Friday, December 24, 2010

A Merry Christmas to all our readers !

Feliz Navidad !

Frohe Weinachten !

Joyeux Noel !

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pedro Varela enters jail in Spain

Spanish book seller and patriot Pedro Varela enters jail in this video. Varela was jailed for selling books that the New World Order does not want people to read.

Here is a blog that supports Padro Varela;

More news as we get it...................

Also see;

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Decembrists win Court action against Griffin ?
News is spreading round the web that moneylover Nick Griffin has had costs awarded against him of over £40,000+ . Then there's the Court costs.
A sum of well over £100,000 + is highly likely to be the final sum for costs.
It's well known the BNP is skint due to the shambles that Griffin has made of the previously succesful BNP. But like all his other ventures, ex-bankrupt Griffin has again been involved in much financial chicanery to say the least over the last 11 years.
Where this amount of money will come from to pay these costs is limited and unknown. No doubt Griffin will try to pillage BNP monies nationwide. NWN advice is for BNP units to keep a 'safe hidey hole' where Griffin cannot get his grubby hands on their money. Keep accounts secret, so that he doesn't find out about any cash you may have.
Maybe this Court case is one reason that frequent parachutist Griffin, didn't parachute into Oldham once again, to stand in a Parliamentary by-election there. He knew he was going to lose you see.

Europe far right courts Israel in anti-Islam

"The Israeli newspaper Haaretz accused the rightists of "trading in their Jewish demon-enemy for the Muslim criminal-immigrant model" and visiting Israel only to get "Jewish absolution that will bring them closer to political power." '
Reuters - Monday 20th December 2010 - 2:55pm GMT

by Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor

PARIS - Far-right political parties in Europe are stepping up their anti-Muslim rhetoric and forging ties across borders, even going so far as to visit Israel to hail the Jewish state as a bulwark against militant Islam.

National Front leader Marine Le Pen has shocked the French political elite in recent days by comparing Muslims who pray outside crowded mosques -- a common sight during the holy month of Ramadan -- to the World War Two Nazi occupation.

Oskar Freysinger, a champion of the Swiss ban on minarets, warned a far-right meeting in Paris Saturday against "the demographic, sociological and psychological Islamisation of Europe". German and Belgian activists also addressed the crowd.

Geert Wilders, whose populist far-right party supports the Dutch minority government, told Reuters last week he was organising an "international freedom alliance" to link grass-roots groups active in "the fight against Islam."

Earlier this month, Wilders visited Israel and backed its West Bank settlements, saying Palestinians there should move to Jordan. Like-minded German, Austrian, Belgian, Swedish and other far-rightists were on their own Israel tour at the same time.

"Our culture is based on Christianity, Judaism and humanism and (the Israelis) are fighting our fight," Wilders told Reuters in Amsterdam last week. "If Jerusalem falls, Amsterdam and New York will be next."

While he seeks anti-Muslim allies abroad, Wilders said some older far-right parties such as France's National Front or the British National Party were "blunt racist parties I don't care for" and he would avoid cooperating with them.


Campaigns aimed at Muslims have been gaining ground in Europe, most notably with the Swiss minaret ban last year and France's law this year against full facial veils in public, which Wilders said the Netherlands should copy next year.

Support for these steps has spread beyond anti-immigrant parties and towards the political centre as globalisation and the ageing of Europe's population fuel voters' concerns about national sovereignty, according to a leading French analyst.

Political scientist Dominique Reynie said the financial crisis had prompted more voters to agree with the far right that their political elites were incompetent.

"Some people refuse what they see as a change in their cultural or religious surroundings," he told the Paris daily Le Monde. "These are the problems posed by mosques, burqas and the provisions of halal food."

Some on the far right see similar trends in the United States. Wilders attended a rally in New York on September 11 to protest against a mosque planned near Ground Zero and the leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, Heinz Christian Strache, has said he wants to visit the United States to meet leaders of the Tea Party movement.

Marine Le Pen, who is preparing to succeed her father Jean-Marie as head of the National Front, had in recent years toed a more moderate line before her anti-Muslim comments. She notably refused to echo the anti-Semitic views expressed by her father.

Sunday, she insisted all public subsidies for building mosques must stop. Several politicians and Muslim leaders have said Muslims often pray in the street because they do not have enough space in mosques and urged that more be built.

[Page 2]


The rightists' Israel visits set what some analysts call the "new far right" apart from older extremists who were often anti-Semitic and backed Arab countries against the Jewish state.

Declaring support for Israel gives them an opportunity to oppose Muslim opinion in their home countries, since European Muslims are often pro-Palestinian, as well as celebrate the Jewish state as the front line against militant Islam.

"It is not Israel's duty to provide a Palestinian state," Wilders said in a speech in Tel Aviv. "There already is a Palestinian state and that state is Jordan."

A so-called "Jerusalem Declaration" issued by four other European rightists during their Israel visit also staunchly defended the country's existence and its right to defend itself "against all aggression, especially Islamic terror."

Heinz-Christian Strache from Austria, German Freedom Party head Rene Stadtkewitz, Sweden Democrat MP Kent Ekeroth and Filip Dewinter, head of Belgium's Vlaams Belang party, denied they were stoking Islamophobia with their statement.

"The Arab-Israeli conflict illustrates the struggle between Western culture and radical Islam," Dewinter said in Tel Aviv.

Strache made a similar link to Europe, telling a conference in Ashkelon -- a city that has been hit by rockets from the nearby Gaza Strip -- that Israel faced "an Islamic terror threat that aims right for the heart of our society."

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz accused the rightists of "trading in their Jewish demon-enemy for the Muslim criminal-immigrant model" and visiting Israel only to get "Jewish absolution that will bring them closer to political power."
*Additional reporting by Sara Webb in Amsterdam; editing by Andrew Dobbie.

NWN: Of course the 'leaders' of the far right including Griffin have been following a path, the zionist one !


We can't prove that Griffin works for the State, but we can prove that Griffin et al have followed the plan and also followed the plan that was reported in The Express by Scotland Yard in early 1999 "that they will destroy the BNP from within".


Older nationalists will remember that this was the time that Griffin launched his coup to hijack the BNP. Griffins link man at first, to World Zionism, was Rabbi Meyer Schiller .

Monday, December 20, 2010

A speech by Nigel Farage on the NWN ?

Just shows how ineffectual the BNPs MEPs are when we are praising Farage a reactionary tory !

This short speech is well worth a look.

It just shows how Griffin has demasculated the BNP when we are having to give praise to Farage when we see a rare glimpse of our message and a ray of hope. Not that you will get that in the UKIP, but it shows that the UKIP are now 'stealing the nationalist message' due to the ineptness of Messrs Griffin and Brons.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pedro Varela Imprisoned in Spain for Selling Politically Incorrect Books! Where are the so-called defenders of human rights?”

Spanish dissident sent to prison

BARCELONA — To all my friends and supporters around the world!

My close friend, Spanish dissident Pedro Varela, has been sent to a Catalonian prison to begin serving a one-year three-month sentence for disseminating Politically Incorrect materials.

Mr. Varela is the owner of the Barcelona bookshop Librería Europa was accused of disseminating books that dare to have opinions that conflict with the orthodoxy of the mass media. He has dared to publish books by historians, educators, political figures and others who have disagree with the controlled media. The Zionists control the mass media, TV, Movies, Newspapers, Magazine and Book publishing. That same media puts out endless sick garbage promoting sadism, masochism, violence, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, the destruction of the Palestinian people and the wars that have racked this world and killed millions of innocents, but they cannot bear the freedom of one man who has a tiny bookshop and who publishes just a few thousand copies of politically incorrect books. No, they cannot afford one tiny expression of dissidence to their evil! So they send their thugs to kidnap him from this family and imprison him for having the courage to act according to his conscience.

Pedro has suffered for years under court case after court case. His book shop has been destroyed by Communist and Jewish extremist mobs and he and his patrons have been physically attacked. I was there personally for a speech when we were attacked and the store was shattered by club wielding terrorists who also burned and attacked the neighborhood and injured many innocents. All of this because he has made available books that dared to intellectually question and offering countering evidence or opinion on aspects of the Second World War and that one HOLY event called the Holocaust. As the Iranian President Ahmadinejad so correctly stated. “In the West one may freely question God, any and every historical event, but cannot even ask legitimate questions about the “The Holocaust.” It is the only historical event in Western countries that can’t be questioned in any way. If someone has even the slightest disagreement on any aspect of the official Holocaust story, he or she can face years in prison.
As Mr. Varela pointed out, the laws in Europe today are actually more draconian than the those of the Inquisition during the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages the Church put out a list of proscribed books, the law was clear. Today, one publishes a book and then finds out that he has somehow offended the masters of the modern age by completely capricious standards and finds himself kidnapped and jailed for simply uttering his opinion or simply publishing the opinion of someone else.

Whether or not one agrees with Mr. Varela’s opinions, or even the opinions expressed in the books that he published, everyone who truly believes in the basic human right of freedom of speech, thought and expression, should protest this man’s imprisonment and kidnapping from his work, his wife and his children simply for allowing dissenting academic opinions to be heard and published!

If a jailed Chinese free speech activist should win the Nobel Prize, why not Pedro Varela, for he has fought and sacrificed for true free speech in the same way? What hypocrisy for the West to criticize China or Iran for suppression of speech and thought when there are thousands of Europeans jailed for having “wrong” opinions or beliefs about historical events that happened over 65 years ago!

Whether or not one agrees with what the media says are the beliefs of Pedro Varela, the imprisonment of this courageous, NON-VIOLENT, kind and decent, free speech activist is the real crime.

Those who would kidnap a man from his family and imprison him for expressing his political or historical opinion are the real criminals here. They are the ones guilty of the violation of human rights, and indeed, they are the ones who should be sent to prison in a truly free society, not Pedro Varela! It is they who are the real criminals.

I urge all true friends of freedom, and all those who oppose tyranny, and intolerance and violation of human rights — to protest the imprisonment of Pedro Varela!

Here is his address and I hope that every single person reading this will take a moment right now to sit down and write him a letter wishing him a Merry Christmas, even while he is behind bars, for he is a man who even through the hardship he now faces, should hear from all of us how he respect him and honor him. He is a real man, a courageous man, a man of principle, unlike those who have imprisoned him in violation of the most elemental of human rights!

Sincerely, Dr. David Duke

Here is his address, please write him and please send him my greetings and yours from all over the world. Let him know that we look to him as a true hero of our times!


Señor Pedro VARELA

Centro penitenciario Brians 1, Apartado de Correos 1000,


(Codigo Postal 08760) Barcelona,


Thursday, December 16, 2010

This is the way to handle Piracy!!!

This videotape shows Russian Navy commandos on a Somalian pirate ship shortly after the pirates had captured a Russian oil tanker. The Euro Union navy that patrols these waters would not interfere because they feared there could be "casualties" and Human Rights issues.

All explanations are in Russian with a single exception of when a wounded pirate says something in English. All conversations between the commandos are in Russian. If you don't understand Russian, the pictures speak for themselves.

The soldiers freed their compatriots and the tanker. The Russian Navy Commandos moved the pirates back to their own (pirate) ship, searched the pirate ship for weapons and explosives, and then they left the ship and exploded it with all remaining pirates hand-cuffed to it.

The commandos sank the pirate ship along with the pirates and without any court proceedings, lawyers etc. That is, they used the anti-piracy laws of the 18th and 19th centuries where the captain of the rescuing ship has the right to decide what to do with the pirates. Usually, they were hung.

I would think from now on, Russian ships will not be targets for Somalia pirates !!

Monday, December 06, 2010

WikiLeaks II - A Government Caught Up in Mendacity and Lies
By Paul Craig Roberts

The reaction to WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange tells us all we need to know about the total corruption of our "modern" world, which in fact is a throwback to the Dark Ages.

Some member of the United States government released to WikiLeaks the documents that are now controversial. The documents are controversial, because they are official US documents and show all too clearly that the US government is a duplicitous entity whose raison d'être is to control every other government.

The media, not merely in the US but also throughout the English speaking world and Europe, has shown its hostility to WikiLeaks. The reason is obvious. WikiLeaks reveals truth, while the media covers up for the US government and its puppet states.

Why would anyone with a lick of sense read the media when they can read original material from WikiLeaks? The average American reporter and editor must be very angry that his/her own cowardice is so clearly exposed by Julian Assange. The American media is a whore, whereas the courageous blood of warriors runs through WikiLeaks’ veins.

Just as American politicians want Bradley Manning executed because he revealed crimes of the US government, they want Julian Assange executed. In the past few days the more notorious of the dumbshits that sit in the US Congress have denounced Assange as a "traitor to America." What total ignorance. Assange is an Australian, not an American citizen. To be a traitor to America, one has to be of the nationality. An Australian cannot be a traitor to America any more than an American can be a traitor to Australia. But don’t expect the morons who represent the lobbyists to know this much.

Mike Huckabee, the redneck Baptist preacher who was governor of Arkansas and, to America's already overwhelming shame, was third runner up to the Republican presidential nomination, has called for Assange’s execution. So here we have a "man of God" calling for the US government to murder an Australian citizen. And Americans wonder why the rest of the world hates their guts.

The material leaked from the US government to WikiLeaks shows that the US government is an extremely disreputable gang of gangsters. The US government was able to get British prime minister Brown to "fix" the official Chilcot Investigation into how former prime minister Tony Blair manipulated and lied the British government into

being mercenaries for the US invasion of Iraq. One of the "diplomatic" cables released has UK Defense Ministry official Jon Day promising the United States government that prime minister Brown’s government has "put measures in place to protect your interests."

Other cables show the US government threatening Spanish prime minister Zapatero, ordering him to stop his criticisms of the Iraq war or else. I mean, really, how dare these foreign governments to think that they are sovereign.

Not only foreign governments are under the US thumb. So is Joe Lieberman from Connecticut, who is Israel’s most influential senator in the US Senate, delivered sufficiently credible threats to Amazon to cause the company to oust WikiLeaks content from their hosting service.

So there you have it. On the one hand the US government and the prostitute American media declare that there is nothing new in the hundreds of thousands of documents, yet on the other hand both pull out all stops to shut down WikiLeaks and its founder. Obviously, despite the US government’s denials, the documents are extremely damaging. The documents show that the US government is not what it pretends to be.

Assange is in hiding. He fears CIA and Mossad assassination, and to add to his troubles the government of Sweden has changed its mind, perhaps as a result of American persuasion and money, about sex charges that the Swedish government had previously dismissed for lack of credibility. If reports are correct, two women, who possibly could be CIA or Mossad assets, have brought sex charges against Assange. One claims that she was having consensual sexual intercourse with him, but that he didn’t stop when she asked him to when the condom broke.

Think about this for a minute. Other than male porn stars who are bored with it all, how many men can stop at the point of orgasm or when approaching orgasm? How does anyone know where Assange was in the process of the sex act?

Would a real government that had any integrity and commitment to truth try to blacken the name of the prime truth teller of our time on the basis of such flimsy charges?

Obviously, Sweden has become another two-bit punk puppet government of the US.

The US government has got away with telling lies for so long that it no longer hesitates to lie in the most blatant way. WikiLeaks released a US classified document signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that explicitly orders US diplomats to spy on UN Security council officials and on the Secretary General of the United Nations. The cable is now in the public record. No one challenges its authenticity. Yet, today the Obama regime, precisely White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, declared that Hillary had never ordered or even asked US officials to spy on UN officials.

As asked: Who do you believe, the printed word with Hillary’s signature or the White House?

Anyone who believes the US government about anything is the epitome of gullibility.

Paul Craig Roberts [email him] was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider's Account of Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Wikileaks exposes Zionist Treachery

David Duke explains what is happening with these 'Wikileaks' that is all over the news feeds at the moment. If I were the guy who owns Wikileaks, I would get some top class bodyguards as the insiders will want to 'rid themselves of this troublesome priest' .

But of course we nationalists knew all this stuff was going on. It's not news to us. Another excellent video from David Duke here. Watch it !

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.