Friday, April 30, 2010


This is a vital video concerning the terrible genocide going on against the White people of South Africa. I think it is the most important video I have done to date!

Thanks for your support!

I need it more than ever right now, as the work is hard, the time is short and the funds are low!

Best to you,http://www.davidduk for the latest news, and that is the best place to email me personally.

Best to you,

Dr. David Duke--


Nick Griffin said...

Can you spare me a paltry £20 ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin said...
Can you spare me a paltry £20 ?

I SAY..Piss off back to Lancaster Disunity you Ham Shanker your boring,boring,boring with a capital "B"

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...


1 May 2010 00:40

Already being discussed here;

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...
Nick Griffin said...
Can you spare me a paltry £20 ?

I SAY..Piss off back to Lancaster Disunity you Ham Shanker your boring,boring,boring with a capital "B"

1 May 2010 00:42


We think Griffin is a real wrong 'un but he is certainly a bit higher up the wrong 'un league than LUAF. He is probably working for MI5.

Anonymous said...

What's genocide in South Africa got to do with Griffin?

Anonymous said...

Gri££in cocks up on SKY News interview last night, but he doesn't care a damn, look at his smug, conceited facial expression.

Anonymous said...

In November of last year two South African White Nationalists brothers who were recruited by Arthur Kemp to set up a internet blog, were both arrested by the police, can Mr Kemp very close buddy of Nick Griffin please explain the mystery of what happened recently to one of these Nationalists?

"A Johannesburg attorney walked into the Randburg police station on Monday 15th March and apparently committed suicide in the toilet by shooting himself. CJ Oosthuizen sent an SMS to a friend stating that he was about to commit suicide and also left a note, police spokesperson Kym Cloete said. It is not known why Oosthuizen, of the Da Mata law firm in Linden, went to the police station. He leaves his wife and three children."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Winston Churchill’s famous remark that “the fascists of the future will be called anti-fascists” is nowhere better illustrated than in the Daily Mirror newspaper, which pretends to be far left but actually openly supported Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts in 1934.

Anonymous said...

4 days before a general election, and all you can post is this attenion seeking has-been.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
4 days before a general election, and all you can post is this attenion seeking has-been.

3 May 2010 13:42


I would sooner have Duke as BNP leader than crook Griffin !

Griffin isnt an attention seeker is he ? FFS.

The Uhuru Guru said...

First off, thanks to Dr Duke for creating this excellent video. As a White South African I am indebted to him.

To answer Anonymous 17:55, who seems to be labouring under some remarkable fallacies:

I am the former owner of SA Sucks ( I closed the blog in Nov 2009 after a police raid on my home, instigated by white traitor Fred Rundle. It was closed due to my identity being compromised, and the ensuing death threats against my wife & daughters.

I started the blog in Nov 2006 after spending many years on lists & websites as a low profile activist. Nobody "recruited" me. Not the Tooth Fairy, not Elvis, not any space aliens, agents of ZOG / the Illuminati, nor Arthur Kemp.

My late brother Neels (who was never arrested at any time) later joined me on the blog (along with 20 odd other contributors) and wrote under the pen name 'Doodler'.

Neels died tragically as your quote correctly states, however there is no "mystery", nor did Neels or myself have any dealings or connection with Kemp who had long moved to another country.

Mr Kemp may have read the blog during the 3 years of its existence, as did many other high profile White Nationalists.

To intimate that he had anything to do with my blog, or that he had "recruited" me & Neels is laughable fiction to say the least. Using the term implies that the writer wishes to impugn Kemp's good name, or cast aspersions over his integrity.

I have only the highest regard for Mr Kemp - he is a White hero and deserves to be treated with more respect. Similarly, my brother was a hero too - to have his memory defiled by some anonymous agent provocateur for purposes of sowing discord is execrable. No wonder we as a race are doomed.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...