Saturday, October 31, 2020

Yet another 'lockdown' !  Well that's the economy screwed . And with the amount the regime/government have borrowed from the 'bankers'. It will be our great grandchildren, that will be paying for that in their taxes. We are becoming a 'third world' state in every way.

Riots to come soon ?

Friday, October 30, 2020

 Epstein and the (jewish) billionaires Black is a son of Eli M. Black (1921–1975), a prominent Jewish businessman who emigrated from Poland and was best known for owning the United Brands Company. His mother, Shirley Lubell (sister of Tulsa oil executive Benedict I. Lubell) was an artist.[3

 The cheeky hard faced bastards !


Not a sausage about hacking churchgoers heads off . 

Brahim Aoussaoui (centre), a 21-year-old Tunisian who arrived in Europe on a migrant boat just last month, attacked worshippers with a 12-inch blade in the Notre Dame basilica in Nice, slitting the throat of an elderly woman near the church's holy water in a beheading attempt.; Source : Daily Mail

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

 Ex member of the Parachute Regiment  makes a record lambasting the Government over the ongoing prosecutions of Northern Ireland veterans .




Using the very old song made famous by John Tams, for the TV series SHARPE . Ex-Para Vic Thorn, who himself served in Northern Ireland changes the words to support the Northern Ireland veterans who are still being prosecuted over in the Province and to help raise funds in their support.

NWN: For the whole story see this link in the Express;

Sunday, October 25, 2020

 One of our favourite videos, of the true patriots of Northern Ireland supporting our troops 'homecoming' against a protest by marxist communist IRA terrorist supporters in Belfast in 2011. Marvellous !



Davos ‘Great Reset’ plan has more holes than Swiss cheese

The Reset set includes Prince Charles, who met Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg in Davos in January. Picture: AFP/Clarence House
The Reset set includes Prince Charles, who met Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg in Davos in January.

Money grows on trees. Somewhere between the unmarked plague graves of Italy and the hallowed halls of Elysium, cosmopolites have planted a seed to transform COVID-19 into an economic revolution.

Globalism is out of fashion in democracies, but its advocates are planning a comeback tour in January, where they will launch the Great Reset from the cradle of the rich and socialist Davos.

When globalists gather for the World Economic Forum in Switzerland each year, we expect virtue-signalling, motherhood state­ments and tremendously vital plans to talk more at the same time, same place, next year. But this time, next year will be different. The WEF website features numerous articles where the case for the Great Reset is made with a sense of urgency. One section reads: “There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to co-operate in … managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset.”

Leaders who think they possess the power to change the course of history are unsettling, but those who believe they control the destiny of the world are deluded and invariably become violent when human nature gets in the way of their grand plans.

Improving the state of the world is a great ambition indeed, but the WEF has a plan. It is a program of radical economic change also favoured by the OECD and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, former president of the Socialist International. They believe COVID-19 is an opportunity to make a new economic order designed by globalists, regulated by unelected officials and funded by workers whose taxes will pay the price for social justice activism and mass decarbonisation.

Of course, the Great Reset is not presented in such bleak terms. In June, a meeting hosted by the WEF showcased globalist solidarity. The Reset set includes Prince Charles, International Monetary Fund chief economist Gina Gopinath and major corporations including Microsoft and MasterCard. Al Gore has offered support for it, as well as Democratic former US secretary of state John Kerry.

To coincide with the event, the OECD released the report Building Back Better: A Sustainable, Resilient Recovery after COVID-19. Like the UN, it is presenting an economic plan under the auspices of a COVID recovery. It contends that building back better means “a focus on wellbeing and inclusiveness”. How nice, but where are the quantified targets and cost-to-benefit analysis? Whatever your position on the question of climate change, decarbonising the economy and decentralising electricity systems will require immense funding from states. The West is usually heaped with the financial burden of globalist reforms but, thanks to COVID-19, we are facing protracted economic depression. WEF founder Klaus Schwab wrote in June: “The changes we have already seen in response to COVID-19 prove that a reset of our economic and social foundations is possible. This is our best chance to instigate stakeholder capitalism.” The OECD asserts that post-COVID-19, economics must include alignment with emission-reduction goals, including net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. It recommends stimulus measures to ensure “social development … is fully integrated with environmental objectives” such as those in the Paris accord and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab. Picture: AFP `
World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab.

Green globalists know the exorbitant cost of their economic revolution will result in popular backlash. The West was heavily in debt before the pandemic. But consider that in March, the US Federal Reserve printed a trillion dollars in two days after stocks fell sharply. Time magazine pointed out that after the 2008 economic crash, the Fed printed $US1.4 trillion over a period of two years. In 2020, it added $US2.9 trillion in less than three months. The Congressional Budget Office found that US government debt will be about the same size as the entire economy by year’s end. Someone needs to tell green globalists hungry for Western cash that the cupboards are bare.

Globalists seem unaware of the impending financial crisis. Rather than curb ambitions for an economic reset, they are framing COVID-19 as a path to a better ­future. The sales pitch will be challenging, but the OECD suggests: “Where stimulus packages target environmental objectives, a focus on people’s wellbeing is also crucial to cement the social and political acceptance of environmental measures.”

To sell green globalism, people must believe it is a common good. Workers expected to pay for green capitalism with high taxes and shocking energy bills must come to believe that they want or need it. The art of persuasion is essential. Globalists are pitching their plan as pragmatic. They have adopted the slogan Build Back Better to embed their objectives in nation-states’ government policy. The phrase has been used for some time in a relation to a capacity-building approach to disaster recovery, and its rationale was basically sound; rebuilding after disasters would involve planning to ensure past structural vulnerabilities were not reintroduced. For example, policymakers sought to ensure that in tsunami-prone areas, critical infrastructure was relocated away from the ocean. Over time, however, building back better has come to reflect ideology, not pragmatic planning.

The UN has decided building back better means a transition to renewable energy and green infrastructure, social inclusion and gender equality, more social welfare and an international system to deliver the objectives. Most of us still think that COVID-19 is a virus and a vaccine is the solution. Stop right there. UN special force Guterres is on the case: “The pandemic is only demonstrating what we all know: that millennia of patriarchy have resulted in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture which damages everyone.” And the UN is demonstrating what we all know — that kind of nonsense makes people vote for Donald Trump.

The Great Reset sounds less like an invitation to thrive than a post-COVID oligarchy where ­globalists secure their jobs and wealth at the expense of ours. If you want our support for a green world order, Davos Man, show us the money.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Pictured: Balding asylum seeker pupil who parents complained 'looks 40 years old' after he joined school in Coventry as teenage student

  • Photographs emerge purporting to show the student following pupils' concerns
  • He is believed to be asylum seeker from West Africa who joined Coventry school 
  • Girl shared images of him on Snapchat which have now been put on Facebook
  • Her mother was then called into school to discuss concerns that it was 'bullying' 

A school pupil who is said to have recently moved to Britain from West Africa looks more like a 40-year-old man and has a receding hairline, parents claimed today. 

Photographs have emerged purporting to show the asylum seeker student, following concerns raised by his fellow pupils after he joined a school in Coventry.

The city council had to write to parents to reassure them about the situation - and the school said it has been able to verify the pupil's age, but did not explain how.

The pictures were posted on Facebook after one concerned schoolgirl shared them in a private Snapchat message amid questions over his age, reported The Sun.

The girl's mother was then called into school to discuss the issue with teachers who expressed concerns that sharing the photos could amount to bullying.

Photographs have emerged purporting to show the asylum seeker student, following concerns raised by his fellow pupils after he joined a school in Coventry 

She told The Sun: 'I said, 'You can't really blame the children [for talking about it] - he looks about 40'. They sort of nodded and said, 'Yes - we did have concerns but we've been told that he is in fact Year 11 age'.

'I just felt a bit annoyed that the school was trying to shut down my daughter. I said, 'I'm all for encouraging free speech and I don't agree that it was bullying as such.' 

She added: 'The school has said it's inappropriate for us to question his age. There's absolutely no way this boy looks 15. He looks about 40 to me.'

Another parent told Metro: 'Pupils were coming home saying there's a man in our class, some were even saying they reckoned he could be aged up to 40. 

The school pupil who recently moved to Britain from West Africa looks more like a 40-year-old man and has a receding hairline, parents claimed today

The school pupil who recently moved to Britain from West Africa looks more like a 40-year-old man and has a receding hairline, parents claimed today

'He has a thin hairline and apparently he has no birth certificate or passport. He might be the right age, he might not. Either way parents would like some clarity.'

It is believed the pupil travelled to the UK without a birth certificate or passport, before being placed at an unnamed school. 

In a letter, Coventry City Council assured parents that it carried out all necessary checks for the new student.

It added that local authorities are obliged to process school applications from migrant children arriving in England, and that concerns over a pupil's age are usually clarified by asking for a birth certificate or passport.

Coventry City Council (based at Council House in the city, pictured) assured parents that all necessary checks were carried out for the new student

Coventry City Council (based at Council House in the city, pictured) assured parents that all necessary checks were carried out for the new student

The letter adds: 'On some rare occasions if pupils arrive as asylum seekers and alone, i.e. without parents, these may not always be available.'

The school said it followed Department for Education guidance and carried out the correct procedures when identifying any children placed on the school roll. 

Asylum seekers have posed as children before. In 2018, an investigation revealed an Iranian migrant posed as a 15-year-old GCSE student - but told classmates he was 25.

The 6ft 1in man, who came to Britain using the name Siavash, spent six weeks as a Year 11 pupil at Stoke High School in Ipswich, Suffolk.

He was only taken out of class when pupils became upset and parents threatened a boycott. An official probe concluded he was almost certainly over 18.


Sunday, October 18, 2020


A forgotten warrior Queen. 


Who knows who this heroine of the British and English is ?

Friday, October 02, 2020

Mike McLaughlins page taken down !


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David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...