Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Decembrists win Court action against Griffin ?
News is spreading round the web that moneylover Nick Griffin has had costs awarded against him of over £40,000+ . Then there's the Court costs.
A sum of well over £100,000 + is highly likely to be the final sum for costs.
It's well known the BNP is skint due to the shambles that Griffin has made of the previously succesful BNP. But like all his other ventures, ex-bankrupt Griffin has again been involved in much financial chicanery to say the least over the last 11 years.
Where this amount of money will come from to pay these costs is limited and unknown. No doubt Griffin will try to pillage BNP monies nationwide. NWN advice is for BNP units to keep a 'safe hidey hole' where Griffin cannot get his grubby hands on their money. Keep accounts secret, so that he doesn't find out about any cash you may have.
Maybe this Court case is one reason that frequent parachutist Griffin, didn't parachute into Oldham once again, to stand in a Parliamentary by-election there. He knew he was going to lose you see.


Anonymous said...

The Decembrists utterly smashed Griffin in court today!
At the High Court in London, Griffin has been ordered to pay the ENTIRE cost of a needless and senseless case he brought himself against the advice of many BNP members and various legal council. He has 28 days to pay the first payment £45,000 with the rest to follow shortly. The total cost is bloody huge. Merry Christmas Gri££in you incompetent buffoon, suck on that over your Christmas dinner!
Off down the pub now for a drink :)

21 December 2010 15:05

Gri££in is going to have to cough up over £100,000! Merry Christmas you fat crook.

Anonymous said...

The Decembrists utterly smashed Griffin in court today!

At the High Court in London, Griffin has been ordered to pay the ENTIRE cost of a needless and senseless case he brought himself against the advice of many BNP members and various legal council.

He has 28 days to pay the first payment £45,000 with the rest to follow shortly. The total cost is bloody huge. Merry Christmas Gri££in you incompetent buffoon, suck on that over your Christmas dinner!

Off down the pub now for a drink :)

Anonymous said...

any chance he will get the money from begging letter's? look's like 2 year's hard labour then.

send the greedy bastard down.

Anonymous said...

Excellent News, rot in hell Gri££in!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Steve, Ian & Co wont's very see a penny of this, shitbag Griffin will not pay up and they will have to take him to court again, he has no assets.

Anonymous said...

Darby's house up for grabs. Maybe Griffin can put him and his mrs up before he moves into a sink council estate.

Anonymous said...

Darby's house up for grabs. Maybe Griffin can put him and his mrs up before he moves into a sink council estate.

Anonymous said...

darby's house up for graps!

for one i don't think the house is in his name it maybe joint. 2, darby and his partner share a house nothing more may even have their own room's. darby & gri££in are lover's so they will shack up together.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... darby & gri££in are lover's so they will shack up together.

So, Darby is gonna have a sore arse again - another touching Trafalgar Club moment.


Anonymous said...


Tommy Sheridan claims 'police vendetta' in court speech


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... The Decembrists utterly smashed Griffin in court today!.... Griffin has been ordered to pay the ENTIRE cost .... suck on that over your Christmas dinner! ..... Gri££in is going to have to cough up over £100,000! Merry Christmas you fat crook.


I think you meant to write

Miserable Christmas you fat one-eyed cunt.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...Darby's house up for grabs.

If Darby moves in with Gri££in, so will be his arse (0;

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The BNP website hasnt been updated since sunday could it be grifins little helpers have been snowed in or sold out ?

Anonymous said...

Luke 8 17

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known, and come abroad.

I suspect that Marmitegate has still some surprises in store. (Having heard the recordings!)

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...