge.

During the short hearing, he pleaded not guilty to harassment of a person in their home and wearing a uniform signifying association with a political organisation.

Prosecutor James Burnham said Golding was present outside the home of Munazza Munawar in Hepburn Close, Chafford Hundred, Essex, on April 3 this year.

Golding told the court: "I wasn’t there that day to engage in harassment, I was there in the public interest to expose a well-known Al-Qaeda terrorist to his neighbours and the local community."

District Judge John Woollard set a trial date for Golding at Southend Magistrates Court in January next year.

Anonymous said...

Veteran is told: you can't fly your Union Flag here.

Anonymous said...

Teresa May looks like that character in WIZARD OF OZ - the wicked witch of the west.