When the National Front and a handful of British Movement opposed a TUC march for multi racialism in Manchester city centre circa 1978
Leading this traitorous procession that day was Tom Jackson, TUC leader at the time.
Jackson can be seen with the fat belly and white shirt with tie in the first pic directly central and in front of the TGWU banner. Jackson always sported a huge moustache . He was a favoured gobshite of the left in the 1970's.
'Dogs abuse' and smoke bombs were thrown here on Mosley street at the 'communist' march- very apt that. Their march was just coming out into Piccadilly gardens. No arrests were made.
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Oldham BNP meeting in 1999 - from the NWN camera.
Monthly meetings attracted over 100 members and collections always raised over £1,000 + . Then the rot set in. We have previously put up video of excerpts of this meeting over on Youtube.
This was all pre-Griffin 'leadership'. Treacy was later a staunch Griffinite . Jackson tried to play on both sides. Jackson for no clear reason, placed Treacy as Oldham's Branch Organiser - a very bad mistake as it turned out. Quite quickly, Treacy ran Oldham BNP into the ground, and he then disappeared from whence he came.
Previously, Oldham had been formed and run by Rochdale BNP and it's Organiser.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
New Phrase: Post-Windrush Generation. – Theresa May, Britain’s unelected prime minister, apologises
to British Caribbean leaders in London, for “clamping down on
Commonwealth citizens,” as she called them, for asking them to prove
that their right to stay. That really takes the McVitie. She should be
apologising to us, the English, for what the Conservative Government has
over the years done behind our backs.
In our pre-television darkness in 1948, the then Government
shanghaied hundreds of Blacks and shipped them to England, a green and
pleasant land which was then still cheerfully White, to do our menial
jobs. The identities of The Guilty Men are not known. They do not wear trilbies and ties.
To dispel the impression that this was a new hidden form of slavery,
the puzzled, much-photographed newcomers stepping down the gangplank –
of a former K.d.F. liner seized from a prostate and devastated Germany,
the repainted and harmlessly renamed “Empire Windrush” – had been kitted out at British taxpayers’ expense with hats, shirts, suits, and ties, and brought to Tilbury. The few hundred was just the start. Secret British Cabinet papers reveal that Lord Hailsham,
at that time the purblind Lord President of the Council, reassured his
worried colleagues ten years later, on June 20, 1958, that the
immigrants were fewer than 100,000, and he did not think England ever
need expect more [PRO, CAB 129/93]. The Notting Hill riots followed. Nobody knows the real number now. The Grenfell Tower blaze inquiry, and resulting prosecutions, have shown that.
Commonwealth immigration We now learn that there is no official record of 500,000 West Indians who arrived in the UK from 1948 to 1970. This “multi-cultural” experiment has been inflicted nolens, volens on us, the English, as though we had no ancient culture of our own. Nice but fundamentally lawless people and their offspring have swamped our housing and prisons, infiltrating our media, our sports, and both sides of our health service. The all-Black radio station in London is now the only one which finds it necessary to broadcast every hour paid H.M. Government appeals to “citizens” to eschew guns, knives, and drugs – the alien ganja “culture” on which our Cabinet first had to be educated. Our heroic police force was once proudly unarmed (remember The Blue Lamp [1950]? – the film was named for the Blue Lamp which once hung outside every British police station). For a score of years or more now the force has had to be armed with stab-proof vests and Heckler & Koch machine-guns. Theresa May is apologising to the wrong folks on behalf of past governments. Give us back the peaceful, and fundamentally peace-loving, England where we were born.
Commonwealth immigration We now learn that there is no official record of 500,000 West Indians who arrived in the UK from 1948 to 1970. This “multi-cultural” experiment has been inflicted nolens, volens on us, the English, as though we had no ancient culture of our own. Nice but fundamentally lawless people and their offspring have swamped our housing and prisons, infiltrating our media, our sports, and both sides of our health service. The all-Black radio station in London is now the only one which finds it necessary to broadcast every hour paid H.M. Government appeals to “citizens” to eschew guns, knives, and drugs – the alien ganja “culture” on which our Cabinet first had to be educated. Our heroic police force was once proudly unarmed (remember The Blue Lamp [1950]? – the film was named for the Blue Lamp which once hung outside every British police station). For a score of years or more now the force has had to be armed with stab-proof vests and Heckler & Koch machine-guns. Theresa May is apologising to the wrong folks on behalf of past governments. Give us back the peaceful, and fundamentally peace-loving, England where we were born.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Friday, April 13, 2018
Former Rochdale council leader denies lying to child abuse inquiry
(NWN: Former MILITANT TENDENCY trotskyist Richard 'Fat' Farnell couldn't even lie straight in bed. See more info on 'Fat' at bottom of article).
Richard Farnell said he was 'shocked' at the inquiry's findings, but added: “I told the truth”

Coun Farnell has said he was ‘deeply sorry’ for ‘grave mistakes’ and ‘unacceptable failings’ of the council while he was in charge the first time during the late 1980s and early 1990s.
The first report from the Independent Inquiry on Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) says Coun Farnell lied under oath when he claimed to have known nothing about the Knowl View abuse scandal 25 years ago.
But he continued to insist he was unaware of the abuse at the time, saying in a statement: “I told the truth.”
“Failures by Rochdale council , the police and other agencies in protecting children from abuse should never have happened,” he said.
“The inquiry covered events going back 60 years.
“For the period in which I was leader of Rochdale council from 1986 to 1992, I am deeply sorry and I apologise to all those who suffered as a result of the grave mistakes made and the unacceptable failings of the Council in respect of the children being cared for at Knowl View.
“However, I am shocked at the findings of the Inquiry. I told the truth.”
In his statement today, Coun Farnell refuted the claims of the inquiry’s report.

“The three most senior officers of the council responsible for informing and advising the leader of the council – the chief executive, the director of education and the director of social services - ALL said in evidence they did not tell me about Knowl View.
Rochdale child abuse inquiry
“A two-year police investigation found no evidence whatsoever that I was involved in a cover-up of events at Knowl View. I now need time to consider the report in full before commenting further.”
Meanwhile, Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham has said that it's now "essential" that those responsible are held to account:
In a statement, he said: “This is a damning report, but one that at last opens up the possibility of truth and justice for those children who have suffered - and accountability for those who were in a position of responsibility but failed to act.
“Now, it is essential that those who have been found responsible for failing in their public duties are held properly and fully to account.

“This is why, last year, I set up an independent review of current practice to see if Greater Manchester has the right culture and the best possible systems in place to put children first. This review is not complete, but it is clear there has been significant progress made in strengthening the protection of young people in Greater Manchester. The review will now look at the IICSA report and assess what implications it has.
“The people of Rochdale and Greater Manchester have the right to know if children today are being protected, and not let down as they have been in the past. I will not rest until we can be certain we have the right culture in place where children’s safety comes first.”
NWN: Fat Farnell has been a slimy marxist toad in the Rochdale area for decades. He grew up and joined the Labour party Young Socialists in the 1970's and thence to join the Trotskyist group Miltant Tendency . Fat was to be seen trying to 'flog' their newspaper 'MILITANT' in Rochdale town centre on Yorkshire street, often standing opposite when the National Front used to sell their papers including NATIONAL FRONT NEWS & SPEARHEAD magazine.
Fat's early political tutelage came from another MILITANT activist, Barry Haslam. Haslam later had to drop out of politics due to him having to answer questions about a lot of missing money at Rochdale FC . Haslam was a former football hooligan for Rochdale FC in the 1960's.
Fat became leader of Rochdale Council leader and in 1992 at the General Election of that year was involved in the organising of a riot against BNP members in Rochdale town centre and especially at a pub on Milnrow Road which was laid siege to by 200 - 300 communists throwing bricks. This communist mob used the name ANTI NAZI LEAGUE (ANAL) back then. The communist mob also laid siege to the Castle Inn on Manchester road, another pub the Mayfield on Albert Royds street, and the Brunswick pub on Baillie street which was wrecked entirely by these communist thugs.
Farnell was seen in discussions with SEARCHLIGHT , communist and IRA supporters Steve Tilzey & Mike Luft when the red mobs ran riot in the town. Amongst other crimes committed by Tilzey was the kidnapping of a young teenager together with several other extreme communists in their vans.
A couple of years later Fat Farnell left active party politics and started a 'journalists' course at the University of Lancashire in Preston. By all accounts, Fat Farnell was rubbish and his low marks ensured he left that course only to pop up again in the Labour Party.
Fat Farnell was a 'friend' of another Labour party pervert the Reverend Paul Flowers. It was Flowers who singlehandedly almost destroyed the Co-operative Society with his cruising the gay bars and snorting copious amounts of cocaine for himself and his young gay friends. The younger the better.
Fat Farnell himself has gone under the 'eye' of many people due to his secretive sexual preferences. Like Cyril Smith, Fat Farnell is a fat bullying gobshite. Also, like Smith he hasn't had any female friends/relationships and like Cyril Smith he doesn't seem to have any male 'friends'/relationships either.
Fat Farnell undoubtedly knew about the Cyril Smith allegations. Farnell was close friends with Rochdale's Alternative Press (RAP) owners and Editors David Bartlett and John Walker who were the first to publish the info on Smiths perverted activities. Farnells other Rochdale councillor friend who knew about Smiths activities, was extreme left wing Labour harridan Mary Moffat.
Bartlett and Walker were both members of the Communist party of Great Britain (CPGB) and were the focus of all the extreme left wing trotskyist and marxist groups activities in the Rochdale area. RAP were helped in many ways by the Co-operative society, both financially and materially, especially property. .
Farnell is an inveterate liar and will try to hang on with Labour in Rochdale. Rochdale is one of those crazy constituencies that would elect a dead cat if it was Labour.
Farnell has never had a proper job in his life and just milks the political system by the largesse granted from Rochdale Council via such things as 'expenses' . Just have look how much Farnells claimed in expenses over recent years. It's much better than working for a living .
Farnell drives a new 'jag' .
Friday, April 06, 2018
David Irvings website down again ?
This seems to be happening a lot these days. It's going to be a huge hole in our arsenal if/when, it goes down for good.
Monday, April 02, 2018
Police attacked with petrol bombs at illegal dissident republican parade in Londonderry
The parade was not listed with the Parades Commission. Ahead of the march police landrovers in the Creggan area were pelted with petrol bombs and bottles as hundreds gathered for the parade.
Police were again attacked as the parade entered Derry City Cemetery. There are not thought to have been any injuries.
Sporadic trouble continued for around two hours on Monday.
DUP Foyle MLA Gary Middleton has called on the PSNI to investigate the parade.
"This was an unregistered parade and today the scenes coming from the Creggan area have been totally disgraceful," he said.
"People in paramilitary style uniform is wrong and the continued glorification of terrorism is abhorrent.
"Nobody has a desire to see the violence on display today, except for barbaric thugs intent on endangering life and property. The PSNI were there to protect the community - people who live in fear at displays and parades such as this one today.
"The Police have to be praised for the work they continue to do this weekend, as they uphold the law and thoroughly deal with illegal parades and displays of such a disturbing nature.
"Among those that were involved in hurling petrol bombs were young people.
"I hope the actions of all involved are investigated and those responsible feel the full weight of the law. The over-riding desire of many is to see events pass off peacefully and without any paramilitary trappings, unfortunately a minority in our communities are intent on creating destruction and fear.
"Again the demands of respect and equality from republicans ring hallow when there is little shown to those who uphold the law and work to keep communities safe. Those involved should not believe they are above the law."
On Saturday, police swooped on a similarly unlisted Republican Sinn Fein commemoration in Lurgan and arrested nine men.
Six men were charged with taking part in an unnotified procession and appeared in Lisburn Magistrates Court. One of the men was also charged with assault on police and a seventh was charged with obstructing police. Two other men were released on bail pending further enquiries.
In a statement the Derry 1916 committee asked republicans to join them in Creggan today "to send message to PSNI Assistant Chief Constable Stephen Martin that they will not be broken".
Earlier PSNI Chief Inspector Ivor Morton told the Belfast Telegraph that today’s operation would be "appropriate and proportionate should breaches of the law be detected" and that the Lurgan operation should not be used as an "indicator for elsewhere".
NWN: They haven't gone away you know. I bet the media doesn't show this here on the mainland.If you click the link, there are more pics and a video.
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...