Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Glasgow City Council have imposed a change of route for Sunday's parade after failing to negotiate a settlement with the organisers.

The counter-protest had been arranged by a recently-formed militant Loyalist group called the Regimental Blues, which met with Police Scotland about its plans last Wednesday.

A report on the matter before the authority's public processions committee today stated : "There is clear written evidence that a counter-demonstration against this procession will be mounted.  What is not clear is the extent and size of this demonstration and whether any attempt will be made to disrupt the procession.

" The group had wanted to march from the Kelvingrove Park area in the west end, through the city centre, past the cenotaph and on to Glasgow Green, a route it had not previously taken but said it had selected as it was combining parades with another grouping.

Concerns were also raised about music being played when passing churches in the city centre.

At today's meeting, the council permitted the march to go ahead but said it had to take a route from Royston in the north of the city, via High Street on the city centre's eastern periphery to Glasgow Green.

A council spokesman said: "The details of the procession could not be agreed by negotiation. Committee ruled that the procession should follow the same route as in previous years."

The move came after it emerged that the council has forwarded a petition by the Regimental Blues regarding a senior authority official to Police Scotland. A spokesman claimed many comments on the petition were abusive and threatening.


Anonymous said...

Should be interesting!

Anonymous said...

More sectarianism on the streets of Glasgow - no doubt the Regimental Blues group are being directed from Belfast and have para military connections.

Anonymous said...

More controlled sectarianism on the streets of Glasgow - no doubt directed from Belfast. White Christians against White Christians. L.O.L.

Anonymous said...

  NWN has been talking to a top English Defence League official . Don't even think NWN follows that 'Tommy Robinson' bloke, or h...