Tuesday, March 11, 2014

NorthWestNationalists has been under hacker attack

We at NWN have been under attack resulting in us being unable to access this site since the weekend.

We hope to be up and running again ASAP..............................


Anonymous said...

NorthWestNationalists has been under hacker attack

We at NWN have been under attack resulting in us being unable to access this site since the weekend.....................

So you say but how do we know you have not been over indulging with the exotic herb mixed with rare chemicals washed down with the odd few bottles of moet chased along with a hint of jiff up your hooter Hummmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Author Warns of Racist Movement in Israel Looking for ‘Right to Kill Non-Jewish Children.


Anonymous said...

The State Department’s New World Order Agenda.


Anonymous said...

Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution – Professor Antony Sutton.


Anonymous said...


French railway firm finally set to pay reparations in the U.S. for transporting 76,000 Jews to Nazi death camps as it seeks to secure billion dollar contract

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2576833/French-railway-firm-finally-set-make-reparations-U-S-transporting-76-000-Jews-Nazi-death-camps-seeks-secure-billion-dollar-contract.html#ixzz2vgct95Yz

Anonymous said...

US to give Israel $429 million for its Iron Dome missile system.


Anonymous said...

Poverty is driving people to sell their internal organs on the black market.


Anonymous said...


Eastern Europeans working in Britain mobilise to make migrant vote count

Campaign to give foreign-born workers a voice in UK elections amid warning over referendum ending right to work in Britain


Anonymous said...



Even liberal Establishment historians concede the undeniable fact of Hitler's universal popularity; a popularity that preceded the war years. This degree of popularity is even more remarkable when we consider that the majority of Germans did not vote for Hitler's Party (NSDAP) in the 1932 and 1933 elections. By 1936, the stunning success of his policies had won over most of the Communist and liberal voters that had previously opposed him. Indeed, many of Germany's Jews, having benefited from the economic revival, spoke highly of the new Germany.


Anonymous said...

Some British Jewish voters hope Rothschild Zionist Cameron acknowledges Jewish state on Israel trip.

Zionist David Cameron urged to acknowledge Jewish state on Israel trip.

Natasha Kaplinsky and Conservative donors join PM on two-day visit to Israel and Palestinian territories


Anonymous said...

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America and all white country's


Anonymous said...

One in 11 Britons has less than £10 a month disposable income.


Anonymous said...

Inside The Army’s Spectacular Hidden Treasure Room.


Anonymous said...


Gay theatre student who claimed he was beaten by homophobic thugs admits he got his injuries when he fell over (and WON'T face action for wasting police time)
Richard Kennedy, 18, was badly injured after leaving Preston nightclub
His teeth were dislodged, his face was swollen and he had bad knee injury
The student from Blackpool told police he was set upon by homophobes
He posted injury pictures on Facebook in post shared by 182,000 people

Police launched an appeal into the '3.30am attack' and called for witnesses
Then they found CCTV footage showing Kennedy falling over by himself

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2579192/Gay-theatre-student-claimed-beaten-homophobic-thugs-admits-got-injuries-fell-WONT-face-action-wasting-police-time.html#ixzz2vmgBDsJm

NWN Admin said...

Some abuse from fatty Bryans NF has been deleted.

Anonymous said...

Teacher orders boy, 10, to remove Help for Heroes wristband worn in memory of Lee Rigby 'because it might cause offence'
Tracy Tew's son Charlie was put on report card at Maldon Primary School

Refused to take off charity rubber bracelet sold to honour injured soldiers
Charlie wears item in honour of Rigby and service personnel in his family
Mrs Tew, 38, says: 'We are really proud of Charlie for sticking to his guns'
Essex school insists wearing any wristband is against its jewellery policy
H4H 'haven't heard of any health and safety incident connected to them'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2578994/Teacher-orders-boy-10-remove-Help-Heroes-wristband-worn-memory-Lee-Rigby.html#ixzz2vmn24gx6

Anonymous said...

NWN Admin said...
Some abuse from fatty Bryans NF has been deleted.............

So you say let's have a look so we can decide ourselves,You could be over reacting, how do you know its not Joey acting the arse?

Anonymous said...

Crimea Bans Nationalist, Neo-Nazi Groups.


NWN Admin said...

NWN Admin said...
Some abuse from fatty Bryans NF has been deleted.............

So you say let's have a look so we can decide ourselves,You could be over reacting, how do you know its not Joey acting the arse?

12 March 2014 21:31

We have had ample examples of Fatty Bryans obscene and abusive outbursts sent to this blog.

His 'friend' Peter SID Wiliamson is not averse either to causing trouble and sending obscene messages, especially after drinking.

And who the hell is Joe?

Anonymous said...

You mean those two Brown Hatters who ran C.U.N.T. they dare not act the goat, once they know I frequent this site.

Peace Love and Joy.

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.