Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Camouflaged Israeli soldiers on Maidan Square

According to the Israeli website alyaexpress-news.com, a unit of 35 armed and masked men and women on Maidan square is commanded by four former Israeli Army officers, who wear a kippah under their helmets.
The site claims that these former officers, who live today in Ukraine, joined the movement since the beginning of the events alongside the Freedom Party (Svoboda), although the latter has a reputation for being virulently anti-Semitic.
With the help of the Israeli Embassy, this intervention force reportedly also handled the transfer of 17 seriously injured persons to Israel for treatment.
The presence of Israeli units had been reported in a similar scenario in Georgia, both in during the "Rose Revolution" (2003) that in the war against South Ossetia (2008).

(Photo: "Delta", the commander of the camouflaged Israeli unit.)

NWN: This is no doubt 'payback' from Israel for Russia supplying missile systems to Syria ?


Anonymous said...

‘Any government willing to cooperate with the IMF will be heralded as legitimate’


Anonymous said...

The Scam of Jewish Psychiatry, ADHD, Bipolar, Chemical Imbalance.


Anonymous said...

“Neo-Nazi” coup in Ukraine installs Jewish Prime Minister, Israeli Governo.


Anonymous said...

Greek doctor arrested for ‘Jews Not Welcome’ sign

Read more: http://www.jta.org/2014/03/02/news-opinion/world/greek-doctor-arrested-for-jews-not-welcome-sign#ixzz2v3mUF300

Anonymous said...

Gay Foreign Minister Champions Homosexuals.


Anonymous said...

. Media Scoundrels
On The Wrong Side Of History


Anonymous said...

How The IMF Will Loot Ukraine.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Ukraine "Revolution" Places Elites Back In Power .


Anonymous said...

Caught Lying About Putin, Geraldo Rivera Hangs Up On TomatoBubble's Mike King!


Anonymous said...

Unelected power: Democracy on the retreat in Europe.


Anonymous said...

OH DEAR Oooop's

Headmistress under investigation in Germany after 'accidentally' blurting out 'Sieg Heil' at start of children's race
She shouted a phrase used by the Nazis at a school go-kart race
She apparently wanted to wish pupils luck, but shouted 'Sieg Heil' instead
The incident is now being investigated by Bavarian officials
Shouting the phrase in Germany can lead to a prison sentence

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2573831/Headmistress-investigation-Weissenburg-Germany-accidentally-blurting-Sieg-Heil-start-childrens-race.html#ixzz2v7esVESX

Anonymous said...

A FORMER Labour Party council candidate has admitted secretly filming men URINATING for his own sexual pleasure.

David Christison, labour, councillor, waddon, croydon, toilets, weeing, wee, urinal, David Christison was kicked out of the Labour party

David Christison, who is also a party secretary, admitted to setting up cameras so he could video and photograph men relieving themselves in public toilets at least 30 TIMES between 2010 and 2013.

The 44-year-old, who stood for Waddon in Croydon in 2010, pleaded guilty to two counts of observing a person doing a private act at Croydon Magistrates' Court.

Christison, West Thornton ward secretary, who also sits on the panel that allocates government funding to community groups, was caught in April 2013 after a member of the public reported him behaving suspiciously to a security guard at Centrale shopping centre.

Staff then called police, who found a video of a man urinating in a urinal when they looked through his phone.

SCENE OF THE CRIME: Christison filmed men at the Centrale shopping centre in Croydon [GOOGLE]
“It is very sad and I am acutely aware that there are also victims to his crime”

Croydon Labour leader Councillor Tony Newman

A later search of his home found laptops with an astonishing 29 similar video that dated back two years to 2011.

After admitting his crime, the Labour Party wrote to Christison to tell him he had been suspended while it launches its own investigation.

Croydon Labour leader Councillor Tony Newman said he was "shocked and disappointed" by the revelations.

He said: "It is very sad and I am acutely aware that there are also victims to his crime."

Christison will be sentenced at Croydon Magistrates' Court on March 20.

He was granted bail on the condition he does not use Centrale's public toilets.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine crisis: bugged call reveals conspiracy theory about Kiev snipers

Estonian foreign minister Urmas Paet tells EU's Cathy Ashton about claim that provocateurs were behind Maidan killings.


Anonymous said...

France's traditional parties nervous ahead of EU vote.


Anonymous said...

Stop ritual slaughter of animals, says top vet.

The religious slaughter of animals should be banned if Muslims and Jews refuse to adopt more humane methods of killing, the new leader of Britain’s vets has said. John Blackwell, president-elect of the British Veterinary Association, said that the traditional practice of slitting animals’ throats and allowing them to bleed to death for halal and kosher meat caused unnecessary suffering. He urged Jews and Muslims to allow poultry, sheep and cattle to be stunned unconscious before they are killed. If the two faiths refuse, Mr Blackwell wants ministers to consider following the example of Denmark by banning the slaughter of animals that are not stunned first. More than 600,000 animals bleed to death in religious abattoirs in Britain every week, but this is the first time that the head of the country’s vets has demanded an end to the practice.

Anonymous said...

Everywhere in the world, "gays" support the oppressors, including their oppression of homosexuals,despite claims to the contrary.Gonzalez: "The term gay is political, and does not refer to any specific sexual practice. It denotes a type of homosexuals who are zealots, partisans, chauvinists and persecutors, dogmatists in their fanaticism. Contrary to homosexuals, gays are militant homosexuals, members of an action movement, actively engaged in activities to advance a particular agenda in the political sphere. Actually, the process of "coming out of the closet," by which a person tells to the world that he is gay, is basically not a sexual but a political act.History teaches us that whenever gays take political control of a country, non-militant homosexuals are the first ones who end up interned in concentration camps. It happened in Nazi Germany; it happened in Castro's Cuba, it was attempted in Japan, and it will happen here in America if pro-NWO, militant gays are allowed to grab power."By Servando Gonzalez - See more at: http://savethemales.ca/#sthash.UZZemOCX.dpuf

Anonymous said...

Robert Faurisson — A Most Honorable Man.


Anonymous said...

Understanding the Crisis in Ukraine.


Anonymous said...

Meet Britain’s ‘FBI’: Cameron’s new NCA already courting controversy, branded as ‘Secret Police’


Anonymous said...

David Cameron confirms foreign nanny has become UK citizen

Spokesman says Prime Minister's Nepalese nanny epitomises 'those who want to work hard and get on'


Anonymous said...

Spring Fails in Ukrainian Plunderland


Anonymous said...

What Has Israel Done For Anyone Else.


Anonymous said...

‘Al-Qaeda, asset of Zionism in destabilizing Mideast’


Anonymous said...

Questions on Ukraine the West chooses not to answer.


Anonymous said...

The Full List Of People Who Think Putin Is The New Hitler.

Anonymous said...

French politician makes anti-Roma remark.


Anonymous said...

"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin."

- Barack Obama


Anonymous said...

Zionist MP Robert Halfon Another One Of the Tribe Kicks Off.

UKIP members are either jokers or 'literally akin to Nazis', claims senior Tory MP in attack on 'abhorrent and frightening' views
Conservative Robert Halfon tears into UKIP and the views of its members
He is an ally of George Osborne and Tory chairman Grant Shapps
Says UKIP had helped to 'cleanse' the Tories of abhorrent views
Nigel Farage accuses Mr Halfon of 'hysterical slurs' fuelled by 'Tory terror'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2574995/Ukip-members-jokers-literally-akin-Nazis-claims-senior-Tory-MP-attack-abhorrent-frightening-views.html#ixzz2vFaiwiuV

Anonymous said...



Who Controls the Economy?
Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 2)
Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 1)
Who Controls Goldman Sachs?
Who Controls American International Group?
Who Controls the Treasury Department?
Who Controls the Federal Reserve System? (Part 1)
Who Controls the Federal Reserve System? (Part 2)

Mass Media

Who Controls Big Media?
Who Controls Hollywood?
Who Controls Television?
Who Controls Music?
Who Controls Radio?
Who Controls Advertising?
Who Controls the News? (Part 1)
Who Controls the News? (Part 2)


Who Controls the White House?
Who Controls the Senate?
Who Controls the Congress?
Who Controls the Supreme Court?
Who Controls the State Department?
Who Controls the Justice Department?
Who Controls the Defense Department?
Who Controls the Treasury Department?

Social Engineering

Who Controls the Ivy League?
Who Controls the Think Tanks?
Who Controls Professional Sports?
Who Controls the Anti-Defamation League?
Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center?
Who Controls the American Civil Liberties Union?
Who is Behind Gun Control?
Who is Behind the Climate Change Hoax?

“New World Order”

Who Controls the Group of Thirty?
Who Controls the Bilderberg Group?
Who Controls the Trilateral Commission?
Who Controls the Council on Foreign Relations? (Part 1)
Who Controls the Council on Foreign Relations? (Part 2)


Anonymous said...



Who Controls the Economy?
Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 2)
Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 1)
Who Controls Goldman Sachs?
Who Controls American International Group?
Who Controls the Treasury Department?
Who Controls the Federal Reserve System? (Part 1)
Who Controls the Federal Reserve System? (Part 2)

Mass Media

Who Controls Big Media?
Who Controls Hollywood?
Who Controls Television?
Who Controls Music?
Who Controls Radio?
Who Controls Advertising?
Who Controls the News? (Part 1)
Who Controls the News? (Part 2)


Who Controls the White House?
Who Controls the Senate?
Who Controls the Congress?
Who Controls the Supreme Court?
Who Controls the State Department?
Who Controls the Justice Department?
Who Controls the Defense Department?
Who Controls the Treasury Department?

Social Engineering

Who Controls the Ivy League?
Who Controls the Think Tanks?
Who Controls Professional Sports?
Who Controls the Anti-Defamation League?
Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center?
Who Controls the American Civil Liberties Union?
Who is Behind Gun Control?
Who is Behind the Climate Change Hoax?

“New World Order”

Who Controls the Group of Thirty?
Who Controls the Bilderberg Group?
Who Controls the Trilateral Commission?
Who Controls the Council on Foreign Relations? (Part 1)
Who Controls the Council on Foreign Relations? (Part 2)


Anonymous said...

Gander this - very informative


Also read:
Secrets Of the Federal Reserve

By Eustace Mullins

Follow Mullins on the internet - he'll tell you who were the real victims of the largest holocaust the world has ever known and who were perpertraitors.

Fly On The Wall

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.