Friday, October 15, 2010

Join the all new British Freedom Party !

The above is a new logo for the new split from Eddy Butlers group within the BNP. Butler has now been expelled by crook Griffin. What will Butler now do ? What will Richard Edmonds do? What will they all do ?

Meanwhile, Crook Griffin is still running the BNP into the ground.

This further drive to destroy British nationalism by demoralisation continues apace. And these liberal types are now being run by ex-BNP webmaster Simon Bennett, who actually is pro-multi racial as he himself wrote on this forum a couple of months ago. He is so multi-racial though, that he lives in 'darkest' Cornwall where the only black face they see is on the television.

Just for the idiots is this. Nationalism means race. You cannot have any form of nationalism without the concept of race. Your drives to multi-racialism are in effect anti-nationalist.

A nation is it's people, not just the geographic piece of land they just happen to stand on. Genuine nationalists need to re-take the movement away from these clowns and idiots.


Anonymous said...

Why does Green Arrow/Paul Morris boil lager ?

Is it that what makes him support Gri££in ?

Anonymous said...

jew boy barnes has got something to do with it. what will he do when he finds out sharan ebanks want's to join?

Anonymous said...

Nationalism through politics cant be won griffin knows that thats why he's made a nice little earner on the vunerable.

Anyway a clip from Leicester last weekend hardcore street activism is the only way forward.

Anonymous said...

John Barnes is a paid lacky of zion.

Anonymous said...

Lee Barnes the Pee Wee Herman of dirty buggers.

Anonymous said...

What Morons are running this so called party?

Anonymous said...

The real root of our problems!!!

Colonel Wilberforce Buckshot said...

What began as one party, albeit divided internally into various factional subsets, has now fragmented into several differing groups all claiming to be representative of everyone but in reality being representative of absolutely no one.

What's more, none of these groups will achieve anything for this nation as long as they have a hole in their arse. But then, that was the plan all along.

"It's a bloody awful mess and that's all there is to it" Quote: CS Lewis.

Pip pip

Anonymous said...

Northwest Nationalists say ... "Genuine nationalists need to re-take the movement away from these clowns and idiots."

Northwest Nationalists, take heart because good people are planning just that.

Regardless what clown leads the BFP, its a dead duck in the water going nowhere but down, which is a shame because some of the BNPreformers are decent but politically innocent.

The weird coloured `O' in Freedom is something one expects to see adorning an african airliner's tailplane or emblazoned across the front of a black female haitian earthquake victim's mud spattered tattered T-shirt, not incorporated into a British national party logo.

Anonymous said...

Barnes & Bennett are very odd fellows indeed, the South West BNP reform group has broken away from Eddy Butler by setting up this tiny Civic nationalist pro Black party, it's a very big mistake, Gri££in must be laughing his fat ugly head off. The Reform Group needed to stick together to unseat the crook Gri££in, but this move has played into his hands. It's just incredible how many pro Black types there are now in Nationalism in the BNP and on the fringes!

Anonymous said...

Barnes & Bennett say "they don't want any nasty Nazis or Racists" joining their new Multi-Racial Rag tag party the BFP, they needn't worry I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole!

Anonymous said...

Is there any truth that Lee Barnes, Simon Bennett and Nick Griffin will be appearing on the Jeremy Kyle show to have a lie detector test to prove who is the biggest liar and thief, and which one has damaged the Nationalist cause the most? Which one will be awarded the Gerry Gable Anti-Christ award? It is a three horse race and is sure to be a close finish!!

Anonymous said...

John Barnes is a paid lacky of zion.
Surely you mean Lee Barnes.

Anonymous said...

The Conversion of Saint Paul, as depicted in the Christian Bible, refers to the event in the life of Paul of Tarsus which led him to become a follower of so called Christ.
I for one dont believe Lee Barnes has had a magic event or a conversion! He is your classic plant, behind all his rants we can now see him naked, a fake and contemptuous twat.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

From the horsers mouth.

Anonymous said...

That weird coloured 'O' looks reminiscent of Barack Obama's logo promising 'change' but delivering more of the same.... No doubt Obanana would be at home in the BFP!

Anonymous said...

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Angela Merkel said Germany had "kidded itself" multiculturalism was working Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

In a speech in Potsdam, she said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work.

Anonymous said...

It appear the Reform Group is fragmenting, where do we go from here? That scumbag, piece of shit Gri££in must be laugh his fat, ugly, greedy face off at this moment?

Anonymous said...

Hello Boys dis is yo long time supporter Purple Aki. I warned yo all about da fackers who delve in voodoo politics, was I right? yo knows it. Dat devil in chief da Griffin must hav cast de devil spell on da party members to frighten and drive de fools into de arms of da juju man Lee de Barnes who break da taboo bi splitting da good people, dis is an old trick ma aunt Rosa Parkes warned me bout dis kinda shit from chief Machiavelli, its spilt and de vide. tell barnes to go fack his self in de ass core muscle, n de Griffin know to well he not wanted and de game is up he can go fack hiself 2. I will use dat old black magic to drive de Griffin to a cell dats waiting here in Hornby Road if he dont move his ass and fackoff.

Purple Aki Chairperson For The Committee of Set my People Free and Members of de BNP.

Anonymous said...

Even the communist hag of Deutschland Angela Merkel has within 24 hours admitted Multi-culturism is delusional (forced on everyone by the PC Brigade) rather takes the wind out of that new multi-racialist ju-ju man Lee Barnes. Heehee

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... it is a three horse race and is sure to be a close finish!!

Anonymous, it's not going to be anywhere near a close finish because Gri££in will win by a full body length, with Barnes's and Bennett's heads firmly stuck in his arse.

Anonymous said...

Wilders not guilty on all counts.

Potteries Community Federation said...

To be British means to be white, northern european.
This is an inescapable fact, so instead of trying to push these foreigners as British, why not get them to admit their ethnicity, and celebrate that?!

Nemesis said...

It's a classic sign of desperate times. Good men and women, aching for change and for a solution to their problems, are seeking a new home. They are, of course, willing to try anything - and who can blame them.

There is no other way at this point in time for British nationalism. The BNP is a dying duck, afloat on the waters of multiculturalism, buoyed up by Griffin's link to the State and by misguided and naive loyalists and simpletons.

Eddy Butler is nothing more than an arrogant and poison-filled stooge of Griffin who between him and Griffin, have cooked up similar splitting actions before. The Reform Group were stupid enough, were naive enough, were deperate enough to join with Butler, a man whose reputation as Griffin's man and a Machiavellian poisoned politician, was ignored. Now the chickens have come home to roost.

It was only a matter of time before Butler's agenda became clear, and the Reform Group have now split to form the logical conclusion of the BNP split - a new party.

With Lee Barnes running the show under a multicultural banner this project, unfortunately, will disapppear as fast as Barne's hype and delusions.

Barnes talks the talks, but never walks the walk. This hollow man has exposed himself with all of his rantings about "Cultural British Nationalism" and other pseudo-intellectual BS. He is desperate to be someone, that is a hard man, a racial nationalist, but he also wants to be loved and above all he wants to have power. Bagel Barne's chameleon-like changes and pro-Israel Zionist rantings have simply turned the new British Freedom Party into the BNP Mark 2.

The Reform Group should have dumped Butler a long time ago, and should never have worked as his campaign group. They have become sullied by working with Butler, a man who is distrusted and reviled almost as much as Griffin.

It is time to clear out the junk, the multicultural baggage, the oldskins of Griffarage, and start on a totally new concept to defeat not only Griffarage and his state-sponsored party, but also the enemies of globalism, Zionism, militant Islam, multiculturalism and Political Correctness.

The British Freedom Party is not that vehicle. It is simply the BNP Mark 2, same old vehicle but with a different driver.

Anonymous said...

Please note that Eddy Butler's so called Reform Group is not in any way connected to THE REFORM GROUP that challenged Griffin in 2007. THE REFORM GROUP DISBANDED at the end of 2009 as it was clear that there was no possibility of reforming the BNP. See:

Anonymous said...

We want Chris Jackson back to lead the Reformers.

Anonymous said...

Why not call it the british inkatha freedom party

Kev Bryan said...

"We want Chris Jackson back to lead the Reformers".

Chris Jackson would not want to lead the reformers, Chris has pledged his nationalist future to the National Front.
The BNP is dead and cannot be saved, Griffin and his state lackys have made sure of this.
The National Front is the home now for all true Racial Nationalists.
At the recent NF AGM Chris was at his very best, Chairing the meeting he showed what a true dedicated proffesional he really is.
Butler, Barnes, Bennett can all go and do what the hell they like, they are not Racial Nationalists and so we dont want them, dont need them, their little fringe parties will continue to fail and split because they have no true ideology, they do not believe in the 14 words or an all white Britain. Race is the base of which our ideology is built on and anything else is just a poor excuse for nationalism.

Anonymous said...

We want Chris Jackson back to lead the Reformers......................


Anonymous said...


FFS, try avoiding mentioning Kike Mentally Hill's name because when ever someone does that zionist bastard resurrects himself and wafts in like a sewer stench.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

British Freedom Party release their first manifest video courtesy of tony wards wife.

Anonymous said...

Their ghastly little warped multi-Racial mish-mash party won't last six months, Gri££in and criminal Dow$on must be laughing from the rafters? Thankfully the imbeciles from the BFP didn't send a representative to yesterday's BNP Reform Group meeting in the West Midlands. Mullins was supposed to have turned up.

Anonymous said...

Latest from Eddy Butler's blog, the BNP is really having big financial problems and Dodgy Dowson is up to his old tricks!

"I understand that the Finance Scrutiny Committee have approved an excellent plan that Jim Dowson has devised in order to reduce the Party’s debt. Drastic situations call for drastic action. This is business and sharp business practice is part and parcel of any successful enterprise. Isn't it?

The excellent idea is to send letters to many of the party’s creditors and offer them a take it or leave it deal where there are ‘offered’ 20p for every £ that we owe them."

Anonymous said...

Griffin & Dowson would be better off keeping their noses out of Ulster, this could all backfire on us in a very nasty way?

"Glentoran fan is target for BNP"

Monday, 18 October 2010 Belfast Telegraph

Anonymous said...

EDL to hold solidarity gathering outside of Yid's Embassy in London next Sunday, I wonder if the BFP or Gri££in will be there also to curry favour with their Jewish over Lords?

"Rabbi Shifren Visits England And The EDL!"

Anonymous said...

Former Southampton UKIP chairman Ryam Newell faces sex charges.

Anonymous said...

Gentiles exist only to serve Jews .
(Straight from blood suckers mouth)

Anonymous said...

A good Captain goes down with his ship, but in the case of Nick Griffin he is taking the BNP ship down with him. The reasons are becoming more and more obvious. The running of the BNP by Griffin the crook and Jim Dawson the leech have accumulated so much debt for the BNP, they are offering the BNP creditors 20p in the £ to stave off bankruptcy. This will not stop the holds from flooding. Since the May election Griffin has hung on by every foul trick in his dodgy book proving to all and sundry he has been the most incompetent Chairman ever to have afflicted a Nationalist party. The backbone of the BNP have left or will be soon leaving and if made bankrupt that takes care of the remaining Nick Griffin fanclub, so that will end Griffins lucrative job as a MEP. This is not to say that Griffin and Dawson have not made a pretty penny for themselves. Nationalists must avoid the likes of Lee Barnes new self admiration party and Eddy Butler who is a known political hobbyist and his so called reform group is equally as barren. There is only one Nationalist party today that has the potential to lead the people in this country and that is the National Front. All Nationalists with their skills and tenacity are advised to join their fellow comrades in the NATIONAL FRONT as we have done!!

"Remember the fourteen words".

Anonymous said...

Why does Green Arrow/Paul Morris boil lager ?

Is it that what makes him support Gri££in ?

Hell No. It keeps his socks and skiddy underpants Fosters fresh!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Merkel says German multicultural society has failed.
Next the humpty-backed marxist bitch will be discovering then telling everyone bees make honey and bears crap in the woods.


Anonymous said...

glentoran are for the nf not multi cultureal bnp.

Anonymous said...

I know full well what a dedicated man Chris Jackson is, that's why we want him. The NF is finished and Chris knows it. I'm sure he can speak for himself anyway. At least he could when I last saw him.

Anonymous said...

As those that know me can vouch, I am not one for gossip mongering - but I have received a phone call from a friend in the valleys who informed me that a very shocked and drawn looking Paul Morris aka G.A. had been sighted and looked like he had a panic attack. He was white, drawn and introvert. I dont this was due to PTSD brought about by his action-man days in HMF.
Or being beaten over the head with a prayer mat by a battyboy my informant tells me that it could be closer to home, something as simple as the fear of loosing his cash incentives because of his boss's cash flow problems in the BNP. Oooops!!!
Mrs I. C.

Anonymous said...

Have a look at this Race mixing Negro who is a supporter of the BNP, God help us! I found this page on the BNP website!

Anonymous said...

the bnp reform group are like a load of oap's waiting for the ring& ride to pick them up. the bnp is dead! the nf are back again chris jackson is committed to the nf. can't you people speak up for yourselves? if not it is no wonder gri££in has screwed you and robbed your fund's. you people have no back bone. if you had you would have got rid of gri££in and his cronies long ago.

Anonymous said...

It's very interesting the way these former 'Griffin's BNP' members and supporters are now calling those same Griffin's BNP members and supporters waaaycists!!! and National Front members naaazis!!!
A true nationalist is now to be referred to as an ultra nationalist/racist/white supremacist according to one cancerous new regular on there. Getting into power (as if!!!)is all that matters even if it means selling your true nationalist soul to the liberal nationalist devil.
Every nationalist principle and especially the 14 words is for sale.
For those idiots like the BNP Reform Group and British Resistance/Griffin/Green Arrow BNPers, you will be denied what you want and get what you thoroughly deserve. The Zionists will have you lot for breakfast after taking your loyalty and above all, donations while laughing at you all the way to the Bank of Israel lol

Anonymous said...

Potteries Community Federation said... why not get them to admit their ethnicity, and celebrate that?!

Who the fuck in their right mind would celebrate being a wog ? Haven't you noticed most wogs crave being white-skinned, to the extent of wearing white clothes, white shoes, driving white cars, swing on the arm of white slappers, lightening/whitening their skin with make-up or drugs, etc. ? - if I woke in the morning with black skin I'd hang myself from the nearest lamppost.


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...