Sunday, January 30, 2022

There are a few old time nationalists from the North West that will remember this . The Moss Side by-election in 1978 with the NF candidate, Herbert Andrew, a then school teacher. Manchester City Council broke the law by denying Mr.Andrew a suitable venue for a public meeting. So it was, we had to have the meeting on a public field, on Mauldeth Road, off Princess Road, Manchester. The 'film star' VANESSA REDGRAVE, was standing in the same election for the Trotskyist 'Workers Revolutionary Party' and according to Police sources, "whipped up the blacks", and they attacked any white people at the traffic lights in vehicles, in Moss Side. Redgrave was then 'living rough' during the election campaign with mainly black males in Manchester, and the Langley estate in North Manchester in particular. This video was first used publically by SEARCHLIGHT magazine, a communist/zionist organisation.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Monday, January 24, 2022

You won't find this in the UK 'mainstream' media.

Just heard this from a Parachute Regiment Falklands veteran friend,.......

"Looking forward to Mondays Daily Mail (Mon 24th January 2022) , Para Regt Falklands veterans have had Hotel Rooms booked in Aldershot for the Falklands 40th Anniversary, Our Main Event. Where the Fallen from 1982 are buried. All cancelled because the Hotel has now accepted a contract from the Government for people who can afford to pay for a Trip across the English Channel.( the so called asylum seekers)".

Hotel chains 'en masse' have jumped at these Government money/contracts .

Sod the British people, and sod the Army veterans.

Now the question is, why did the Daily Mail not publish this story as promised ? Government pressure yet again ?

Sunday, January 23, 2022

 The very same lying mainstream media are now banging the 'war drums' constantly to provoke war with Russia.

Why ?

Is it because their 'Covid Bullshit' narrative is collapsing ?

NHS staff and Police now support NO VACCINE MANDATES - Manchester 22/01/22.

Thursday, January 20, 2022


Saturday 22 January – Worldwide Protest – Mass Non-Compliance!

  • Saturday, 22 JanuaryWorldwide Rally for Freedom—Mass Non-Compliance, No Vaccine Mandates, No Vax Pass, Hands off our Children!


  • World Wide Rally for Freedom Mass Non-Compliance
  • London: details will follow soon.
  • Liverpool: St George’s Hall, 1pm
  • Bristol: College Green, 1pm
  • Manchester: Piccadilly Gardens, 1pm
  • Aberdeen: Castlegate, 1pm
  • Norwich: All Saints Green, 11am
  • Leeds: Leeds Town Hall, 1pm
  • Truro, Cornwall: Truro Cathedral, 1pm
  • Blackburn: Blackburn Town Hall, 1pm
  • Birmingham: Chamberlain Square, 12.30pm
  • Oxford: Bonn Square, 1pm
  • Newcastle: BBC Barrack Road, 1pm
  • Hull: Queen Victoria Square, 1pm
  • And many other places around the globe!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Worldwide Rally For Freedom – London – This Saturday 22nd January

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The plan to microchip us all, has started.
Supporters of Bulgaria's far-right Rebirth (Vazrazhdane) party tried to storm the country's parliament building during a protest against COVID-19 restrictions. An estimated 1,000 people took part in the rally on January 12 in downtown Sofia that turned into a clash with police.

Sunday, January 09, 2022


We make no apologies for once again using Dr Robert Malone's words. Again, we ask viewers to see this short video.

Monday, January 03, 2022

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.