Monday, March 24, 2014

Nick Griffin:Political Prostitute.

If you’ve never seen a fat man with one eye standing on a street corner in a mini skirt, offering a promise of nationalist victory in exchange for cash, then taking the money and skipping down a dark alley without having even attempted to honour that promise, you’ve probably never been a member of the BNP. 
 Nick Griffin has been at the helm of the British National Party since 1999. During those fifteen turbulent years since ousting party founder John Tyndall as Chairman in a bloodless coup, he has singlehandedly drained British nationalism of finances, mainstream appeal, talent and hope.
 He has dismantled the BNP from the inside with a devastating combination of incompetence, greed and malice. He is a shameless opportunist according to multiple sources. Even if he is not receiving envelopes stuffed with shekels under the table, he certainly would have earned it, which is all the proof of his allegiance one needs to analyse his motives, given the irreparable damage his has inflicted upon the BNP and through the BNP Nationalism as a whole in the UK and even abroad, through his association with multiple European nationalist parties.
When you bear in mind the mediocre successes of the BNP in spite of Griffin, it leaves one with a palpable sense of loss for what might have been, had Griffin not been in charge and what will come once he has declined into irrelevance.
 He works in cycles, like a grindstone powered by an endless reserve of hypocrisy, anti-European racial hatred and personal greed.
 He started out hard-line, attracting the support of real nationalists. Slowly, he dilutes the message, opening the party up to a larger pool of bank accounts in the form of new members and naive financial donators. But, inevitably, nationalists begin dropping out, unimpressed with the direction being taken.
 This doesn’t matter, for a while, as there are plenty of plastic patriots still chipping in and confirmed Jews who surround him on every side, including numerous Jewish donators who have allegedly formed the bedrock of the Trafalgar club membership. A group set up to fund Nick Griffin’s BNP, in the face of declining normal membership.

 But eventually even the cesspool of naive fools, IRA sympathizers and “non-racist” rightist-Catholics get bored, and look for a new shiny object to be a member of to bask in their own worthlessness all whilst their nation is destroyed. Griffin’s coffers become bankrupt and the BNP as an unincorporated association becomes dangerously empty.
 Then it’s time to go hard-line: “Anti-racist is a code word for Anti-white” -Screwdriver, “the white race”, “tolerance is genocide” “boots on the streets!” And that’s the problem.
On rare occasions, Griffin does speak out publically on a topic close to our hearts, in an inadequate and insulting manner and many fools forgive him.
 People flock back to the alleged money-sponge that is Griffin because, as far as the electoral system goes, there is no one else.
 ”the BNP is the only game in town…” -Nick Griffin
Griffin, acting (metaphorically) as his own pimp, defends his territory viciously; expelling members whom he feels may threaten his position. Indeed, he has always been more concerned with securing his own future and his Semitic looking son and daughter’s future as the next leaders of sustainable defeat under the BNP than that of European children as a whole.
He is renowned for making members applaud his wife and children’s ‘contributions’ after meetings.
 This cycle method of turning the BNP from a party equivocal to “the 1920s Labour party” to a “Social-Nationalist party” (from far-left to soft-left) simultaneously proves all the so-called ‘modernization’ and moderation efforts of Griffin’s BNP could not have been about gaining support, but rather about losing it, to prevent Nationalism from going anywhere as any gains made in decades of modernization are lost within minutes.

 Nick Griffin is also renowned for destroying the credibility of his own image as a means to an end of destroying the BNPs credibility via a routine series of retarded tweets every few weeks if he is unable to damage his credibility some other way.
 And the cycle begins anew and the BNP scrapes by on welfare recipient member’s monthly direct-debit contributions, welfare-to-welfare, borrowed money, all being funded by your money or your taxes by some indirect and slight route, just like the money Jewish members have given to the BNP, stolen ultimately from ourselves at some inevitable point in our history.
 Nick Griffin is a parasite upon us all in this respect, whilst also preventing our Nation from rising spiritually, just by association with himself: “sounds like something Nick Griffin would say” and his political status of moral corruption and destruction.
 Jewish Supremacists in the government and Jewish-NGOs might as well just fund the BNP directly, as some allege they do, because the Jewish-invented welfare system already de-facto funds the BNP. It is not surprising that Nick Griffin is a staunch promoter of Judeo-Christianity, routinely insisting on Semitic prayers being aired before party diners and functions, and also during protests.

 Griffin has been an MEP since 2009 (which cost the BNP over 500,000 allegedly: one of the most expensive election efforts in UK political history for a single seat), yet disgracefully; Nigel Farage has been far, far more vocal in his criticisms of the European Union than Nick Griffin ever has.
Although Nigel Farage never names the Jew, he has negated the influence of the Jew more than Nick Griffin has in his entire life, in a single speech, Nigel Farage really goes for the jugular in his scathing indictments of the colossal nation-wrecking beast known as the EU. Meanwhile, Nick Griffin just sits on his hands for the most part, whilst managing to fall-out with and cause tensions with Marine Le Pen and numerous other nationalist European figures.
 Griffin’s EU speeches have No passion. No fury, he makes No blazing speeches. Nigel Farage knows that his words will fall on deaf ears in the European Parliament, but he says them anyway, because he knows that when they go up on UKIP’s Youtube channel, tens of thousands of ordinary Brits and wider European and European citizens of the Commonwealth and America will see someone finally saying what they are all thinking on a supra-national level.
 Their channel is packed with speeches from the European Parliament, some of them clocking over 100,000 views. One speech by Farage, on RT’s channel, has well over one million views! Griffin is lucky if he pulls an audience of 3,000 on those rare occasions he says something.
And even when he does, he usually buffers his statements with a smattering of Jewish appeasement, “the Jewish people should know about suffering, … about persecution” was a line he uttered whilst supposedly talking about the Jewish authored “model statutes for the promotion of tolerance”.
 Some allege Nick Griffin’s sole motivation is the enhancement of his bank balance and that nationalism just happened to be the vehicle he uses to achieve that end. But this is not true, his bankruptcy proves this was not his aim and motivation.
 These people are lying to an extent, as his motivation is far darker, far more Semitic, even than the pursuit of money, for he is bankrupt and thus only allegedly pursues the destruction of European folk as his main motivation.
 Nick Griffin is an alleged manipulator and exploiter, hundreds of nationalists have testified to this in personal conversations, internet forums and even publically to Nick Griffin’s face before he expels them from ‘his’ party, which is nothing more than a means to an end, on behalf of those who wish to hold back, spite and ultimately attempt to destroy the European folk from East to West. 
 When Nick Griffin speaks, no one outside nationalist circles listens, other than the self-identified Jewish trolls Griffin flirts with on Twitter.
 He is an object of satire, a cartoon buffoon in the eyes of the public, a political prostitute to everyone else, including his alleged handlers. Tommy Robinson was a lightweight traitor in comparison to the political prostitute of Nick Griffin. Like many alleged whores, Nick Griffin is also allegedly a political-junkie. He’s not addicted to heroin or crack, but to wasting political-capital and potential.
That’s what keeps him turning tricks for his nationalist clientele, and ultimately, allegedly, that which has resulted in his financial bankruptcy. It sits rather well with his political, moral and alleged racial bankruptcy.

 Nick Griffin now wants an expensive gift from his suitors, a 700,000 pound ‘gift’ from his members to buy himself an organisers centre/building facility in an effort, not as he says to grow the BNP, but to create a base line, so that it can never collapse, after all these members (from whom he wants to be given 700,000 -1,000,000 pounds to buy a property) have left the BNP in disgust, even then the BNP will have a mechanism then to be able to sustain itself, theoretically even if it had 0 members. BNP membership is estimated to be less than 2,000-3,900 members, having collapsed from 14,000 around 2009/2010.
 Nick Griffin, stated maliciously at the end of a recent speech, that “this long road…we are all in it together”, the BNP being an unincorporated association, truly does mean members are financially liable for the BNPs financial losses (allegedly), on top of the pressure Nick Griffin is pushing for members to make a gift to himself of 700,000 or 1,000,000 pounds, for this ‘organisers centre’, which will likely become a refugee camp for a bankrupt Griffin and co.   The personally, morally, politically, ethically and financially bankrupt political prostitute: Nick Griffin is at it again, (metaphorically) whoring for money.
 In a recent video, titled “Mass immigration did not happen by accident”, he does not even mention the Jews once, this is such an obvious whoring on behalf of Jewry, as the recent Nationalist Asatru News article proves (the Jewish roots of the EU), when talking about the ‘designers of the EU’, anyone who is actually informed on the subject cannot avoid the fact that 90-100% of the EUs designers and proponents were and still are Jewish.
 Note recently, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, put out their own manifesto for the EU, in which they assume Britain will stay a full member, despite and against the wishes of the majority of the English public opinion.
 The document, sickeningly titled “The Jewish 2014 EU Manifesto”, also espouses use of the EU to enforce tolerance and defend against ‘extremism’, i.e the use of the EU to protect and guarantee Jewish power, whilst silencing and punishing those who go against Jewish methodologies. All the while Nick Griffin has been comparatively complacent within the EU, failing everything and everyone who worked foolishly for his election to the ultimate political whoring grounds: the Brussels to Luxembourg red-light district.
 A Jewish political prostitute, Nick Griffin has neither honour nor principle.
What does financially supporting Nick Griffin get you?
An empy wallet, disillusionment and perpetuating the defilement of European nationalism.
What has the BNP cost our nation? -If we do not re-take lost ground, the BNP will have lost our nation its very future.
 Soon our folk will rise and the BNP will no longer be able to betray them as the BNP is sliding into irrelevance our folk are undergoing an unstoppable Nationalist, Asatru awakening against non-Europeans and their influence.

NWN: Thanks to 'Establishmentwatch' for the 'heads up' on this article.It's certainly true that right from the start Griffin was sucking up to the zionist jews. Rabbi Meyer Schiller was an early TRAFALGAR CLUB member. And later, Griffin was having cozy chats with zionist Babs Amiel, wife of crook Conrad Black.


Anonymous said...

The Red Princes: Minister warns of rise in political dynasties as sons of Kinnock, Straw, Prescott and Blair seek election
Education minister Liz Truss warned of 'usual suspects' in elections
She took aim at Labour, but said problem could be found in every party

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Belgian newspaper De Morgen in racism row over doctored Obama monkey picture.

Anonymous said...

Channel 4 buys lock of Hitler's hair from Holocaust denier in ''sick and tawdry'' stunt

Anonymous said...

Regardless what we ex-BNPers know of and reveal about Gri££in's treachery, fraud and wholesale theft, they're but just the visible tip of the complete vile nature of the one-eyed poisoner of English nationalism - the reason Gri££in detested and feared John Tyndall is he knew JT instinctively knew the one-eyed candidate for the noose was a zionist-joo and was the Establishment's imbedded ticking timebomb, to go off within the BNP, when the Establishment was at it's weakest and the BNP approaching its zenith of political popularity and most attractive to voters - which, as planned by Gri££in's zionist establishment master, duly exploded within the BNP, after the series of the political scandals of Westminster MPs' criminal self-enrichment practices became public knowledges and destabilised the Establishment's long-running, well-oiled blatant criminality, ahead of the 2010 general election - Gri££in's Question Time farce, kiddyfiddler Co££ett's alleged plans for bumping-off Gri££in - the wholesale sacking of loyal, hardworking, dedicated BNP officials and grassroot BNP members, and replacing them with convicted drug dealers, sex offenders, sexual perverts, paedophiles, crooks, habitual burglars, violent thugs, arsonists, porn stars, deadbeats, bottom-feeders and dodgy ne'er-do-well sociophaths to be avoided, were no accidents nor unrelated events nor unforeseen coincidents - they were predictable and deliberately engineered by jooboy Gri££in - regardless to the base-nature of opprobriam BNPers heap on Gri££in it will never begin matching the vile depths of Gri££in's treacherous, toxic nature that's indicative of his joo race.

While on the subject of jooz: I'm all for Scotland going fully indepenedent should Scots voters win the motion to go that way - but fully independent means all the way, politically and fiscally. However, Scotland going fully independent as a stand-alone sovereign state, creates an insoluble problem for the Scots-born lard-arsed toxic crypto fervent zionist yiddly-yoo Alex Salmonella in that at present, the Crown (a registered, privately-owned, for-profit, business corporation masquerading as a royal/monarchical entity presently trading both sides of Hadrian's Wall) as well as owning and ruling England also owns and rules Scotland. If the SNP wins independence for Scotland and goes fully indepent, Salmonella must disband and boot the Crown corporation out of Scotland - lard-arse does that and the whole zionist-created Crown corporation is exposed as being fraudlent, corrupt, and using usery for enslaving people, and all whole Crown-employed useful-idiot shitaree made jobless - no wonder Alex Salmoneylla (sal money - geddit?) recently waxed lyrical on Scotland keeping the joo-ridden English monarchy figleaf behind which the jooz do their evil against the indigenous peoples of England, Wales and Scotland.

Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Is Putin A New Hitler?

Anonymous said...

Russian President Vladimir Putin is standing up against West’s aggression aimed at completely destroying traditional nations and values and creating a New World Order global dictatorship, an analyst says.

Anonymous said...

. The Club Of Rome.

Anonymous said...

Russia's UN envoy Churkin replies to CNN anchor Amanpour.

Anonymous said...

EU-Ukraine Trade Deal Paves the Way for Brutal Economic Austerity. IMF to Apply “The Greek Model”

Anonymous said...

“Gentiles Must Perish”—Latest Hate Crime Outburst Suppressed by Jewish Supremacist Controlled Media.

Anonymous said...

EDL Zionist Shill Tommy Robinson to Lecture School Children on “Tolerance”

Anonymous said...

Swedism: School Teacher Fired for Opposing Mass Immigration.

Anonymous said...

German Defence League Take Action to Highlight Murders of White Youths by Savage Hordes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The British school that teaches English as FOREIGN language to all pupils because it has more than 50 nationalities
Native English speakers are a minority at 314-pupil City of Leeds School
The head teacher says many students are not even literate in own language
Georgiana Sale says: 'Sometimes we are the first to put a pen in their hand'
All students will be taught English as a foreign language to raise standards
The community secondary is judged to 'require improvement' by Ofsted
Largest ethnic groups are of Pakistani, Czech, Roma and Traveller heritage

Read more:

Anonymous said...

VIDEO: Kasidiaris to Dendias “You are a government of liars and thieves!” ENGLISH

Anonymous said...

All current bnp members are complete cunts. Rummer has it that Gri££in as paid former NF chairman Ian Edward to ruin the NF . He even sent in a former lapdancer from Southend the whore B. Jaggers. She has caused a big rift in the party.

Anonymous said...

Purple Speaks "Rap Music Is Pigshit"

Anonymous said...

Putin Betrayed By 3 US Presidents.

Anonymous said...

UK had Frankenstein role in incepting Israel.

Anonymous said...

Imagine: A World Without Jews.

Anonymous said...

Religious Fundamentalists Are Being Played: Saudis, Israelis and Americans Are All In Bed Together

Corrupt Government Officials – Many of Whom Are Atheists – Use the Most Extreme Forms of Religion to Divide and Conquer Us

Anonymous said...

Race Baiting for Media Ratings.

Anonymous said...

An Israeli takeover of the Palestine Authority…?

Anonymous said...

Turkey at the Crossroads.

Anonymous said...

Once an Arab model, Baghdad now world’s worst city.

Anonymous said...

Consider mass fluoridation of water, says health body.
PHE said it was a "safe and effective" public health measure.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine far-right leader Muzychko dies 'in police raid'Servicers no longer required.

Anonymous said...

Is Griffin a 'political prostitute' or the leader of a cult?

The BNP is the political equivalent of the:
'if you're a man, give the leader your money, if you're a woman, takes your clothes off for the leader'
religious cult.

The result is the same.

Readers may remember the cult led by Guru Maharaj Ji - teenage bmulti millionaire 'religious philosopher'.

Followers benefit by having an outlet for their beliefs, the leader benefits by snitching the cash.

Some, if not all, of the faith preachers in the USA run a similar type scam. (Garner Ted Armstrong and his father.)

We need to judge these cults, faiths, parties etc by what the leaders do, not what they say.

Critics of Jesus might say that he started the mother of all religious cults...except that he not only gave up all material benefits, but also deliberately put himself at risk of appalling execution.

Early Christian leaders gave very good advice to any community that was visited by a self proclaimed prophet or sage etc. Feed them only for a little while, then make them work.

This ancient advice is as good today, as it was in the second century AD.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 21:48 said...
All current bnp members are complete cunts.
Didn't think they're that good nor that useful (8

Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Just heard on BBC Radio 4 the White House baboon jibbering on about Russia 'invading' and 'annexing' Crimea - between mouthfuls of melon slices O'Banana managed mumbling, and I'm paraphrasing, "Russia's violating international laws .... blah .... blah .... blah .... we, the international community, don't settle disputed issues by invading sovereign countries." - I'm rally struggling to recall who unlawfully invaded and bombed the shit out of Panama, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, to name a few sovereign countries victimised by proxy wars conducted on behalf zionist joos - answers on a postcard to:

The White House Zoo
Monkey Wing
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
United States of Americoons

Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Neo-Nazi who plotted to blow up Mersey mosques branded "evil" by judge.

Anonymous said...

Fly On The Wall
You are right current bnp members are not cunts that are not usefull.
Ian Edward is being paid by someone!

Anonymous said...

yes, siree - Ian Edward is collecting his thirty pieces of silver paid by the same criminals who've been allowing Gri££in to steal millions of pounds from BNP members - and those criminals are the Establishment - and the Establishment = the registered, privately-owned, for-profit, business corporation trading under the names: the United Kingdom government; UK plc; British government, the Crown - and the major shareholders of the Crown/UK plc are all joo bankers - and the frontmen and major mouthpieces of the joo bankers are the Rothschilds - and the Rothschilds and his gang of bankers hate and are the dealiest enemies off the white race and all freed men detesting usery and the creators of usery.

Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

North west scam! Ask Kev Bryan for proof of where the legal fund money is going- there is no court case/ legal action... Ask to see receipts! There aren't any! Ha ha !!!

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.