Friday, March 07, 2014

Did Cameron help his Nepalese nanny get British citizenship? Downing Street face questions over role in application

  • Row erupted after immigration minister said uncontrolled immigration benefited only ‘wealthy metropolitan elite’ who wanted cheap labour
  • Labour MP John Mann demanded the whole Cabinet come clean on their use of foreign workers
  • Downing Street refused to answer questions about Mr Cameron’s nanny
  • Mr Clegg was asked about his arrangements on his regular LBC radio phone-in

David Cameron is coming under pressure to say if he helped secure British citizenship for his Nepalese nanny.
Downing Street is facing questions over whether the Prime Minister wrote a letter in support of Gita Lima's application.
It comes after Number 10 defended Miss Lima as someone who 'wants to work hard and get on', following a speech by the new Tory immigration minister attacking the ‘wealthy metropolitan elite’ who relied cheap labour for help at home.
The Prime Minister currently employs a nanny from Nepal and previously hired an Australian
The Prime Minister currently employs a nanny from Nepal and previously hired an Australian

The row erupted after the new immigration minister, James Brokenshire, said uncontrolled immigration benefited has benefited the middle classes but forced down wages for the less well-off.
Mr Brokenshire's comments backfired after critics pointed out that the Prime Minister currently employs a nanny from Nepal and previously hired an Australian.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg also admitted hiring a Belgian ‘lady’ as a ‘home help’.
Labour MP John Mann demanded that the whole Cabinet come clean on their use of foreign workers.
‘We need every Cabinet minister to declare what staff they have employed from abroad,’ he said.
‘They should be seeking out British staff. It is total hypocrisy. They need to make up their minds on this.’
After initially refusing to comment on the Prime Minister's use of foreign workers, Downing Street last night defended his decision not to hire UK-born staff.
The Prime Minister's official spokesman said: 'We have always said we want people who want to work hard and get on. Do we want the brightest and the best? Yes we do.
'And that would absolutely include, for example, Mr and Mrs Cameron's nanny as someone who wants to work hard and get on.
'As a result of coming to this country and working hard and getting on, she is now a British citizen.'
But today Downing Street refused to comment on whether Mr Cameron or his office had written a letter in support of the citizenship application as Miss Gima's employer.
'I am not going to get into these details,' the PM's spokesman said. 'The point is the PM's nany is someone who has come here, has worked hard and got on in life.
'I am not going to get into the application process of their nanny.'
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg admitted hiring a Belgian 'lady' as a 'home help'
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg admitted hiring a Belgian 'lady' as a 'home help'

In his first speech in the job, Mr Brokenshire told the Demos think-tank: ‘The immigration system we inherited was not designed to benefit this country or the people who live here.
‘For too long, the benefits of immigration went to employers who wanted an easy supply of cheap labour, or to the wealthy metropolitan elite who wanted cheap tradesmen and services, but not to the ordinary, hard-working people of this country.
‘Those who tend to lose out most when there is uncontrolled immigration are manual and low-skilled workers who have to compete with an influx of people from poorer countries who are willing to work for less.’
The row erupted after the new immigration minister, James Brokenshire, said uncontrolled immigration benefited only the 'wealthy metropolitan elite' who wanted cheap labour
The row erupted after the new immigration minister, James Brokenshire, said uncontrolled immigration benefited only the 'wealthy metropolitan elite' who wanted cheap labour

Downing Street refused to answer any questions about Mr Cameron’s nanny.
But it is understood Mr Cameron and his wife Samantha employ a Nepalese woman, Gita Lima. She was recruited from a charity, Kalayaan, which helps immigrants seeking to escape abusive employers.
Originally from Nepal, she is now a British national. A second woman, Australian Sammi Strange, has looked after Mr Cameron’s children in the past.
Mr Clegg was asked about his arrangements on his regular LBC radio phone-in. He insisted he would not ‘get into’ details of his home life but later told listeners: ‘I have a lady who has a Belgian passport who helps us.’
The Home Office said Mr Brokenshire ‘manages the household with his wife’ and does not employ a nanny or cleaner.
In his speech, the Immigration Minister attacked the BBC for giving huge prominence to a report about the impact of mass immigration on the jobs market – without having read it. The BBC’s Newsnight had claimed the study by civil servants would undermine the Tory party’s case for stricter border controls.
In fact, when the previously secret report was published yesterday it said that officials found that some British workers had been ‘losers’. The group hardest hit was ‘low-skilled natives’.
The study – written jointly by the Home Office and Business Department – said: ‘Overall, our assessment is that there is relatively little evidence that migration has caused statistically significant displacement of UK natives from the labour market in periods when the economy has been strong.
‘However, in line with some recent studies, there is evidence for some labour market displacement in recent years when the economy was in recession.’
Mr Brokenshire said the study vindicated Conservative claims that immigration had damaged the job prospects of unemployed Britons, particularly those looking for low-skilled jobs.


Anonymous said...

Wayne Madsen: Sweden co-opted by CIA/Pentagon to launder Wikileaks cables.

Anonymous said...

Madsen has asserted in The Palestine Telegraph that hundreds of Iraqi scientists who had been assassinated or died in accidents after the invasion in 2003 were actually murdered by Mossad hit teams operating in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

'Islamic takeover plot' in Birmingham schools investigated.

Anonymous said...

Kiev snipers hired by Maidan coalition: Leaked call.
(Live Phone Call)

Anonymous said...


Somalian refugee who refused council flat because she is scared of heights WINS High Court battle after authority failed to offer her another home
Naima Mohamoud refused home because it was too high and too small
Council say they warned that turning it down would see her drop from list
Ms Mahamoud lost a county court case but won at Court of Appeal today
Senior judges said that mother-of-one was probably 'confused' by system

Read more:

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: Ukip fury after leaked Lib Dem dossier labels supporters 'racist'

A POLITICAL row has broken out after an official Lib Dem leaflet labelled some Ukip voters as “racist.”

Anonymous said...

'We're not CURRY PEOPLE!'

Amazing VIDEO of politicians erupting in Asian-White race row

THESE extraordinary videos show a town hall meeting descending into bitterness and chaos after an Asian councillor likened white colleagues to Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts, while another claimed his community had been branded “curry people”.

Anonymous said...


Anger as London mayor gives GLOWING court reference for convicted insurance FRAUDSTER

ONE of Britain’s most controversial mayors provided a glowing court reference yesterday to a convicted insurance fraudster who was then sentenced to three years in jail for money laundering.

Anonymous said...

Fenwicks department store withdraws Boy London clothing over 'Nazi' eagle logo complaints

Anonymous said...

Football fans accused of 'Yid' chants at Tottenham match have charges dropped.

Anonymous said...

Voice UK's Jermain Jackman bid to be first black UK PM.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine's Neo-Fascist Right Sector Leader Dmytro Yarosh to Run for President

But unlike other protesters in Independence Square, most of the Right Sector activists do not support the idea of joining the EU, which they consider to be an "oppressor of European

Anonymous said...

Phone Wrecks: The Secret Agenda of Ashton and Nuland Revealed,

Anonymous said...

Is Ukraine’s New Prime Minister a Jew?

Anonymous said...

Meet Ukraine's Zionist Kosher 'Ultra-Nationalists'

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian Money Has All Seeing Eye Too.

Anonymous said...


Let migrants' grandparents in UK too, say Lib Dems in bid to water down immigration reforms
New policy proposal set to be unveiled at Lib Dem spring conference
Migrants would pay a 'health levy' before grandparents are allowed in
Proposed policy would also make it easier to bring spouses into UK

Read more:

Anonymous said...

US Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich says US instigated Ukraine Crisis.

Anonymous said...

BBC Now Admits: Armed Nazis Led “Revolution” in Kiev, Ukraine

Anonymous said...

A BBC Newsnight short titled, “Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine,” reveals xenophobic Jew-hating nationalists, armed and leading the mobs in Kiev, directly contradicting months of Western media narratives portraying the rabble as aspiring for “freedom,” “democracy,” and “closer ties with the West,” with the most absurd example being the “I am Ukrainian” propaganda reel.

Far from a “pro-democracy” uprising, the “Euromaidan” was yet another case of Western engineered regime change leveraging the good intentions of the ill-informed to mask the covert backing of ugly armed extremists, just as it had done all across the similarly engineered “Arab Spring” in 2011.’

Anonymous said...


Starved & evicted: Britain’s poor now treated worse than animals.

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton: Playing a Dog-Eared “Hitler” Card.

Anonymous said...

US House passes bill to expand military ties with Israel.

Anonymous said...


Stephen Lawrence murder: Brother wants role in inquiry

Anonymous said...

"Women's Day" Today is Old Soviet Propaganda Ploy.

Anonymous said...

Come and join the Goyim Resistance!

Forget about thought police, political correctness and censorship! Get to know like-minded dissidents and Jew-aware activists! Discuss news, broadcast videos, publish blogs, promote events, sell tickets, raise funds, and run online shops!

Anonymous said...

‘Al-Qaeda, asset of Zionism in destabilizing Mideast’

Anonymous said...

Russia Under Attack.

Anonymous said...


High Court judge and the child sex ring: Adviser to Queen was founder of paedophile support group to keep offenders out of jail

Lord Justice Fulford was named last year as an adviser to the Queen
He was a key backer of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange
Police suspect the group of abusing children on an 'industrial scale'
He is revealed as a founder member of campaign to defend PIE

At the time it was calling for the age of consent to be lowered to just four

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Long before the 'Ukrainian Crisis' was rolled out, the Jewish image makers of New York and California had already begun preparing us for 'The Return of The Cold War'. A genre that had been dead for 20 years is now back in style.

Anonymous said...

Has Blackwater been deployed to Ukraine? Notorious U.S. mercenaries 'seen on the streets of flashpoint city' as Russia claims 300 hired guns have arrived in country

Unidentified armed men seen on the streets of Donetsk in east Ukraine
Russian diplomat claims 300 mercenaries had arrived in Kiev this week

Mercenaries in the region could give Putin pretext for military action
Donetsk has been the scene of big pro-Russian demonstrations this week

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Understanding the Crisis in Ukraine (UPDATE)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 04:46 asked ...
Is Ukraine’s New Prime Minister a Jew?
Did Shwindler have a list or do bears shit in the woods? (8

Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

How To Become
A Constitutional Expert On Money.

Anonymous said...

Education For All’ – The Elite’s Mono-Minding Global Plans for All Children.

Anonymous said...

Zionist controlled United States Strives For World Domination.

Anonymous said...

This World Bank Insider Will Blow You Away: “There Is A Huge Global Conspiracy”

Anonymous said...

World Bank Scandal & JFK killed over Gold Backed Dollars – Karen Hudes.

Anonymous said...


World Bank Whistleblower makes Startling Confession Karen Hudes

Anonymous said...

The World Bank: Rejecting “The Rule of Law.

“The proverb, ‘What you don’t know can’t hurt you”, originated in 1576 as, ‘So long as I know it not, it hurteth mee not.’ But the opposite is true. Unpleasant hidden truths do the most harm. The best way to fight corruption is to expose it. Think of the World Bank as ENRON.”

Karen Hudes

Anonymous said...

Israel plans to Judaize Palestinian education like they have in the UK.

Anonymous said...

Globalists and Gangs Back Marxist Mass-murderer in El Salvador.

Anonymous said...

(How many more)

Anonymous said...


Nigel Evans trial: MP 'abused young men in Parliament'

Anonymous said...


Top judge who was soft on foreign criminals sacked after it emerged he was living with an illegal immigrant
Senior Tribunal Judge Richard McKee, 65, shared his home with Nigerian

Fatima Umar, 39, was arrested at his flat in north London earlier this year
Police called to a report of a break-in and criminal damage at basement flat

Umar, who assaulted two constables during the arrest, had overstayed visa
When it emerged Mr McKee had helped her, he had to talk to his bosses
As a result, he agreed to stand down last month, but will get full pension
MP Dominic Raab said: 'Those who

Read more:

Anonymous said...

400,000 migrants on taxpayer-funded wonder they flock to Britain


THE growing popularity of Britain as a haven for economic migrants has been exposed in figures showing the lives of almost 400,000 foreign-born residents are funded by the taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

Britain splashes £2million to kick illegal immigrants out of Greece BEFORE they enter UK

BRITAIN is splashing out £2million of taxpayers’ money trying to persuade hundreds of asylum seekers and illegal immigrants to return home – before they enter the Uk.

Anonymous said...


REVEALED: Britain's £100,000 bill for custody battle over migrant boy

BRITISH taxpayers have been landed with a six-figure legal bill over a boy born in Denmark caught in an international tug-of-love.

Anonymous said...


MP’s ‘ten years of drunken sex attacks on young men’

Anonymous said...

The US, NATO and the West use economics to enslave countries

Anonymous said...

Cornucopia of Grace and Holocaust Porn.

Anonymous said...

Lights, camera fiction: Second World War documentary footage a Hollywood fake "And that's not all".

FIVE legendary Hollywood directors secretly faked combat footage in ­Second World War documentaries that have been considered genuine for almost 70 years, a book claims.

Anonymous said...

Dual Loyalty? International Single Loyalty to Israel!

Anonymous said...

MP: Scrap postal voting except for those with genuine need.

Postal voting is marred by "real fraud" and should be drastically scaled back, a Conservative MP has said.

Anonymous said...

'A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's
going to get.' - Ian Williams Goddard

Anonymous said...

Yats The Yid Coming To Jewmerica.

Anonymous said...

Why King Tut's DNA is fueling race wars.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian gold reserves loaded on an unidentified transport aircraft in Kiev’s Borispol airport and flown to Uncle Sam’s vault.

Anonymous said...

Rabbinical Satanic Verses

According to a weekly Hebrew magazine, several rabbis, including the rabbi of Safad, Shmuel Eliyahu, recently proposed the establishment of death camps for the Palestinians.

Anonymous said...

Gander this hghly informatibve video:


Anonymous @ 16:20 said ...
Ukrainian gold reserves loaded on an unidentified transport aircraft in Kiev’s Borispol airport and flown to Uncle Sam’s vault.
Presumapbly said gold reserves is for keeping company the 580 tons of gold the yankee yids stole from Libya after they ordered the traitor criminals they helped to escape from prisons, to kill Gadhafi, a true patriotic nationalist, like Vlad Putin is - with luck, International Banks-funded Blackwater gangsters-for-hire get stiffed by Russian special forces no doubt quitely imbedding themselves among the pro-EU so-called 'nationalistsed' - how the fuck can anyone call themselves nationalists when the want to join aqnd sell-out their home country, into EU/IMF perpetual usery slavery - John 'The Kike' Kerry, cokehead Camoron and homo Hague are all fucking embarrassing clowns whistling in the dark and trying to bigging themselves up by telling bored-swhiless sceptics, the sanctions the titheaded trio are going to impose on Russia, should/when the Crimea reverts back to Russian sovereignty - as if Vlad gives a rat's arse or a flying fuck's what those three clowns do - and who I could told, within the hour the high-velocity EU shit hit the Ukrainiian fan, that there was no way Vlad was going to loose any warm-water ports, to have the Russian navy helplessly icebound in Northern Russian ports for six months of the year, nor was he going to allow U.S. warships within nigh-spitting distance from Russia's southern underbelly - Vlad, no mean chessplayer he, has won every move - if only England had a patriotic leader like Putin, England wouldn't be a slave to piratical international ganster bankers.

Fly On The Wall
cle Samuel' vaults

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.