Saturday, February 27, 2016

From Communist to Neoconservative: The Ethnic Blindness of David Aaronovitch

Francis Carr Begbie

aaronovitch1A sepia-tinted picture of life in the Communist Party in post-war London is painted in Party Animals, a memoir by neoconservative journalist David Aaronovitch whose father was a full-time communist organiser and whose non-Jewish mother was equally staunch.
Today Aaronovitch is a fashionable neoconservative who backed Britain’s involvement in George W Bush’s wars and now rails against a variety of predictable targets from boycotts of Israel to Vladimir Putin. He flits easily from perch to perch in the establishment media and is currently a feature writer with The Times.
It is a fairly predictable progression for this modern day establishment figure.  His family lived in the well-to-do, leafy Hampstead in a neighbourhood filled with like-minded Jewish families. The Communist Party life was a world within a world with its own travel agencies, daily newspapers, and bookshops. There were party doctors, dentists, plumbers — all overwhelmingly Jewish. It was a Jewish subculture of the sort that sprang up throughout the Jewish diaspora in the West: The comrades were born into it, married within it, and died within it.  And yet the strangest thing is that no-one ever seems to have asked — “Hang on? Why is everyone Jewish? Isn’t this all a bit like a Polish shtetl?”
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Indeed, even the Jews involved seemed unaware that they were entirely immersed in a Jewish sub-culture. Paul Lyons describes a similar situation among Jewish communists in Philadelphia, 1936–1956:
Most Jewish Communists wear their Jewishness very casually but experience it deeply. It is not a religious or even an institutional Jewishness for most; nevertheless, it is rooted in a subculture of identity, style, language, and social network. . . . In fact, this second-generation Jewishness was antiethnic and yet the height of ethnicity. The emperor believed that he was clothed in transethnic, American garb, but Gentiles saw the nuances and details of his naked ethnicity. …
Evidence of the importance of ethnicity in general and Jewishness in particular permeates the available record. Many Communists, for example, state that they could never have married a spouse who was not a leftist. When Jews were asked if they could have married Gentiles, many hesitated, surprised by the question, and found it difficult to answer. Upon reflection, many concluded that they had always taken marriage to someone Jewish for granted. The alternative was never really considered, particularly among Jewish men. (Paul Lyons, Philadelphia Communists, 1936–1956. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1982, 73, 74)
That’s the weirdest thing about this book. For while communists were notorious for their moral blindness, it is the ethnic blindness that stands out. While not all Jews were communists, the proportion of communists who were Jewish, can only be described as ‘beyond parody. Yet Aaronovitch sees none of that. He is determinedly ethnically blind. His only remark on the matter that I could find was: “The British Communist Party had a significant Jewish membership, partly as a result of its record in the fight against fascism.”
David Aaronovitch
David Aaronovitch
Far from it being a world of persecution and adversity, he recalls a jolly and event-filled life with weekend schools, protest marches, meetings and concerts. Communist circles ranged from the entertainment world to the bohemian circles of Bloomsbury and Chelsea. There were lots of opportunities for travel, especially behind the Iron Curtain. Life was good.
The family social circle included aristocratic members of the House of Lords, fellow-travelling Labour MPs, and figures from the entertainment world such as the singer Paul Robeson, Ewan MacColl, and novelist Doris Lessing. It seems to have been an enjoyable social whirlwind where they never seem to have wanted for anything. There was always a tight network to fall back upon and decades before the sixties, they created a sexually free-wheeling atmosphere, where casual infidelity was the norm.
The outside world looked on them with amused tolerance as romantic outsiders with a misplaced sense of conscience, but there is no indication that they suffered social ostracism or political persecution. Nationalists who cannot even gather in a pub without the windows being broken or having the premises lose its alcohol licence will be amazed how risk-free it was being a communist at a time when the world was waking to the horrors of Stalinism.
They reproduced one pattern that is almost an identifying characteristic of Jewish subversive organisations, from the NAACP to the communist parties of Eastern Europe — the non-Jewish figurehead, the public face of the organisation (see here, p. 92). And so it was, almost comically, that an organisation that was overwhelmingly controlled by Jewish intellectuals from the leafy shires was “led” by such as Edinburgh painter John Gollan or London boilermaker Harry Pollitt.
The decidedly educated, elite and rather aloof atmosphere probably helped when it came to career networking. The civil service and BBC were nominally barred to Communist Party membership but this was easily circumvented as the case of notorious spy Guy Burgess and many others show. In fact party membership might have been an asset, as David Aaronovitch admits. Before being appointed to a BBC executive position in the 1980s, he was asked by the corporation to drop his formal party membership for fear of the attendant publicity.
His father enjoyed the same privileged treatment. After having only ever worked as a full-time communist party organiser for decades, 47-year-old Sam Aaronovitch was admitted to Balliol College (one of the constituent colleges of Oxford University) to do a doctorate in three years! Courtesy of strings pulled by the Marxist historian Christopher Hill, he was able to leap over better qualified but less well-connected candidates to study for a DPhil in economics. As a result, Aaronovitch senior was eventually able to wangle himself a comfy berth in the academic world as a professor of business studies at a polytechnic. Not bad for a man who left school at 14 without a certificate to his name!
The political evolution of David Aaronovitch seems to match that of the revolutionary left in Britain through the last century. His parents were loyal Soviet communists to the end.  But he himself was kicked out of Balliol after one term but went on to Manchester University where he was able to leave the ghosts of 1930’s Stalinism behind and throw himself into the new identity politics of anti-racism and feminism. It is while discussing the White opposition to mass immigration that led to the street riots in the 1970s that he betrays his feelings of contempt for the ordinary people of the society that nurtured him. The oppressed masses in abstract he does not mind, but the White working class — supposedly the main beneficiary of communist efforts in Marxist theory — he cannot stand.
His political evolution followed the typical neoconservative arc, and he welcomed both the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq to the outrage of former family friends, but to the benefit of his career. Today, as the voice of neoconservative foreign interventionism he has a guaranteed berth across the establishment media from the Guardian to the BBC and beyond. From communist to neoconservative, with the only constant being a strong Jewish identification and dedication to perceived Jewish interests.
While his memoir, written in a style drenched in irony, confronts some toe-curling family secrets, there are some puzzling omissions, including one obvious question: Why are so many communist traitors Jewish?
For it is a pattern that is thrown up again and again during his own research. A huge proportion of the communists who turned traitor were the Jewish offspring of equally fanatically left-wing parents.
Not everyone was looking at them as harmless eccentrics or failing to notice that communism, Jewishness, and spying seemed synonymous. The lower rank MI5 or police Special Branch gumshoes who carried out the observations certainly noticed the pattern.
Aaronovitch is indignant when he discovers in one archive, a file mentioning his family babysitter, saying that at one Communist Party meeting “about 50% were Jews.”  This reflected a pattern that could be found across the party in London, yet Aaronovitch opines only that it was “snide” and “almost entirely pointless and remarkably intrusive snooping of a woman who clearly was nothing more than an activist.”
Unfortunately, as he discovers, MI5 archives told a different story. For 25 years the babysitter’s sister had worked for the GRU (the Red Army intelligence outfit) and had been awarded the Order of the Red Banner. She had been a courier to whom atom bomb spy Klaus Fuchs had passed his secrets to the Russians. Fuchs sat on crucial British American scientific committees, and it was partly because of him and other spies, that the US stopped sharing atomic research with the British in 1946. Fuchs was jailed for 14 years. Despite the suspicions of the security service, both sisters and their brother — all spies — were allowed to escape to East Germany.
Another close family friend was also a traitor.  James Klugmann had been in British special operations in the Balkans during the war and had played a crucial role in persuading the British to switch their backing from Serbian nationalists to Tito’s communists. Like Aaronovitch he was a full time communist party organiser who lived in Hampstead, and as with Sam Aaronovitch, MI5 surveillance revealed nothing untoward.
But that all changed when the Mitrokhin KGB files were published in the nineties. They showed that  Klugman was a KGB officer who was instrumental in recruiting the entire Cambridge spy ring while a student at Trinity College.
The same applies to another Hampstead neighbour and fellow party member Andrew Rothstein who is recalled affectionately.  Somehow Aaronovitch omits to mention Rothstein’s other role. He was also a recruiter for the forerunner of the KGB.
For British communists stayed true to the faith throughout some of the most horrific episodes in human history. Untold millions were swallowed up in mass executions, purges, civil wars, artificially induced famines and forced population transfer.
There was no secret about any of this, but it was relatively smaller episodes targeting Jews beginning in the late forties that forced a change of mind. And that is when the purges in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and what became known as the Doctor’s Plot began to target Jewish party members.
It is here that we get closest to seeing the ethnic contours and can see the party for what it is — an instrument of ethnic warfare which, under Stalin, had turned on its creators.
Fat chance of Aaronovitch admitting any of this.  There are several memoirs of the British communist party, and, while some bemoan a life wasted in a futile cause, others still cling to the idea that they helped world peace.  What none of them seem willing to do is own British communism’s main achievement — and that is because of their efforts, the Soviet Union possessed the atomic bomb within years of the end of World War II.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

So you buy a Lottery ticket ? 


Unionists fume over heroic Bobby Sands portrayal in comic book hunger strike story funded National Lottery through Arts Council

Some of the pages in the graphic novel commemorating the life of IRA man Bobby Sands, who died on hunger strike in 1981
Some of the pages in the graphic novel commemorating the life of IRA man Bobby Sands, who died on hunger strike in 1981
A row has erupted over an "astounding" comic book biography of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands funded by the National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
Authored by 80-year-old Gerry Hunt and published by O'Brien Press in Dublin, the graphic novel is called Bobby Sands: Freedom Fighter, and is set in 1981, the year in which Sands and nine other republican prisoners starved themselves to death in the Maze Prison.

Unionists slammed the book as "republican propaganda" and questioned the use of what they deemed public money in its publication.
The Arts Council stressed it had no part in the projects publishers spend their funding on.
Mr Hunt writes in the comic: "At the time this book is set, Catholics were second-class citizens with no influence in government, the police force was sectarian and Protestants dominated the Civil Service.
"The property franchise (which meant that only those who owned property could vote) rather than 'one man, one vote' weighted representation heavily in favour of the Protestant community, leaving unionists in control of all but two major councils and a disproportionate share of housing, employment benefits and school funding.
"The famous shipbuilders Harland and Wolff employed virtually no Catholics."
In fact, the one person, one vote system came into being a decade earlier.
The book, which costs €16.99, left Stormont culture, arts and leisure committee chairman Nelson McCausland shocked that public money should have been spent in supporting such a publication.
Mr McCausland said last night: "I'm astounded that the Arts Council and the Lottery should support such a book.

Bobby Sands' son Robert Gerald holds his mother's hand at the funeral of his father Bobby in west Belfast flanked by Masked IRA men. Picture by Martin Wright
Bobby Sands' son Robert Gerald holds his mother's hand at the funeral of his father Bobby in west Belfast flanked by Masked IRA men. Picture by Martin Wright
"This is simply Irish republican propaganda.
"The story is told in a way that endorses a Sinn Fein/IRA narrative, portraying Sands as a hero rather than the terrorist he was.
"Such propaganda, which turns a terrorist into a hero and an icon, can poison young minds and point another generation towards the republican tradition of terrorist violence."
The DUP MLA said that, in his view, support for the book was a misuse of public money.
"At a time when the arts budget in Northern Ireland is under pressure, it seems that the Arts Council can still find money to fund such a propagandist book."
The former Culture Minister also indicated that he would be putting the issue on the agenda of Stormont committee for tomorrow.
He said he would be seeking an explanation of how the graphic novel came to receive Lottery and Arts Council support.
"This is money that would other wise be going to mainstream arts organisations, spent on something positive rather than negative," he added.
TUV leader Jim Allister was also scornful of the book. "Clearly, the Arts Council and the Lottery need to explain their waste of public money on such a wholly partisan and pathetic publication," he said.
"Above all, it is unbridled republican propaganda, which no public body should support.
"As for its supposed artistic content, it is pitiful, making the Arts Council's support even more inexplicable."
An Arts Council spokeswoman said last night: "The Arts Council supports publishers of work by Northern Ireland writers and writing of cultural value to Northern Ireland.
"O'Brien Press is one of the most significant publishers in Ireland, north and south, and the Arts Council has provided funding for two titles published by O'Brien Press.
"The Arts Council does not interfere with the publishing choices of its funded publishers and supports their artistic freedom to publish titles of their choice."

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hotel firm benefits from putting up hundreds of asylum seekers on the taxpayer as its profits soar by 400% to £14million

  • Britannia Hotels saw its profits soar to £14million in the 2014/15 year
  • During this time 17 of its hotels housed asylum seekers, it is claimed
  • The company is used by private companies contracted by the Home Office
  • Dozens of paying guests have posted scathing reviews on TripAdvisor
  • They say hotels are like a 'hostel' for 'intimidating' groups of refugees
A budget hotel chain paid with taxpayer funds to house asylum seekers has seen its profits soar to £14million in the past financial year.
Britannia Hotels, owned by multi-millionaire Alex Langsam, was twice ranked by Which? as Britain's worst hotel group and regularly receives negative TripAdvisor reviews from paying customers.
But despite this, the company continues to do a good trade on the back of government-contracted firms tasked with housing migrants.
Uncertain future: Two of the asylum seekers at Stockport's Britannia Hotel, where many have been put up
Uncertain future: Two of the asylum seekers at Stockport's Britannia Hotel, where many have been put up
The Britannia Hotel in Stockport is raking in taxpayers’ money for rooms that might otherwise be empty
The Britannia Hotel in Stockport is raking in taxpayers’ money for rooms that might otherwise be empty
Britannia Hotels, owned by Alex Langsam, was twice ranked by Which? as Britain's worst hotel group
Britannia Hotels, owned by Alex Langsam, was twice ranked by Which? as Britain's worst hotel group
According to an investigation by the Sun on Sunday's Matt Wilkinson, 17 hotels within the Britannia chain housed asylum seekers during the 2014/15 period that saw its profits rise to £14million.
Accounts showed its pre-tax profit during this time was £14.2million, up from £2.6million the previous year, the paper reported.
The Home Office has a £175million fund to house asylum seekers and has contracted private companies Serco, G4S and Clearel to do so on its behalf.
Serco has previously stated it uses budget hotels on a 'short term basis' to house asylum seekers until alternative accommodation is found.
Britannia Hotels' three-star facility in Stockport boasts of champagne breaks for £99 and a spa with hot tub, sauna, steam room and gym.
Last week one person wrote on TripAdvisor they would 'never' stay in the Greater Manchester hotel again.
Alex Langsam (pictured), is the boss of Britannia Hotels, which were twice ranked the worst hotel chain in the country
Alex Langsam (pictured), is the boss of Britannia Hotels, which were twice ranked the worst hotel chain in the country
They added: 'Discovered from taxi driver when he picked us up that the dodgy looking clients which were wondering around the corridors were refuges. Hotel could have said something when [we were] booking.'
Another wrote: 'The majority of occupants seem to be asylum seekers, very intimidating!
'Crowds of them congregating in all main parts watching your every move! I'd hate to be elderly and have to stay here cause [sic] I'd be very frightened!'
In November last year, a guest complained the restaurant only caters for asylum seekers, 'so unless you are prepared to order a bar snack and eat it off your lap you cannot eat comfortable at a table'.
Around the same time, a disgruntled customer described the hotel as a 'hostel for refugees'.
However, the complaints are not just limited to the Stockport hotel - the Britannia in Wigan has also suffered a backlash from customers.
On January 6, a customer wrote: 'The problem is the refugees that are being held in the hotel, all men too?
'They wander avoid the hotel waiting to be called by the officials in the reception area? It was very frightening and intimidating.'
In November, one guest said the noisy asylum seekers were 'banging all night as they are in and out of each other's rooms', adding it was 'like being in a student hall of residence'.
That same month, another wrote: 'The corridors of the hotel were filled with refugees sitting on the floors, hanging out of doors and the cigarette smoke was awful. No ventilation and everyone smoking, in a supposedly no smoking hotel.'
When contacted, Britannia Hotels directed MailOnline to its head office, where phone calls went straight to voicemail.
Serco has also been contacted by MailOnline.

Britannia Hotels boss saves Pontin's

A Jewish businessman has stepped in to save holiday camp company Pontin’s from collapse and secure the jobs of its staff.
The 65-year-old company, which went into administration in November, has been bought by the Britannia Hotel Group, owned by Hale-based property developer Alex Langsam.
Mr Langsam’s decision means that 850 Pontin’s employees will be able to keep their jobs.
Mr Langsam, 72, opened his first hotel in Manchester in 1976. The son of Viennese Jews who came to Britain to escape the Nazis, he now owns 36 hotels across Britain, including the historic Adelphi in Liverpool.
He told the Guardian that his father’, the “most nationalistic person” he knew, had inspired him to preserve Britain’s history. “He said: "Britain saved his life and gave him a living and he instilled that in me. I am grateful for what this country has given me."
Worth £64 million, Mr Langsam is believed to have paid £20 million to buy the failing company.
He said he considered the prospects for Pontin's to be “very exciting” and that the much-loved company would remain “a national treasure”.
He added: “Our plans will take shape without delay as we look towards developing a bright future whilst retaining the best traditions of the past. Pontin's will remain a national treasure, to be enjoyed by generations to come." 

Friday, February 19, 2016

German mayor blasts far-right, reveals porn browsing



The mayor of a small German town thought he was making a serious point about the rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany party — but was revealing his Internet porn browsing history.
Thomas Köppl, the mayor of Quickborn near Hamburg, was taking part in a debate on the AfD and used a screenshot of the German constitution to make his point, German newspaper Bild reported. But he had forgotten to close other, XXX-rated tabs on his Internet browser for pages with titles such as “Punishment porn videos” and “German slut punished.”
Köppl deleted the screenshot when he realized his error, but it was too late.
He later admitted that he had visited the sites but had an explanation to hand. The mayor said that while on holiday in South Tyrol he overheard a group of young men talking about “BDSM” — a variety of erotic practices involving bondage, dominance and sadomasochism.
“I wasn’t so up-to-date about that, which annoys me. They were mentioning the site Xhamster, and when I got to my room I wanted to get clued-up,” Köppl revealed.
However, he said the Internet was too slow to watch the videos so he had to read the Wikipedia entry on erotic novel “Fifty Shades of Gray” to get up to speed.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Stop the Invasion!
Ban Merkel!
Not the NPD!
Inline image
Since 1965 the NPD (National Democratic Party) have represented the interests of patriots in Germany.  The NPD currently has one MEP and several councillors.  Now, after the traitor Angela Merkel has flooded the country with millions of non-white invaders, she is seeking to silence all real opposition to the invasion by banning free speech and banning the NPD.  The ruling regime in Europe is trying to shut down all opposition to White Genocide, in Greece they are trying to ban The Golden Dawn, now they're again doing the same thing in Germany, where next?
As British patriots we support German patriots & all patriots everywhere.
Free speech must mean free speech for patriots.
We say protect free speech and debate!
We say ban mad Merkel and support the NPD!
Keep Europe White!
Stop the invasion!
Top speakers!
1pm, Saturday 27th February
German Embassy
Belgrave Square
07756 391034 / 07466 039534 / 07917 921734 / 07443 129684
Speak up now, or remain silent forever.
Smart dress only.  All welcome.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Why are so many asylum seekers sent here without money to pay for them?

One in four people fleeing persecution are now being housed here by the government. But can the poorest parts of the region cope?

It’s an uncomfortable question. Some fear raising it – or voicing the strength of their answer too publicly – for fear of being branded a racist.
Parts of the left would deny it even needs discussing at all.
But it does have to be asked: can the region cope with the sheer number of asylum seekers being placed in its poorest areas?
Increasingly residents and local politicians say no. One in four of England’s asylum seekers - and one of five of those in the UK - are now in Greater Manchester, mostly in areas still clawing their way out of recession. They are startling figures.
Home Office statistics from November show the region now has more asylum seekers than Wales and Scotland put together. At around 1,000, Rochdale has more than the whole of the south east of England. Bolton isn’t far behind.
Or to put it another way, Greater Manchester is accommodating 5,586 asylum seekers while the Prime Minister and Home Secretary’s local councils – between them – have NONE.

Barker St Estate, Coldhurst, Oldham
The reason for this dates back to Tony Blair. Fifteen years ago a flurry of publicity about the rent being spent housing asylum seekers in the south east and London led to a new approach.
It was a simple one: they were shipped out to the places that have the cheapest housing. And that has carried on ever since.
More than a decade on, those communities are now feeling the strain. The areas with the cheapest housing – the Rochdales, the Oldhams – are inevitably often those already lagging behind in terms of jobs, skills, income, investment and quality of life.

“Quite often they are placed in the poorest you get an over-concentration in one area. That causes tremendous community tension"

They also already have the greatest reliance on public services and have seen the biggest council cuts in the country.
But because asylum seekers do not bring with them any extra government funding, those services – schools, councils and health services, particularly – are put under extra pressure without any additional funds.
And that’s before you get into the thorny issue of community cohesion.
The Home Office used to fund two different things when settling asylum seekers. One was rent, while the second was a 'support allowance' to deal with any general issues that might arise. When the system was outsourced a few years ago, however, that second support payment was scrapped, leaving councils to pick up the bill for a lot of problems.

Raleigh Close, Coldhurst, Oldham
Rochdale’s Labour council leader is blunt. People are just being ‘dumped’ there.
“Most of them are single men,” says Coun Richard Farnell. “Where they come with children we have to look after them and get no money from the government whatsoever. And obviously then they put a strain on the health service and so on.
“Quite often they are placed in the poorest areas where the housing is cheapest, so you get an over-concentration in one area. That causes tremendous community tension.
“We also have to deal with lots of low level anti-social behaviour problems. They are poorly supported by the Home Office’s contractor, Serco, and are not allowed to work so have got no money and are hanging around causing problems in the local community.”
But his biggest beef – like many of the frustrated local politicians you speak to in areas like his – is the unfairness.

“It’s grossly unfair that places like Rochdale, where we have enough problems of our own, are having all these asylum seekers dumped in the borough.”
The housing asylum seekers are put in often would have been knocked down otherwise, says Jim McMahon, formerly Oldham council leader but now Labour MP for Oldham West and Royton.
“It’s that heavy concentration on a couple of streets in a very, very small neighbourhood,” he says. “Because it’s cheap housing, you also get economic migrants as well. But some of these places just need to be demolished.
“If you don’t talk about it, it leaves room for people to talk about it for other reasons.”
He is clearly conscious of the shadow Ukip and parties further to the right now cast over Labour politicians in this neck of the woods. There are signs Labour nationally is trying to talk about it, but it is still far from holding a coherent or agreed view.

Joel Goodman
Jim McMahon
Shadow immigration minister Keir Starmer visited Oldham last week to find out the picture in a borough that has long welcomed in people from all over the world.
He admits his tour of the country will not be an ‘easy ride’.
“I do accept that many in the Labour party have not really wanted to have the difficult conversations with people about immigration,” he says.
“What Labour can’t do is start with the assumption there are some views we don’t want to hear or are somehow not legitimate.”

“It’s grossly unfair that places like Rochdale, where we have enough problems of our own, are having all these asylum seekers dumped in the borough.”

Where asylum seekers are concerned, he says the system is clearly not working. And both he and Jim McMahon point out that the government – under heavy political pressure – has announced that each Syrian refugee it lets in under its latest aid programme will bring £20,000 of national funding to the area who puts them up.
That’s not the case for regular asylum seekers, however.
Keir Starmer notes the government has created a ‘false distinction’. Jim McMahon is more forthright: “They should cough up for the rest.”
In the public’s mind people are not neatly divided into ‘asylum seeker’ or ‘refugee’ or ‘economic migrant’, of course. Serco does not force asylum seekers to wear red wristbands reportedly introduced in Cardiff.

Barker St Estate, Coldhurst, Oldham
So often local people begin to feel as though they are simply under siege from abroad.
When I spoke to a group of asylum seekers for the first part of this project, last week, they universally insisted English people were hugely welcoming, during the course of recounting heartbreaking stories.
Immigrants have been welcomed into the region over centuries, particularly the last 100 years, helping to build not only Manchester but also Greater Manchester.
Like London, if perhaps to a lesser extent, the region - and the city at its heart - has been fuelled by immigration: from Irish to Jewish to Muslim.
But it might not be that simple when the influx is this large, and the communities are already so stretched by other problems.

“Why are they all in our area? Why?"

Joyce Todd, of Villa Road, says she is only saying what others are thinking
Joyce Todd, Tammy Lowe and Nick Watson all live on Villa Road in Hathershaw, Oldham.
Their road of red-brick terraces has seen a churn of different nationalities over recent years, which they insist has not been a problem in and of itself. Joyce bought her house in 1979 and says she has lived next to Indians, Pakistanis, Poles and Czechs. She made friends with them, she says.
A few years ago there was an asylum-seeking household of Somalis and they caused no problems, either.
Their issue now, they say, is a sudden influx of Roma people – economic migrants, rather than asylum seekers – onto their road and the culture clash that has brought.
Yet they are also aware of the high numbers of asylum seekers being placed in Oldham.
“People are aware of it,” says Joyce, 56. “Why are they all in our area? Why? The government don’t want them in their ivory tower, do they?”

Villa Road in Hathershaw
Is she worried about sounding racist? No. “I’m only saying what other people are thinking.”
Tammy lives over the road in a council house with her three children, a teenage daughter and two small twins. When the twins were born, she asked for a house with an extra bedroom, she says.
“They just partitioned one of the bedrooms instead because they’ve got no houses,” she says. They seem baffled that Oldham is chosen because it supposedly has plentiful cheap housing, when residents are unable to access housing themselves.
Nick, 45, has a number of health problems and walks with a stick. He used to work, but has just had to wait three months to get his disability allowance through after his health got too bad. He notes the government has just committed another £1.2bn in aid for Syrian refugees.
“Where’s the money for people who live here?” he asks.

'There is little political incentive to move asylum seekers out of Labour areas'

Dan Kitwood/Getty
The two issues - asylum and EU workers - are inextricably linked for many people, particularly in areas that are affected by both, but have less in the way of public services.
But while David Cameron’s cure for Europe is still being worked out ahead of a referendum, the sickness in the asylum system seems easier to diagnose.
Nevertheless when we ask the Home Office about its asylum policy – officially called ‘dispersal’ – they provide their usual answer: it has been in place since 2000.
All local authorities have to agree to housing asylum seekers before they are placed there, it says. (Councils say this is simply not true – that they often have no idea who is being placed, or where.)
“We work closely with local authorities to ensure that the impact of asylum dispersals is considered and acted upon. We will work with any local authority that raises concerns about asylum dispersal,” adds a spokesman.
In Rochdale’s case, Richard Farnell told the government enough was enough just before Christmas and said the borough could not accept any more. He will not be happy until the number drops ‘considerably’, however.

Ben Pruchnie/PA Wire
Prime Minister David Cameron
“I want to see David Cameron’s constituency and all the other well heeled towns and cities in the UK take their fair share,” he adds.
Yet you can see why the Tories wouldn’t be madly keen. There is little political incentive to move asylum seekers out of Labour areas and into theirs. Equally if you start housing asylum seekers in areas such as Windsor, Witney or Westminster again, the sheer amount of public funding required for their rents would doubtless spark an outcry too.
Nonetheless the unease the current asylum system fuels over immigration will do David Cameron few favours in the upcoming EU referendum. Joyce and Nick both voted Ukip in the last election.
Nine out of Oldham’s 20 council wards are now at official saturation point for asylum seekers, according to Jim McMahon. Yet the borough, like others across Greater Manchester, has consistently faced an unequal cut to its council funding since 2010.

On top of that, it emerged this week that Tory councils such as David Cameron’s in Oxfordshire are to received an emergency wave of bonus funding thanks to pressure from Conservative backbenchers - areas that have already, in some cases, seen their funding rise as ours continues to plummet.
How much of that pot will go to Oldham, Rochdale, Manchester? Nothing.
Oldham - and other places like it - is now facing a ‘perfect storm’ of high asylum numbers, thousands of new European workers, disproportionate cuts to public services and – in Jim McMahon’s words – ‘crappy jobs’.
Resentment inevitably builds. What of community cohesion, in a borough that 15 years ago erupted in race riots?
“We have got a history of welcoming people and by and large, public support is still there,” he says.
“But it’s very fragile.”

COMMENT: We are not calling for the door to be slammed in the faces of vulnerable people...but asylum system is not working

Jonathan Brady/PA
Five thousand asylum seekers – the number, or thereabouts, currently living in Greater Manchester – sounds like a lot.
The figure appears particularly startling, given that there are none at all in David Cameron’s local authority.
It’s important to get that into context.
There are 2.5m people living in Greater Manchester, meaning those people, many of whom have fled unimaginable persecution, account for only 0.2pc of the region’s population.
We should not forget that those who have fled persecution in centuries gone by have helped build our city, our communities.
The M.E.N. has been clear that our area should play its part in welcoming the latest wave of people seeking refuge from the Syrian war. We stand by that. Britain, and within it Greater Manchester, needs to hold out a helping hand.
But there are two reasons why the existing situation is of growing concern.
Firstly, the asylum seekers already living here have arrived with no government funding to help our already under-resourced northern public services cope.

They are not ‘taking our jobs’, as some believe, because they cannot legally work.
But they will still need the help of local authorities, schools, GPs and hospitals. And councils are picking up the bill for basic support because the government has cut that funding.
Charities are increasingly having to fill in the gaps, but there is only so much they are able to do.
It makes no sense for ministers to acknowledge the cost of a Syrian refugee to public services and not that of people in similar situations – those fleeing Afghanistan, say, or Iran.
Secondly, people with little in the way of support, or often English skills, are being concentrated in some of the deprived parts of the region – areas that already feel they have more than their fair share of problems, including the quality and availability of affordable housing.
Even Labour, which has been traditionally reticent on this issue, is now speaking out on behalf of the communities affected.
Oldham West’s Labour MP is right to say that public support still exists. But he is also right to warn that it is fragile.
We are not calling for the door to be slammed in the faces of vulnerable people.
But an asylum system originally set up nearly a decade ago, for reasons that at the time made sense, is now not fit for purpose.
Not for the people within it, or for their neighbours.


Squaddies Say They've Had Enough Of Squalid Housing

An investigation has been ordered into allegations that Army families have been living in squalid and unsafe homes.
CarillionAmey has a lucrative Ministry of Defence (MoD) contract to maintain 45,000 service family homes in the UK.
But The Sun newspaper has put together a dossier of homes where the maintenance service has been appalling.
Service families are reportedly making 1,000 complaints a week over poor service, in the meantime living for months without cookers, no running water and holes in the ceiling.
Squaddies Say They've Had Enough Of Squalid Housing
They include Liz Phoenix, married to a Royal Marine, who claims their home is rat-infested, despite numerous calls to CarillionAmey.
She also says when they moved into the house in December 2014, the boiler was broken and it was so cold they had to move into a hotel. CarillionAmey took weeks to fix it.
She says CarillionAmey have carried out only 15 repairs despite 110 visits in a year.
A Royal Fusilier says he's leaving the Army after a health visitor warned his mouldy home is a health hazard for his newborn son.
The family says CarillionAmey has done nothing to fix the problem, despite 18 months of complaints.
Squaddies Say They've Had Enough Of Squalid Housing
Another soldier claims his house was so infested with black mould that he became ill and was medically downgraded at work.
According to The Sun, 7,500 people have now signed a petition asking the MoD to strip CarillionAmey of its multi-billion pound maintenance contract.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said he's deeply concerned by these reports and wants them looked into as a matter of urgency, saying:
“It is simply unacceptable that our brave service personnel and their families, who offer this country so much, have to put up with such poor service. That's why I'm going to call in the chief executives of Carillion and Amey to identify what can be done to improve this situation as soon as possible.”
Meanwhile, a Ministry of Defence spokesman said it's not acceptable that CarillionAmey's performance has fallen short of expectations.
The Managing Director of CarillionAmey, Daniel Easthope has responded to the criticism, saying:
“We do not underestimate the challenges of this work and where there have been problems we are working hard to address them. We appreciate the patience shown by service personnel and their families while we fix problems on their behalf.”

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

British Army To Hold Largest Invasion Exercise In Over A Decade - in Jordan !

Exercise Shamal Storm will see 1,600 troops deploy to Jordan alongside a wide variety of units from Force Troops Command and 3 [UK] Division. 
The Army are determined to show they are still capable of deploying a 30,000-strong force to a crisis zone anywhere in the world.
An Army spokesperson said:
"The exercise in Jordan presents the British Army with a challenging environment in which to assure its combat readiness to deploy and support an armoured force of up to 30,000 troops anywhere in the world." 
British Army To Hold Largest Invasion Exercise In Over A Decade
The bilateral exercise, named Shamal Storm for the wind storms that occur in the Jordanian desert, has been held for many years, but this occasion will see a significant increase in troop numbers.
Army sources dismissed speculation that despite being held in Jordan, a region that borders war-torn Syria, the exercise was not a dress rehearsal for any British-led campaign against ISIS.
A source told The Telegraph:
“This isn’t a counter-Isil exercise. If anything, this is much more about us being prepared to join the US in Ukraine than it is in Syria."
“This is not the sort of kind of force you expect to roll into Aleppo to take on a bunch of jihadists.”
Recent conflicts in Afghan and Iraqi theatres were focused on counter-insurgency, rather than any large scale conflict. It is this disparity the Army is trying to redress.
"The exercise will test key concepts such as the air deployment of a very high readiness field hospital and the latest explosives ordnance disposal and search capabilities, all of which will enable us to be more agile in deterring threats to the UK and its interests.
British Army To Hold Largest Invasion Exercise In Over A Decade
Military lorries bound for Jordan 

Copied someones post to show as a warning, proof of police appeassement at the cost to honest law abiding business owners and elderly patrons, should of been arrested for threatening behavior not rewarded thus setting a dangerous precedent?

I have a shop in a rural retail craft centre on a Lancashire country estate where there are 60 small retail shops and a tearoom. Today 4 Muslim men came in and demanded that the centre provide them with a prayer room, when one clearly wasn't available they started to get aggressive and when they were asked to leave by the management they started making threats and kicking spouting their right. They put the fear of God into customers, many of whom are elderly, it was a truly awful and experience. 

They called the police and the police turned up on mass, it looked like a riot, it was awful! But to ad insult to the situation the police cleared a space upstairs to allow them to pray - wtf!!! 

What is happening to our Christian way of life, I'm in total disbelief, it was horrendous!

 — in Eccleston, Wigan, United Kingdom.

Friday, February 05, 2016

Ten men convicted following child sexual exploitation investigation

NWN: Yet another lot in Rochdale. Is there no end to their behaviour ?

Ten men have been found guilty of a range of serious sexual offences as part of an investigation into child sexual exploitation, mainly in Rochdale, with the majority happening between 2004 and 2008.
The following men have been convicted during two trials that have been held at Minshul Street Crown Court:
Afraz Ahmed (22/11/1982), of Oswald Street, Rochdale was found guilty of two counts of rape, two counts of conspiracy to rape, two counts of inciting sexual activity, five counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of Section 47 assault against five victims.
Choudhry Ikhalaq Hussain (born 12/09/1977), of Mayfield Terrace, Rochdale was found guilty of three counts of sexual activity with a child, two counts of rape and one count of conspiracy to rape against one victim. He was convicted in his absence and is currently wanted by police. He is believed to be outside the United Kingdom.
Mahfuz Rahman (18/06/1986), of HMP Garth, pleaded guilty to three counts of Sexual Activity with a Child and was sentenced to five years and six months in prison at the beginning of trial.
Rehan Ali (born 10/12/1988), of Cleethorpes Avenue, Blackley was found guilty of three counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of rape against one victim.
Kutab Miah (born 20/08/1980), of Ramsay Street, Rochdale was found guilty of three counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of rape against one victim.
Mohammed Dauood (born 14/01/1978), of Leyland Road, Burnley was found guilty of three counts of rape, one count of sexual Activity with a child, one count of sexual assault and one count of Section 47 assault against two victims.
Abid Khan (born 06/12/1976), of Whitney Road, Liverpool was found guilty of three counts of sexual activity with a child against one victim.
Mohammed Zahid (born 06/09/1960), of Croxton Avenue, Rochdale was found guilty of one count of sexual activity with a child against one victim.
A man who cannot be named for legal reasons was found guilty of three counts of rape and attempted child abduction against three victims.
A 46-year-old man was found guilty of two counts of conspiracy to rape against one victim.
All men bar Iklaq Choudhry Hussain, who remains wanted, have been remanded to appear for sentencing on the Thursday 7 and Friday 8 April 2016.
The convictions relate to offences committed against eight victims who were aged between 13 and 23 at the time of the abuse.
Assistant Chief Constable Robert Potts said: “Operation Doublet was launched following the 2011 investigation into child sexual exploitation in Rochdale and we identified a number of cases, which broadly took place between 2004 and 2008, across Greater Manchester where teenage girls were being sexually exploited by older men.
“Cases such as this one are extremely complex and take a lot of hard work to ensure they reach court. Understandably, victims can go through an array of emotions during the process but their welfare is the most important thing to us and they are always supported by specially trained officers.
“The strong partnership approach taken here, ranging from the Crown Prosecution Service through to Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council has been important and the police team lead by Detective Chief Inspector Jamie Daniels have dedicated themselves and have been relentless in achieving the very best outcomes.
“Today’s outcome belongs to the brave and courageous victims who have found the confidence to speak of their harrowing experiences. They've helped us to ensure that we can find those responsible for these horrific crimes and bring them to justice no matter how long has come to pass.
“This has been achieved through a great deal of hard work by police and all partners.
“The nationally recognised Sunrise team in Rochdale continue to help identify vulnerable children in Rochdale with Project Phoenix being a multi-agency approach for Greater Manchester.
“Tackling CSE is a priority for Greater Manchester Police and we, alongside our partners, are dedicated to helping those who are subjected to such abuse and to ensure they are safeguarded from the risks.”

NWN: The Police are doing rather a lot of self backslapping here. For years, they, as well as all the rest of them, ignored this very issue. They were frightened of being called 'racist'.We remember when they arrested BNP members for mentioning this issue. West Yorkshire Police also banned a Channel 4 documentary that was going to focus on this issue. That was about 10 years ago.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Dover protesters traumatise panto performers during demonstrations

(NWN: The zionist/communists attacked a local theatre group here it seems)

Protesters and rioters traumatised performers of a panto production in Dover on Saturday - but despite shaken cast members the show went ahead.
The demonstrations in the town centre saw some protesters running into the Roundhouse Theatre at Dover Discovery Centre and scaring the young cast, who were performing Sleeping Beauty.
Director Barry Clayton said: “We opened last Thursday and our final performances were on Saturday, a day that brought more than the usual challenges a production of this kind brings.
Protesters outside the entrance to Dover Discovery Centre
“Rioters ran through the building and shouted through the dressing room windows at the young cast. But throughout the whole quite terrifying incident our cast, young and old, continued with the performance even though staff of the centre suggested we consider halting the afternoon performance and cancelling the evening one.
“They were traumatised by the whole sad event but felt that the audience deserved to see our work and so they did, bringing laughter to a town under siege.”
The show was performed by Blackfish Academy, a community production which aims to include children and adults from all walks of life.
Sleeping Beauty saw a return to the pantomime genre for Blackfish for the first time in many years.
The cast of Blackfish Academy's production of Sleeping Beauty
Princess Beauty was played by Emma Walker and Prince Michael by Chris Walker. The production also includes kings and queens, fairies and a host of dancers.
The script was written by the late Peter Denyer.
The age of the cast ranges from seven to 67.
Blackfish Academy also runs workshops for children and young people every Saturday from 10am to 11am.

NWN: Well this is a first ! This story shows and provides photo evidence of the zionist/communist filth attacking a Dover theatre group. Check out the link and view their pics . 

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...